possumspringz · 2 years
ok i have to log out again for a bit because brain but love and light to all my mutuals and followers <3
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possumspringz · 2 years
overall im doing pretty good but also its so tiring to have soooo much stuff trigger obsessions... especially to the point where you start feeling weird/anxious/resentful about triggering things/people and said things/people are perfectly fine and harmless and even good and stuff i like or agree with. and yeah even when i dont develop this weird thing about triggers, im still like Constantly dealing w my obsessions running in the background and its tiring and it takes away from the enjoyment of stuff
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possumspringz · 2 years
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possumspringz · 2 years
cant find my earlier post on it but its absolutely infuriating how the “all genders get abortions” crowd seems more focused on how it could potentially suck to have to misgender urself or have others misgender u to potentially align w abortion activism or get an abortion. no i actually need this to be focused on how men & transmasc people who look like men get abortions and how going to the doctor as someone on hrt is already terrifying, how ur health is always in ur own hands because you WILL know more than the doctor and how this medical distrust affects us seeking abortion healthcare as well as how abortion providers can and will turn away people who dont look like they belong in the clinic because they look like cisgender men.
classifying healthcare as “womens” healthcare has ALWAYS resulted in people being denied life saving care on the basis of “why the fuck are you here, you’re a man/look like a man/you definitely dont need this care bc im assuming ur anatomy” and abortion is no different. additionally havin a male gender marker could exacerbate every single one of these issues and AGAIN result in being denied abortion services. anyway. i need these to be the issues we’re focusing on when we say “all genders get abortions” and not how it sucks for people who are not a girl but could easily still closet themselves and pretend to be a cis woman if their life was on the line. sorry if that sounds callous and it does suck to have to do that and im not saying you’re not trans enough but it really seems like very few are thinking of the people most materially affected by this.
also transandrophobia truthers / trans mras dont fucking touch this post i hate you, i hope you die, transmisandry isnt real and you are a misogynist💖
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possumspringz · 2 years
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possumspringz · 2 years
women should be able to show a tasteful amount of bulge in public honestly
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possumspringz · 2 years
idk how to explain this but i feel like my identity is a porous membrane rather than something you have control over & nobody can take away from you.... like i constantly feel like other people’s opinions and perceptions and thoughts etc Mean something about me and can alter who i am and take that away from me. like i get SOOOOOO anxious when i feel like something is a threat to my self identity, especially w gender because my transness and understanding of my own gender and sex is very deeply important to me and i havent forgotten how painful that process was, getting to this point. and like im already hyper aware of what people think about trans people and transness and i dont trust most people not to think that way automatically (and for good reason tbh I See It and i can Tell by the way people talk about things sometimes) so it feels like who i am could be taken away from me/denied at any moment, and i just Cant Not Care about it. and Also i just cant trust most people who dont have this lived experience unless i Know i can trust them for this Anxiety Reason
its so exhausting like. i Know not everything is about me or applies to me but so often i see just random stuff and i guess it just triggers this deep fear that nobody Really believes me but they just aren’t saying it outright and everyone believes things that are inherently contradictory to my identity and life experience and those of people like me. and that my identity is meaningless and not real or significant or correct, and it can be denied or ignored or thrown away. idk
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possumspringz · 2 years
today is the last day to enter the raffle!
its also the last day of the duradash, period! all of our streams are done but if you donated without entering or haven't donated yet, you can also donate on our main duradash page and enter the raffle by filling out this form here. any donations of $10 or more makes you eligible to enter, so if you donated before but didn't enter, you still can enter right now!
we currently have a lower number of entries in the material pool than we do prizes, so depending on how many people enter today, you may be guaranteed to win something from the material pool. and seriously, who doesn't want to win something like this? (i wanted to put these sideways to take up less room but tumblr post editor wont LET me! cringe)
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you can view the full list of material and digital prizes right here! Definitely check out the full list, there's tons more cool stuff that i didn't have the ability to fit into this post. the raffle closes at the same time as the duradash, 8pm PST today, sunday, june the 12th. thank you all so much for your support throughout the dash!!
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possumspringz · 2 years
when i don't get the meme reference. normal girl moment
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possumspringz · 2 years
today is the last day to enter the raffle!
its also the last day of the duradash, period! all of our streams are done but if you donated without entering or haven't donated yet, you can also donate on our main duradash page and enter the raffle by filling out this form here. any donations of $10 or more makes you eligible to enter, so if you donated before but didn't enter, you still can enter right now!
we currently have a lower number of entries in the material pool than we do prizes, so depending on how many people enter today, you may be guaranteed to win something from the material pool. and seriously, who doesn't want to win something like this? (i wanted to put these sideways to take up less room but tumblr post editor wont LET me! cringe)
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you can view the full list of material and digital prizes right here! Definitely check out the full list, there's tons more cool stuff that i didn't have the ability to fit into this post. the raffle closes at the time as the duradash, 8pm PST today, sunday, june the 12th. thank you all so much for your support throughout the dash!!
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possumspringz · 2 years
stream number 4 is coming up!
stream number 3 just happened i was sadly Not able to announce it myself but i did reblog a post about it earlier! but that is right charity stream number 4 for the duradash will be tonight, june 11th, starting at around 7:00-7:30-ish PDT. my friend bea will be streaming minecraft (likely hardcore mode if that sweetens the deal for you!) and you can find his twitch right here: https://www.twitch.tv/lunacria
today is also the second to last day to enter the raffle with a donation of $10 or more, we have all kinds of goodies which you can view here!
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possumspringz · 2 years
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possumspringz · 2 years
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possumspringz · 2 years
stream number 4 is coming up!
stream number 3 just happened i was sadly Not able to announce it myself but i did reblog a post about it earlier! but that is right charity stream number 4 for the duradash will be tonight, june 11th, starting at around 7:00-7:30-ish PDT. my friend bea will be streaming minecraft (likely hardcore mode if that sweetens the deal for you!) and you can find his twitch right here: https://www.twitch.tv/lunacria
today is also the second to last day to enter the raffle with a donation of $10 or more, we have all kinds of goodies which you can view here!
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possumspringz · 2 years
DJMAX RESPECT V stream live!
the third charity stream is currently live (june 11, 6:40 edt/3:40 pdt)! come see rose play DJMAX RESPECT V for duradash and support team (un)bearable! her twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/agent_catcat.
there is also a RAFFLE you can enter to win cool things with a donation of $10 or more! check out the prizes here if you’re interested!
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possumspringz · 2 years
streaming bugsnax tonight!!
this will be the second of our charity livestreams for the duradash! i will be streaming this evening, june 10th at around 6pm PDT. this is my first time playing bugsnax myself and i've also avoided all "isle of the bigsnax" spoilers though i do not know if we will get that far tonight! you can tune in at my twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/garlandzone
as i have mentioned previously there is a RAFFLE. you can win some very cool things and have an option to enter with a donation of $10 or more!
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possumspringz · 2 years
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might try this one day
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