Panic Mode
The City of Portland entered full on panic mode today as the reality of Hillary’s surprising defeat started to sink in. Portland Mayor Charlie Hales issued the following statement regarding the outcomes of the 2016 Election:
"This is a bad day for our country, a sad day, in which the values of love and tolerance have been repudiated by the voters in the United States of America. "The most important thing that we can all say is that this is a time when we, as Portlanders, must come together and reach out to each other. Reach out to our immigrants and refugees who moved here because they believed this was a good and safe place, a land of opportunity—it is and it has to be. "I’m proud of the message our state sent to the nation last night. We elected the first openly LGBTQ governor in the nation—Governor Kate Brown embodies public service with integrity. I’m proud of the fact that Portland voters passed the largest bond measure in the history of our city for the purpose of housing our fellow residents. "I know many of our educators, parents and caregivers are struggling to explain the outcome of this election to our youth. I take solace in the fact that we live in a place where people care about community. This is a place where people can work together and make good things happen. That’s true in Portland. That’s true in Oregon. That’s true on the West Coast. And I hope it will be true in our Country. But I think we all need to do some reassurance of our fellow community members—particularly people of color, women, and our young people—that this is a good place and that we respect each other here. I think for me, for all of us as Americans, that’s part of the way forward."
Meanwhile, in other news, Portlanders took to the streets to express their values of “love and tolerance” by protesting, disrupting traffic, shouting hate-filled messages, lighting trash cans on fire, breaking store windows, and generally acting like the intolerant bunch of immature children that they are.
11/10/16 Update: The protests continued for the third straight night and evolved into violence and riots as the protesters grew more and more aggressive, emboldened by the city’s apparent apathy and indifference to the whole situation as no significant action was taken by the Mayor or the Portland Police to take control of the escalating situation.
Yes, Mayor, I am struggling to explain to my kids why a people so full of “love and tolerance” act like pathetic sore losers when they don’t get their way. But you’re right about one thing, that behavior is true Portland at its finest.
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Pathetic Meltdown
Don’t worry Portland, despite your irrational xenophobic fear of Republicans, we’re not the ones you need fear. Everything will probably be okay. If we survived eight years of Obama we can get through this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnQNFBHHs6wDon’t worry Portland, despite your irrational xenophobic fear of Republicans, we’re not the ones you need fear. Everything will probably be okay. If we survived eight years of Obama we can get through this.Today the City of Portland suffered a collective meltdown as their progressive fantasy came to a screeching halt with Donald Trump’s stunning victory over Hillary Clinton.
The shock and despair was almost palpable as they went scrambling in search of a safe space to hide. But fortunately city officials were there to lend a sympathetic hand and offer words of encouragement to their downhearted coworkers:
Dear City team,
This has been a very divisive election season. It is now over and time to come together. The results of the presidential election have, however, created shock, fear, and anxiety among many City employees today.
There are folks who are saying, “Everything will be okay.” Their intentions are good, but the truth is, it does not feel that way for many employees. Please understand that many in the Portland community feel that they will be ignored, harassed, or marginalized just because of what they look like, what they sound like, what first language they speak, what headdress or clothing they may wear, what disability they may have, who they love, and how they may look at life in a non-corporate, non-business, humanistic way. Now, more than ever, we need to look out for and support our co-workers and recognize that while you personally may not have any concerns, others do. Please do not minimize their perspectives. We have to believe, and explain to our children, that hate and fear are not our allies. We have to be prepared to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.
Take time to breathe, reflect, talk with each other, respect each other, and re-commit to making this city, this state, and this country a better place for everyone. The Office of Equity will remain steadfast in its commitment to bringing greater equity to the City of Portland.
Peace and Blessings for all,
Dante J. James
Director, Office of Equity and Human Rights
Of course, those who really have reason to fear today are the Trump supporters like this white man who was brutally beaten by a gang of angry black Hillary supporters in this shocking hate-crime:
Don’t worry Portland, despite your irrational xenophobic fear of Republicans, we’re not the ones you need fear. Everything will probably be okay. If we survived eight years of Obama we can get through this.
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