prepareandream · 10 months
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prepareandream · 10 months
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prepareandream · 10 months
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prepareandream · 10 months
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prepareandream · 10 months
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23.9.21 | Reading about animal vulnerability for my English literature class.
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prepareandream · 3 years
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Day 21/100 days of productivity [01.28.18] This weekend as been anything but relaxing. Trying to not drown in life, school, and other events. Onto reading about motions 12(b)(6) + 12(e)
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prepareandream · 3 years
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Moody mug is back and helps me through a tough session of civil procedural law
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prepareandream · 3 years
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My first semester of law school crammed into one binder. I think I need a bigger binder.
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prepareandream · 3 years
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Midterm rush.
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prepareandream · 3 years
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Day 18/100 days of productivity [01.25.18] Doing some online research for a memo I have to write, typing up notes, and doing readings. Here’s a more general view of my study space, i love glancing over and seeing (some of) my books. I already miss having an endless amount of time to read for pleasure.
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prepareandream · 3 years
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Obligations and contracts.
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prepareandream · 5 years
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Been a minute :)
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prepareandream · 5 years
⭐how i stay organised ⭐
Hey dudes, today I wanna share how I stayed organised in my first year of uni. This system worked super well for me and going into my second year I wanna try new systems, but I thought I would share because it may help or inspire you.
🌟 Onenote
This is my main organisation system and place where all my uni work goes! Im gonna show picture of my last year set up and what ive altered this year to work best for me. This is the most important part of my organisation system!
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What I do is make a table with my classes and their colour code going along the top and each of the weeks within the semester going down the side (I also add the dates). When I finish a week I make the boxes another colour so I can see where im up to. This is where I keep all the tasks I need to do each week like textbook readings, assessment and modules I need to complete. This year im also adding when ive got my tutorials so I know when I need to be on campus. So I have a key for all my stuff: for my readings and other tasks I use the to-do box tag a, for my assessment I use the important/star tag and for my tutorials I use the cute little rose tag. A thing to note is that last year I had to participate in psych research studies so theres another box called studies in the table where I tracked that.
In the same notebook i also have my timetable and the yearly calendar for my uni. i use to also have a grades and thoughts tab but i never used it cause i track both on my phone notes.
2018 layout + scroll through:
2019 layout + scroll through (not yet completed but you get the gist):
For all my class notebooks I have a syllabus tab, a textbook tab and a tutorial tab. In my syllabus tab I have the dates of each week and what we are learning in the lecture & tutorial, what the readings are and if there is an assignment due. In my textbook tab I just keep all my reading notes. Then for my tutorials tab I just take class tute notes. You may be wondering where I keep my lecture notes, I type them out in word and save them to my class folder. Nothing really has changed here from last year.
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🌟 Edo Agenda
This is a great website (plus app) that I feel like not a lot of people know about! This is by far the best calendar I have ever used, it is so practical, simple and functional. 
Heres an example of mine from last year.
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How I use it is each class has a colour that is the same as on onenote. Each week i look at my onenote trimester calendar/table and put down all the tasks i need to complete on certain days and when i should start assignments and studying.  I add the task using the ‘task’ function that gives you a checkbox. When its completed I check it off. Anytime that I had an exam I would add it as an ‘event’. A great function is that you can drag tasks between days making it super easy to reorganise your week. 
Heres a little walk through of the functions i use:
well i think thats about it in terms of how i stayed organised in uni last year. hopefully it made sense. if i find anymore methods this year ill be sure to post about it. if this helps you out please let me know!  have a great day!!
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prepareandream · 5 years
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Planning Printables
Printable Pack #3
Hey guys, summer break just started so I thought I’d make some more printables for y’all. These are based off of some of the tools/planning methods I used (such as in my bullet journal, etc.) that helped me get through my first year of college - hopefully they’ll be helpful for you guys, too!
Download them here
Hope you have an awesome summer!
xx jo
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prepareandream · 5 years
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Law Library studying. More like desperately reading so I’ll be ready for criminal procedure for once.
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prepareandream · 6 years
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prepareandream · 6 years
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