powerlifting-guy · 6 years
Scott Steiner & Marcus Alexander Bagwell Vs. Flyin’ Brian Pillman & Stunning Steve Austin WCW WorldWide [October 10th, 1992]
Before the team would find their footing as The Hollywood Blonds, the team of Flyin’ Brian Pillman and Stunning Steve Austin would be tested against tag team specialist Scott Steiner and his partner, a young Marcus Alexander Bagwell. In the absence of Rick Steiner, brother Scott would find a replacement in a young Bagwell, who works hard in this match to prove his worth by teaming with a wrestler who knows his way around a tag team match. The strength of Scott Steiner keeps Pillman and Austin on their feet as the two work to get their opponents on their backs.
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powerlifting-guy · 6 years
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Just in case you doubt Chris Jericho is the GOAT… he shows up on RAW in an Alpha Club shirt less than three weeks after wrestling Kenny Omega in the Tokyo Dome.
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powerlifting-guy · 6 years
Pete Dunne Vs. Cody Rhodes Southside Wrestling 6th Anniversary Show [December 29th, 2016]
In the same year that Cody Rhodes performed on WWE’s WrestleMania, TNA’s Bound For Glory, and ROH’s Final Battle, Rhodes traveled to the United Kingdom to take on one of the top level superstars in the country, Pete Dunne at Southside Wrestling’s 6th Anniversary Show. Dunne certainly didn’t make any friends in the get-go of this match, showing Rhodes that he’s anything but a clean-cut fighter, but rather a hardened brawler, ready to dish out some “hard times” to a member of the Rhodes family!
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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#2017bestnine #gymforfeits #wedding #fitnesscunt #wrestlingcunt #food #craftbeercunt #steak All round top #cunt
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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#Happiestdayofmylife #KO #KevinSteen #KevinOwens @fightowensfight #KevinTaylor #Areyouwatching @samizayn #FestivalofFriendship @chrisjerichofozzy #Noheelturnshere
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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"Heeeeere's Kenny!" @njpw1972 #PowerStruggle was all kinds of great! @bulletclub_official #TheElite #Thetheelite #njpwworld
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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Back update: Physio cupped me. I got super faint. My back is colourful. She commented on my bruising and was surprised it's just from hitting the ropes. #cupping #back #wrestling #physio #rehab #rhomboid #rhomboidisabitjammedup #wrongboid #amirite?!
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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When you meet @rusevig and want to violate your wellness. Mammoth of a man. He assured me that @thelanawwe knees haven't recovered yet. #lad #giantlad @wwe #wellnesspolicyviolationforme #Iam205live #badaboomsmallestguyintheroom #rusevday #jackedandtan #poorlana #rusevcrush (at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre)
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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When you meet Kevin Owens and you're marking out, maaaaan! Can I replace @samizayn as KO's bestie? #wweaberdeen #wwelive @wwe #ko #kevinowens #IfelthowIimagineSamiZaynfeelseveryday #Ipopped #suchamark #smileowenssmile (at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre)
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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When you meet @charlottewwe you have to fill in for @beckylynchwwe and drink tea. #wweaberdeen @wwe #wwelive #woo #wooooooo #hergearfitssowell #IhopewhenIgetsomeringgearIlookhalfasgoodasher #wrestlingroyalty (at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre)
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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Living that @wwe life #wwe #flexfriday #flexeveryday #flexingdouchebags #nelandalangetflexed #bangbang #wwelive #wweaberdeen #weweresportsentertained #wrasslin #wrestling (at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre)
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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Running the ropes - 3 days later, 1 day later, straight after ... Wrestling is the best #wrestling #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #runningtheropes #ropeburn #kink #bdsm #wokeupeverytimeImoved #3monthstraining
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
Why are there not more gifs from this match?!
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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In honor of Kane’s return. I present my favourite photo of him ever.
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
Traps are too small
Definitely not Neillian, @lifeweightsandpavement
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powerlifting-guy · 7 years
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"I'm alive! That is all!" Dem Shibata feels after I took my first bumps in an actual wrestling ring last night. Tick that off the bucket list. More training to do ... More goals to achieve ...
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