preussischekrahen · 4 years
My inside meat hurt for a good while. Those things are too strong, [he’s pointing at his wings like a rude toddler, tempted to touch]
Can I feel, actually? [He needs his entire hand in there, for reasons] 
I just was a bit startled, didn’t mean to hit so hard. [Blinks in surprise before shuffling his feet] Well, sure, just be careful? [He extends a wing out before side eyeing the other’s hand expectantly] [He doesn’t mind so much, as long as he’s not trying to feel u the joints anyway. Most people just liked the feathers] 
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preussischekrahen · 4 years
[Oh] [He doesn’t like that] [He takes a step back, feathers puffing up] [His gaze darts to the bat] [He’s so focused on it that he doesn’t even answer] [He does not want to get hit by that-] [No, no, no, too close] [A wing flails forward defensively, and, it solidly broadsides Antonio] [It’s surprisingly a layer of solid muscle under the layer of fluffy feathers] [The sensation is a bit like being hit by slightly softer door, or having a punching bag swing back against you] [There’s even a ‘thwump’ noise]
[There is also an “OOF” sound and a “my back!” sound]
What was that for? [He is collecting himself, bat abandoned, surrendered to the floor so that he can hold his arm, which hurts, coño-] Have you come to me only to hurt me, in my dreams or otherwise? Because regardless of how fluffy and cute you look, I can’t stand for that.
[He just looks a little shell shocked for a moment because, well he didn’t mean to hit quite so hard] I, didn’t want to get hit by a bat- [He sounds a little perplexed as he says it, and his face turns rather red at being described as ‘cute’ of all things. Surely he was just joking.] No I didn’t want to, ah- [There’s the guilt and he hugs a wing with one arm while rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand] Is it hurt badly? [Takes a little step forward to peer at his arm]
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preussischekrahen · 4 years
//hello helloooo I have been on Roddi (gebrochener-adler) lately since I’ve been v busy but I have some time for the birb now, whom I have missed greatly ;-; If anyone wants to rp lemme know! Time to shake the dust off here//
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
She hopes her house isn’t too odd. Sloth’s visiting her home outside of Hell. In Greece. The sky’s nicer up here to look at as opposed to the murky cave-like ceiling in the fifth ring. “Good.” She doesn’t even bother going to the kitchen for the pot. Instead, she summons it and a teacup into her hands and pours some tea for him. She offers it to him. “I’ve never seen someone who’s still alive and also has wings.” Then she smiles. “Earth never stops surprising me.”
Taking the tea, he inclined his head while observing her. It was difficult to get a bead on what kind of person she was from the first impression. Most people had more, questions about the wings. Then it hit him. “You’ve seen people who, aren’t alive with wings?” He asked before shaking his head abruptly. “Maybe I should say who I am first right? Gilbert, Gilbert Schwarz. Thank you for the tea.” Even if things were odd, it wasn’t any excuse to be rude.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
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“I’m not used to having visitors, but I have enough tea for the both of us on the stove. You’re lucky.” Otherwise, there’d be no tea for her guest. Sloth would be too lazy to make more tea. She just finished making this pot! “If you don’t like tea, more for me. You can just grab whatever from the fridge. I don’t care.”
Blinking, Gilbert looked up and around at his surroundings a moment. Well, he supposed it wasn’t the oddest place he had ever found himself in. After a moment of contemplation, he pulled his wings in close to his back before getting a better look at the person whose, home he supposed he had just stumbled upon. “Tea is, quite alright. Er, I apologise for being unannounced? I tend to get lost-” He said, awkwardly smoothing out his waistcoat.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
@promenadesurlaseine There was quite the clatter as he landed on the roof of the apartment. For a moment he looked around. It seemed the coast was clear for the moment but nonetheless he pulled his coat out of his side knapsack and began to clumsily get it on. After the wings were hidden, he double checked on the box he had tucked away in there as well. Seeing that it was safe, he then clambered a little clumsily to the edge of the roof to peer over the edge. The fire escape was still there. Hopefully the Parisian wasn’t one to mind a surprise visit, although the cats might pose an issue. Well, he was willing to risk it.With that determination, he then began attempting to climb down.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
@italitude A few feathers fell down as he stepped up to her door. There was the usual sweeping glance at his surroundings, but much of his paranoia about being spotted had died down over several visits. In his hands, he had a cookbook. He was very invested in trying to ask about going through some of it since she had been the first one to suggest a more fattening diet. Cooking it on his own was the best way he could think of to get the weight on after all. Shifting to hold the book in one arm he rapped his knuckles on the door smartly while humming to himself.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
// I wasn’t dead but then I got super swamped and then sick Flu season sucks eh? anyway I’ve missed the birb here so like for a starter? Hi everyone//
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Hi I’m not dead
//I’m moving 2 states over so things are just a little crazy rn//
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Much to Lilli’s dismay, her frantic shouts caused the very thing she was afraid of. With another cry, she dashed forward as though her body would be more than merely a cushion to soften the blow for the much larger man. Thankfully, he saved them both from injury by catching himself on the branch though the impact had her wincing in sympathy for his poor shoulders.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized immediately, “Are you all right? You were going to fall!” Well, he already fell but her point remained.
A part of him was immediately worried that his clawed toes were going to graze the young lady and so he pulled his knees up. Well, that was a strain on his core but he supposed it was a bit like a workout. He snorted a bit to himself. “Hey it’s alright. Better than falling to the ground right?” He offered her a grin over his shoulder before stretching his wings out. “About to let myself drop here so make sure you step back eh?” After a moment, he then let go and dropped down with a small thud. He stood, straightening out his waistcoat before turning to look at her properly.  “Well, can’t say it’s too rude an awakening if it’s with someone trying to help instead of telling me to get out of their tree or something.” 
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Without much thought, Jacques reached out to stroke those beautiful feathers. How could he resist, when they shone so prettily, and looked so soft? Why deny himself the pleasure?
Jacques might have laid there in a daze all day, if Gilbert hadn’t apologized so awkwardly. “No, no,” he insisted, inviting him to come lay closer–perhaps even against jacques’ chest–with a small gesture. “There is no need to apologize. It’s easy to get caught in the materialism and adrenaline of these places; there’s no shame in it. If anyone should be apologizing, it’s likely me.” He gave Gilbert a small, warm but worried smile. “Do you regret what happened?”
Out of the things he had been expecting, the gentle touch to his wings was not one of them. For a moment he almost felt like his heart skipped a beat. The strange rapid pitter patter only increased when he took note of the little motion. Moving closer seemed like it might cause him to have some sort of heart attack at this rate and so he hesitated while his face turned bright pink. Blushing seemed to be something he was doing a lot of. If he took it slowly, maybe he could calm himself down. Shifting incrementally closer, he certainly looked nervous. No, he was not quite bold enough to simply lay on the other’s chest. A part of him was still confused about what was acceptable here. He did lay on his side though, on wing laying along his own body while the other sprawled out behind him and off the bed. His head was, very close to Jacques’ arm, and he was trying very hard to not stare. That was nearly impossible at this distance however and so he ended up having to maintain eye contact so he wasn’t looking up and down the other’s body. “Regret? Well it’s, it’s kind of hard to regret something you don’t remember right?” He half joked,the laugh that followed being a little unsure.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
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lust: lace blouses, stargazing, french pastries, whispered secrets, lovely baths, impulsive shopping, plants on a windowsill, ice cream sundaes, concerts, soft voices
sloth: oversized sweaters, dreamy sunsets, gold sunlight, doodling, sunflower fields, paint smears on clothes, the smell of tangerines, writing in a diary, vivid dreams
envy: silver necklaces, flannel shirts, sharp eyeliner, neon lights, cursive handwriting, bullet journals, leather purses, finding loose change, tired eyes, classic movies
gluttony: iced tea, cuddles, soft blankets, evening laughter, a slow dance, washi tape, tousled hair, procrastination, learning foreign words, city lights at night
wrath: killer heels, leather jackets, sewn-on patches, firm baked cookies, red lipstick, 90s music, dusty book piles, pictures of clouds, fresh snow, evening drives
pride: fountains in city squares, jazz music, cozy apartments, turtleneck sweaters, smokey eyes, acoustic songs, pastel colors, strawberries, nostalgia, improv comedy
greed: glossy makeup, enamel pins, 2am texts, charm bracelets, denim jackets, calligraphy, classic movies, vintage mirrors, wax sealed envelopes, good grades
tagged by @italitude Tagging: @letztermannsteht @coffee-and-cotton-castles @erinnerungen-von-hortensie @lilli-of-the-mountain
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
//kicks door in// //I live// //Anyway, like this post for a starter or bird in the inbox! I need to drop him back on people//
Anyone else? /chinhands/
Hello Hello,like this post for a starter or inbox drop
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Inconspicuous Tourism
@theathxns There was an odd clacking noise that sounded out as Gilbert peered around the pillars. Although he had swapped out stuffing his clawed toes into over sized boots for the more comfortable option of getting a trench coat that dragged a little on the floor so his feet would be hidden, he found it created a new issue of trying to walk so his claws would not make too much noise. So far he had not been very successful. All he could hope was people simply assumed him an odd fellow who wore heels. Listening closely would of course disprove such a thing as there were multiple taps layered in each step. So far no one had asked him too many questions. His wings were still as cramped as ever, but so far it had been worth it to wander around the old temples.  What he didn’t seem to realise though, was that a few feathers were shedding from the imprisoned appendages and were currently leaving a curious trail behind him. Subtlety was not his strong suit. At the moment, he seemed far too distracted staring upwards to notice.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Hello Hello,like this post for a starter or inbox drop
//kicks door in// //I live// //Anyway, like this post for a starter or bird in the inbox! I need to drop him back on people//
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
   “ Kesesese~! Didn’t expect any less from my– heh? ”   He stifled a laugh, covering his mouth. “ H-His wings are THAT big? Kesese~!”   The Prussian didn’t know why, but the mental image of his buff little brother trying his hardest to get through doors and not managing to do so was plain hilarious to imagine.   “ Of course they had to be huge~ Bruder’s huge!! Oh does he get the cute little pout when he can’t go through in the first try? I can bet anything he does!! ”
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   It was truly unmistakable how much Prussia loved his little brother; the albino seemed to positively beam simply by thinking or talking about the man. To him, it was inconceivable - completely unthinkable - that there could be a reality where he wasn’t this close to Ludwig. No matter how busy Germany was nowadays or how lonely he felt without his younger sibling’s company, Germany had been the one willingly giving half his country away to make sure Gilbert’s life was saved when Prussia was dissolved. The truth was that neither of them could live without the other.
It was difficult to hold back a smile as the other laughed and yet still fawned over the idea of his brother. A hard pang of loss caused his own chest to tighten however and he took to gripping a wing. “Yeah, I had to help him get used to flying too. Maneuvering when they’re that big can be rough-” He looked off to one side before giving a small sigh through his nose. Perhaps he should be honest with how things were at home. Maybe he could soften it. “We don’t spend a lot of time together recently. Guess we both end up being busy.” He said, using his hand that wasn’t fiddling with his wing to tug at his collar a little awkwardly. There was a great amount of pride and hope he still held for his brother in spite of their falling out and he often wondered if someone else would know how to help him patch the divide.
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preussischekrahen · 5 years
Rubbing a somewhat pink ear, Gilbert shook his head a little. “No, I do. Just not used to most people also believing in it.” He said as he padded after him. “Just get called a bit of an idealist sometimes.” Or a daydreamer. “But yeah, if I fell here it means I was meant to meet you probably.” He added with a small grin. Perhaps this was the universe’s way of getting him to make friends.
Rahmi smiled at that. He had always been told that his belief in fate was more of a hopeless romantic situation but he was glad that Gilbert here believed in it too. “I think it is.” He said. “Otherwise, what are the chances we would have met? Astronomical odds. It’s really incredible to think about..” He hummed, starting to slowly climb the stairs. 
“Guess we can’t ever know the reasons for sure though.” Gilbert said as he clacked up the stairs behind the other. “Still, guess it’s pretty lucky you’re reasonable compared to a lot of people who just freak out. You almost get used to that though funnily enough.” He added, sounding almost thoughtful. “One guy shot me through a wing out of reflex when he stumbled on me. That wasn’t the best time I’ve had on one of these trips.”
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