My favourite albums of 2022
After two years of Covid, the year 2022 was finally the year when one felt like things got back to normal, at least felt that way when it comes to my cultural life (definitely not normal when some old dickhead starts f* war). To be precise why it felt normal is the fact that comparing to two previous years I managed to see 37 concerts (if I counted correctly my photos on insta) + 2 festivals + managed to get to normal cinema as well (not that I missed that one much with home cinema at home :P). There are definitely some highlights from it as well, from cinema its most notably one of the greatest movie of last years - The Worst Person in the World (J. Trier at his ultimate best), from concerts there are The Armed (the f* best active live band), but there were more like Porridge Radio (who managed to release two masterpieces during covid years), reunited Maybeshewill or Sigur Ros from post rock, Mitski, Birds in Row, my youth nostalgic concerts with Artic Monkeys & Bright Eyes, seeing Nothing live in club and festival, finally seeing Beck, and post-punk highlights from Soft Kill & Fontaines D.C. 
But this piece was supposed to be about my most favorite albums which were released in last 12 months, right? So there is the list:
Mitski - Laurel Hell > I wouldn't mind Mitski taking as many breaks from music industry as she wants, because if after every break she comes with such album as this one, the world for all loners would be brighter place. I could listed to Love me more on repeat for hours!
Porridge Radio - Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky > While Mitski sings “love me more”, Porridge radio are shouting “I don't wanna be loved” in The Birthday Party song, but kind of feels the same. These are the songs that manage to take you back to your teenage years and expressing the same what you felt then and what you feel now when the moment just take overwhelms you. Porridge radio released their debut in spring of 2020 when all the lockdowns started, might be the occasions that I happen to be at those time that it speaks directly to me, or just we have this great band and we can expect much more.
The Beths - Expert in Dying Fields > This indie band is from New Zealand, that all explains probably why on my list right? Kiwi accent is enough :) but even of those who haven't got this thing for Kiwi bands, after bit weaker second album (it happens if your debut rocks), The Beths are back at their best, definitely one of the best indie pop groups you can catch seeing live.
Birds in Row - Gris Klein > Not sure if more adorable are albums of this French trio or their live shows. The more I am listening to their 2022 piece the more hooked I am getting, the same happen to me with their previous one and I believe the same will happen again. 
Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory > Yes I admit, I cant be objective, I was loving this new album before I heard it, because I was so excited that new album means new live shows and well there are not many things with which you can be 100% sure it will be great, and I know that in February 2023 it will be just fucking great.
Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia > You wouldn't find better representative of post punk these days than these Irish guys, another great album, great show, if you haven't listen to them yet this is a must.
Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up Here > This is another band who released magnificent albums fusing all genres that I love during covid. Some may say its bit weaker that first one, but still works. Big shame that the whole line up who stood behind these albums is no longer available to see.
Another notable mentions:
Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You
Ithaca - They fear us
Pool Kids - I had them on my Spotify quite often looking back at my statistics :)
Kiwi Jr. - Chopper > their new album was produced by Dan Broecker, it just be must be on my list, right? :D
Dehd - Blue Skies
The Armed - Ultrapop: Live at the Masonic
Lykke Li - EYEYE - its so nice getting older and older with Lykke Li
Caroline - Caroline
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The world is a horrible place full of corrupt hateful people but if you are not already ready to die there is this awesome emo album to listen this autumn to fight your depressive mood! :)
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Well finally I found time to go to cinema to watch this, knowing before that I wont be disappointed, which in the end I wasn't as Nolan delivered another masterpiece of his portfolio :)
 What is the question now is what will be Nolan next step. I was telling my friends right after Inception that by this Nolan managed (maybe even overcome) the quality of The Sting and once he started making Interstellar (in my eyes his response to Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey) his next move can be just some war movie to prove that he belong to the elite group of directors (do you remember like in eighties Kubrick, Brian De Palma, Francis Ford Coppola, Stone were shooting their war movies?), which came true. But now I really dont know what to expect from Christopher, maybe some comedy? Something like Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb or some biography or historical movie?
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Another masterpiece from Makoto Shinkai! 
I must admit that the last minutes of the movie I was praying for happy end and I really hoped it wont end up as in 5 centimetres per second :) 
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Márinka (krátkometrážní film) from Lukas Janicik on Vimeo.
Učitel klavíru, otrávený svou monotónní prací, dostane možnost dávat hodiny klavíru Márince, dívence, která pro svou nemoc nemůže opustit byt, ve kterém žije. Márinčina zvídavost a touha po životě mimo zdi svého pokoje probouzí v učiteli zapomenutý zájem o okolní svět. Příběh o setkání vyhaslého člověka a dívenky plné nadšení, která prahne po venkovním světě, ale nemůže se k němu dostat, a o jejich vzájemném propojení skrze hudbu.
ČR, 2013, 15 minut
Režie, kamera, střih: Lukáš Janičík Hrají: Petr Vaněk, Audrey Wangle Scénář: Marta Vančurová Hudba: Kateřina Šantrochová, Vojtěch Kosek Zvuk: Vojtěch Gaman Pedagogický dozor: Črt Brajník
1. místo v kategorii hraný film - Celostátní soutěž Videosalon 2014 Stříbrná medaile - UNICA 2016, Bulharsko Hlavní cena - Střekovská kamera 2014 Cena diváků - Festival Černá Věž 2013 Nejlepší scénář - Filmový festival Dobromysl 2013 2. místo - Festival Mladá kamera 2014, Uničov 2. místo v kategorii velký film - Festival Černá Věž 2013 3. místo - Arts&Film Festival 2014
uvedeno na festivalech: Reykjavík Shorts & Docs Festival, Island Lahore International Children's Film Festival, Pakistan Filmový festival Litoměřice
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Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki from dono on Vimeo.
Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki Music by Joe Hisaishi
Made with Blender, Gimp, Octane and Natron.
Thanks to Blackschmoll, Boby, Christophe, Clouclou, Cremuss, David, Félicia, Frenchman, Sozap, Stéphane, Virgil ! And Thanks to Ton Roosendaal, the Blender community, the developers of Blender, Gimp and Natron !
dono 2015
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Dagur Kári!!!!!
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Well I havent posted any movie for a long time, not that I havent seen any or that none of them was good (actually there were quite few including all those Oscar nominees), its just that I havent time to post or maybe any of them making me feel to post. However this one deserves a post definitely! Jemaine is great with his jokes :) Highly recommended!
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Some cheesy pics from my Eastern visit of Berlin with my fiancee
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This is the Art!!!
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Noah Baumbach + Greta Gerwig !!!! :)
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Another masterpiece from Paolo Sorrentino...
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Another movie weekend with amazing pieces like this one :)
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Awesome movie...
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