Commissions Now Open!!
I WILL draw:
Light nsfw/Suggestive content
I am LESS LIKELY to draw:
Full Nsfw
I will NOT draw:
Any other kinds of prejudice or hate
If you are unsure if your art request is allowed, just ask!! Chances are I'll do it anyways as long as it's not too crazy
I WILL update with WIP's upon request or if I have questions
Changes to art are always allowed
i accept payment ONLY through venmo (@Chris-Capitumino), please pay upfront
I can be contacted on discord @seraphxm_ or here on tumblr @taller-than-average-catboi
I have the right to not draw something even if it doesn't violate the rules, but that is unlikely
I accept any and all questions!!
Prices ARE negotiable based on your situation and/or the complexity/simplicity of your request
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Commissions Now Open!!
I WILL draw:
Light nsfw/Suggestive content
I am LESS LIKELY to draw:
Full Nsfw
I will NOT draw:
Any other kinds of prejudice or hate
If you are unsure if your art request is allowed, just ask!! Chances are I'll do it anyways as long as it's not too crazy
I WILL update with WIP's upon request or if I have questions
Changes to art are always allowed
i accept payment ONLY through venmo (@Chris-Capitumino), please pay upfront
I can be contacted on discord @seraphxm_ or here on tumblr @taller-than-average-catboi
I have the right to not draw something even if it doesn't violate the rules, but that is unlikely
I accept any and all questions!!
Prices ARE negotiable based on your situation and/or the complexity/simplicity of your request
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Send “ ✏“ plus a scenario you’ve always wanted to rp with our muses and I’ll tell you whether or not I’m interested!
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Pencil” plus a scenario.)
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Finally making the starter Pokemon for my fan region! Meet Elebration, the Birthday pokemon! Your fire starter is here!
Elebration, the Birthday pokemon.
(Game one dex) It is often rented out by parents for kids' birthday parties, it's nose capable of lighting candles. The candle on it's head is the source of it's power, but it can always relight it with it's nose.
(Game two dex) The tail of this pokemon is detachable, making it a prime candidate for games at a kids' birthday party. This pokemon is the origin of the game "pin the tail on the elebration", a popular party game for children.
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Time for starter number two, the water starter, Hermigik!
(Game one dex) Although seemingly magic, this pokemon is actually a scam. It collects shiny things, and will often 'exchange' psychic abilities for gold and other objects, only for the abilities to hurt whatever it is exchanging with right after the transaction.
(Game two dex) It's ability to see into the future is legitimate, but it refuses to use it properly, using it's abilities to scam people into handing over their coins and gold.
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And finally, the third starter, the grass starter, Ratume! The autumn pokemon!
(game one dex) It is said that the leech on the end of a Ratume's tail is what keeps it alive, being the actual pokemon. It can regenerate any part of it's body so long as the tail is still partially intact. This is just a myth though.
(game two dex) A Ratume's regenerative abilities are incredible, although it's limbs will always grow back a different shade of green, red, yellow, or brown. It's said that the more differently colored a Ratume's body is, the stronger it is.
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The evolution of Elebration, Celephant! This is the middle evolution, going through their emo phase as all middle evos do
(game one dex) This pokemon has twin trunks, used to not only scoop food into it's mouth but as defense mechanisms. The fire created from the trunks can shoot plenty of fire at a time, similar to a flamethrower.
(game two dex) The two trunks on it's face have gained their own sort of sentience, and are constantly fighting with each other. Most Celephantes need regular cleaning from the burns on the trunks, and due to the fighting aren't brought to parties much anymore.
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Just finished the rough part of the mapping for the Caeles region!
The numbers are in fact in order of the path for the games
Gym locations will be posted soon!
Don't make fun of me for not being able to spell Colloseum. Colluseum? Colluseum? Colosseum?
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Gym time!
(1) is the first game, (2) is the second game
Gym 1: Peridis Gym, run by Mercury(1) or Kel(2)
Gym 2: Angelico Gym, run by Janine(1) or Grafaiteck(2)
Gym 3: Suzdal Gym, run by Dew(1) or Ceres(2)
Gym 4: Scondi Gym, run by Lydia(1) or Kim(2)
Gym 5: Regna Gym, run by Mūne and Dellessi(1) or Nana(2)
Gym 6: Lentoak Gym, run by Shispo(1) or Bennett(2)
Gym 7: Praedunca Gym, run by Kennedy(1) or Synth(2)
Gym 8: Aspen's Gym, run by Aspen(1) or James(2)
Gym 9: Silltu Gym, run by Astro(1) or Cane(2)
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Made this bitch out of nowhere, meet Dynaminde the crystal pokemon.
It's steel psychic, and it's said that the larger the 'head' of the Dynaminde, the larger it's strength and abilities.
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Meet the evolution of Magicape, Gyracloak! The survival dance pokemon, a water psychic type!
When one Magicape starts leading a pack, they all fall in a line and merge their costumes together, the leader taking on the forms of all the pack members. It gains psychic abilities upon evolution, able to create a group of Magicape to hold up the cloak in a line. The cloak is designed after Gyrados to further ward off predators, as well as provide a home for smaller pokemon!
It is said that the Magicape following the leader are being mind controlled by the leader to do it's bidding, and will willingly sacrifice themselves to protect the head of the group.
To evolve Magicape, you must have 3-5 Magicape in your party and walk with the Magicape in the leading position for 1000 steps. The pokemon then evolve, retaining the traits of the leader pokemon. All other Magicape disappear from their spots, leaving empty slots in the party.
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Meet another new pokemon, Magicape!
The undercover pokemon, water/bug type!
It's said that Magicape often live underwater in packs, flopping on the ground and covering themselves with their magicarp cloaks to avoid predators.
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Just finished the pokemon professor research team! They're totally not based on different forms of a certain pokemon!
Professor Pine
Professor Cedar
Professor Myrtle
These are both the worst and best characters I've ever designed. I love them so much, they're so dumb.
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//Response to @redlegend asking about dating culture\\
In the Caeles region, pokemon such as Applin and Luvdisc don't survive around because of the intense and ever changing climate, so those pokemon are often only gifts from the rich and powerful as signs of status and power more than signs of love. Different pokemon, such as Camothet are more easily obtainable are gifted as signs of love. People will catch Normillar and try to evolve it and gift it based on the emotion they're trying to confess.
Camothet are gifted as signs of romantic love, due to their constant sleepy and loyal nature, showing how one is willing to spend every waking and sleeping moment with the one they love.
Animotheds are given as signs of rejection, often resulting in their immediate release or death causing a large amount of Animotheds both alive and injured severely in the forests where Normillar are found. Recent conservation efforts have tried to reduce and save the population of Animotheds, to no avail.
Normillar are given by kids to other kids as little gifts, like valentine's day cards given to the whole class.

The middle evolutions aren't given as forms of love, they're simply there as a middle ground. If you are given a middle evolution, see it as a sign of neutrality. Recently, however, middle evolutions have been given as wingmen, friends giving Snoothes to tell their friends to confess to their crushes by evolving it, and Cloacktive are given as a "you should dump him, girl, he's not the one" type messages.
Snoothe Cloacktive
vv vv

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Still collecting the full alphabet of the “live, laugh, love” variants if anyone has some good examples.
Bonus if they can fit the “We can’t ___, _____, ____ our way out of this.”
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