Preoccupied Pens
177 posts
An aspiring author. Currently writing 'Dream Hunters'.
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preoccupiedpens · 5 years ago
An update...sort of.
HELLO! It’s a-me, Preoccupied Pens!
I know, I know, no update for almost a year. Well, hypothetical reader, I have been busy and had no time to post new Dream Hunters content (but I have been writing this and that).
Also, I’ve been looking for a better place to post my stuff. I was confused whether should I push Dream Hunters for a manga or just stick with the novel. I here I am telling you, my dear hypothetical reader, that I have decided to stick with Dream Hunters being a web novel. Woot-Woot! *insert SFX*
Ahem. Anyway, DeviantArt is not really a literature-friendly site. It’s really for art. So I looked for other sites and I think I am settling in Tapas for now.
Tapas is just like DeviantArt, people can post art and lit, but I think it is more catered for series --- comics and novels.
So, here is my Tapas page:
Also, I’ll try to post at least once a week there and hopefully I finish Dream Hunters. It is such a huge world that I have created and I wanted to share that to anyone who is unlucky enough to visit there.
Hmmm...Yeah, I guess that’s it.
See you around!
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
DeviantArt Account
Hello! I have finished two arcs actually but got no time to upload LOL XD Anyway, I decided to go with my plan to upload with my DeviantArt account. Please feel free to visit me there.
Once I have completed revising most of the uploaded ones, I will start uploading on DeviantArt. Nothing major changes. Just checking the words, grammars, and phrasing (and maybe a few in the story) because honestly, I didn’t mind the those things when I was writing xD Sorry :P
Anyway, you can visit me on the following link moving forward. Don’t worry! Tumblr account will still be updated from time to time :)
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters - Colosseum Empire Arc Chapter List
Here are the chapters for Dream Hunter’s Colosseum Empire Arc
Chapter 15 - Traeux XII
Chapter 16 - 98th
Chapter 17 - The Capital
Chapter 18 - 100th
Chapter 19 - Rainy Days
Chapter 20 - Break and Escape
Chapter 21 - Colosseum Arena
Chapter 22 - Parting Ways
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 22: Parting Ways
AURELIUS AND COMMODUS WALKED into the arena. As they walked, people cheered on them.
           Aurelius has been known in the entire empire as the greatest swordsman. He fights with a short sword called gladius and a small circular shield. As a sign of being a legatus, he is wearing a unique armor and an eagle helmet.
           Commodus is a spear user. No one has beaten him with his choice of weapon. Like Aurelius, he is a legatus and wears an eagle helmet. He and Aurelius has been friends since they were kids.
           “We meet again, Daisuke.” Said Aurelius.
           “Aurelius.” Daisuke replied.
           “Oy Aurelius, the barbarian is mine.” Said Commodus.
           “Suit yourself. I’d like to spend some time with the elf anyway.”
           Commodus charged to Siegfried. The speed of Commodus surprised Siegfried, but he was still able to react accordingly. Soldiers came into the arena, dividing Siegfried and Daisuke.
           “Come on, barbarian!” Commodus taunted. “Show me the strength that defeated three cohorts!”
           “No! I’ll show you the strength that defeated a legion!”
           Siegfried charged Commodus and released countless of quick slashes, to which Commodus simply dodges.
           Daisuke tried to help Siegfried, but Aurelius cut off him. “Now, now, Daisuke. I’m your opponent.”
           “I don’t want to fight you, Aurelius.”
           “Neither do I. Now, just follow my lead.”
           Daisuke got confused. He and Aurelius still exchanged slashes as if they were just sparring.
           “Try to hit harder, Daisuke. People will think we’re just playing around.”
           Daisuke did slashed harder and quicker. “What’s going on, Aurelius? And why do you smell like rotten egg?”
           “Not important. Anyway, you’ve enjoyed fighting too much that I think you’re forgetting something.”
           Daisuke tried to recall what he have forgotten. “Oh dear. I’ve totally forgotten about Riku, Jack, and Raijin!”
           Aurelius released a barrage of slashes to Daisuke. “They’ll be out shortly. On my signal, use your powers to send yourselves up in the air.”
           A ring of fire suddenly exploded. From the pit where Brunnhilde once emerged came out a briar of roses that carried Riku, Jack, Raijin, and Brunnhilde. The crowd cheered even louder.
           “A-Aurelius?” said Jack.
           “It’s nice to see you again, guys. Care to join the fun?”
           The soldiers ran towards the new arrivals, breaking the wall of shield and spear that divided Siegfried and Daisuke.
           “Raijin, stay with Brunnhilde!” said Riku. “Let’s go, Jack!”
           Riku and Jack used their powers and countered the soldiers that charged them.
           “Awww. Your friends has arrived.” Said Commodus. He then looked up and saw four eagles circling around.
           “What’s happening?” asked Siegfried.
            “Your ride is here too.” Commodus attacked Siegfried, leading him towards Aurelius and Daisuke.
           Soon, all of them were surrounded by the soldiers.
           “Princess!” Siegfried sheathed his swords and run towards Brunnhilde. “Are you okay?”
           “You worry too much, Siegfried. I am fine, thanks to these brave warriors.”
           “Raijin! Come here and hold on me tight.” Daisuke ordered.
           Raijin ran towards Daisuke. “Done.”
           “Ugh. Have you’ve been in the sewer?”
           Riku grabbed Brunnhilde. “Come on, princess. Time to go.”
           “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” asked Siegfried.
           “Siegfried. If you don’t mind.” Jack gestured to Siegfried.
           “Grab on him, Siegfried. Tightly. That’s an order.”
           “Men! Raise you spears!” Commodus ordered.
           The soldiers pointed their spears towards the six.
Aurelius smiled. “On my signal!”
           The elves charged their power.
           “See you on the other side. Now!”
           The soldiers roared as they tried to stab the six, but the elves used their power to create plants and propel their selves up in the air. When they were high enough, the four eagles swooped in. They landed on the eagles and flew away from the arena.
           “Noooooooo!!” shouted the emperor.
           The eagle riders tried to go after them, but golden feathered giant eagles are faster than the average giant eagles.
 “Emilia!” Daisuke screamed. “It’s nice to see you guys again!”
           The eagles landed in a forest far away from the empire.
           Daisuke looked at the Traeuxian leaders with a confused face. “Umm…Ahh…Where do we begin? Hahaha!”
           “It’s all thanks to Sir Aurelius.” Said Emilia. “He helped us come up with a plan to save you guys.”
           “Well, Emilia here insisted in helping you all.” Faustus added. “We even resorted to some haphazard measures.”
           Emilia blushed.
           “At the top of the Eagle Towers are special horns that only the royalties may use. Emilia, being a royalty, was able to summon four golden giant eagles.” Said Quintus.
           “We rode the eagles to the arena and simply waited for Sir Aurelius’s command.” Julius added.
           Siegfried looked at Brunnhilde. “And what about that going-up-the-beanstalk thing?”
           “Well, we got lost inside the sewers. So we tried to backtrack. And on our way, we bumped into Aurelius and Commodus. They told us where to go and what to do.” Brunnhilde explained.
           “Why would Aurelius and Commodus help us?” asked Daisuke.
           “We guess Sir Aurelius just like you guys. As for Sir Commodus, the two of them has been friends ever since they were kids. I’m sure Sir Commodus trusts Sir Aurelius’s judgment.” Said Faustus.
           “And what about you guys?” asked Jack. “Isn’t this treason to your emperor?”
           “The emperor is not the empire.” Said Emilia. “Aurelius already knows what to do to him. Besides, the four of us decided to go on our own adventure.”
           “Where will you guys go?” asked Raijin.
           “We haven’t decided yet. We still have to plan out everything.” Said Julius.
           “How about you, Siegfried. Where will you and Brunnhilde go?” asked Daisuke.
           “We need to get to Snow Cape peninsula.” Said Siegfried. “That’s the last place the expedition planned to go.”
           “The Dragon Raiders might still be there, assuming they still haven’t left us here.” Brunnhilde added.
           “Maybe we can give you a lift then.” Faustus offered. “It’ll only take us a week to get there with these giant eagles.”
           Brunnhilde remembered the flashes she saw during her captivity. Being the daughter of the most powerful mage, she received many gifts; healing magic, divination, familiar summoning, and earth magic, her elemental affinity.
           She saw a series of events that are yet to come. Events that included a dark-skinned elf. And so far, the only elf she saw who has a darker complexion compared to other elves like Riku and Jack is Daisuke.
           “That won’t be necessary. Besides, the earth is my elemental affinity. I would rather be near the earth than to fly up in the sky.” Said Brunnhilde.
           “But Princess, the Dragon Raiders might---”
           “The Dragon Raiders will not leave without their princess. If they come back to Drasgard without me, they’ll face the wrath of my father. Even the raiders know fear, Siegfried.”
           Emilia grinned. “Trust her with that one, Siegfried. I know exactly what she’s saying.”
           Everyone laughed.
           “Now come on, let’s setup a camp here for tonight. We can catch some wild boars around here and have a small feast.” Said Faustus.
           The group ate, drank, and exchanged stories. Faustus told the group how they sacrificed a village just save Daisuke and his friends. Riku told them how they managed to escape the Capital prison. Daisuke told the group how they helped the gladiators escape and how he and Siegfried beaten one legion.
 The next morning, the group exchanged their final farewell to each other. Emilia has been the most emotional. She wished she could join Daisuke’s group, but she and her ex co-leaders have other plans. Faustus then gave a lootbag of lanias to Daisuke, a gift from Aurelius.
           As the eagles left, Daisuke faced Raijin. “So, which way is the Arcanas Kingdom?”
           “That would be east from this forest.” Said Raijin. “If the Quintus is right, we’ll reach it in seven days on foot.”
           “Well, maybe we do not need to go on foot.” Said Brunnhilde.
           “What’s on your mind, Brunnhilde?” asked Riku.
           “If anyone could spare me some mana, I could summon us wolves that we could ride.”
           Daisuke volunteered. “Okay. How do I give my mana?”
           “Hold my hands.”
           “Woah, wait. Why hold hands?” asked Siegfried.
           “Yeah. Last time we did it, I just placed mine on the back of your hands.”
           “Impertinence! You did what?!” asked Siegfried.
           “You guys are too loud.” Brunnhilde grabbed Daisuke’s hands. Riku gazed elsewhere. “Now, imagine using your powers. But instead of making trees, you’re just letting your mana flow freely, releasing some in the process.” Brunnhilde instructed.
           “Okay.” Daisuke did what Brunnhilde. And in a few seconds, he felt his hand getting warmer. Then, in a minute, he felt something, like a force is grabbing his hands. “Umm, I, ah, starting to feel something.”
           “That’s probably me. I can now feel the mana you’re releasing and absorbing it inside me.”
           “Wow! I wish I also have some mana to spare.” Said Raijin.
           “Alright! I guess I have enough mana now.”
           “Hmmm. If you know how to use magic, why don’t you use your own mana?” asked Daisuke.
           “My father placed a runic symbol on my back to regulate my mana. But I, being a stubborn child, came up with a solution. Since it only detects my mana, I could just absorb others.”
           “That’s actually pretty neat.” Said Riku.
           “Do you want to see runic symbol on my back, Daisuke?”
           “T-that won’t be necessary. Please. The wolves.” Said Daisuke
Brunnhilde smiled at Daisuke, then wrote some runic symbols on the ground. “I call upon thee: Geri! Freki!”
           The runic symbol glowed. And from the ground leaped two large wolves, one with snow-white fur, and another with night-black fur. The wolves howled and bowed to Brunnhilde.
           “Woah. I did not expected them to be that large.”
           “This is Geri, and this is Freki. They should be large enough to carry three heads each.”
           The group ridden on top of the wolves. Jack rode on Freki. Behind him is Raijin and Riku. On Geri are Siegfried, Brunnhilde, and Daisuke.
           “Princess, hold on to me. You might fall down.” Said Siegfried.
           “Thanks.” Brunnhilde replied. “You should grab on me as well, Daisuke. Safety first.”
           Riku breathed heavily “Alright guys. To Arcanas Kingdom!”
--- End of Colosseum Empire Arc ---
Seven days later after the events on the Capital.
           Aurelius and Commodus has led a rebellion against the current emperor. They claimed that the emperor was the one who killed his brother Caesar and has been the one who keeps on paying barbarians to attack Traeux XII to eliminate Emilia.
Almost all Traeux and Lagaian villages joined his cause, while only three Lagaian villages --- I, II, and III remained loyal to the Capital.
           The rebellion ended after six months when Aurelius has finally convinced the people of the Capital about the dirty works of the emperor. This is thanks to Emilia and the barbarians who gave the information about the crimes of Tiberius.
           Thanks to the interrogation of barbarians the Lagaian XII conducted, and the information Faustus and Emilia provided, the conspiracy between the emperor and barbaric tribes around the empire was uncovered. And the death of the late Caesar was finally solved.
           The emperor was sentenced to be imprisoned until his death. And those soldiers, nobles, and senators that has been loyal to the previous emperor were given choices; swear their loyalty to the next emperor, or be imprisoned until their death.
           Aurelius was then nominated to be the next emperor of Colosseum Empire. He refused at first. But Commodus and the other legatus persuaded him to take the position.
           As the new emperor, he made a few adjustments to the current system of Colosseum Empire. Five cohorts from every Lagaian villages where sent to their respective sister Traeux villages to strengthen the border. The Eagle riders will no longer stay in the Capital and must patrol the Traeux and Lagaian villages as well. To ensure that every soldier have experience in protecting the borders, Commodus suggested that the soldiers will be rotated every three months. Including the six legions of the Capital. And although reluctant, Emperor Aurelius also signed a treaty with the barbarians.
           The gladiator fights still continued, however. This has been a tradition for centuries. Criminals were still punished accordingly and are sentenced to be a gladiator on some occasions. Those who wishes to earn money by fighting are also welcomed to join the gladiator fights.
           The Colosseum Empire has been known for their great military strength. But with Aurelius’s leadership, it became even well known to the entire Aria and other parts of the world. Even to the United Alliance and Hunters’ Horde.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 21: Colosseum Arena
THE LAGAIAN XII HAS CONTINUED their patrol after the heavy rain. Vitus and Aurelius are in the camp, reading the message from the crow that came a few seconds ago when a recon came in.
           “Sir Vitus, Sir Aurelius.” Said the recon.
           “At ease, soldier. What’s going on?” asked Aurelius.
           “The people of Traeux XII are evacuating here. They said they are being raided by hundreds of barbarians.”
           Aurelius and Vitus came out and saw hundreds of villagers.
           “Who is in-charge here?” asked Vitus.
           “Optio.” A soldier stepped forward and saluted.
           “What happened, soldier?”
           “The barbarians came so fast that we had no choice but to leave. As of this moment, the village is probably destroyed now.”
           “Where’s your village leaders? Faustus? Emilia?”
           “They stayed behind, sir. With Julius and Quintus.”
           “Aurelius, we have to go there now.”
           Aurelius analyzed the situation. If the words of the soldier just now is true, then they must mobilize at least three cohorts.
           “Vitus, call the centurions of Cohorts VIII, IX, and X. We will send three cohorts to deal with the barbarians.” Said Aurelius.
           “What about the remaining cohorts?”
           “I’ll leave you in-charge of them. The message from the crow says that all legions must patrol the surrounding and must not let anyone out. So call every remaining cohorts and patrol the said area rather than the usual patrol zone. I also must go the Capital as the emperor is requesting my presence.”
           “Aurelius. I-I don’t know if I can lead these many men.” Said Vitus.
           “This is your chance now, Vitus. Cohort I needs a proper centurion. I cannot be the legatus and centurion at the same time. Prove yourself and show that you can lead.”
           Aurelius left immediately and entrusted Lagaian XII and Traeux XII in Vitus’s hands.
 “I cannot believe we’ve just let the barbarians escape and destroy the whole Traeux XII just to help Raijin and the elves.” Said Faustus who was hiding in a wagon.
“What? The villagers agreed anyway. Besides, everybody hates living in border. Also, they get to live here in Legaian XII for the mean time.” Said Emilia.
           “And what about us? Now everyone thinks we’re dead.”  Said Julius.
           “Hey, you guys agreed to my plan. And we’ll be leaving this empire anyway. It’s as good as being dead.”
           The soldier earlier came close to the wagon where the three is hiding. “Sir Faustus. Their sending three cohorts back at the village. And the rest are patrolling between here and the Capital.”
           “Ok. You guys stay here in Lagaian XII. We’re sorry for our selfishness. We even had to destroy the village.”
           “Don’t worry, sir Faustus. Sooner or later, we would have abandoned that village anyway. No one likes to be in the border. Those nobles and royalties has always treated as commoners like expendables. First line of defense? More like first people to die until they could run and hide.”
           Faustus looked at Emilia.
           “Thank you, soldier. We will be going now. Come on guys.”
           “May the great Aquillus guides you!”
           Faustus, Emilia, Julius, and Quintus headed to the Eagle Tower. They managed to go past the remaining villagers, guards, and soldiers that are still in the village.
           “Wait for my signal.” Said Emilia.
           As soon as the soldier patrolling the tower entrance left, they continued to the tower.
           Emilia then took out a key shaped like an eagle. It opened the door of the tower.
           “Inside. Quickly.”
           As soon as everyone got inside, Emilia shut the door just in time before a guard came.
           “So this is what the towers look like inside.”  Said Quintus.
           “What are those levitating, glowing spheres?” Asked Julius.
           “Those are mana crystals. It will power the tower when activated.”
           “What will happen then?”
           “I’m not really sure. Let’s not try to find out either. We’re here for the eagles. Now come on, up top.”
           The four begun spiraling up the tower until they reached the roof deck, and on the roof deck is a some kind of horn.
           “Oh no.” said Faustus.
           “What?” Emilia looked on where Faustus is looking. “Oh no.”
           “Legatus Aurelius. What are you doing here?” asked Julius.
           “I could ask the four of you the same thing.” Said Aurelius.
           Quintus gulped. “We’re ah…going to the Capital.”
           “That’s a lot of eagle riders out there.” Said Faustus.
           “Seems like there are certain someone wreaking havoc at the Capital.” Said Aurelius as he looked at Emilia.
           Emilia noded.
           Quintus looked at Emilia. “Now what?”
           “Here goes nothing.” Emilia then blew the horn.
 The emperor went to the arena as fast as his golden eagle could take him. There he saw countless soldiers being defeated only by two men.
           There are trees everywhere, beautiful cherry blossoms that Daisuke created to block the trap doors of the Colossan tigers.
           “Nice thinking, Daisuke. I’m really not fond of killing beautiful beasts.” Said Siegfried as he hacked and slashed multiple soldiers at once.
           Daisuke charged his right arm and let a tree grew horizontally toward a group of soldiers in testudo formation. “Hahahaha! This is fun! Greatest military my ass!”
           The people outside, commoners and nobles, outnumbered the soldiers that’s guarding the arena. They forced to get in and watch was going on. Even the eagle riders got curious and watched the battle instead. Soon, the arena is filled with spectator that are cheering on the elf and barbarian. Even the emperor’s deck has been filled with senators.
           “Hahahaha! How did we ever have so many audience?” asked Daisuke.
           “That’s Colossans to you; so eager to watch people get their ass kicked. And stabbed. And beheaded.”
           Tons of soldiers came in again from either side. But Siegfried and Daisuke dealt with them quickly.
           Siegfried run towards them then jumped. He rotated so quick midair that a miniature tornado was created. The tornado sucked in the newly arrived soldiers and tossed them up. The tornado continued until it slams on the arena wall, destroying wall partially.
           The audience cheered and shouted Siegfried’s name.
           Daisuke went to one of the cherry blossom tree he created and forced its roots to grow. The roots and ground went to the soldiers like a tidal wave and where sent to the sky. The wave destroyed the arena wall partially.
           The emperor is astonished. His military is no match to one power user elf, and one barbarian with just two swords. From the crowd of senators, a legatus came to report the number of defeated legionnaires.
           “Sire, they have defeated one of the six legions of the Capital.” Said the legatus.
           The senators gasped and reacted. Some in awe while others in fear. Some smiled but tried to suppress it. Others cried and panicked.
           The emperor looked blankly on the legatus. “Where’s Aurelius and Commodus?”
           “They’ve just arrived, sir. They will be out shortly.”
           “Shortly?! What are they waiting for?!”
           “Umm, the announcement, sir.”
           “Annou---unbelievable. I need wine.”
 Down the sewers, Riku, Jack, Raijin, and Brunnhilde could hear the commotion. They are still navigating the sewers.
           “Hey Raijin! We’re lost, aren’t we?” Riku complained.
           “Should we go back? Maybe we missed the ladder.” Said Brunnhilde.
           “I think we took the wrong turn. The skinny guy said right, then left, right?” said Jack.
        ��  “No. He said left, then right then pointed on the right.” Said Riku.
           “But that’s what we did. We went left then right then left. Still no ladder.” Said Jack.
           “I think we should go back.” Said Brunnhilde.
           “Okay. Then should we go left first then right?” asked Riku.
           “No. I think we went left just now, so we go right, right?” said Jack.
           “Yep. We’re lost.” Said Raijin.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 20: Break and Escape
IT HAPPENED TEN YEARS AGO when Emilia and Faustus were still small. The emperor that day was Augustus Marcus Vitelleo, the father of Emilia, Tiberius, and Caesar.
           Caesar was the eldest of the three. As such, he will earn the title “emperor” once he reach the age of twenty-five. But Tiberius wanted to be an emperor, not just a royalty.
           Even at a young age, royalties are thought to wield weapons, cast magic spells, ride horse and eagles. Tiberius excelled in all of this, hoping that their father would notice. But the tradition has never been broken for generations. The eldest son will always be the next emperor.
           One day, when the royal family is outside the Capital, A large bear attacked. Not even the soldiers the family is with could kill the bear. Caesar managed to lure the bear away from the royal family.
           Tiberius followed him. Emilia and Faustus did as well. For the protection of the emperor, the soldiers returned him to the Capital.
           Emilia and Faustus lost Caesar and Tiberius. Faustus managed to track them as the bear left large footprints. The footprints went inside the forest outside the Colossan territory. They heard voices so they went in closer. Then, they saw the corpse of the bear stabbed by swords. There were barbarians all over the place. And when the barbarians left, they saw Caesar on the ground, impaled with swords. And a man standing near him was Tiberius, who impaled Caesar with another sword.
           “Why didn’t you told the emperor that time about this before?” asked Quintus.
           “We were caught by Tiberius. He threatened us. Then, he sent me and my family here in Traeux XII. And Emilia…she was very young that day.” Answered Faustus.
           “How come he did not killed you both as well?”
           “The Eagle insignia of the royal family is imbued with magic. It activated and created a barrier that protected us. It also alerted the Capital of our position. The barbarians fled before Sir Aurelius and his men arrived. Since then, Sir Aurelius has been Emilia’s protector.”
           “And their eldest brother didn’t have this same insignia?”
           “Tiberius must have tampered on Caesar’s insignia. That is the only thing I can think of on why Caesar was not protected when he was assassinated.”
           “I-I’m sorry, Faustus. This is just too much to take in.” said Julius.
           “It doesn’t matter if you believe us or not.” Said Emilia who has calmed down. “I’ll go to the Capital and help Daisuke and his friends escape.”
           “I think the elves could take care of themselves. If they escape, there will be no problem.” Said Faustus.
           “They’re basically surrounded by legions of Colossans. Not even the barbarian will be able to stand a chance.” Said Emilia.
           “How do you propose us to leave our post without alarming Lagaian XII? And how are we even going to get past Lagaian XII?” asked Quintus.
           “I have a plan. But first, are you in? And no backsies.”
 Back at the Colosseum Arena, Brutus and Timon are already briefing Daisuke and Siegfried of the plan.
           “So. Once we got out of our cell, there will be handful of guards, each having a bomb. We take them out quietly, and make sure no bombs will explode. Any explosion will alert the army and we don’t want that.” Brutus explained.
           “From here, we need to get to the other side.” Said Timon. “The other side has a secret entrance we made before to watch the fights for free. It will lead us to the sewers. And from there, you may go anywhere the Capital.”
           “Where does the sewers lead?” asked Siegfried.
           “The waste leads to the sea, at the western side of the empire. What ever happen, do not go there. Too many rocks and waste. You may have survived three cohorts, but I doubt you will survive gravity.” Timon explained.
           “Daisuke, you’ll be the one to take on every guard quietly. Use your power to wrap them up and make sure they will not make any noise.” Said Brutus.
           “Got it.”
           “Siegfried, if we ever have to fight, deal with the soldiers quickly.”
           “I’ll lead us to the other side and Timon will navigate us from there onwards. Any questions?”
           “Where are you guys going after we escape?” asked Siegfried.
           “Go home to Montagna, I guess. The desert is where I belong.” Said Brutus.
           “I’ll fetch my family and leave the empire.” Said Timon.
           “How about the other gladiators? Aren’t we taking them?” asked Daisuke.
 From four escapees, they’ve become thirty-six. All of the Capital’s gladiators wanted to be free, and thus cooperated down to the last instruction.
           Daisuke managed to use his power to take the bombs and tie the guards. Siegfried assisted from time to time when there are two or three guards at a time. Thanks to the rain, there aren’t many people outside the arena, and most guards are lazing around.
           It didn’t took them long to arrive at the other side of the arena. Most gladiators already went down the secret passage. And just as when Daisuke and Siegfried are getting in, a bomb exploded nearby.
           “That’s not good.” Said Daisuke.
           “Brutus, Timon, lead the gladiators away from here. I’ll hold the guards and soldiers.” Said Siegfried.
           “I’ll fight as well. Brutus, make sure you guys escape from here.” Daisuke closed the secret passage. “Come on.”
 There are guards and soldiers everywhere. Siegfried and Daisuke run around to lure the soldiers. Then, they went to the center of the arena and waited for the soldiers to come.
           “Halt!” said one of the soldier.
           Around two centuries of soldiers went to the arena and surrounded them.
           “How did you escaped from the cells? And where are the gladiators?” asked another soldier.
           The rain has stopped, but the ground has been a bit muddy.
           “Can you fight on this condition?” asked Daisuke.
           “I fight in whatever condition.” Siegfried answered.
           The soldiers are slowly closing in. Siegfried unsheathed his swords and went into his battle stance. Daisuke used his power to create a wooden arm and a leaf blade.
 Raijin, Riku, Jack, and Brunnhilde are all running now on the street. They managed to escape the prison by tasing and wrapping the guards with briars. Eventually, they reached halfway to the arena, but they stopped when they heard an explosion.
           “What was that?” asked Raijin.
           Soldiers suddenly appeared and all went to the arena. The street was flooded with people as well. The four of them hid behind the trashes in an alley.
           “We can’t stay in the open now. Looks like the soldiers are on high alert too.” Said Jack.
           “The rain is stopping now as well.” Said Raijin.
           “Any ideas, Riku?” asked Brunnhilde.
           Riku was thinking of something on how they could reach the arena. As of now, they could also being hunted now.
           “Come on! Something’s happening in the arena!” said one kid.
           “Alrght! Alright!” said another.
           Raijin looked at Jack. “Should we---“
           “Yeah.” Jack interrupted.
           The four of them discreetly followed the kids. They saw the kids opened something on the ground and entered.
           “Of course! The sewers! Let’s go!” said Jack.
           They all went to the sewers, but already lost the kids. They just navigated where they think the arena could be. Soon, they heard the kids screamed.
           “Those are the kids.” Said Brunnhilde. “That way!”
           They ran towards the source of the scream, and when they turned right, they saw around thirty men, all shushing the kids.
           “Hey! Leave those kids alone!” Raijin shouted.
           Riku and Jack used their power, making their skins glow.
           “Woah woah woah woah woah. Wait wait! We’re not going to harm the kids! We’re just trying to escape from the arena.” Said Brutus.
           “Escaping?” asked Brunnhilde.
           “Yes. We are the main gladiators from the arena. An elf named Daisuke and the barbarian Siegfried helped us escape. But they decided to be left behind so we would not be followed.”
           “Which way is it?” asked Riku.
           “Just continue going left and right alternatingly this way. You shouldn’t miss a ladder going up an old male comfort room.” Said Timon.
           “Thank you. Please, take the children back to safety.” Said Riku. “Come on, we got to hurry.”
           “Um, hey! Are you friends with those two?” asked Brutus.
           The four nodded.
           “Well, don’t panic too much. Those two could take care by themselves. And if they tag team, nothing can stop them.”
           The gladiators continued on their way as they leave the sewers.
           “Let’s go.” Said Jack.
 “How did that happened?!” the emperor shouted angrily.
           “My lord, it seems the barbarian and the elf has teamed up to escape.” Said one of the legion commander.
           “Sire, we have already sent a legion to surround and enter the arena. They will not be able to escape.” Said one of the senators.
           “And my gladiators? Where are my gladiators?!” the emperor demanded.
           “They must have escaped during the commotion, sir.” Said the legion commander. “But we’ve already asked for the eagle riders to search from the sky.”
           “Close the Capital. Not a single soul may leave this place. And get me that maiden the barbarian is so fond of.”
           The doors of the emperor’s room opened. Several centurions and prison guards came in.
           “Sir. Our apologies for the interruption. The prison guards were attacked and the female prisoner that came with the barbarian has escaped.”
           “With the elves.”
“Why is everyone here so incompetent?!” said the emperor. “Legatus Claudius. Send a crow to Lagaian XII and IV. Ask for both legatus to come here and deal with the elf and barbarian personally. Senator Nero, order all available Elite Eagle Riders to search for the escapees; prisoners, elves, gladiators, everyone who escaped!”
           “At your command, sir.” Said Cladius and Nero.
           “None shall escape from me.”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 19: Rainy Days
SIEGFRIED’S LIFE WAS SPARED, but because of that, Daisuke was sent to the same gladiator cell together with him. Riku, Jack, and Raijin were sent to the same cell where Brunnhilde is chained.
           Faustus and the other Traeuxian leaders were sent back to Traeux XII. Althought Emilia begged for the elves and Raijin’s freedom, the emperor did not allowed it.
           “Yesterday we were heroes. Today we are prisoners.” Said Raijin.
           “This is stupid.” Jack said as he broke the cuffs on his wrists. “I never thought that emperor is that antagonizing.”
           Raijin looked at him. “Do you mind?”
           Jack removed the cuffs in Raijin’s hands as well. He then went towards Riku who lost her consciousness earlier.
           “Hey Riku. Wake up.” Said Jack.
           “Uh, Jack. Why don’t you help this girl get down first?” Raijin is staring at Brunnhilde who is chained on a wood. “I’ll try to wake up Riku.”
             Jack broke Riku’s chains first before taking Brunnhilde down.
“Her hands and feet are badly wounded.” Said Jack. He dropped Brunnhilde, who is unconscious as well, near Riku.
           “Same as her neck.” Said Raijin. “We don’t have anything here that could treat her.”
           Brunnhilde opened her eyes. “W-What’s going on? Where’s Siegfried?”
           “Hey, take it easy. We’re still inside the prison. We just remove your cuffs and chains.” Said Jack.
           “I’m Raijin. This is Jack.” Raijin then gazed on Riku. “This is Riku.”
           “May I?” Brunnhilde crept closer to Riku. She rested her head on her thighs. She then placed her hands on Riku’s forehead.
           Brunnhilde’s hands suddenly glow. A series of runic letters appeared. “She’s fatigued. She lost too much mana. We can heal her, but I need more source of mana.”
           “Use mine. What do I do?” Jack volunteered.
           “Place your hands on top of mine.”
           Jack placed his hand on top of Brunnhilde’s. He almost felt that his mana is being absorbed.
           Brunnhilde then chanted a magic spell. “Laekjir!”
           Riku gasped as she woke up. She tried to get up quickly.
           “Woah, Riku. Easy.” Said Raijin.
           “Where’s that damn emperor?! Where’s Daisuke?” Riku frantically asked.
           “Calm down, Riku.” Jack tried to calm her. “Daisuke can take care of himself. For now, rest until you regain your mana.”
           “Yeah. You were glowing so much earlier. This girl said you used too much mana.” Raijin explained.
           “Do you remember what happened?”
           Riku tried to recall. All she could remember is that she felt an intense killing intent from Daisuke. The same thing she felt years ago when the Fishbone Hunters attacked Yora village.
           “Daisuke. He used that power.” Said Riku.
           “Unconsciously.” Said Jack.
           “Power? What power?” asked Raijin.
           “Anyway, may we know who you are? And why are you chained on that wood?” asked Jack.
           “I am Brunnhilde Odindotir. Princess of Drasgard.”
 “I’m sorry, Siegfried. I never wanted to fight you. That damn emperor forced me and got my friends cornered.” Said Daisuke.
           “It doesn’t really matter anymore.” Siegfried replied.
           The two of them are lying down their cell, looking up the open bars. It’s getting cloudy and it seems it will rain. Siegfried and Daisuke are just looking at how the gray clouds move.
           “You know, I thought that the emperor is a good guy. He even given us some medal for helping defend a village.”
           “In my experience, all royalties are scumbag. I never liked any one of them.”
           “You know other royal family aside from the emperor?”
           “Of course. My family serves the royal family of Drasgard for generations. Some tried to rebel, but the royal family are just too powerful.”
           Rain started to drop. Daisuke used his power to create a tree that would cover them from the rain.
           “Neat power you got there.” Said Siegfried.
           Daisuke smiled. “Most elves have this kind of power.”
           Siegfried got up. “So Daisuke. What brought you here in Colosseum Empire?”
           Daisuke told Siegfried what happened ever since they left Maria Island, arrived in Port Royale, and the events in Traeux XII and Lagaian XII.
           “A statue. What’s in that statue anyway?”
           “I’m not really sure. But taking it back home is my only concern. I really don’t care for the treasure it will lead to.”
           The rain continued to fall. The floor is already getting soaked so they went up the tree. Luckily, the tree leaves covers them from the rain.
           “Don’t you think we should just escape?” Daisuke suggested.
           “After what happened, I’m really considering it right now. But I don’t know where they’re holding the princess.”
           “You mean the girl that was chained earlier?”
           “Yes. I’m her personal guard. And if I escape, they might hurt her.”
           From another cell, a gladiator spoke. “Oy Siegfried. You finally considering escaping?”
           “What do you want, Brutus?” asked Siegfried.
           “I know where they’re holding that princess of yours. And not only that, my boy Timon knows a way out of here.”
           “It’s kinda convenient that you’re telling me those just now.”
           “Fighting one-on-one, that I can do. Fighting a cohort, that’s impossible. We escape and we will be hunted like rabbits. But with you and your new friend escape with us, easy.”
           “So you’re just gonna use us?”
           “You could say that we are the brains and you are the muscle.”
           Siegfried looked at Daisuke. “What do you think?”
  “Odindotir?! Daughter of Odin?! You are a daughter of the King of Hunters?!” asked Raijin who is every shocked to what Brunnhilde said.
           “Raijin, you know his father?” asked Riku.
           “Not personally. But everyone knows that the king of hunters, the supreme leader of the Hunters’ Horde, is Odin. He is the most powerful mage in the entire world!” Answered Raijin. “If he learns what happened here, he will surely send his army and a disastrous war will surely break out!”
           Jack seems to know something as well, but he kept it to himself.
           “Anyway, what does a princess doing here?” asked Riku.
           Brunnhilde recollected what happened and told them everything. The expedition of Dragon Raiders, the attack from U.A., Siegfried’s fight against thousands of soldiers. “I don’t know how long we’ve been here. I don’t even know why we are here.”
           “Siegfried sure is a monster.” Said Raijin.      
Jack patted Raijin hard then faced Brunnhilde. “I believe you’ve been here for six months. Siegfried has been fighting as a gladiator since then to earn his and your freedom.”
           “It must have been hard for him.” Brunnhilde cried. “We have to get out of here.”
           “Yeah, we should. But we are in the Capital. We are basically surrounded by, what, twenty legions of army? Not including the Traeuxians and the Elite Eagle Riders.” Said Raijin.
           “For power-user prisoners, the security is pretty lax. They didn’t even bothered confiscating Raijin’s tonfas. They are confident that they could beat us even if we use our power.” Riku analyzed.
           “Riku’s right. Escaping the prison is a walk in a park. Leaving the empire is a suicide. We may have beaten five hundred barbarians. But right now, we’re talking about thousands.” Jack added.
           “There’s one thing we know though.” Brunnhilde said. “Siegfried is being held in the arena cells. The soldiers took me below earlier, where I appeared on the arena. I saw the cells where the gladiators are kept.”
           “So we should escape from here, go to the arena, and free Siegfried. Maybe Daisuke is there as well.” Said Raijin.
           “Do you know how far we are from the arena?” asked Riku.
           “Maybe a half an hour on foot.”
           “If we could discretely reach the arena, then we will be able to free them before any soldiers arrive.” Said Jack.
           “We’ll take advantage of the rain. Just give me a few more minutes to regain mana.” Said Riku.
 A few hours earlier at Traeux XII.
           “Are we really not going to do anything?” asked Emilia.
           “I’m sorry, Emilia. But we cannot defy the orders of the emperor. That would be treason.” Said Faustus.
           “We know how you feel. But this is for the best.” Said Julius.
           “No. I’ve had enough of my brother. He’s too thirsty for power. And now that he got it, his abusing that very power.”
           “Emilia, that’s enough!” Said Faustus.
           “What she’s saying, Faustus?” asked Quintus.
           “I saw it. I saw how what he did.” Emilia stated to cry.
           Faustus comforted her. “Emilia…”
           “What happened?” asked Julius.
           “When we were kids, Emilia and I saw how Tiberius killed their eldest brother Caesar, the rightful heir to the throne.” Said Faustus.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 18: 100th
THE EMPEROR INVITED THE QUARTET and the leaders of Traeux XII to watch the gladiator fight at his personal deck.
The arena is packed with audience today because today could be the last fight of the undefeated Siegfried. Many fans hope that he will reach one hundred consecutive wins while most Colossans hope that he will lose.
Being the guests of honor, the quartet and the Traeuxian leaders had the opportunity to sit on the emperor’s deck.
Emilia came to the viewing deck and sat beside the emperor. She is wearing a beautiful dress brimmed with precious stones and feather robe.
“Wow! You look like an empress, Emilia.” Said Jack.
“Emilia doesn’t like to be treated like a royalty. She’d rather choose to be a soldier than to run an empire.” said Faustus
           “Why not?” asked Riku.
           “I just don’t like the life here in the Capital. I’d rather live far away.” Emilia answered.
 “The emperor sure is late.” Said Daisuke.
Outside the deck, the emperor arrived and talk to the soldier stationed to guard. “Are everyone on the deck?”
“Yes, my lord. Just as you ordered.”
“Great. Now, bring here the other soldiers and standby. You are to enter on my command.”
The emperor entered the deck.
“I am sorry for my tardiness. I had to talk to some senators on the way.” Said the emperor.
Everyone stood up. As the emperor sat on his seat, everyone did as well.    
 Many battles occurred in the arena today. The more the quartet watches, the more they lost the smile on their faces. The elves kill when necessary. But today, they saw many lives lost for entertainment. Even Raijin, who has been in Aria all his life never thought that the gladiator fights was this brutal.
           “And now, for the main event. Your challengers: Atticus of Lagaian X and Argentia of Lagaian XI!”
           The crowd went wild as there are two challengers that will fight at the same time against a main gladiator.
           “And for your champion, still, the undefeated barbarian: Siegfried!!”
           The crowd booed as Siegfried walked out to the arena.
He is wearing his Drasgardian armor and has unsheathed his swords. He looked at the emperor who is now standing and looking back at him.
“So that’s the barbarian everyone is talking about.” Said Daisuke.
“Even with that masked helmet, I think he is still young. Maybe just a year older or two compared to us.” Said Riku.
When the three gladiators are at the center of the arena, trap door opened around them where chained golden-striped black-furred tigers emerged.
“Let us not waste any time!” Shouted the emperor. “Begin!”
 Atticus is the first one to attack. With his spear, he released multiple stabs with great speed, but each one was blocked by Siegfried while stepping back.
           Argentia came to Siegfried fast from Atticus’s side with her ax and tried to slash Siegfried. However, Siegfried parried the attack and stepped even further back. Three Colossan tigers almost scratched the back of Siegfried.
           “Are you just gonna defend and step back?” asked Atticus.
           “Hahahaha! Let’s just feed him to the tigers!” said Argentia.
           Argentia charged and slashed downward, but Siegfried dodged sideways. Siegfried then ran towards Atticus. He jumped and spun as he tried to slash Atticus.
           Atticus raised his shield and defended himself, but it left his legs defenseless. Siegfried landed, ducked, and severed Atticus’s leg. Atticus screamed in pain as he dropped to the ground.
           Argentia stood still and is unable to move because of fear. Then, Siegfried ran towards her and knocked her with the raven hilt of his sword, knocking back Argentia. The tiger behind Argentia caught her and bit her on the neck, effectively breaking it. The tiger took Argentia down the trap door.
           Siegfried went back to Atticus.
           “P-please. Have mercy!” Atticus begged.
           Siegfried looked at the emperor. The crowds’ thumbs are down. The emperor thumbs up, signifying the Atticus may be spared.
           With that, Siegfried won another battle.
           “As you promised! With one hundred wins, I claim my freedom!” Siegfried demanded.
           The emperor raised his hands. The audience went silent. “Yes. Yes, I did. And you won your ninety-ninth fight.”
           Siegfried shouted. “I’ve fought two gladiators! I’ve defeated them both! I won my last battle!”
           “My promise is when you won one hundred battles, not defeat one hundred gladiators.”
           Siegfried got frustrated. He wanted to behead the emperor.
           Soldiers came out surrounding the center of the arena. Atticus was retrieved and the trap doors were closed.
           “One last battle, and the freedom is yours.” Said the emperor. “So! For your last battle. I will personally choose your opponent. I choose the elven Daisuke!”
           Everyone at the emperor’s deck was startled.
           “W-Wait, sir. We are only here to watch.” Said Riku.
           “Brother! What’s the meaning of this?” asked Emilia.
           The emperor smirked at Emilia. “’Brother?’ I am your emperor, am I not? And as the emperor! I demand a fight between one of the elf who fought five hundred barbarians against a barbarian who defeat three cohorts of my army!”
           The pattern on Riku’s and Jack’s skin glowed, but the soldiers on the deck pointed their spears on them.
           “Don’t try to do anything stupid. We know that the elves’ skin glow when they try to use their power.” Said the emperor.
           “Sir, why are you doing this?” asked Faustus.
           The emperor sat on his arena throne. “Why? For entertainment, of course. Now, Daisuke dear. According to the report I received, you are the one who defeated the most number of barbarians.”
           Daisuke glared at the emperor. “So what?”
           A soldier kicked him behind his knee. “Address the emperor with respect, elf!”
           The emperor waved his hand. “Will you rather fight below, or should I ask my soldiers to kill your friends.”
           Daisuke stood up and jumped down from the emperor’s deck. As he landed, he faced Siegfried.
           Fascinating, the emperor thought. He stood up and was shocked. They are a few hundred meters above, but Daisuke managed to land on the ground without any injuries.
           “Siegfried! Defeat the elf and you will not only receive freedom. I will give you anything you want!”
           The crowds cheered loudly.
           “And Daisuke! Win this fight and you and your friends are free to go. You are allowed to use your elven power. Entertain us!!”
           From the opposite side of the emperor’s deck below, the ground opened. Something came up and revealed a chained maiden wearing a linen robe.
           “Princess Brunnhilde!!” Siegfried shouted.
           “Siegfried!!” Brunnhilde cried.
           Siegfried tried to run towards Brunnhilde, but flame erupted all around Brunnhilde.
           “Now! Begin!”
 Siegfried looked back to Daisuke. And without any hesitations, he charged Daisuke and tried to behead him. Daisuke dodged by ducking, then punched Siegfried’s abdomen.
           “We do not have to do this! There could be another way!” Daisuke insisted,
           “There’s no other way!” Siegfried shouted as he charged Daisuke again.
           Daisuke used his power to create a leaf blade similar to Capsian on his right arm. Then, he created a thicker wooden arm on his left. He used the leaf blade to parry the sword of Siegfried and the thicker wooden arm to block.
           Siegfried continued on offensive. After five minutes, the soldier around them stepped forward five paces. Another five minutes elapsed and the soldiers stepped forward again.
           The ground on where Daisuke and Siegfried are is getting smaller and smaller.
           Daisuke is running out of time. He knows that Siegfried will not listen to him. He cannot put the life of his friends on danger. He has to do something.
           Daisuke started to panic.
           The soldiers stepped forward again. The space they have is now too small to simply dodge. Daisuke released both his wooden arm and leaf blade and closed his eyes.
           “Giving up?” Siegfried breathes heavily. “Good. Now stand still so I can decapitate you!”
           Siegfried attacked. He jumped and rotated midair, aiming to the neck of Daisuke. All of the sudden, Daisuke opened his eyes and released a shockwave of mana, knocking back everyone on the arena, including the audience.
           “Daisuke! No!” Jack shouted.
           Hexagonal patterns suddenly appeared on Daisuke’s skin. With great speed, Daisuke went towards Siegfried and kicked him on the face. Siegfried’s helmet flew away, revealing Siegfried’s face for the first time.
           Daisuke jumped and landed near Siegfried. He stepped on Siegfried’s breastplate where roots suddenly wrapped Siegfried. Daisuke then created a spear-like branch on his right arm. Just as when Daisuke tried impale Siegfried, Riku shouted.
           “STOOOOOOOP!!!” Riku is glowing reddish pink all over her skin pattern. Even the stone on her necklace glowed brightly. The light slowly diminished and she collapsed.
           The hexagonal patterns on Daisuke disappeared. He looked at Siegfried and got confused.
           Daisuke backed off. “W-What happened?”
           The audience roared and cheered. Everyone’s thumbs are down. The emperor is standing as he watched the fight. All of the soldiers below fainted. The emperor thumbs down.
           “Kill! Kill! Kill!” the crowd chanted.
           “Please…N--” Brunnhilde lost consciousness as she begged.
           Daisuke looked at the emperor and shook his head. “No.”
 Daisuke and Siegfried were sent to the gladiator cell. Riku, Raijin, and Jack were sent to the Capital prison together with Brunnhilde, who is still cuffed and chained on a wood. And the leaders of Traeux XII were sent back to the village.
           At the Capital palace, the emperor is talking with a Capital’s legatus and some senators.    
           “Damn it! That elf could have already killed that barbarian!” said the emperor.
           “Sir, maybe we just have to resort in extreme measures again to eliminate the barbarian.” Suggested the legatus.
           “What else should we try?! We tried to poison him, but the poison did not have any effects. Starved and thirsted him for a month and still defeated his opponents. We even tried to assassinate him, and blow his previous cell with bomb!”
           “Sir, how about the plan to kill Emilia? What are our next move?” asked the senator.
           “As long as she is in the border, it will be difficult. She’s also being protected by that Aurelius from Lagaian XII. If not for those elves, she would have been killed already by the barbarians I paid!”
           “You should have killed her back then when you still had the chance, sir.”
           “You think I didn’t tried? That damn Aurelius has been protecting Emilia ever since that day. I’ve got to do something to eliminate that bastard as well.”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 17: The Capital
MORE GIANT EAGLES are flying up in the sky. And they are all going the same direction; north towards Traeux XII. Then there are four giant eagles that are flying south. All of which have golden feathers the same as the eagle that the emperor rode.
           “May I have your names?” asked the emperor.
           The quartet introduced themselves. Although they were all nervous, none stuttered.
           “If I may ask, how did the emperor knew about what happened yesterday?”
           “Crows are good means of message delivery. Besides, all Traeux heads are required to report to their respective Lagaian heads, which in turn reports to me.”
           “I see. That’s a lot of report, though.” Said Raijin.
           The emperor burst to laughter. “Come on. It is a few hours before dinner. You four are my guests of honor. We will be having a feast at the temple of Aquillus. My eagle, Caesarius, can take two more passengers. I’ll take Raijin and Riku since you both looks like the lightest.”
           Raijin and Riku laughed nervously.
           When everyone were already on the back of the eagles, the riders ordered the eagles to fly.
           It would have taken the quartet half day just to reach the Capital if they went on foot. But thanks the eagles, they’ll reach the Capital in just half an hour.
           “This is amazing!!” Daisuke shouted.
           The black armored rider laughed. “First time?”
           “Yeah! I never thought that taming eagles are actually possible. How did you managed to do that?”
           “Trade secret, dear elf.”
           Raijin and Riku were having fun as well, but Jack already passed out.
           In a few moments, they are now flying together with the four other eagles. There they saw Faustus, Emilia, Julius, and Quintus.
           “Hey guys!” shouted Riku.
           The four Traeuxians greeted them as well. But Emilia lost her smile when he saw the emperor.
           “Sir Aries, why are there so may eagle riders going north?” asked Jack.
           “Ah, those? Those are for temporary protection while the leaders of Traeux XII are called at the Capital. They are not only invited for the feast, but to be awarded as well.”
           “Any reason why the feast will happen in a temple?”
           “That’s because Aquillas, is not just a god of war and protection. He is also the god of feast. And since we won a battle in Aquillas’s name, it is only right to have a feast in his temple.”
           The eagle where Daisuke is riding flew near the eagle where Faustus rides.
           “Hey Faustus!” asked Daisuke.
           Faustus saw Daisuke, then noticed Emilia. “Emilia! Where have you been?”
           “Later! Hard to talk right now!” Emilia replied.
 The seven eagles landed on the eagle tower of the Capital. They were greeted by high ranking officials, senator, nobles, and a handful of soldiers.
           “My lord, welcome back to Capital.” Said one of the senators.
           “Are those the elves that fought the barbarians, sir?” said one of the nobles.
           “These are Daisuke, Riku, Jack, and Raijin, The four of them fought five hundred barbarians together with just forty Traeuxians.” Said the emperor.
           The people applaud them. Raijin seems to be proud, even though he didn’t do anything back in Traeux XII. Then, everyone surrounded them and asked questions, with Raijin answering most of them.
           The emperor looked at his sister Emilia who is standing in a distnace. He walked towards her. “Emilia. How are you?”
           “I have never been better, my lord.” Emilia replied.
           “Please, you do not have to call me that. I am your brother.” The emperor insisted.
           Emilia glared at the emperor. “The moment you became the emperor, sir, I have no choice but to respect the throne, family or not.”
           “I’m just glad that these new friends of yours arrived. If not, I would have lost you as well. You are the only family I have left.”
           “It is our duty to protect the border, even if it costs are life, sir.”
           “I respect your patriotism, Emilia. But always remember that the Capital is and always will be open for you. You should come back. The border is no place for a royalty like you.”
           Emilia walked closer towards his brother and whispered. “I would rather die, than to be associated with a murderer like you. Sir.”
           The emperor smirked, then faced the crows with an innocent smile. “Everyone! To the temple of Aquillus!”
 The temple is a wide, open space surrounded by pillars. At the center is a table full of food and a fountain of wine. Truly a banquet for the nobles.
           The quartet are eating their hearts out together with the Traeuxians. They have never seen anything like it before. Everybody seems to be enjoying, except Emilia.
           “Emilia, are you okay?” asked Daisuke. “You haven’t touched your food.”
           “Is there a problem, Emilia?” added Faustus.
           “Oh. No, I’m just not hungry, that’s all.”
           “May I have your attention, please.” Said the emperor. When everybody is looking at him, he continued. “Today we celebrate not only the bountiful harvest this quarter, but also the coming of four unique guests and the great leadership that our own people displayed during a battle.”
           The people cheered and applauded.
           “We would like to call on Raijin, his elven friends, and the leaders of Traeux XII.” Said one of the high ranking official.
           The guests continued to clap and cheered.
           “I, Augustus Severus Tiberius, forty seventh emperor of Colosseum Empire, gives these medal of Aquillus to these eight individual who showed strength and leadership. May we receive more victories in the future!”
           The party continued as the people eat more food and drink more wine.
 The noise from the temple can be heard up to the Colosseum arena.
           “Celebrating again.” Said one of the gladiators.
           “Those nobles are the worst. Eating and wasting so much food when many Colossans commoners are actually starving.” Said another gladiator.
           “Hahaha! No wonder most of them are obese!”
           “Hey Siegfried, are you still awake?”
           “What do you want, Brutus?!” said the annoyed Siegfried.
           “Silvanus is right. You should just escape here, you know.”
           Siegfried sighed. “I’m a Drasgardian. We do not escape. We fight ‘til death. And I will earn my freedom.”
           “You will have two fights tomorrow, correct? That means you’re already a free man!”
           “What will you do once you got out here?” asked one of the gladiators.
           “Leave and never come back.”
           “That’s pretty straightforward.”
           “But before that, I’ll make sure to cut one limb from that bastard emperor.”
           “Take one for me as well. I really hate that guy.”
           Siegfried looked outside his cell. From where he is, he could see the moon shines brightly. He remembered the day he and the crown princess Brunnhilde got separated from the Dragon Raiders and ended up in Colosseum Empire.
 Six months ago, the Dragon Raiders came from Dragonheim continent to explore the northern lands. The Dragon Raiders are the official explorers of the country of Drasgard. The crown princess of Drasgard, Brunnhilde, joined the expedition that was supposed to last for seven months. Siegfried was assigned personally by Brunnhilde’s father as the personal bodyguard of the crown princess.
           The family of Siegfried is known to be the King’s Guard family. Over generations, Siegfried’s family has served the royal family of Drasgard. In fact, the father of Siegfried, Volstagg, is the personal guard of the current queen of Drasgard.
           At first, the expedition did not encountered any problems. But one day, the United Alliance came and shot the Dragon Raiders’ boat with cannon balls. The Dragon Raiders fought back, but were outnumbered.
           The Dragon Raiders managed to escape, but Siegfried and Brunnhilde got separated when they escaped inland to avoid being followed by the U.A.
After four days of running from treasure hunters, bandits, and barbarians, they reached the village of Traeux VIII. The people of Traeux VIII was less hospitable compared to Traeux XII.
           Siegfried and Brunnhilde tried to escape even further inside Colosseum Empire until they were surrounded by a cohort of Colosseum army. Siegfried managed to deal with almost five hundred men alone without killing a single one.
           Then, two more cohorts arrived.
           Siegfried defeated a both cohorts as well. But the fatigue took a toll on him. At the last minute, the emperor arrived with the elite eagle riders and caught Siegfried and Brunnhilde.
           The emperor heard what happened and how one barbarian single-handedly defeated three cohorts. The senators decided that this news should not leave the empire, or many other barbarians will try to siege the empire.
           The emperor decided the turn Siegfried into a gladiator and will only be released after winning one hundred fights consecutively. He was threaten as well that if he tries to escape, Brunnhilde will be burned in a ring of fire.
           Since then, Siegfried has been the only gladiator that has ever managed to win ninety-eight wins consecutively, the longest winning streak by far in the history of Colosseum Empire.
           “I will free us, princess Brunnhilde. And I hope you may forgive me. I promised that I will never kill as long as I am your guard, but killing is the only way for us to leave this place.”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 16: 98th
COLOSSEUM EMPIRE IS ALMOST shaped in a circular pattern. It is one of many independent nations that does not rely on United Alliance.
           On the borders of Colosseum Empire are twelve villages called Traeux, each in the position of an analog clock, and each named with numbers --- Traeux I to Traeux XII in clockwise order. The Traeux villages serves as the first line of defense of Colosseum Empire. They are to hold the enemies as long as they can and wait for the reinforcements.
           The reinforcements are in the larger villages called Lagaian. Like Traeux, there are twelve Lagaian villages and are in the same position, and named with same numbers --- Lagaian I to XII. Unlike Traeux though, Lagaian have larger number of army, each having a single legion of army, enough to invade a small country. And having twelve legions, Colosseum Empire is an empire that no other countries dare to invade. Except some few barbaric community that tries to steal land, women, cattle, and any valuables.
           At the center of Colosseum Empire is the Capital where six more legions reside, important families live, and important structures are built. It is where the senates are, the emperor, nobles, royalties, and the most well-known arena in the world, the Colosseum Arena. There are many commoners in the Capital as well, mostly are servants and laborers.
           “This is where the arena is located. It’s at the center of the Capital. That’s where you can see the gladiators fight.” Said Faustus while pointing at a map. “So whether you join or fight, that’s up to you guys.”
           Daisuke looked at Riku and Jack. “Come on guys. We’re already low on money anyway. So why not join?”
           “You don’t even know how to use a sword, spear, or shield. Powers and magic are prohibited.” Said Jack.
           “Oh how hard can it be? I may not be able to land a clean hit, but at least I can dodge. I’m confident with my reflexes and speed.” Daisuke insisted.
           “Daisuke, most defeated gladiators die during battle. Can you even kill for entertainment?” asked Faustus.
           “Wait what?”
           “Hey guys. Here are your imperial passes.” Julius handed Riku four papers. “This proves that you have been processed here in Traeux XII and that we allow you to stay in Colosseum Empire for fourteen days.”
           “Thank you, Julius.” Said Riku. “Fourteen days are enough for us to keep our supplies topped and continue our journey.”
           “Be sure to always show that whenever you’re asked and surrender it before leaving the empire.” Faustus reminded.
           “Thank you guys. We’ll be on our way then.” Said Raijin.
           “We should be the one thanking you guys.” Faustus said. “If ever, please do visit us again.”
           The quartet bid farewell as they continued to travel to Colosseum Arena.
           Faustus then looked around. “Hey, has anyone seen Emilia?”
 At the Capital’s market, the people are talking about the upcoming fight of the gladiator that came six months ago. An outsider was caught, managing to defeat at least three cohorts all by himself. It is said that he came from Dragonheim, a continent near the south pole of Laniagaea and a very unforgiving land.
           “Come on, guys! The fight is about to start!” said one kid.
           The other kid tried to run faster. “I’m trying *huff* *huff* I’m trying.” Said another.
           The kids managed to pass through all the people at the street. Then they went to a certain alley, and opened a pot hole. As they went down the sewers, they navigated with a torch to see their way. And when they finally reached a ladder, they went up discretely, and got inside the Colosseum Arena’s old male comfort room.
           The kids walked outside the room, and blend in the crowd as if they have paid to get inside. Soon, they are at the viewing deck for the commoners and are just in time to watch the main event.
           “Ladies and gentlemen. For today’s main event, our challenger is a long time gladiator. A veteran from Lagaian II. Once a great soldier, now a gladiator to serve his sentence. I give you, Silvanus!”
           The audience cheered Silvanus’s name. Many has bet that Silvanus is able to win any battle.
           Silvanus raised his spear and shield as he cheered the crowd. He is wearing a full body armor and a helmet that covers his face.
           “And now. On the opposite side of the arena. The undefeated barbarian. The man who defeated three cohorts. The man who claims to be a personal bodyguard of a crown princess. I give you, Siegfried!”
           Siegfried is quite shorter compared to Silvanus. Unlike Silvanus, his armor is made of leather and fur. His helmet covers his eyes and nose and ears, but revealing lower face. He’s got one arm guard, on his left arm, which has neck protection. His body have chain mail, and wears fur boots.
           The audience booed him.
           Today marks his ninety-eighth fight. The emperor, Augustus Severus Tiberius, promised him his freedom if he manages to win one hundred consecutive times. Not only him, but also the girl he is with.
           “I am sorry, Siegfried, but today, you will perish!” Silvanus taunted.
           Siegfried unsheathed his swords. Just like what the people at Traeux XII said, he wields the sword reversely. The blade of the swords are at his back. The hilt of the swords resembles a head of a raven.
           On the mark of the emperor, the battle begun.
           Silvanus was the first to attack. He run towards Siegfried and threw his spear. Before the spear could hit Siegfried, Siegfried jumped and somersaulted. As he landed, Silvanus greeted Siegfried with his dagger, which Siegfried deflected with the sword.
           As they exchange blows, Silvanus taunted Siegfried even more.
           “Hey! Why don’t you just escape from here? Didn’t you defeated three cohorts?”
           “You speak too much.” Siegfried lunged towards Silvanus and tried to slit the throat, but Silvanus managed to dodge.
           “Ho-ho. That attack just now was filled with killing intent. But your style of fighting is full of opening!”
           Silvanus attacked again with his dagger. Siegfried blocked Silvanus’s first slash, but it exposed his side, which Silvanus tried to take advantage. With another dagger, Silvanus stabs Siegfried. But to his surprise, Siegfried managed to quickly deflect the dagger.
           “You were saying?”
           Silvanus attacked even more. Siegfried simply parries every slash of Silvanus while stepping back. Silvanus kept on charging until he is near the spear he threw. He grabbed the spear and tried to stab Siegfried, but Siegfried countered by jumping and rotating midair.
           Siegfried cut the spear several times until he land behind Silvanus. Then, he slashed his back in a cross pattern.
           The crowd cheered to the fight that ensued. Everyone is now had their thumbs downward.
           Siegfried looked at the emperor. The emperor stood while holding his goblet of wine. Then, he raised the goblet with the thumb on it, then turned it upside down.
           The crowd went wild. And at that moment, Siegfried stabbed Silvanus.
  The quartet has now reached Lagaian XII. They were met by the optio of the century that went to Traeux XII.
           “Welcome to Lagaian XII. We received a crow from Traeux XII saying that the group who helped them are passing through here.” Said Vitus.
           “Thank you, Vitus. We’re just here to spend the night and be on our way on the first light.” Said Riku.
           “Well, it is still early. Have you guys eaten lunch yet?”
           “No, not yet. We were thinking of we could set up a camp somewhere so we could cook something.” Raijin answered.
           “Nonsense. My legatus would like to meet you. So please, eat lunch with us.”
           The quartet followed Vitus to the camp of Cohort II. The eyes of the soldiers followed them as they walk to the main camp. As they reached the main camp, they were greeted by the legatus.
           “Ah, Vitus. So these must be the foreigners you are talking about.”
           “Yes, Legatus Aurelius. These are Daisuke, Riku, and Jack, the elves. And this is Raijin, their guide here in Aria.”
           “I am Aurelius, the legatus of Lagaian XII and centurion of Cohort I.”
           “Nice to meet you, legatus.” Said Raijin
           “Thank you for having us.” Jack added.
           “Well, I hope you are all hungry. We have a lot of food today. This is our way of saying thanks to you. We would have lost many innocent lives in Trauex XII if not for you four. Having a feast is the least that we could do.”
           The group was led by Aurelius as they walk to the dining camp of Cohort I. On their way, they see hundreds, maybe thousands of soldiers
           “Wow. I have never seen this many soldiers before.” Said Raijin in awe. “Even the United Alliance in Port Royale only have a few hundred enough for three warships.”
           “Hahaha. Well, the empire’s land is wide. Having all the soldiers we have counts.”
           The soldiers of Cohort I assembled at the dining camp There, the quartet is introduced by Aurelius. It is not every day that Colossans have elven guests, so they all had many questions to them. After the meal, Cohort I assembled outside as it is their turn to patrol the nearby lands.
           “Well, we have to accompany our men in patrolling. Feel free to go around the village.” Said Aurelius.
           “Thank you again for the meal.” Said Daisuke.
           As soon as Aurelius left, the quartet went around the village to see what Lagaian villages have.
           Most of the outskirts of the village are the camps for the soldiers. Cattles and farms are also found on the outskirts. The family of the soldiers live in the middle part of the village. This is where the commoners live as well. The market, plaza, and other buildings are located there also. And at the inner most part of the village are some of the wealthy families. They mostly own most of the land and employs the commoners.
           “Hey, isn’t that Emilia?” asked Daisuke.
           “Where?” asked Riku.
           “Over there, the one with the robe near the tower.”
           “Emilia!” shouted Raijin.
           At the center of the Lagaian villages is the Eagle Tower. It is the tallest structure in the village and has a giant eagle statue on top. Only the royalties and select nobles, senators, and soldiers may enter the towers. The quartet ran towards the tower.
           “H-Hey guys. How’s it going?” asked Emilia.
           “Great. The legatus asked us to join him for lunch earlier.” Said Daisuke
           “What are you doing here, Emilia?” asked Jack.
           “Oh, Umm…I-I’m just here for an official business.”
           “I’ve read about these towers before.” said Daisuke.
           “Really?” asked Emilia.          
           “The eagle is the symbol of Colosseum Empire. It symbolizes military strength and protection. And on the event that a catastrophe occurs, an event that not even the greatest military could stop, those towers will protect the empire.”
           Everyone backed up to see the giant eagle statue at the top of the tower. Then, everyone was startled when three giant eagles flew past them.
           “Woah! Those are live giant eagles!” said Riku.
           “Look! There are people riding those eagles!” said Jack.
           “So those are the famed Eagle Riders. Of course, the forest here on Colosseum Empire is home to the giant eagles.” Raijin added.
            The eagles made a U-turn and headed towards the quartet. The eagles got closer, then roosted on the metal poles protruding on the tower. At that distance, they saw just how big giant eagles are.
           Then, on the golden-feathered eagle came down a man with an armor and a robe. Two other men who are wearing black armors landed as well and walked side by side the first one.
           The people around the area kneeled.
           “Emilia.” Said the man from the golden eagle.
           Emilia kneeled. “Emperor.”    
“You four! Kneel!” said one of the black armored rider. “You are before the great emperor of Colosseum Empire!”
           The quartet kneeled as well.
           “Hahahaha! Please, do not scare them. I heard they helped our people at Traeux XII.” Said the emperor. “At ease. You may stand up.”
           “T-thank you, sir.” Said Riku.
           Soldiers arrived in the area with Aurelius.
           “Emperor. To what do we owe your visit.” Asked Aurelius.
           “Aurelius. It’s nice to see you again. I am just here to invite these four brave warriors to the Capital. After all, the reports I received said that we would have lost hundreds of men if not for them.”
           “Very well. We will prepare a carriage to escort them to the Capital.”
           “That won’t be necessary, Aurelius. They’ll be riding the eagles with us. Including Emilia.”
           “Pardon me, my lord, but these are elves. Are we really taking them to the Capital?” said one of the black armored rider.
           “I wanted to thank them personally, Aries.” Said the emperor.
           “There’s really no need for that, sir.” Said Raijin. “We just so happened to be there.”
           “Other people would have taken advantage of that situation. Besides, not only you four saved my people. You saved my sister Emilia.”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 15: Traeux XII
A DAY LATER, THE QUARTET REACHED the first village of Colosseum Empire. It’s not particularly a large village and there are not a lot of people, but it does serves as the northern border of Colosseum Empire.
           “Ah! Finally, we can rest here before we continue to the capital.” Said Riku.
           “What’s this village called again, Raijin?” asked Jack.
           “This is Traeux XII. One of the twelve Traeux villages.” Replied Raijin. “Traeux are twelve villages that are at the border of Colosseum Empire. These villages are not heavily populated and only serves as some sort of security.”
           “What does that mean?” Riku asked.
           “It means when the border is attacked, the Traeux villages are the ‘first line of defense’. People here will hold the enemies until reinforcement arrives.” Answered Daisuke.
           “He’s correct.” Said Raijin.
           The people of Traeux XII begun to notice the arrival of the quartet. Four Traeuxians headed their way.
           “Welcome, guests. I am the current village head of Traeux XII. You can all me Faustus. These are Julius, Emilia, and Quintus.”
           “Um. Thank you. I am Raijin, from Port Royale. These are Daisuke, Riku, and Jack. They’re elves from Maria Island.”
           “I see. And if you don’t mind, may I ask why are the elves a long way from their home?”
           “We’re just passersby.” Daisuke answered. “We’re actually going to Sicilia.”
           “Travelers. Well, as long as we could count on you four that you will not cause any commotion, then you may go on your way.” Said Emilia. Like Faustus, she is wearing a light armor and have some kind of badge with an eagle symbol on it.
           “Before we could let you in the Capital, we would have you register your names and purpose. This is just to monitor the outsiders that come in our empire.” Said Quintus.
           “If you don’t mind, kindly follow us to the head office.” Faustus led them to the head office where several outsiders are also being processed.
           As soon as they arrived, two Traeuxian came running towards Faustus.
           “Faustus! We spotted barbarians half a league away!” said the Traeuxian recon.
           “How many barbarians have you seen?”
           “Around a cohort. Enough to siege one Traeux.”
           “Julius, alert the Lagaian XII. They must get here before we get overrun. Quintus, order the men for battle formation. Emilia, prepare for the protective spell. And you four, stay here.”
           “Faustus, we can help.” Said Jack. “Riku here is a great magic user. Daisuke and I are power users. You will need all the help you can to hold this border.”
           “Pardon me, Faustus. But the elf is right.” Said the Traeuxian recon. “We only have four contubernium right now. Most of our men were ordered by the emperor himself to patrol the forest west of here. And most people here are farmers, cooks, blacksmith, medics, who do not have chances in fighting barbarians.”
           “Faustus. If they want to help, then let them help.” said Emilia.
           Faustus tried to analyze what may happen with the given scenario. Just as when they were short in hands, a cohort of barbarians came that will surely slaughter them. He do not want his men to die without a fighting chance. But what three elves could do to make any changes?
           The four contuberium has finally arrived. From the distance, they could already hear the barbarians.
           “Men, follow me. You three, do what you can to keep those barbarians out of this village.”
           As soon as all of them got the battlefield, Raijin was left at the head office.
           “But I could fight too…” Raijin whispered.
 At the northeastern part of the village, barbarians of around five hundred men strong stood around two hundred meters away. The four contubernium of Traeux XII formed a single file while holding their shields in wall formation. Faustus, Quintus, and Emilia are in front of the wall. Daisuke and Riku are at the right end of the shield wall while Jack is at the opposite side.
           A barbarian riding a boar the size of a horse headed closer. Faustus decided to meet the rider. “Emilia, start the spell now.”
           “Alright.” As soon as Faustus left, Emilia started to chant her spell. “Testudo Lux!” Slowly, a light formed a protective barrier on the battle field.
           “So this is what Faustus meant by the protective spell.” Said Daisuke.
           “It seems this is to keep the battle here and not let any barbarians leave.” Said Riku.
           “Yes. With this, even if we lose, those barbarians will not go anywhere.” Added one of the Traeuxian soldier. “But keep in mind that with a strong force, the barrier could be broken. So try to intercept any barbarians that will try to escape.”
 The barbarian rider and Faustus have now met halfway of the battle field.
           “So, you are the new head of this village. You look like a fresh meat to me.” Said the rider. “And same tactic as always. You Colossans really like to trap yourselves with the enemy.”
           “Running away from a fight is not the Colossan way. The moment you got in Testudo Lux, there’s no going out. So tell your men to surrender, or you will die here.”
           The rider burst in laughter. “Don’t make me laugh, kid. And what can a mere thirty men can do against my men?”
           “We may not be enough. But soon, Lagaian’s forces will be here. And you will wish that you have brought more.”
           “We’ll see.” the barbarian then saw a female soldier with red hair and spear, then went back to his army.
           Faustus went back to his men as well.
           “So? What happened?” Emilia asked.
           “Unsheathe your swords. We fight until the reinforcement arrives.” Faustus then looked at Emilia who is shaking. “Are you alright?”
           “That boar-rider…”
           A horn sounded from the barbarians. At that moment, all the barbarians charged.
           “For the emperor!!” shouted Faustus.
           The moral of the contubernium was boosted. They stood their ground and waited for the barbarians, but they were shocked when the three elves started to attack.
           Jack used his power to create his signature jackfruit mace then started to smack the barbarians on his way.
           Daisuke created his wooden arms to punch the barbarians. He went through the barbarians until he reached the rider. “Are you the leader?!”
           The barbarians are astonished. Why are there elves in Colosseum territory?
           Riku used her magic to create a rose armor. Rosaeus Armatura. She then created a short sword and shield similar to the Traeuxians’ and started to hack and slash the barbarians.
           The Traeuxians are surprised. It’s their first time to see elves fight first hand.
           “Come on guys!” shouted Quintus. “Let’s not let those elves have all the fun!”
           The contubernium yelled and charged the barbarians with Quintus.
           “Hey! Wait for me!” Faustus shouted. “Ah! Stay here. Emilia. Make sure the barrier will hold!”
           Emilia was speechless to the commotion.
 The Lagaians finally arrived. But the battle has already ended. More than a third of the barbarians were slain during the battle. The Traeuxians only received minor injuries.
           “Faustus. What happened?” asked Julius.
           “The elves helped us win an impossible fight.”
           Julius looked around and saw the villagers cheered the elves.
           “Faustus. Can you give us a report on what happened?” said a man in full armor.
           “Optio Vitus. Thanks for arriving. I’ll ask Quintus to make a report and send it immediately. For now, we can hand over some of the barbarians that surrendered. They could be interrogated to gain some intel.”
           “Very well.”
 The night came. An open fire was lit up in the center of the village. The villagers took out meats, vegetables, and wines to celebrate and successful battle.
           “To our elven friends! Cheers!” Faustus cheered
           Everyone cheered and drunk their wine.
           Daisuke and Raijin are sitting near the open fire, barbecuing a meat. Emilia and Quintus joined them.
           “Hey! Emilia! Quintus! It’s a great celebration you got here.” Said Daisuke. “Do you guys always celebrate every battle you win?”
           “Yes.” Replied Emilia. “Life here in border is difficult. You never know if today will be your last. So might as well celebrate a successful battle.”
           Quintus sat next to Daisuke. “Hey there, elf. Thank you for fighting with us. But you seem to look different. Are you sure you’re an elf?”
           “I sometimes ask myself that question as well.”
           Quintus and Emilia laughed.
           “So what are your and your friends’ plans after this?” asked Emilia.
           “W-We’ll just go to the capital really quick, then be on our way to Arcanas Kingdom.” Said Raijin.
           “Oooh. The land of mages.” Said Quintus. “What will you do there?”
           “Nothing really. It’s just the best route we have to get to Sicilia.”
           “And what will you do in Sicilia?” asked Emilia.
           “To find a wooden statue. It’s an old wooden statue of our island. I wanted to bring it back.” Answered Daisuke.
           “Must be one heck of a statue, that is.”
           “Yeah. I even agreed to be these guys’ guide here in Aria. For a statue.” Said Raijin.
           Quintus laughed. “Now that something new. Are they gonna pay you well?”
           “I hope so. Hahaha”
           “Well, you guys know how to fight. Why not enter the Colosseum arena?” Emilia suggested.
           “Yeah. Anyone who can defeat the main gladiators will earn at most ten thousand lanias!” Quintus added.
           Daisuke and Raijin looked at each other.
           “Well. I’m actually tired. If you don’t mind, I’ll be going in first. Enjoy the night.” Said Emilia.
 Jack and Riku are at the opposite side of the open fire, having conversation with Faustus and Julius.
           "So, what will happen to the barbarians that we caught?” asked Riku.
           “Well, some of them will stay here as prisoners-of war, others are sent to Lagaian XII. They will probably get interrogated to gain intel.” Said Faustus.
           “What sort of intel?”
           “Location. Names. Numbers. Anything that could help the main army deal with the barbarians that keep on attacking us.”
           “Does that mean Colosseum Empire will wage war against the barbarians?” asked Jack.
           “That depends. The emperor must succeed first in gaining two-thirds of the senate to vote ‘yes’ to war. Otherwise, the empire will not send their army to fight barbarians.”
           “If those barbarians could be dealt with soon, then there will be less problems here, don’t you think?”
           “Well, the barbarians are not the only problem we have. Since we are not member of United Alliance, treasure hunters keep on popping out.” Said Julius
           “Of course. Treasure hunters.” Jack reacted.
           “If I recall correctly, Traeux VIII caught treasure hunters and were sent to Colosseum arena.”
           “Were those treasure hunters turned into gladiators?” asked Riku.
           “Yep. And then there was this man who got caught without an imperial pass. He refused to be apprehended and started to attack the soldiers.”
           “Yeah. The man who fought three cohorts all by himself.” Added Faustus. “We weren’t at the battle when it happen, but we saw the casualties. No soldiers died, but everyone got wounded pretty badly.”
           “Yes. It was six months ago. And ever since he became a gladiator, he never lost a single fight.” added Julius
           “He must be a born fighter then.” Riku assumed.
           “People says that he uses two swords to fight, and holds them in reverse. A very unique swordsmanship if you ask me.”
           “Hmmm. Maybe we could watch the fights since we’re already here. What do you say, Jack?”
           “Yeah, sure. Let’s just ask Daisuke and Raijin if they want to watch as well. For now, let’s enjoy the night.”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters - Port Royale Arc Chapter List
Here are the chapters for Dream Hunter’s Port Royale Arc (Chapters 8 to 14)
Chapter 8 - Welcome to Port Royale
Chapter 9 - Good Ales
Chapter 10 - Great White Sharks
Chapter 11 - Calm before the Storm
Chapter 12 - Brawl at the Harbor
Chapter 13 - Small Victories
Chapter 14 - First Four
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 14: First Four
HAMMER IS HAVING A HARD TIME to land a blow to Torai. Not only is Torai quick, but he could also fly for a short time and short distances.
           When Torai is up on the air, he would use his Thundercloud power to strike Hammer with lightning. Hammer manages to dodge and block the lightning though with his hammer.
           “Damn brat! Stop flying and fight like a man!” said Hammer who is already frustrated.
           “Why don’t you fly over here and fight like an ability user?” Torai mocked.
           “Hammer!” shouted Shakrsfin. “I could use a hand here!”
           Sharksfin is still fighting Daisuke with his special fin blade. His fin blade is sharp enough to cut through concrete, but he is still unable to land a fatal blow to Daisuke. Thanks to Daisuke’s wooden arm, any attack that Sharksfin release only lands on Daisuke’s wooden arms.
           “I will not be defeated by some elves again!”
           Hammer charged Daisuke. Torai is striking him with lightning, but he was able to block them. When Hammer is already at the striking distance, he tried to smash Daisuke from behind. But Daisuke caught the hammer with his right wooden hand.
           Sharksfin tried to slash Daisuke while he was occupied with blocking the hammer of Hammer, but Daisuke caught the blade with his left wooden hand. Daisuke then broke the blade and crushed the hammer.
           “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!” Sharksfin and Hammer were astonished.
           “What does even an elf doing here?!” said Sharksfin.
           “It doesn’t concern you. Now, just surrender quietly.” Said Daisuke.
           “Like I will!” Sharksfin took two runestones that became two fin daggers. He attacked Daisuke, but Daisuke simply sidestepped and tripped Sharksfin, bumping with Hammer.
           Daisuke then punched the ground, and from where Hammer and Sharksfin is standing, a gigantic cherry blossom tree emerged, wrapping around the two.
           “For the man who kidnaps men and children, you are a disappointment.” Said Daisuke.
           Sharksfin is struggling from the tree he got entangled with. “Damn it! Damn it!”
           From the distance, Sharksfin and Hammer saw the other ships of Sharksfin blow up. Sharksfin tried to struggle even more, but Torai have had enough of him.
           Torai then created a massive thundercloud, then released a lightning with roaring thunder that hit the tree, frying brothers, and scattering the cherry blossoms all over the harbor.
 The battle at Port Royale is now over. United Alliance took all the Great White Sharks and Fishbone Hunters in custody. The fishermen tried to save the remaining fishing boats that are not burning.
           Daisuke walked towards Raijin and Riku, who are sitting at the harbor, looking at what remains in Raijin’s boat.
           “Hey Raijin.” Said Daisuke as he sat beside Raijin.
           Raijin looked up. “Oh. Daisuke.”
           “I’m sorry about your boat. We know how much it means to you.”
           “Yeah. This is my fault. I should have not attacked that Sera in the first place.” Riku interject.
           Raijin sighed. “Well, at least I have no debt to pay any more. It’s not like I would still pay those loan sharks now that they are in custody.”
           “Heeeey!” Jack shouted, paddling his lifeboat towards the three.
           “Jack! Where have you’ve been?” shouted Riku.
           “Well, long story.”
           Jack went out of his lifeboat to join the three and told them about going near the headquarters then decided to join the U.A. fight the Fishbone Hunters on the sea.
           “Wow. It’s great that they’ve let you join them on their warship.” Said Daisuke.
           “Well, I told them I’m a power user so I could help them.”
           Torai went towards them and sat with them. “What’s going on, guys?”
           “Just, sitting.” Said Daisuke. “By the way, these are Riku, Jack, and Raijin. Guys, that’s Torai.”
           They exchanged greetings as Daisuke introduced them.
           “Thanks to you guys we are able to defeat those loan sharks and hunters quickly.” Said Torai. “But, I never thought that elves could do so much damage.”
           All of them simultaneously looked around and saw the trees and plants that scattered all over the place.
           “Hey, that’s Riku’s and Daisuke’s doing. I was fighting at the sea.” Jack said.
           “Hahahaha! That’s okay. But we could use a hand fixing the streets and making fishing boats for the victims.”
           Everyone agreed.
 Three days later, the harbor of Port Royale was fixed. Daisuke provided more woods to be used for the fishing boats of those who had their boats destroyed because of the explosion. Although just a temporary replacement, the shipwrights, with the help of Boris’ knowledge in imbuing ordinary objects with magic, managed to make good fishing boats that could withstand stormy seas and are even fireproof.
           Larger warships of United Alliance came to pick up the hunters and loan sharks to be sent to Union Gates, an island prison between the continents of Aria and Montagna.
           Daisuke, Riku, and Jack are at Maelstrom Tavern, celebrating with the fishermen for the victory three days ago.
           “I never thought that our stay here will be extended.” Said Riku.
           “Yeah. But at least we get to drink good ales again.” Jack said as he chugged down his mug of ale.
           “So, what are your plans now that you’re free from the debt?” Daisuke asked Raijin who was staring at his mug.
           “I’m not really sure. I guess I’ll just become and ordinary fisherman.”
           Riku finished her mug of ale. “I was thinking. If you don’t mind, we could have someone who is knowledgeable here in Aria.”
           “Of course. Why not just join us? Besides, it’s Riku’s fault why your boat got destroyed ---”
           “Hey! That’s uncalled for!” Riku protested.
           “--- so, Raijin could join us to help go to Sicilia, then we could also pay him for his boat.”
           “Good call. He could use the money as well to get new electric weapons.” Daisuke added.
           “Well, I could use the money. I do enjoy the life as a fisherman. Maybe I could even get better tools to catch different kinds of sea monsters. That’s my dream after all: to catch different sea monsters around the world.”
           “Then it’s settled! Raijin, welcome to the party!” Daisuke yelled.
           The four of them cheered and celebrated the new addition to their adventures.
 The three larger warships that came from Union Gates were led by a powerful, veteran U.A. high ranking officer named Bolt.
           After Torai contacted the United Alliance Aria Main Headquarters, they decided to send Bolt, who was previously assigned to monitor the activities of Fishbone Hunters. Bolt and his men were escorted to the meeting room personally by Torai.
           “Captain Torai. Thank you for having us.”
           “Please, don’t mention it, Rear Admiral.”
           “Well then, let’s get down to business. I believe there is more than just handing us the Fishbone Hunters.”
           “Yes. A colleague of mine who is a member of the elite group Chasers told me that an avatar is here in Port Royale.”
           The crew were astonished, even Bolt, to the words of Torai.
           “Wait, are you positive to this intelligence?”
           “Yes. There’s no reason for my source to lie regarding an avatar. The avatar is an elf named Daisuke, and he is the avatar of the Wood Ishavara, Ariyani.”
           “Have you seen him use his avatar powers?”
           “No. He simply used normal elven powers to create trees when I fought with him three days ago.”
           “Sorry, but I’m a bit skeptical. May I know the name of your source?”
           “You may look him up on our database. His name is Jack. Jack Thornwood. An elf from Maria Island as well.”
           Bolt tried to recall the name Torai mentioned. Then he remembered something oddly familiar.
           “Thornwood? Don’t tell me he is related to Knave Thornwood? A member of Chasers?”
           “That’s correct. Knave is the older brother of Jack. Jack joined the Chasers to find his brother whose status is MIA after a battle against the Eclipse Hunters two years ago at Yamakabe’s outer wall.”
           “Tell me, why would this Jack give us a valuable information regarding an avatar? His own kind even. And why not just hand over the avatar?”
           “I guess it’s like you said, I guess he is torn between being of the same kind and being part of United Alliance.”
           Bolt thought about it. It is an opportunity for them to catch another avatar. But causing another incident in Port Royale might tarnish the image of United Alliance.
           Torai told Bolt more about what Jack told him. He told Bolt about the reason why the elves are in Aria mainland, about the strength and weaknesses of Daisuke, and route of the journey Daisuke has decided.
           “We cannot act without more information. If what you are saying is true, then kindly tell this Jack to keep in touch with us and keep an eye to this Daisuke. When the right time comes, we will act.”
           “Duly noted, Rear Admiral.”
           The meeting continued to evaluate if Torai will be given more manpower in Port Royale. They talked about other topics, and after the meeting, Bolt and his crew left Port Royale to take the Fishbone Hunters to Union Gates.
 The next day, Daisuke, Riku, Jack, and Raijin finally bid farewell to Boris. The fishermen and even Mr. Manta also gathered in Maelstrom Tavern to thanks the elves and say goodbye.
           As the four of them walked out of the alley to town center, Torai, with a couple of U.A. footmen greeted the quartet.
           “Hey guys! I heard you are all leaving today, so I decided to bid farewell.” Said Torai.
           “Torai! Thanks for coming. And thank you for letting us stay here.” Said Daisuke.
           “Umm, here, take this. It’s just some rations of United Alliance, designed to last for years. I’m not sure where you guys are heading, but having emergency foods when there’s nothing to buy or hunt could help.”
           “Thanks, we’ll use this wisely.” Jack received the foods from Torai. He looked at Torai and nodded.
           “Very well, we still got to patrol the harbor and keep our fishermen safe. Have a safe trip, guys.” Torai waved as he left the quartet.
 After saying goodbye to Torai, the quartet begun their journey.
           “Well, from here to Sicilia, it will take at least four weeks on foot.” Said Raijin.”
           Daisuke opened his book to see the map of Aria. “Well, we can’t walk straight through it. There are mountains and uncharted forests. And a wide river here. Should we just follow the road?”
           “Yeah. So which country is the nearest?” asked Riku.
           “That would be Colosseum Empire. A kingdom known for their gladiator fights.” Said Daisuke.
           “Then from here to Colosseum Empire, that would be a day and a half. Still a long journey.” Said Raijin.
           “Well, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” Jack claimed.
And so, the quartet made their way to their next destination: The Colosseum Empire.
 --- End of Port Royale Arc ---
On an island called Prologia.
           “Attention everyone, the general of United Alliance Aviation has arrived.” Sounded the P.A.
           From the large airship came down a man with salt and pepper hair and braided long beard. He is wearing an all-white long sleeves and coat with gold necktie, white slim pants and white shoes. He is also wearing a gold-colored sunglasses.
           The man was greeted by United Alliance footmen and three Chasers.
           “Sir Zeus, we welcome you here in Prologia.” Said a woman who has red long hair and is wearing a red blazer on a white shirt, red pants and a low-cut shoes. She and the other Chasers bowed to Zeus.
           “Oh please, no need for formalities, Raya.” Said Zeus smilingly. “Please everyone, at ease.”
           “Sir Zeus, what made you come here personally in Prologia?” asked one of the Chaser. He has a large build, dark skin, and was wearing a green tank top, camo pants, and military boots.
           “I heard you managed to finally control them, Bivon.”
           Bivon and Raya exchanged gazes “Ah. Yes, sir. The avatars of Vakura, Indaya, and Yahima are finally under control.”
           “Did we lose any men during the apprehension?”
           “Lucky sir, we didn’t. Luna managed to cast her powerful healing spells that healed most of our men, even those with fatal wounds.” Said Raya.
           “Good thinking, Luna.”
           “I am just doing my job, Sir Zeus.” Said Luna who bowed her head again. She has a long black hair with a hint blue and violet. She is wearing a magical blue and violet linen robe.
           “So, shall we see the avatars you’ve got?”
 The four of them walked towards the building. They continued down on a certain floor where the strongest hunters that were caught by United Alliance are imprisoned.
           At the end of the hall, two guards opened the gate. As they entered a wide chamber, they saw three people encased inside a crystal-like object.
           “So these are the avatars. You guys must have struggled to control them.”
           “It wasn’t easy.” Said Bivon. “They all transformed into their full Ishvara form.”
           “Melody did most of the job actually.” Said Luna. “I guess the avatars, even in their Ishvara form, struggles with people who have reached enlightenment.”
           “Enlightenment. Quite rare for anyone. Are you enlightened, Raya?”
           “Yes. But I haven’t mastered it yet.” Replied Raya. “Melody has been enlightened ever since she was a kid. She really is a powerful Chaser.”
            “Very well. Continue to experiment on properly controlling these three. I don’t want any incident to happen that will backfire against us when we use them.”
           “Yes sir. We’ll make sure that these avatars are at your disposal.” Said Bivon.
           “You guys did a great job. I am sure that those at the throne will be proud of you three once they’ve heard the news about your progress. Anyway, I have to go. I still have to meet Hades and Poseidon.”      
           Raya, Luna, and Bivon saluted to Zeus. Zeus then turned into a lightning and quickly disappeared back to his airship Olympia.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 13: Small Victories
TORAI IS A POWER USER just like Jack and Daisuke. He inherited his power from his mother who used to be a United Alliance captain as well. But during a battle with treasure hunters that tried to invade a certain country in Aria continent, his mother was fatally wounded and died.
           He vowed that he will never forgive any treasure hunters and he will hunt down every single one of them that will try to enter Port Royale for as long as he is stationed there.
           His power lets him create thunderclouds. Using his power, he could propel himself to fly short distances and produce lightning. And although he is only eighteen, he became a United Alliance Navy captain due to his power, strength, and leadership skill.
           “Alright, here we go!” Raijin held Jack as he flew towards one of the enemy’s ships. The hunters tried to shoot them down as they got nearer, but either Jack blocked the ammunitions or Torai would dodge them.
           Torai and Jack landed on the nearest ship. “You go ahead. I’ll take care of this.”
           “Keep safe!” Raijin flew again, leaving a scorch mark from where he was standing.
           “Always the flashy entrance and exit.” Said Jack. “Alright boys, show me what you have got.”
           Jack activated his power and created his signature Jackfruit mace. Although he was outnumbered, he still charged the hunters on the ship. He simply dodges and blocks the hunters then counters with his mace.
 The other ship of the Fishbone Hunters is already at the harbor. Daisuke and Hammer are still exchanging blows when the captain of Fishbone Hunters, Sharksfin, and his men landed.
           “Gyahahahaha! At last! It’s time to take over Port Royale!” Sharksfin claimed.
           Hammer backed off from Daisuke and joined Sharksfin. “What took you so long, brother? Those elves got Sera!”
           “Elves?! How many elves are there?” asked Sharksfin.
           “Two. But that male elf looks weird though.”
Sharksfin ordered his men. “You guys, join the fight! Assist the Great White Sharks!”
           The Fishbone Hunters roared as they tried to engage the U.A. footmen.
           “Great. More enemies.” Said Raijin.
           Daisuke joined Riku and Raijin. “Those hunters. They are the ones who attacked our village years ago.”
           “Yeah. I remember. The Council said they retreated though.” Said Riku.
           “Riku, Raijin, can you handle those small fries?”
           “I think Riku can handle them. I’ll just deal with the Great White Sharks lackey and help the footmen.” Raijin immediately headed towards the fight between the footmen and lackeys.
           “What?! Ugh. Fine.” Riku resigned as she prepared her magic spell.
           “Then I’ll leave them to you. I’ll deal with their captain.” Daisuke used his power to launch himself to the air towards Hammer and Sharksfin who are further at the back.
 Daisuke and Torai landed at the same time. Torai is surprised to see Daisuke again now that he knows that Daisuke is the avatar of Ariyani.
           “Oh! Hey Daisuke. It’s good to see you again.” Greeted Torai.
           “Likewise.” asked Daisuke.
           “So, how do you want to handle this?”
           “I’ll take care of the captain of the hunters.”
           “You know him?”
           “Not personally. But he attacked our island years ago.”
           “OK. Then I’ll deal with Hammer.”
           Daisuke charged Shakrsfin. Hammer tried to intercept him, but Torai released a lightning from his thunderclouds.
           “We’ve never dealt with you Great White Sharks since you really haven’t done anything to hurt anyone before. But siding with the hunters is a wrong move.” Said Torai.
           “Don’t get too cocky just because you are an ability user.” Hammer charged Torai, blocking every lightning attack with his magic-imbued battle hammers.
           Meanwhile, Daisuke begun to charge Sharksfin with his wooden arms.
           “You look like a human for an elf!” said Sharksfin as he deflects Daisuke’s attacks.
           “I wasn’t really looking forward to meet you. But since you’re already here, I’ll make sure you’ll pay for what you did to Cobalt!”
           “Hmph. I remember that kid. A useless one!”
           Daisuke and Sharksfin continued to exchange blows, occasionally landing one to two hits each.
 Only a few remaining Great White Sharks lackeys are standing. Those remaining are the strongest among the lackeys. They were able to fight multiple footmen at once. Other lackeys helped the fainted ones.
           “Hey! I’m not done with you guys yet!” Raijin charged the remaining lackeys.
           Using his electric tonfa, he managed to tase the lackeys. He would block and hit his enemy with his tonfa, and when he sees an opening, he would tase them with the electric end.
           Soon, more Great White Sharks lackeys arrived. The U.A. footmen are now outnumbered. Most of the U.A. members are still stationed at the headquarters to guard and others are at the warship dealing with the Fishbone Hunters.
           “Damn it! Where these guys did came from.” Said Raijin.
           Raijin and the footmen were pinned down the harbor. The lackeys surrounded them with no way to run. Behind them are the burning boats that the first group of lackeys destroyed.
           “Hahahaha! You’re all done now!” said one of the newly arrived lackey. “Men, slaughter them!”
           But as soon as the lackeys tried to attack Raijin and the footmen, fishermen came running and shouting led by the dwarf Boris.
           “No Great White Sharks will be left unscathed!” shouted Boris. He took a runestone from his pocket and it turned into a black battle hammer with red gemstones. “For Port Royale!”
           The fishermen, armed with just about anything, charged the lackeys.
           “Alright! Footmen, charged!” shouted Raijin.
           The footmen shouted like barbarians as well and charged the lackeys.
           It was a total mayhem at the harbor.
           Raijin fought his way through the lackeys and met with Boris.
           “Hey! I never knew you could still fight!” said Raijin.
           “Hohoho. I never had this much fun since I came here.” Boris laughed as he smashed a lackey with his hammer.
           “We better deal with these lackeys quickly. There are still hunters over there!”
           “Lead the way, lad!”
 Riku did not have any problems with the Fishbone Hunters. And that did not stopped her from having fun herself.
           Using her power, she chanted another magic spell. “Rosaeus Armatura!” her body was then wrapped with rose plant like a medieval body armor.
          After the completion of the armor, she created a rose whip and rose shield. The hunters was shocked at first, but they continued to attack Riku.
          Riku blocked the hunters’ attack with her shield. Then countered with her rose whip. He managed to wrap a leg with the whip, then tossed the unfortunate hunter towards the other hunters.
          The hunters were unable to get nearer.
          “What? If you guys will come to me, then I’ll go to you!”
          Riku tossed her whip and shield, then charged the hunters. “Germinio Phrenesia!” Rose plants suddenly grew all over the place like a wave. Those who are unlucky got wrapped around with the thorny stem. The spell Riku used almost depleted her mana that she was unable to maintain her rose armor.
          Riku is breathing heavily after using a mana-draining magic spell. “So this is how Daisuke feel when he overuse his power. Not bad.”
 Jack did not have any problem either with dealing with the hunters on the other ship of Fishbone Hunters.
           He destroyed most of the ship --- the masts, steering wheel, and even the rudder --- so that it may not continue to sail towards the harbor. Then, he created trees whose roots blocked the cannon windows and even wrapped around the cannons.
           “Damn it! Why is there even an elf here?!” shouted one of the hunters on deck.
           “Attack that elf all at once! His just one elf!” shouted another.”
           But even with the number of hunters on the ship, Jack simply dodged them and destroyed every part of the ship.
           When he saw that the ship was completely useless, he went to the second one. He abandoned the ship he was in and went to the other ship that is still firing the cannons towards the warships of U.A.
           “This is some tiring task.” Said Jack who is out of breath.
           He simply repeated what he did on the other ship and signaled the warships. He took a lifeboat to get away from the two Fishbone ships as fast as he could. When he was far enough, the warships closed in then fired their cannons. Soon, the enemy ships are nothing but wreckage.
           Jack looked at the ships as they burned down and capsize. He saw the remaining hunters jumped into the water. How unlucky, Jack thought. Two of the hunters’ ships were destroyed as fast as they came here on Port Royale.
           He looked around the harbor and saw the ongoing battles. He saw a cherry blossom tree, obviously the handiwork of Daisuke, Then, out of nowhere, a thundercloud appeared. In a few seconds later, a lightning strikes the tree,thunder roared loudly, and the cherry blossoms scattered.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 12: Brawl at the Harbor
THE EXPLOSION WAS HEARD almost all over Port Royale. Riku and Raijin was already at the town center, waiting for Daisuke and Jack, when they heard the explosion.
           “Woah, what was that?” asked Riku.
           “I think it came from the harbor.”
           “Should we go and see what’s going on?”
           “Heeeey! Raijin!!” a man called out to Raijin.
           “Hey, Yura. What’s going on? Why are you running?”
           The man named Yura ran towards Raijin. “The sharks! They’re at the harbor!”
           “Sharks? What sharks?” asked Riku.
           Yura took a deep breath. “The Great White Sharks. They are at the harbor looking for you. Then they went to your boat and destroyed it!”
           Raijin’s heart sank as he heard what happened. He was confused as he did not do anything to anger the loan sharks. He felt saddened and furious at the same time.
           He remembered the time when Boris showed him Kaminari for the first time. It was already old and creaky back then. He couldn’t remember any memories with his parents, but losing Kaminari was a hard blow to him.
           “This is my fault. They must have thought that you are with me when I kicked that fish brain.”
           “They’ll pay for it.” Said Raijin. He took his tonfas from his side and ran towards the harbor.
           “Raijin! Wait!” Riku shouted.
As they reached the harbor, they saw thirty, maybe forty members of Great White Sharks, and the brothers Sera and Hammer. All of them are armed, from simple swords to hand-held cannons.
           “Oy Raijin! It’s nice for you to finally show up! Thought that explosion might reach ya!” shouted Sera. “And you even brought your elf assassin.”
           “So it’s true then, you tried to assassinate my brother.” Hammer appeared from behind of Sera.
           “Assassinate? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
           “Don’t you dare lie to us! You sent that elf to kill me! Right guys?”
           Sera’s lackey nodded.
           “What? I’m not an assassin!” Riku protested.
           “Enough!” Hammer demanded. “No one messes with the Great White Sharks. Your boat is not enough, so we’ll take everything from you.”
           “That boat you destroyed. That’s the last thing I have from my parents. And you took it away from me! You are the ones who will pay!”
           The Great White Sharks simply laughed.
           “And what are you gonna do about it?” asked Sera.
           Raijin’s eye were glaring. He then pressed a button at the handle of his tonfa, then the longer end begun to spark with electricity.
 A few moments earlier at the United Alliance headquarters.
           “WHAT?!” Torai jumped out from his seat.
           “Calm down, will you?” said Jack.
           “Calm down?! You do not simply say ‘Hey, I have news. An avatar is here’.”
           “How would you want me to say it then?”
           Torai sighed. “Never mind about that. Where’s this avatar then?”
           “He’s at the lighthouse. His name is Dai---”
           “WHAT?!” Torai jumped put from his seat again.
           Jack sighed “Will you please stop doing that.”
           “But I was at the lighthouse just earlier before I came here!”
           “Really? So you already met him.”
           “Yeah. The elf named Daisuke. He didn’t seem to look like an avatar to me though. Are you sure his an avatar?”
           Before Jack could answer Torai’s question, they heard an explosion.
           “Was that an explosion?” asked Jack.
           They went out and saw a black smoke rising from the harbor. Torai ordered his men to go towards the harbor and investigate what is happening.
           “Sir Torai! We detected three treasure hunter ships heading towards the harbor!” said one of the U.A. surveillance personnel.
           “Great, an explosion at the harbor, and a group hunters.”
  Daisuke is now in the streets near the harbor. He could now clearly see what is happening. He saw more than two dozens of men fighting two people.
           “Ah. Riku! Raijin!” shouted Daisuke.
           Raijin hit another shark lackey with his electric tonfa. The lackey got electrocuted and fell down. “Ah, Daisuke!”
           “Hey! Kick ass now, chit-chat later!” Riku demanded as she used her rose magic to fight multiple lackeys. Her enemies found it difficult to fight her thanks to her glowing skin. Her enemies are entranced, almost as if the glowing pattern no her skin is hypnotizing them.
           Daisuke knew better than to piss off Riku, so he used his power to create his signature wooden arms to fight the shark lackeys as well.
           “What? Another plant-user?” Sera was astonished to Daisuke’s appearance.
           “I’ll deal with that newcomer, you deal with Raijin and that female elf.” Said Hammer.
           “Sir Hammer! The U.A. is coming!” shouted one of the lackeys.
           “Damn it. We can’t deal with all of them at the same time!” Sera claimed.
           “Three warships? Why would they bring those just for us?” asked one of the lackeys.
           Hammer scanned the area. Because of the commotion, they did not noticed that there are three large ships getting closer to the harbor.
           “Hahahahahaha! So he’s finally here.”
           From the western area of Port Royale, three to four dozens of U.A. footmen arrived to the harbor.
           “You guys! What’s going on here?” asked one of the footmen.
           “These people destroyed my boat! Other boats even got burned as well because of them!” Raijin claimed.
           Hammer laughed. “Don’t worry, kid. We’re now done playing loan sharks. We’re now here to take the whole Port Royale! Witness our eldest brother! The captain of Fishbone Hunters!!”
           Everyone was astonished to what Hammer said. But true to his words, three ships are now near the harbor. Cannons started to fire which are aimed at the warships of United Alliance.
           “What? Fishbone Hunters?” asked Daisuke.
           Hammer saw an opportunity to strike Daisuke with his battle hammer, but Daisuke managed to block his attack with the wooden arm.
           “You’re pretty clumsy for an elf.”
           Daisuke glared at Hammer. “You guys really piss me off.”
           Hammer suddenly felt a dangerous killing intent coming from Daisuke that he backed off a little. Was he imagining things? Earlier, Daisuke was simply punching with his overgrown arms made of trees. But now, he seems to have the eyes of a monster. This elf is dangerous, Hammer thought.
           “You got to be kidding me…”
           “What happened? You were laughing just now.” Daisuke took a few steps forward.
           “H-hey! Do not mock me!” Hammer took a runestone and activated it to become another battle hammer and rushed towards Daisuke.
           Hammer is skilled with battle hammers, so wielding two at a time does not even slow him down. He tried to smash Daisuke with his hammers continuously, but Daisuke simply evaded his attacks. When Daisuke saw an opening, he tried to punch Hammer with his wooden arm. But Hammer quickly sidestepped to dodge.
           Even with the killing intent that Hammer feels from Daisuke, he still charged Daisuke and the two continued to exchange blows.
 Raijin was not having it any better. Despite the muscular looks of his opponent, Sera is still able to move quickly.
            “What’s the matter, boy? Can’t land a hit?” Sera taunted.
           “Shut up!” Shouted Raijin as he continued to attack Sera with his electric tonfas.
           “That weapon of yours looks great. I’ll take them from you after I chop your head off.”
           Sera then went into offensive after dodging Raijin’s last attack. He swing his ax towards Raijin, but Raijin manages to block his attacks with the tonfa.
           Raijin tried to attack, but he just could find any opening. What’s with this muscle brain’s speed? How could he move so fast despite his built?
           Sera tried to slash Raijin again. This time, Raijin blocked the attack with both of his tonfas. “I see, you are so weak that you even had to hire some elf just to assassinate me. Pathetic!”
           “How many times do I have to tell you?” Raijin was struggling to block the ax above his head. “I never planned to kill you.”
           Sera raised his ax again then slashed downward. The slash would have been fatal, but Riku managed to block the attack with her rose magic.
           “Hey! Need a hand?”
           Behind Sera, most of the Great White Sharks are fighting the footmen. “I see you are already free. I wouldn’t mind if you’ll help me with this muscle brain.”
           The pattern on Riku’s skin glowed even brighter as she chanted a magic spell. “Germinio Iraeus”!
           “Uwaaaaaaah!!” Sera wailed in pain as rose plants started to grow from where he was standing and got wrapped around him tightly. In just a matter of few seconds, Sera was completely wrapped with thorny rose plant.
           Raijin’s jaw dropped. “You could have started with that! Why use it just now?!”
           “Hmph. I will not waste my mana with mere lackeys.” Said Riku.
 The three warships of United Alliance started to fire their cannons. Instead of fighting the Great White Sharks that is wreaking havoc at the harbor, Torai and Jack decided to fight the Fishbone Hunters that suddenly appeared.
           “Why would those treasure hunters suddenly arrive?” asked Torai.
           “That emblem on their flag. Those are the Fishbone Hunters for sure.” Claimed Jack.
           “You know those hunters?”
           Jack confirmed. “They attacked Maria Island years ago. I believe that was the day my father saw Daisuke used the power of Ariyani.”
           One of Fishbone Hunter’s ship went ahead to the harbor. The remaining ships continued to fire their cannons towards the warship.
           “We wouldn’t be able to close the distance. We cannot afford to lose these warships.” Said Torai.
           “I’ll handle the hunters. Do you think you could take me to one of those ships?”
           “Sure. What are you planning?”
           “Take me to one of their ships. Then tell your men to close the gap once I gave the signal. You can take care of the ship getting near the harbor after you dropped me.”
           “OK. I’m counting on you, then.” Torai then faced his crew. “Men, hold your position. Once Jack give his signal, close the gap then sink those ships.”
           Torai’s men screamed their lungs out.
           Jack called Torai. “Hey! Let’s do this!”
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 11: Calm before the Storm
as fast as they could from the commotion. Many others fled as well from the scene. When they are sure that they are far enough, they stopped from running to catch their breath.
           “Why did you do that? I got it under control.” asked Riku who was still huffing.
           Raijin managed to speak after getting his breathing properly. “Those guys are bad news. They’re the loan sharks I owe and many people are scared of them.”
           Riku remembered when Daisuke talked about the loan sharks that Raijin owes. It turns out that many people owe them as well. And even though there is already a presence of United Alliance in Port Royale, the people are still afraid to rat them out.
           “Well, they doesn’t seem to be of a threat to me to be honest.” Said Riku.
           “The man you’ve hit is Sera. His the youngest brother of the Shark Brothers. The second eldest, Hammer, is the leader of the Great White Shark. If he hears what happened, they will surely hunt you down.”
           “So what? Is he a power user?”
           “I haven’t met him yet. And I do not wish to. Rumors says that Hammer feeds his enemies to his pet sharks.” Raijin shuddered.
           “If he catches me first, that is.”
           “Let’s not take chances. I do not like sharks personally.
           “Well, I have to go. I still got to buy some stuff for our travels.”
           “What do you guys need?”
           Luckily, Raijin knew other places aside from the market to buy some necessities for the travels of his elven friends. Raijin accompanied Riku to other stores where they could buy whatever necessities his elven friends needed for their journey.
 Jack went to United Alliance headquarters found at the west side of Port Royale. It seems he is even familiar with the place, almost like he has been there a lot of times. As soon as he went inside the building, he was stopped by a couple of U.A. personnel.
           “Identification please.”
           “You still need that from me?”
           “Hahaha. We still need to follow the security protocol, Sir Jack.” The personnel laughed as he explained.
           “You guys are strict as ever.” Jack chuckled as well as he showed them some sort of I.D. card. The two personnel quickly let Jack pass through.
           The U.A. headquarters in Port Royale is quite decent considering that Port Royale is not even a country. The main building have four floors, then there are three separate compound-like buildings for other purposes.
           Jack reached the receptionist. “Hi. Is Torai around?”
           “Mr. Jack! Good day. Do you have an appointment with Sir Torai.” asked the receptionist.
           “No, not really. He knows why I’m here. Just tell him it’s Jack.”
           “Just a moment, Mr. Jack.”
           The receptionist called the office of Torai. After the call ended, the receptionist faced Jack.
           “I’m sorry, Mr. Jack. But Sir Torai seems to be outside as per his secretary.”
           “Is that so? Well, thank you for your time. I’ll be on my way now.”
           “Umm, don’t you want to wait here instead, sir? Sir Torai could be back any minute now.”
           “It’s okay. I still have some place to be anyway.”
           As soon as Jack left the headquarters, a man landed a few meters away in front of the building. The man walked towards him and squinted his eyes. “Jack?”
           “Always the flashy entrance, Torai.”
 Torai and Jack went to the cafeteria to have a talk.
           “So, what brings you here? You finally decided to leave the island? Or you’re just visiting like usual?” asked Torai.
           “I left the island. And I’m with my friends.” Replied Jack.
           “Hahahaha. That’s good. What’s the point of becoming a Seeker if you do not leave the island, right?”
           “Anyway, you got news about my brother?”
           “Sorry, there are a lot of elves scattered around the world. My contacts haven’t reported anyone about an elf with durian or jackfruit power.”
           “How about your contacts from the Chaser department? Shouldn’t they have a better intelligence unit than the main U.A. forces?”
           “They’ve got nothing as well. Besides, I really do not like those Chaser bunch.”
           “Hahaha! You joined the Chasers even though you do not like the Chasers. That’s new.”
           “I only joined to find my brother. My father said that my brother joined the Chaser instead of staying as a Seeker.”
           “How did you even managed to become a Chaser before you’ve become a Seeker?”
           “That’s a secret.”
           “Hahahaha! Anyway, I’m kinda curious. Isn’t jackfruit and durian a two totally different family of fruits?”
“Well, yeah. It just so happened that my father is a durian user, while my mom have jackfruit powers. I got mine from my mom.”
           “Wouldn’t it be neat if you were able to get both?”
           Jack simply smiled as he swallowed his food. “Anyway, I have a big news for you.”
           Torai finished his sandwich and drank his juice. “About what?”
           Jack looked around to see if there are anyone who could hear them. When he found it is clear, he told the news to Torai.
“The avatar of Ariyani is here in Port Royale and is now up for grabs.”
 The members of Great White Sharks inside Hammerhead are very rowdy as they prepare. Then, the doors slammed open by Sera’s lackey while the other one was assisting him as they entered. Everyone was surprised to the looks of Sera.
           “Oy! What happened to Sir Sera?!”
           “A female elf attacked us! She looks like an assassin pretending as a shopper at the market!” said Sera’s lackey.
           “Yeah! She tried to kill Sir Sera, but failed!”
          “And then Raijin appeared and helped her escape when Sir Sera was about to kill her!”
          From the stairs, Hammer walked down. He was wearing a suit perfect for business.
          “Is that true, Sera?”
          Sera gulped. “E-Every word, brother Hammer.”
          The two other lackeys simply nodded.
          “Have you guys went to the lighthouse as I ordered?”
          The three confirmed that they went. “Yes!”
          “And did you saw any ships heading this way?”
          “Yes brother!” said Sera. “I believe those are the ships of our brother.”
          Hammer took a glass from a member. He sat down with Sera and gave the drink. “Here, have a drink. You’re shaking.”
          Sera took the glass and drank the liquor. “Thanks.”
          “Tell me. Isn’t Raijin the young man who still owes us because of his parents’ debt?”
          “Y-Yeah, and I’m in charge of that twerp.”
          “Looks like he thought killing you would end his debt.”
          “That bastard!” said one of Sera’s lackey.
          Hammer stood up. “We’ll teach that kid a lesson. No one messes with the Great White Sharks.”
          The members cheered and took their weapons as they prepare to leave the tavern.
          “Say, Sera. What does that kid do for a living again?”
          “He is a fisherman. He only catches sea monsters though.”
          “And what does a fisherman needs to hunt for fishes?”
          Sera scratched his head. Hammer sighed and answered his own question.
          “A boat, Sera. A fisherman needs a boat to fish. We’ll go to the port and destroy his priced boat. Now come on boys. Let’s have some warm-up before the main event!”
Daisuke was sitting at the roof of the lighthouse. He was looking at Port Royale’s fishing port which is busy as ever. Then he gazed at the central town where there are a lot of tourists. The view looks a lot like from the observation deck of the shrine of Maria.
           He wonders how is everyone’s doing. He misses his parents a lot.
           He reckoned that it’s almost time to go back to town center. He’s still got enough time though, he thought. As he dropped from the roof of the lighthouse, he decided to take a detour to the fishing port and see the businesses going on.
           But as soon as he landed, he heard an explosion. He looked for the source of the explosion and saw a black smoke rising from the fishing port. It seems that a boat has exploded. He then remembered that it could be where Raijin’s boat is anchored.
           Then, from the distance, he noticed three ships getting closer, and fast. Are those hunters? It seems the explosion wasn’t caused by the ships as they are still relatively faraway.
           He noticed that three warships also departed from U.A. headquarters. Maybe those warships will intercept the incoming ships, so Daisuke decided to head to fishing port instead.
          Daisuke then used his power to propel himself and get to the fishing port faster to see what happened.
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preoccupiedpens · 6 years ago
Dream Hunters Chapter 10: Great White Sharks
for buyers to be interested in the sea serpent that Raijin caught. Eight in the morning, buyers already came one by one for different parts of the serpent.
            Some scales from the sea serpent were still intact. Since it can be used for jewelry and medicine, a certain guild of crafters bought the good scales for six hundred lanias. Not a bad bargain.
           Then, a restaurateur came and bought all the meat that could be salvaged from the sea serpent. Luckily, ninety percent of the serpent’s meat was of high grade. Mr. Manta was paid four thousand lanias for the meat.
           The remaining carcass and bones of the sea serpent was bought by blacksmiths to be used as materials for weapon and armor. Mr. Manta received two thousand five hundred lanias for those.
           Bu afternoon, almost all parts of the serpent was sold. Even the innards were sold to be used as bait by other fishermen. One thousand lanias were given to Mr. Manta for those.
           All in all, the whole sea serpent was sold for eight thousand and one hundred lanias. That will be enough to buy a house and lot or a brand new fishing boat still with change.
           Mr. Manta, who sold the sea serpent part by part, immediately phoned Maelstrom Tavern to notify Raijin. As soon as Raijin heard the good news, he straightaway went to Mr. Manta to receive the payment. Daisuke accompanied him since Riku and Jack were still sleeping.
           Riku received sixty precent of the total sales which was around four thousand eight hundred and sixty lanias. Mr. Manta got forty percent cut for managing to sell the whole serpent. It was a nice deal considering that Mr. Manta has always been the buyer guy of Riku. Those will still be deducted by twenty percent tax as per Port Royale’s law, which will leave Raijin around three thousand eight hundred and eighty eight lania. Still a good sum for a single catch.
           “How will you divide your money now?” asked Daisuke.
           “Well, half of it will go straight to the loan sharks. Half of the other half will go to Boris, the remainder will be mine.”
           “That will leave you around nine hundred seventy two lanias. Those loan shark, how much do you owe them?”
           “Five million lanias.”
Daisuke’s eye widened and his jaw dropped as he heard the amount.
“But my parents already paid most of it. The loan sharks told me that the remaining balance is around three hundred thousand lanias.”
           “Woah. That’s still a lot though.”
           “Well, as long as I get to catch a sea serpent, then there will be no problem.”
           And as they walk back to Maelstrom Tavern, they saw three men walking towards them.
           “Ahhh! Raijin my boy! Heard you caught another sea serpent. How do you do it?”
           “Mr. Sera. It’s quite early to see you around this place, isn’t it?”
           “Well, my men and I want some fresh air from time to time. And who is this young elf with you?”
           “Daisuke. Nice to meet you.” Said Daisuke.
           “Likewise. So, anyway Raijin my boy, you’ve got quite a lot there.”
           Daisuke wanted to step in, but Raijin held him. “The earlier the better.” Raijin smiled as he handed Sera some of the money he received.
           “Atta boy! Now c’mon boys. I want to go to the lighthouse.” Sera said as he and his lackeys left.
           As soon as Sera and his men were gone, Daisuke talked to Raijin. “You should have let me punch those bastards.”
           “Don’t try to do anything stupid, Daisuke. The Great White Sharks has been here for a very long time. Sera and his brothers were not even born yet when the Great White Sharks was formed.”
 As soon as they are back in Maelstrom Tavern, Raijin went to Boris to pay him up. Riku and Jack are already up and eating brunch.
           “Good morning, guys. Or afternoon.” Said Riku. “Anyway. where have you two been?”
           Daisuke sat down with them. “I accompanied Raijin to get his payment for the sea serpent.”
           “That was fast. Did he received a good amount?” asked Jack while munching his burger.
           “Reasonable. I guess it’s already a lot considering his job.”
           While the two were eating, Daisuke told them about the conversation he had with Raijin and Boris last night. Riku and Jack both couldn’t believe that they easily got a tip on the possible location of the statue.
           “It sounds too good to be true, but it’s the only lead we have so far.” Said Jack.
           “But going to a country with an active war, isn’t that a problem?” Riku said worryingly.
           “You’re right. For all we know, the country’s borders may be closed." replied Jack.
           “Then we’ll just sneak in.” said Daisuke.
           “It’s not that easy, you now.” Replied Riku.
           “Then let’s just think of something after we get there. It’s still three, four kingdoms away anyway.” Said Daisuke.
 The trio bid farewell to Raijin and Boris as soon as Riku and Jack finished eating. They thanked them for letting them stay and for giving them a few supplies and valuable information for their travels. They went to the town center to plan out their journey.
           “It’s still too early guys. You want to go around first before we leave the town?” Riku asked.
           “Yeah. We haven’t spent a lot of time here as well. I was thinking of going to the western side to check what’s in there.” Said Jack.
           “Isn’t the United Alliance headquarters of Port Royale found there?” said Riku.
           “Really? Then I guess I can check that out as well.”
           “How about you, Daisuke?”
           Daisuke was staring at the lighthouse on the eastern port of Port Royale. “Well, I really wanted to check that lighthouse by the cliff.”
           “OK. I wanted to visit some shops before we leave. We could use some supplies.”
           “Great. Then let’s all meet up by the fountain, front of the post office in two hours?” Jack suggested.
           “Sure.” Said Daisuke.
           “OK then. I’ll see you both later!” Riku left first.
           Daisuke and Jack waved at Riku. “Well, I’m heading this way. See you later, Daisuke.”
 As soon as Riku and Jack went to their respective destination, Daisuke went straight to the lighthouse found at the cliff east of Port Royale. The lighthouse is quite far away, so Daisuke took a while to get there.
           By the time he got there, he did not saw anyone. He was hoping to find Sera and his lackey. Too bad, Daisuke thought.
           Daisuke looked around and saw the name of the lighthouse. “Eurusyneim…”
           “House of the god of east winds, patron of sailors.”
           Daisuke flinched. He turned around and saw a young blonde man. “Oh, umm, am I not supposed to be here?”
           “Hahaha. Anyone is free to visit this old lighthouse.” Said the young man. “It is said that this was built by the second generation of people who settled here in Port Royale. They built this in honor of one of their gods called Eurusyn, and to ensure the safety of sea farers.”
           “Are you the caretaker of this lighthouse?”
           The young man chuckled. “That’s a no as well. Name’s Torai. I’m the captain of U.A. that’s stationed here. I’m just here to enjoy the fresh breeze.”
           “Yeah. Wind’s fresh up here. I’m Daisuke by the way.”
           Torai walked towards Daisuke and noticed that he is an elf. “You’re from Maria Island, correct?”
           “Umm, yeah. I’m with my friends here. Did you happen to see three guys around here?”
           “Hmmmm, not really. You’re the first one I saw here today. Are they your friends?”
           “Oh, no. Just some loan sharks.”
           “People from Great White Sharks, huh. They’re pretty nasty bunch.”
           “Yeah. My friend was even wondering why U.A. isn’t dealing with them.”
           Torai walked towards Daisuke and looked at the horizon and let out a sigh. “As much as we want to deal with them, we’re actually quite preoccupied. We’ve been dealing with constant raids from treasure hunters. And the funny part? We do not even have any treasures here.”
           “How about before? I was told that they’ve been here for a long time.”
           “I wasn’t captain that time yet. And by the time I became a captain here, we’ve already been under constant raids.”
           “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to interrogate you or something. I really just hate those guys.”
           “Hahahaha! It’s okay. Well, I hope you guys enjoy your stay here on Port Royale. We’ve got a lot to offer. Specially the ales.”
           “Hahaha! Yeah, we had a good one last night. At Maelstrom Tavern.”
           “Ooooh. Nothing beats that tavern’s owner in ales. Anyway, it’s nice meeting you, Daisuke. If you and or your friends ever need something, you can find me at the headquarters. It’s just west of Port Royale town proper.”
           “Will do.”
           Torai then jumped. As he jumped, thunder boomed from where he stood and the ground was smoking. Daisuke was surprised that Torai was now a hundred meters above. Then, another thunder boomed as Torai lunged himself towards the headquarters.
 At the Hammerhead Tavern, Hammer and his men are preparing all of their weapon.
           “Sir Hammer, everyone is prepared now. When do we leave?” said a lackey.
           “We leave before sunset. The Fishbone Hunters will arrive when the U.A. least expects it.”
           That moment, the transponder rang.
           “Brother?” said Hammer through the transponder.
           “Gyahahahaha! Brother Hammer! Are your men ready?”
           “Yes, brother. My men are always ready.”
           “Good. We’re seeing Port Royale from the horizon now. Looks like the U.A. stationed there are quite lax today.”
           “Well. There has been no attack from hunters for the past three weeks. We’ve managed to condition them by stopping any hunters that will try to enter Port Royale.”
           “Good. Then all we need is a good distraction. I assume we can rely on you and your men for that.”
           “Of course, brother. We’ll take care of that. Just make sure you and your men will get here.”
           After the call ended, the Great White Sharks continued to check their weapons for the upcoming battle.
 At the market, Riku is looking around for foods and other essentials since they lost most of their stuffs at the sea.
           Food is not a problem, she thought. They could just hunt down a deer or boar, or whatever is available on the way. What they needed are some clothes that they could use.
           While walking around, looking at the clothes, she bumped into a muscular man with a shark tattoo on his shoulder.
           “Hey! Watch where you’re going, elf!” said the muscular man.
           “Oh. I’m sorry. I was looking at the clothes.” Riku sincerely apologized.
           The other two tattooed men went around Riku.
           “Hohoho. She doesn’t look bad though, Sera.” Said the other guy the muscular man is with. He also have a tattoo of shark on his shoulder.
           “Hey! You wanna come with us?” said the other guy.
           “Hmmm, if you come with us, I could consider forgiving you.” Sera offered as the other two laughed.
           Riku has now lost her patience and started to get irritated.
           “I’m sorry, but I have more important things to do than to go with you fish brains.”
           The people around started to get nervous at the scene. Some closed their stores. Others left the area.
           “Hey! Don’t you know who we are? We’re the Great White Sharks!” said the Sera.
           “What’s the point of asking me if you’re going to answer anyway?” said Riku.
           The people who are still around laughed discreetly, But Sera saw them. Even his two lackeys tried to hold their laughter.
           Sera’s face turned red. “You’ve done it now!” He took a runestone and activated it. The runestone turned into an ax. He slashes his ax towards Riku, but Riku simply dodged. Without even using her powers, she simply kicked Sera behind his knee. As he fell on his knee, Riku kicked him on the back of his head. Sera slammed to the ground so hard that the ground cratered
           The people started to run away because of the commotion. Suddenly, someone took her hands. “Hey! What are---“
           “Let’s go! Before more of them arrive!” said Raijin.
           The two of them ran away from the area.
           “Oy! Wasn’t that the Raijin kid?!” said lackey number one.
           “I thought so too. Looks like he knows that elf girl” said lackey number two.
           “Let’s help boss Sera first.”
           “He’ll be in big trouble now.”
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