The Prestige Project
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Video Diary #1
Hi..I am feeling really dumb sitting here talking to this thing about stuff I have no idea what to talk about. What are you even suppose to do here`? talk about your day? your life? uhm..yeah.. my life.. is pretty much the same as usual. I am working with Mackie on this new thing with Bucky and The Falcon. As well got another project coming with Jessica Chastain, wonderful woman.
When it comes to my private life I finally decided to break out of my shell and let myself do something else than work. I went on a date with Scarlet, which been something I wanted for a very long time. It went fine…but I quickly noticed that  she got a line of guys wanting to take her out…and I could notice she speaks differently with them.. I don’t know I don’t want to sound petty or anything like that, but I can notice she seem to find them more interesting? so I think I might back off…. I don’t want to , but i don’t want to fight over a girl specially not with the guys.. who seem to like her… she seems more interested in them anyways….as long as I got her in my life I am good you know…I went on another date though with Emmy Rossum, She is a beautiful woman and I like getting to know her. Is it love? I don’t know. I am sharing too much, who is watching these again?
At least I am going out. I tend to care more about my job and basically be married to my job, I think I earned to try some stuff and have a little bit of fun…. fuck I am probably getting back to marrying my job.. life was easier then. This is it for me embarrassing myself. See you next time.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
OKAY so I couldn't sleep last night and I was up binge-watching this show and all the video confessions ... AND I MEAN, Sam has a thing with Dove but took Natalie D to meet his parents? Ashley B admitted she still loves Cara but went out with Hems? Lucy is seeing someone? Emilia C. is taking a break from acting, she won't come back? Blake dissing on Gossip Girl? Sandra admitting she doesn't want to date again? JLaw admitting she's been sexing it up with Jake G? I NEED MORE.
Okay, I gotta love the enthusiasim, because... same, Grey Face, I was living for all of the new information. But let’s break this down...
Dove has a full on crush on Sam, I think it’s safe to say that we all knew this already. I’ll be honest with you all, something tells me she’s getting friendzoned. Seems like Mr. C, has the hots for Natalie. 
WAIT, so Ashley went out with Hemsworth just to get over Cara? Now that sounds more like it. Talk about one hot rebound
Lucy, girl, mind giving us more info on this? Who are you seeing? Is it that insanely tall guy you’re always flirting with on Twitter?
I think Ms. Clarke loves the attention too much to quit acting, anon, so I wouldn’t be too worried if I were you. 
As for Blake, does this really comes as a surprise? I don’t think so. Celebrities usually hate on the shows/movies that helped them reach a certain status. Look at RPattz and Twilight. 
Yeahhh, we’re not buying it Sandy, I doubt a woman as hot as that can say bye to dating all together. 
And finally, do we even know if Jennifer was being serious? She has a tendency to exaggerate things and it wouldn’t surprise me if this would turn out to be her stalking Gyllenhaal. I mean, can’t say I blame her, who wouldn’t want a piece of that?
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Video Journal #1
…Is this bloody thing on? Rosie… come here honey, don’t go out there.. Pip, come eat your ruddy peas!!!
So sorry, internet, I literally have no idea what the hell I’m doing most days and now I seem to have signed up for this journaling experiment, which is laughable given how extremely awkward I am all the time. So where do I begin? What does the world need to know about me that they don’t already? Um, let’s see here, should I start with the basics? Um, I was born in Ipswich, England. My mum is a classroom assistant and my dad is a finance officer. I had a normal childhood, nothing too crazy, other than a few fights with siblings but that’s normal right? I had no interest in being an actor, instead I wanted to be a professional footballer, go Norwich City, but when I was fifteen, I broke both my ankles in unrelated incidents, and after being told by three separate doctors that I would never play professionally, I had to switch my focus and I started getting involved in the Arts. I never thought I was good enough but all my teachers saw something in me and with some prodding, convinced me to attend college. The rest as they say, is history. If I had a chance to go back and do things differently, I’m not sure that I would, you know? Except for maybe breaking my ankles *laughs*
Um, I’m enjoying some much needed time off, my 2019 and 2020 was kind of crazy to start with, but now the only project I’ve got going on is Daisy Jones and its still in pre-production but I’ve been doing some research and I’ve started learning how to play the guitar to get into character but piano because I’ve always wanted to try. Oh, that’s what I could do. *runs to grab his guitar and plays a few chords* I’m not the best yet but you know, practice makes perfect.
Um, let’s see. What else can I talk about? Oh, right. I met Dove Cameron herself. My son is such a fan and we went shopping for Halloween decorations together, she actually scared me, which I didn’t appreciate but yeah, it was a great day. Pip’s going to be so mad but I’m fairly certain that that won’t be the last time we hang out so he’ll have plenty of opportunities to hang out with her.  Let’s see… Natalie Dormer met my parents? *laughs* We had a great Sunday roast and nightcap. Gosh, so much has happened in the recent weeks, I don’t know where to stop… so I’ll stop it here. I’ll try to give weekly updates if I remember but for now, I’ll just say au revoir! *waves*
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Video Dairy One.
I don't know what to do... or say.
What am I supposed to be doing?
Can I just watch some of the others and copy theirs?
No? ... that would be considered immoral?
And that's bad? Got it.
I feel like I'm the rejected sibling from the Kardashian clan doing this... I need a name change. I'm sure there's already a Blake in that family. How old is he? The oldest one from the two of us should be able to keep it.
I'd like to think I'm pretty known for keeping myself to myself. One of my most famous quotes is, "people ask me why I don't tweet. Honestly, I'm so sick of myself." And that stands. Some people seem to really want to know all about celebrities personal lives and it's hard for my brain to fully grasp why. Surely my life isn't that interesting. All I do is go to the gym, scroll through Instagram and eat. The mystery of Hollywood is truly getting exposed here. No, but jokes aside I try and keep my private life private.
There came a point when we were filming 'Gossip Girl' thay I felt like everyone knew everything about me and that sucked. Not that it was all bad but I didn't want to turn into Serena and have my life on constant display 24/7.
I don't really know what to say here. Er... Halloween is coming up soon, I know that much! I'm pretty excited about thay but I can't say it's my favourite. Does it make me a cop out if I say I love every holiday equally? How am I supposed to pick between them all? Admittedly, I'm a complete sucker for the costume aspect this holiday provides. Any excuse to dress up as something or someone else, I'll take. Isn't that what actors adore, anyway? Pretending to be someone else even if it's just for a minute.
I heard that a lot of actors get into the business due to insecurity in their own skin and day to day lives which is actually pretty sad when you put it into context. I'm not sure if that's accurate in my case but hey, I'm no shirk. People have recommended I go to therapy and if I did maybe I would have the answer to that question. They might tell me things I didn't even know about myself and that seems like some hocus pocus kind of shit. Not sure I'm into that but my mom always said you never know if you dont try.
While I'm on the subject of my mom, I really hope you're not watching this. Sorry for swearing but I'm not under your roof so it doesn't count.
What are people talking about in these? Something a lot more interesting than I am that's for sure. My rambling isn't making much sense and it just continues to happen. It's like when there's a fly in the room, irritatingly buzzing around you for no reason. I need a mute button but sadly I don't have one. If anyone could invent one then I'd be grateful.
Erm... projects? Right. I had a movie come out at the start of this year. It's called 'The Rythem Section' if anyone cares. For once I'm not blonde in a movie, my hair is prodomently short and sometimes I don't even recognise myself so feel free to watch it if you want. It was a lot of fun to shoot. I have other things to do on my radar but I'm sworn to secrecy so my lips are sealed... for now at least.
All I'm doing is vomiting random words out now so I think I'm going to sign off. Next time I hope I have something a little more interesting to inform you guys of but for now that's the exciting life of Blake Lively.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Video Journal #1
[turns camera on]
Hi, I’m Ashley Benson, and welcome to my first ever video journal episode.   I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to do here, so I’m just going to wing it.
I grew up with my mom, my dad, and my sister, Shaylene, who got married this summer.  It was a beautiful wedding.  After not being invited to her bachelorette party, I was really happy I got to go to the wedding.  See, my family didn’t really approve of my relationship with Cara Delevingne.  Don’t get me wrong, I know my family loves me 100%, but they distanced themselves when I was with Cara.  They’ve been actually reaching out more since my papa passed away last month.  It’s nice having them back in my life, even if only in little ways like phone calls or a text here or there.
As most of you know, Cara and I broke up earlier this year.  Cara taught me a lot about love, and being true to one’s self.  She will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always love her.  There is a lot of speculation that one or both of us cheated on each other, but we just grew apart as many people do.  Since then I haven’t dated too much.  I’ve had hook ups, sure, but nothing really steady.  Went to dinner with Chris Hemsworth before his birthday last month.  That man, is as sexy as everyone thinks he is.  And he fucking smells good too.  Oh sorry, I probably shouldn’t swear in this, should I?  Anyway, turns out Chris and I are way better as friends, plus he’s totally into someone else.  I’m horrible at picking romantic partners for myself.  This is why I’ve willing given total control of my love life to my girl Lucy Hale.  We’ve been friends since we were 15 so there really isn’t anyone better to give control to, is there?
Back in January/February, I filmed a movie, called “The Birthday Cake”.  I got to work with boy Shiloh Fernandez again.  We did “Chronically Metropolitan” together.  I also got to work with the amazing Jeremy Allen White.  We’re hoping to show it at TIFF this year, so keep your fingers crossed.
Over the last few months, I have actually written two movies of my own.  I can’t really say what they are about yet, but I’m hoping to film one of them in September.  I already have a few names lined up for it.  Once everything is locked and we have a filming date, I can share more information.  
In the midst of the breakup, and writing my movies, I worked on some music with my good friend Gerald, who you probably know as G-Eazy.  We released a cover of “Creep” by Radiohead, then a month later, I had the honor of being featured on a song for his new album.  Music has always been something I’m interested in, so being able to dip my toe into that area of the business was fun.
As most of you probably know, I’m a part owner of a company called Privé Revaux Eyewear.  We started the company so every day folks could get high quality, designer sunglasses for a decent price.  A few weeks ago, I launched my third personal design line which is a collaboration with Matt Bomer.  This collab is doing way better than anticipated, and it was so much fun getting to partner with Matt.  Aside from sunglasses, Privé now has bluelight glasses, and we’re starting get into prescription glasses as well.  I have had so much fun working with  Privé.  I can’t wait to see where this company goes.
Well, I guess that’s it for now.  Don’t worry, I’m sure my future videos won’t be quite this long.  So…till next time.  Peace!
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[turns camera off]
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Video Diary
Hello everyone,
It’s me Emilia Clarke, or most of my friends call me Milly. I thought I’d start off my very first video diary by telling you a bit about myself. That’s how most of these things start right? Well let’s get to this. 
I was born on Oct 23, 1986 in London, to Peter and Jennifer Clarke. I’m the baby of the family as I have an older brother Bennett. I grew up in Oxfordshire. My Dad was a theater sound engineer and my Mum is vice-president for marketing at a global management consultancy firm. Many of you may know that Bennett worked with the camera department on GOT. Talk about the family business, eh? I knew I wanted to be an actress when I was three when I saw the musical Show Boat. To me a job where you dress up and play make believe was wonderful. I still haven’t lost that sense of wonder yet. Growing up, I attended very posh boarding schools. You know the ones where the girls walk around and act if they are fake royalty. I was far from posh so I always felt like such an outsider. I wanted to act not marry the most eligible bachelor.   
During my boarding school days I acted in many plays including Twelveth Night and West Side Story. Upon graduation, I needed a year off. School wore me out. But then doesn’t it wear everyone out? I chose to work and travel a little. When I finally decided to set myself on a career path I was accepted into Drama Centre London. I was in a few student productions and a short student film. I learned a lot in drama school and little did I know what it was preparing me for. Because as soon as I graduated drama school I started auditioning for roles. I was in a few commercials and then a soap opera in the UK. I even got into a movie called Triassic Attack. Not one of my better roles, but hey it was a job. Then came a role that changed my whole life. 
In 2010 I auditioned for this television show that some of you might have heard of, Game of Thrones. Literally a year after I graduated from drama school I was slipping into Daenery’s platinum blonde wig for the first time. Talk about trial by fire, no pun intended. If early Dany had some shyness and innocence that was because I was learning right along with her. I grew into my power right along with Dany. This show gave me not only my acting experience but friendships that I cherish to this day. It gave me family. 
Now a little about me. I’m taking a bit of a sabbatical as I look through scripts right now. As I do so I’m catching up on the tv that I missed while filming GOT. There are some great shows out there. Plus I’m a huge foodie and I love experimenting in the kitchen with recipes and baking. 
I think that is about it for my first video diary. Check in next time for a new episode. Until then, be kind to each other.  @prestigedocumentary​
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Its Samantha here. Or you can just call me Sam, or Sammy. Any of them are fine. It is just when I am called Samantha it is like I am getting told of for something. So it is usually Sammy or Sam. I can’t say I have made any video diaries. Not like this anyway. I guess I should tell you about Samantha Gibb.
I was born in Miami, Florida on 2nd July 1980 to Maurice and Yvonne Gibb. My parents are British but technically myself and my older brother Adam are American. I grew up in Miami but now and again, we would go back to the UK and stay at the house we had there. Usually when my father and my uncles were working and promoting stuff there. Why stay in a hotel when we have a house there. I am pretty sure that most people know who my father was. If not, well, I am pretty sure you have heard some of the many songs he wrote with his brothers.
Growing up, I started to learn music. My father taught me how to play the piano and guitair. Funnily enough, neither of us were able to read music. That is why I want my son to learn from someone who can teach him how to read it. Not that it has affected my father or me at any point.
Over the years, I have played music with friends and we formed a band. We ended up going our seperate ways but we are still really good friends. Since then, I have toured the world with my Uncle Barry and his son, and my cousin, Stephen. I loved that and it made me feel so close to my father even though he wasn’t there. Now I am part of a duo with one of my other cousins, Spencer.
Today, and for the past so many months, my son, Julian and I are living back in Miami, after living in Ohio for quite a few years. And we are loving it. I can take him to places I used to go when I was his age. And he can spend much more time with his grandmother.
I should finish this video diary now. I am not actually sure what else to talk about at the moment. I am pretty sure there will be another one sometime in the near future. Until next time, bye. 
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
𝕵𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖊 🌹 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖞 1
welp.. i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing here but since this is basically me just rambling about life (right?) this should be easy peasy lemon squeezie.
so here we go..
first and foremost, no one should watch this ‘cause you could be doing something much, much, much more interesting. my life is boring. like.. i have the most ridiculously boring life. all i do in a day is eat, watch Netflix and cuddle my doggo. how is that even remotely cool? or fun? or a life at all? now, don’t get me wrong, i’m a badass bitch.. (i’m not, i’m really really not) and i get things done.. (i don’t, i nap more then i move from my couch) and i’m cool (this is also not all that truthful, i’m a lame-o and i admit it) so you should get to know me..
this turned more into a dating profile, what the hell Karen? 
anyway, i’m filming a new movie (GO SEE IT ONCE IT’S OUT NEXT YEAR!) in Spain that I play the role of Elly. she’s.. now i can’t tell you that, you’ll just have to find out for yourself ‘cause if i told anyone any of the good stuff from the script i’d be blacklisted from anything new coming my way. that’s how it works right, Marvel peeps? y’all spoil the shit outta everything..
i don’t know what more to say.. uh.. i started seeing a really nice guy and he’s the best. sweet, funny, kind and REALLY cute. i also got a new tattoo. that’s nothing new, though, i do that all the time since i’m addicted to them. 
so.. that’s about it. i’m done. 
adios, people of the documentary variety.
Lucy Hale signing out!
that was so lame, i’m sorry.
okay, i’m leaving. byyyyyye.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Prestige Journal Entry #1
Is this really necessary? Do you all really need to know what’s been going on in my life lately? Because I am not that entertaining. Go watch a Jonas Brother or something. 
Okay fine, I’ll get to it then. Hi– I’m Sandra. God you all probably know that already. Well I’m currently working on a new project for netflix and have been filming up in Vancouver. It hasn’t been easy for me, it’s some dark subject matter and can sometimes weigh heavy on me. It’s pretty lonely up in Vancouver and I never do too well when I’m away from my kids. Especially when they have to stay with my Ex while I’m working. Bryan is lovely but they’re my babies and I can’t help but feel like they need me there more than they need him. 
For the Gossip Magazine’s out there you can stop reading– I promise you I’m not about to drop some juicy secrets about my love life. Truth be told my love life is as dry as the Sahara. The only action this woman gets is when the pizza delivery guy gives me a wink and tells me to have a good night. Though he usually says have a good night ma’am. Which ruins any and all sex appeal from that fantasy. Truthfully I’m not sure I even want to date again. It’s such a lengthy process and I don’t have time to play the do they or don’t they game. I’m old, I don’t want to play games or wonder if things are one sided. And I certainly don’t want to introduce my kids to someone who’s going to ding dong ditch and disappear on me. Which– by the way – Whoever created ghosted… fuck you. Look what you’ve created! 
Well there you have it. I’m still an old spinster hiding out in her rental unit up north. The only difference is now I have endless poutine and BC wine so I’d say I’m doing just fine!
Alright– this was entirely usless information but that’s all I got so… thank you for tuning in. 
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
𝓋𝒾𝒹𝑒𝑜 𝒿𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓁 ; 𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓇𝓎 # 𝟣
Testing… 1…2…3. How do I even do this shit? Am I allowed to swear on this show? Guess I just did, you can edit that part out. Name’s Jennifer and to be honest with you, I don’t know why anyone would want to hear what I have to say outside my movie roles. I got invited to be part of this… Prestige Project docuseries but this shit sounds more like a reality TV. And anyone who knows me knows that I’m like a reality tv junkie. It seemed interesting to me. Anyway, I was asked to introduce myself and tell you what’s been going on in my life but I seriously doubt you want to listen to all the shows I’ve been binge-watching lately, or how I haven’t washed my hair in like 5 days. So I’m just going to tell you how pretty damn great Jake Gyllenhaal is in bed instead, I’m not even kidding… talk about multiple orgasms, hadn’t experienced that since Amy got me a massive vibrator that had 5 speeds. Thanks, Ams! Joe the Vibrator and me had a very intense and long-lasting relationship but I’m afraid now is time to put the batteries away and focus on the real thing. 
Oh shit, I’m running late. I have a bikini wax appointment in 10! Great talk, guys. I’ll be pestering you with another video soon. Over and out! / @prestigedocumentary​
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
OKAY BUT WHAT'S GOING ON... are Scarlett and Hiddles gonna hook up?? because he was flirting with Daisy, too..? like HELLA flirting.
Hey, the man is allowed to flirt with more than one person, anon. And honestly? He can get it, so I don’t really blame him! Looks like Mr. Waititi might be getting a taste of it, too... what a player! We love you here in the office, Tom, you’re a hero.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
I thought there would be some drama between David and Tim. All seems well though.
Why, because Téa Leoni dumped David for Tim? I’m assuming that’s what happened, it’s not... exactly confirmed, but c’mon, that’s way more interesting. Maybe David isn’t hung up on Gillian at all, maybe he’s hung up on Téa! Or maybe everything’s sunshine n’ rainbows, and you’re looking for drama where it doesn’t exist. Who knows?
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
I would do anything to protect Bill and Rachel from any harm or drama. Their happiness is feeding my soul these days!
That’s nice for you, peanut. Not that I disagree! But maybe you should tell ‘em yourself, just so they know that there will be dire consequences if they break up..
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
I will be the first one to call it - it's not the age gap or the chemistry (which they certainly don't lack of) that's going to destroy David and Angelina before they even became a thing. It's the fact that he's so hung up on his co-star that he probably sees Gillian in every woman he would attempt to date. Which includes Angelina, too.
Whoa, that’s quite the accusation! Kinda inclined to agree, though... maybe. Pity if that’s the case, it’s not really fair to Angie... but hey, who knows, maybe she suffers the same ailment when it comes to Brad? Couldn’t blame her, he’s... mm. So fine. Time will tell! You’re so spicy, anon, I like you.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Who's on your radar for the next break up and the next engagement?
Break up: Margot Robbie & David Corenswet. Sorry, pal, but I’m pretty sure she’s too much woman for you. That goes for any man... I think it’s gonna take another fiery lady to make miss Robbie happy and match her madness.
Engagement: I know they’ve been-there-done-that, but I’m throwing all my eggs back into the Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds basket. They’re older now, different people probably, and fuck’s sake, they were (and still are!) beautiful together. Come on, guys. Make all my dreams come true.
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
I wish Tom Hardy would cause some trouble. Its been bland around here lately
Well Tom, guess that’s you’re get outta jail free card? Depends on the trouble, I guess... can you please get into a bar fight with another high profile face? And like, tell me where it’s gonna go down beforehand, so I can make sure to be there? Please and thank you, hunny. xo
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prestigedocumentary · 4 years ago
Because Troy and Gabriella make me nauseous, I would like to nominate Emma Watson and Tom Felton to be our new Iconic FairyTale Couple of Prestige.
Hmm.. yes, I think this is acceptable. After all, what good is a couple if we don’t get to see one person fucking lay the other one out with a fist to the face? That’s my kind of love~
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