Prima Time-a
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Primaris I blog! Where I (@imbucketfish) put all the info for my fan universe
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primaris-1 · 2 months ago
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Swag fits
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primaris-1 · 2 months ago
Primaris I now has a Official World! its still quite empty BUT people are more then welcome to join and check it out!
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primaris-1 · 2 months ago
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Something silly! Swag Messiah (belonging to @azure-horizons) and part of his Party-Pirate crew! what buffoonery shall they get up to!?
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Mourning Names
A very old fashioned sort of gesture- After the death of a loved one, Typically a (Bonded) quadrant-mate, Mentor/lusus figure or Very close friend, a troll may talk on a Mourning Name whilst they grieve as a way to keep their loved one near them in spirit/honour their life and the impact that person had on them before passing away! Traditionally there are two types;
Simple Mourning Names would just be the trolls name and then the deceased last/caste name.
Complex Mourning Names would be the deceased Last name on top of a unique first name, based on the loved ones interests, hobbies or history- things done together before their passing.
Mourning names don't have a set time frame for how long they are used but they are not permanent. typically its anywhere from 3 to 5 sweeps, sometimes longer if the person grieving feels like they want to keep it longer, its a very personal thing,
As an example!
Mazren Calder, after the death of their Late matesprit took on a complex Mourning Name- Using her partners last name 'Nagisa' and the first name 'Naiadi'. Naiadi was going to be Dariyas mourning name as both expected Mazren to pass on first. Maz took it as a way to sort of live with the choice and 'give it use'. it was something her bonded picked out and put alot of work and thought into, it meant a lot to both of them.
Dariya had based the name off of Mazrens sword they inherited from their ancestor- on top of Mazs love for Sword dancing before the Rot weakened them and forced them to stop preforming.
The name 'Naiadi Nagisa' is in use for roughly 5 sweeps before Mazren starts to slowly transition into their old name- though their transitional process was notably quite long, taking several months to move to a simple mourning name part time, and longer to drop their mourning name all together- though they still slip up, and on 'bad days' (generally around the anniversary of Dariyas death) they will go back to using Naiadi.
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Fuchsia)
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Fuchsias have been extinct for some time, and were quite rare before the Aquatic Extinction/Pre-Rot. Generally they were very large, usually female or feminine presenting with long curly and, usually sort of wild hair, very large, generally straight or only slightly curled horns. Claws, Large sharp teeth and jagged, Incredibly high pain tolerances and the ability to tank out and endure almost any damage, surviving off sheer force of will, hard to take down and even harder to keep down.
Said to be the largest fuchsias, Most empress In old eras were Rose, as such its strongly tied to nobility and power; Fuchsia in this sub-type lived up to it. Freckles were common, along with blood tinted hands/joints. Also said to be very 'pigmented' in scarring- Cuts would be tinted their blood shade much more then other castes or sub-types. though that is rumour and mostly featured in myths (were in, it was also often Said The Ruling Empress, Pervious Empress or Heiress also scarred in 'perfect metallic gold'), hard to check in the modern era.
Slightly Smaller, but Still very strong. Larger slightly hooked noses, or Roman like noses were pretty common! sharper faces, sort of angled but with droop/down turned eyes. Sharp teeth, like insanely, Sliced through flesh and like it was nothing. Mostly known because Her Ladyship and the current Empress are Cerise! (Though cuspblood mutants technically). Its unsure if they tended to have extra fins or if that was a 'all fuchsias' thing, given through several periods Cerise was used as a 'fill in' sub-type should the true colour be unknown/not said directly.
Most old paintings show quite a few Wine with golden or pale freckles, and written records would describe a sort of 'shimmer' to them. Hard to say if this is about their presence and the energy carried with them due to their typical positions of great power or if the caste did sort of sparkle/have those golden speckles. They did tend to have slight scale-like patterns on their skin!
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Rose may have had pink scars, or they might have had white/more typical grey scars. a Wine might have had heavily pigmented scars! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Violet)
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Most violets have very thick and generally very soft hair! webbing on the hands, feet and occasionally extra fins or spined webs on the arms, legs or (rarely) back! Curly hair is very common, To the point that seadwellers with straight hair is actually a bit strange! A lot of other traits don't really follow trends as there is only 14 total Seadwellers.
Before their extinction Orchids were generally very small, paler with a lot of freckles. flatter or rounded features. Usually considered 'fresh water' with bigger, showy fins that showed off their blood colour, frilled gills and more round big eyes. Orchids tended to have thinner more 'needle' like teeth!
Were compared to Nymphs and beautiful water spirits pre-rot mostly do to their good looks. Generally youthful features, though not childlike. Many lived inland in lakes, rivers and springs which did further this sort of myth-like essence to them. they were generally androgynous or slightly feminine but flat chested.
Historically more 'monstrous' given larger spines in their fins, twisted horns, large bodies and huge claws. many having tusks or oversized teeth. some were known to have tails but many of these more extreme traits have been lost.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Orchid may big showy fins, or rather plain standard ones and a Byzantine could have bit more more flamboyant fins! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Purple)
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Most Purples have very curly horns and hair, you see a lot more coily and textured hair, wider flat noses, bigger lips. Larger bodies- both being very tall fully grown and broad/chubby body types!
Generally smaller then the other two sub-types with more 'loopy' horns, thing spirals and spring/coil like shapes are common. Typically they look weaker then they really are, being either on the thin side of lacking the bulk of other highbloods. Amethyst is also the least common purple sub-type! Psyops are also generally connected to more negative emotions (Fear, rage or sadness on the more powerful end which, is very rare, and inconvenient feelings on the more common weak end. Itchiness, vague hunger or the sensation of touching wet gunk in your sink)
The most common sub-type, and also almost always on the 'stupidly super huge' side, Jams get TALL. they also tend to hit their adult growth spurt before their peers! most are quite fit and visibly strong. they also have high metabolisms during their active growing years- People joke about teen Jams eating everything in their hive and then some, for good reason. A growing Purpleblood might sit down and have 5 large pizzas just for a causal lunch, take a nap, wake up and have 3 more.
Have a lot more pronounced tusks and claws. Darker skin is pretty common, not all over but generally in tougher 'patches' around the body- chronic pain is also common with this trait, a lot of patches form on the points or 'squishy parts' and can lead to some joint issues. Most with higher-end Psyops create or promote positive feelings! Heavily textured hair- usually around a 4a/4b.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Amethyst may have negative-related Psyops but one might have more Positive abilities, or a Aubergine might have a very sorrowful Psyop! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Indigo)
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Most Indigos are on the taller side- Highbloods are generally larger then warmer coloured peers. Also strong as a caste, Hair is Typically straight, or wavy. Horns are generally pretty simple shapes, some having bends, notches or 'toppers' on the ends.
Occasionally have golden/yellow freckles! it is actually partly were the sub-type got its name. usually quite strong though not always in a body builder way- generally a 'person who stays in shape' way, or a true strongman with a gut and padding. but a good part also have more soft or thin, 'feminine' body type with droopy eyes and a more 'frail' appearance with pronounced collarbones and veins (though they are just as strong as the other half).
Also, quite strong, and on average a slightly darker grey then other castes. a lot also have more pigment, or darker joints- typically not blood-tinted but simply a darker grey at the elbows, knees and such. Many Navy also have quite expressive/mobile ears which will pin up or down with emotions. Naturally indigo tinted nails are somewhat typical, along with being double jointed!
The largest sub-type, physically at least. Midnights tend to get quite large, both tall and broad! Large strong features are common, tusks or oversized fangs, bigger noses, more wild bushy hair with alot of volume (Midnights often joke about 'wild' locks, given how often weaker brushes will break trying to tame the mane many companies have specialized extra-reinforced brushes and hair-care products marketed at Midnights/The wider Indigo caste!). Many also have more defined muscle- not body builder 'trained for years just to define these abs' but a bit more then your average person.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Lapis may have golden freckles, but some may not have that, and a Navy could also have those Pyrite speckles! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Blue)
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Most Blues have more 'complex' horns, branching, splits or hooks on the horn- they also tend to be around the same length- only about as tall as their face, never much longer and not often shorter. Multiple Pupils or in some cases, extra eyes are found throughout.
The rarest sub-type! generally also female/feminine presenting (though not exclusively women). The highest percentage of -fold vision users in the caste, thought most are quite weak. Curly hair is pretty common, along with multiple pupils in the eyes/strange eyes in general. Quite a few have slightly tinted fingertips, but not a large majority. Generally 2 or 3 sets of fangs (2 on the top, 1 bottom or 2 on the top is the most common arrangement). Long eyelashes, especially the lower lashes being notably prominent is also, very typical.
The largest sub-type, and typically male or masculine presenting. average body types and stature, maybe on the taller end of average. Occasionally seen with extra eyes but this is a very rare trait. hair tends to be slightly curly- around a 3a, but having 'mixed' hair, parts being curlier then the rest is quite common, mostly having wavy hair and then a lot of curls or ringlets around the hairline or front! Cobalts tend to also have more pointed fingertips along with claws. Tend to have Extras eyes over multiple pupils but both cases are pretty rare.
Sometimes more heavy set/chubbier, between straight and wavy hair. Known for high pain tolerances- which leads a lot of Prussians to get more tattoos or piercings then some other sub-types. Narrow eyes, and oversized fangs are quite common along with freckles and some have 'pale streaks' where some hair doesn't have pigment! white/light grey patches, generally only one or two either in the front of the hair or somewhat symmetrically on the sides/back. These patches aren't generally very large and can be easily passed off as a dyed stylist choice since the white hair takes colour very well!
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Prussian may have pale streaks, but a grand majority actually don't, and there are Aegeans with the white haired patches! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Teal)
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Tealbloods in general smaller then other mid/highbloods, Claws are pretty standard, though not as large as higher castes naturally and do not retract like jades may. Many teals do chose to grow out their claws for aesthetic reasons and well maintained nails are considered very pretty.
A bit smaller on average then their other sub-types! Straight hair, usually quite flat without styling. smaller 'button' noses and baby faces are typical within the sub-type. Freckles are pretty common, less beauty marks, birth marks or the like. scarring also tends to be very subtle and hard to notice if healed well! Survival abilities are very rare and tend to be 'dull' or boring- Showy or impressive feats are rare.
Lanky beanpoles of Teals, usually. Slightly wavy hair but generally quite straight hair, most also bruise quite easily. narrow noses- not necessarily small or flat, but on the thinner side. thin lips are also quite common, and seasonal allergies. They also tend to lack Survival abilities, those present are quite boring. Claws tend to also have a curve in them, more dynamic! eyes are also quite round, expressive or 'wet looking' like baby seal.
Rat like, in a way, Like greens being tied cats/dogs. Charming, either thin straggly or a bit bottom heavy. Claws are generally shorter but quite sturdy and rarely break. clef lips are not common, but more seen in Cyprus then other castes. Lactose intolerance is also, pretty common.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Cyan may have baby face, but some may not have that, and Cyprus may also have baby face! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Jade)
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Most jades tend to be paler, very pronounced fangs, claws and pupils that dilate like a cats. Their eyes will often narrow/pupils will slit when attention is caught, it is a sign of focus- though they will also do this with high emotions or simply because of light levels. A rather common joke/meme is 'My Jadeblood (Quadmate) when...' with a two photos attached- one of a jadeblood or 'cute' lusii with rounded, big pupils, followed by a image with thin, near invisible lines for pupils.
Ferns are generally shorter, more rounded features and 'soft' looking. more pronounced splits in the tongue are fairly common, along with down turned or 'droopy' eyes! some have beauty marks but freckles aren't seen a lot. Smaller noses, or wide flat ones are typically, you see less large/hooked/bumped or roman style ones. though its not based on blood a lot of ferns are in older-pupa care positions- teachers for grubs and wigglers over the age of 2 sweeps!
The smallest sub-type, making only about 15% of the jade caste! they tend to be taller, lanky thin builds, sharper features, angled eyes or more sunken features. elegant in a way. curly/wavy hair is also pretty common! lighter grey skin, Some have more blood coloured eye-bags, or flush on their hands/face/joints. 'Resting Bitch Face' is also, very widespread, along with issues with tone/expression giving some a more cold, dismissive and harsh appearance wholly by accident.
Really sharp and intense eyes, tend to be a bit hard to make eye contact with, some other castes feel like they are being hunted or cornered. usually on the larger side, curvy or broad (not dependant on gender, they just tend to be either wide, strong fit or more "feminine" with a thin waist, curves and the like). Sometimes have 2 or even 3 sets of fangs! all of which are fully functional. Either sunburn worst then a ginger with personal beef with the sky in 4 seconds or Never burn and tan like beautiful sun kissed gods there is hardly a in between.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Moss may have extra sets of fangs, but there are some with only one pair, and there are Ferns with 2 or 3 sets! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Green)
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Greenbloods are often compared to animals, and share a good few mannerisms and traits, though most of it is subtle and the 'animistic' traits are mental or based on behaviour, not their actual overall appearance in most cases. Cleft lips are seen through the green caste as a whole, but more common in clover and ochre!
Compared more to small cats, often more extroverted and agile, claws are common, cat like pupils or smaller noses. Freckles are also super common, less birth marks or single beauty spots. smaller eyelashes in girls is pretty typical. Occasionally there is darker gradients on finger tips but this is small and subtle! abilities usually present as a fixation or trait- cleanliness, protection, control, perception.
Often more Dog-ish then cat. they are trolls before animals but small subtle features can lean into that overall theme. claws, really expressive eyes and generally big athletic builds. though they have a larger asthmatic population then most other blood castes. also scar a lot easier, but heal faster. good immune systems and typically never develop allergies.
Compared to Big cats! larger, tend to be clawed, most survival abilities present as a mental fixation over a straight up power. bigger builds, generally athletic but build for short bursts of power and energy- also commonly have sleep issues. a lot find it easy to 'on/off' through the day, nap for a bit, get up and work, nap again, get up over and over since sleeping for 8 hours straight just isn't as comfortable!
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; olives tend to be more dog like, but big-cat olvies exist and dog-like clovers also exist! its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Lime)
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In general due to the small range of limes, there is not a lot of difference. All Limes tend to have pigmentation 'issues' (albinism, vitiligo, leucism) and aquatic features (earfins, gills, webbed hands.) Legally, Limes are not divided into sub-types because they are still in recovery from extinction and do not need to be sorted into sub-types with so few of them.
Citus tend to have fins under nether/along side normal-er ears, but true earfins are also widely seen. Some level of yellowblood psionics may be present in all sub-types but are typically very weak. Citus also lean to more rounded features. flat noses, monolids and smaller claws are normal. more 'highblood' teeth are also seen throughout, which sets them a bit of of place from other lowbloods. the limes 'calming' ability is very very rare, within the caste only a few have it.
as above- limes lack range. extinction recovery has lead to them being rare as a whole caste. albinism, vitiligo, lecuism. Seadweller appearance and function, sharper more pronounced fangs and teeth. Peridot tend towards more true looking earfins. their gills might also have a 'ruffle' or strong lime tint to them. survival abilities tend to connect to nature or plants. odd eyes- slightly thinner pupils or (mostly due to albinism) tinted scleras.
Third verse same as the first- limes lack range. extinction recovery has lead to them being rare as a whole caste. albinism, vitiligo, lecuism. Seaweed tend to look very seadweller-ish. extra webs or fins on the arms or legs isn't too uncommon! claws, sharper more violet like teeth. Longer eyelashes or sharp angled eyes can be found too.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; Seaweeds tend to extra fines, but standard or fin-less seaweeds exist, Citrus with extra fins and webbing also exist. its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Yellow)
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Overall Yellows tend to have more curly hair, Almost all have either split or two sets of horns- occasionally more, though that is rare. They also end up larger then their neighbouring castes do to a close genetic relation with purplebloods!
Tend to have the strongest Psionics! most Golds end up pretty powerful, higher end of the range. eyes are generally two different colours, double horns are more common over split horns, with both sets being generally the same shape (though curving into different directions and having one set being smaller is included in 'same shape'!). tend to be lankier- or just generally not big, wide or broad. higher-teir psionics tend to be draining and it can result in weight loss/a hard time gaining weight/high metabolism! bad eyesight is also not uncommon in the caste, generally not to bad and only some need glasses. freckles, discoloration- specially around the eyes is typical (eye bags or dark circles, psionic tinting or a flush/blush). claws are seen more then the lower castes but still pretty uncommon.
tend to have split horns or unmatched double horns! a good amount of mustards also have 'matching' eyes- Psionics colouring the eyes to be two different shades of the same colour; dark and light blue, yellow and orange or a lime green with a mossy green! as true same-colour matches are nearly unheard of. claws are seen more then the lower castes but still pretty uncommon. Most mustards are also fairly androgynous.
Can have more complex horns, the other sub-types have traditionally very simple shapes, no branching (besides split horns) or loops. Ciders may have more exaggerated curves back or outwards, bends making more 'm' shapes are fairly normal! still overall 'simple' but usually just a tad 'more' then the others! majority still have plain/simple shapes however. Double horns are seen a lot more then splits- but they are fairly equal on un/matched sets! ciders also tend to have freckles- with pale/near white freckles being decently common in darker skin tones!
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; yellows tend to have very powerful psionics, but weak/non-psionic yellows exist, and very powerful mustards also exist. its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Bronze)
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One of the largest castes, with so much range its really hard to list just a few things typical of the whole group- Survival abilities are super common, almost every single bronze will have some kind of power, even if weak, subtle or hardly useful. Larger horns are pretty common!
Sharper features, high cheekbones, pronounced noses and more angled faces. generally lack claws, freckles or the like but a lot have 'clay smudges' on their cheeks/around the eyes! (in Prima-based languages its translated as more 'dirt/muddy marks' like they accidentally wiped a bit of dust onto their faces). this does appear like a sort of blush, with their blood color just, being more naturally present. gives a sort of rosy look to them. like a human in the cold a bit to long.
The largest sub-type! Bronze as a caste as huge, but compared to other lowbloods their middle sub-type is a fair chunk larger then the other two. about 40% to 60% of bronzebloods fall into Cola! its hard to say what traits are most common given how big the range is, most survival abilities are peaceful, having a more combat or aggression geared power is quite uncommon.
Rather known for baby-faces despite most Umber trolls not having one! softer features, especially compared to Clays? yes, but far from everyone-has-baby-face. only about a fourth of them do. Aggression geared survival abilities are present in some, uncommon but still a notable amount. Tend to be a bit darker then other trolls on average.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; clays tend to sharper features, but round-faced clays exist, Umbers with angled pointy faces also exist. its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
Bloodcaste Details (Red)
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A very large caste, with a lot of range between its sub-types. Nearly every Redblood has a survival ability, with complete lack of anything being rare. Sensitivity to ghosts or spirits is pretty widespread, without a ghost-related ability. a resting 'deer in headlights' expression is their version of a bitch-face and its, pretty common!
Generally a bit larger then the other two sub-types! their horns tend to be more like antlers. Survival abilities are equally common in all sub-types but Scarlets lean more towards ghost and fire-related traits over any other mutated power! Feature wise their noses tend to be wide and flatter at the bridge, though some have more hooked/bumped noses- though that's shared by the other two sub-types, Scarlets have paler/standard grey. things like freckles and birthmarks aren't that common. they usually lack claws and odd eyes.
Usually more 'masc' by frame. broader shoulders and less curves. Horns are goat or bovine like! Powers tend to related to ghosts, the dead in general and danger-sense! their noses tend to be wide and flatter at the bridge, though some have more hooked/bumped noses. Thick hair is also quite common, along with rounder faces! more body hair then the other two on average. Most rusts tan a lot in the summer seasons, especially as younger pupas!
The smallest of the sub-types on average, not by a lot but overall. Bovine or simple shaped horns are most common- telekinesis or 'movement' related powers pop up a lot! though ghost-abilities are found all throughout. the same flatter nose bridges and wide features but freckles and beauty marks are pretty common! Slightly odd pupils shapes are also seen occasionally (Goat, wide pupils, slightly squished but with regular iris/eye whites). occasionally have claws- more likely then the other two sub-types but overall still uncommon within the caste.
(Note that most traits are merely common, not exclusive to that sub-type. example; scarlets tend to be the largest, but smaller scarlets exist, and taller maroons exist. its a pattern in the caste but not a set rule!)
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primaris-1 · 3 months ago
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Mazren (Naiadi) Calder and their (late) Bonded matesprit Dariya Nagisa. Dariya was the most recent seadweller lost to Rot. In the main stories setting she passed about 5 sweeps ago, leaving Miriam alone. After his death Mazren took the last name 'Nagisa' to honour her while on their 'swan song'. The tragedy hit a lot harder given the pair expected Mazren to go first, as they were in a worse state before hand. The departure was at least, painless and peaceful. Currently Maz works as a Party Pirate- their matesprits (and, to be fair their shared) dream was to live near the ocean and reconnect with old culture!
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