and thats why you should stop watching porn right now - to protect women and girls
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Women are in the minority of consumers of pornography. Pornography is for men, by men.
Paid sexual consent is manipulated and therefore not genuine consent. You have no idea whether or not the woman on screen is being trafficked and/or raped.
And women do not see any of the profits. They are paid a nominal fee once. This is nothing compared to the overall costs involved in production, consumption and distribution of pornography.
When you consume pornography, you are consuming inequality.
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Very important!
Pornhub doesnt generate any revenue for the actual sex workers who appear in their videos either. When you give pornhub traffic, the revenue goes to a corporation and they dont pay anything in the way of royalties to the people actually in the videos... putting up a banner for international womens day when they are literally stealing profit from the women who work in the adult film industry is pretty rich. A lot of porn performers have been saying that forever.
Wow. That’s like a whole other level of messed up I hadn’t even thought about.
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O que aprendi lendo sobre pornografia nos blogs e sites americanos:
1 - a maioria das ‘estrelas’ porno, são mulheres jovens e pobres;
2 - a maioria das ‘estrelas’ porno sofreu abusos de todo tipo na infância e adolescência;
3 - a maioria começa a se prostituir nas ruas antes dos 18 pra fugir de abusos;
4 - e depois dos 18, entra na indústria de moer carne feminina do porno;
5 - a maioria é explorada por 'agentes’ e ‘empresários’;
6 - a maioria das atrizes fica por pouco tempo na indústria, porque não aguenta os abusos físicos, emocionais e morais;
7 - muitas atrizes sofrem prolapso anal, tendo q se submeter a cirurgias, devido a violência das cenas;
8 - existem atrizes que estão contraindo doenças venéreas na garganta e olhos por causa das práticas a que são obrigadas nos filmes;
9 - ATM (ass to mouth) é uma desses práticas e o motivo de estarem contraindo dsts na garganta;
10 - as 'estrelas’ são humilhadas e sofrem violência dos diretores, atores e outros membros da equipe;
11 - se dizem não a alguma prática, são xingadas e ameaçadas de não receber o combinado ou menos;
12 - se dizem não a alguma prática são xingadas e ameaçadas de não conseguir mais trabalho;
13 - a maioria é atraída com promessas de dinheiro 'fácil’, mas sai da industria tão pobre quanto entrou;
14 - boa parte do dinheiro que ganham no porno é gasto com o corpo (maquiagem, procedimentos estéticos e etc);
15 - muitas são obrigadas a se prostituir para aumentar os ganhos;
16 - quem realmente lucra com a exploração sexual das mulheres no porno, são os homens envolvidos;
17 - para suportar a pressão e a dor física das cenas, atrizes porno costumam consumir drogas, analgésicos e álcool;
18 - muitas atrizes porno se tornam viciadas em drogas e álcool por conta disso;
19 - pornografia é racista, mulheres negras ganham menos que as brancas por cena e são mais escaladas para cenas aviltantes e agressivas;
20 - a violência contra mulher não é exceção, é a regra no porno.
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I don’t see how any male who likes porn can think actual sex is better, at least if it involves all the crap that comes with having a real live female in your life.“ -Frank, porn user Like when you’re going to the store, do you want vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate ice cream? I’ll sit down at the computer and say, “Hmm, I feel like Asian girls tonight.” –Christopher, porn user “He would come home from work, slide food around his plate during dinner, play for maybe half an hour with the kids, and then go into his home office, shut the door, and surf Internet porn for hours. I knew – and he knew that I knew. I put a filter on his browser that would e-mail me every time a pornographic image was captured…I continually confronted him on this. There were times I would be so angry I would cry and cry and tell him how much it hurt…It got to the point where he stopped even making excuses. It was more or less “I know you know and I don’t really care. What are you going to do about it?” - Wife of a porn addict “The first night they slept together it was the same old thing: lights glaring, gaping at her body parts, manipulating her into positions popular in pornography so he could admire her. He was aggressive, he was confident, he was following a formula. It was cold. “I almost felt like he was in the sex industry,” she says. “As if we were performing on the porn screen.” Afterward, she turned to him and said, “Do you watch a lot of porn?” He thought she was asking because she liked pornography, too; it was clear he was impressed. “Yeah,” he replied. “What are you into?” Instead of answering, Valerie told him, “I could tell by the way you had sex with me.” Miguel was taken aback. He had no idea a woman could trace his moves back to pornography; he didn’t even realize that was what he was doing.” “I live sex the way it’s shown in porno. If I were with a woman and I weren’t getting the kind of pleasure I see people enjoying in porn films, then I wouldn’t be with that woman. I’ve broken up with women who wouldn’t perform certain things I’ve seen in adult films. In porn, the women have orgasms so easily. But it usually takes longer in real life for women to have an orgasm. I get pretty impatient.” -Luis, porn user
Quotes from
by Pamela Paul (via antiporn-activist)
I’ll die alone before I date (another) porn user.
(via menstrualkrumps)
Men’s obsession with porn was never about ‘better sex‘ it was about treating us like sex objects and acting out their fucked up fantasies on us to boost their ego and their false sense of superiority.
(via celtyradfem)
“In porn, the women have orgasms so easily. But it usually takes longer in real life for women to have an orgasm. I get pretty impatient.” That’s because the women in porn are ACTING. Sticking your dick into her vagina repeatedly is not going to magically make her orgasm in 2 minutes.
Porn teaches men that their dicks are magic, and if a woman doesn’t have an orgasm when they act out their porn-sick fantasies on her, there is something wrong with HER, not them.
(via scaredradfem)
“dicks are magic” lol
(via antiporn-activist)
Some men actually think that girls can get “dick drunk” because of porn, it’s fucking weird.
(via lesbian-lizards)
What they are describing is the affects of drugs, trauma and abuse. They aren’t dick drunk they are disassociating from what is being done to them.
(via celtyradfem)
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Growing Up in a Pornified Culture - Dr. Gail Dines How is it for young people to be growing up in this society where hardcore porn is easily available and pop culture is pornified?
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Why I Stopped Watching Porn - Ran Gavrieli Top reasons why you should stop watching porn.
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The Great Porn Experiment Learn how pornography is changing brain chemistry in boys and young men.
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When porn has to move beyond physical degradation.
In our society, women with mental health issues and trauma are frequently sexualized because of the perceived vulnerability and powerlessness that we associate with mental illness(in women). The reality of course is different, which is that mental health problems and trauma are experienced in a multitude of ways.
In pornography–similar to youth–mental illness is sexualized and depicted as something that makes some easier to take advantage of and control. What is even more sinister is that mental illness is also used as something to further mock and degrade women. Think of the mental health issues that our society often associates with women–eating disorders, panic attacks… “daddy issues”–which is a disgusting term to begin with, but the way it’s sexualized is even worse.
Below are a couple examples of the sexualized misery seen in porn. Porn is all about encouraging people to get off on the suffering of women.
Look at the way they depict “daddy issues” (stay tuned for rant about that term/concept)
Easier to take advantage of
Fun to ridicule
Not worthy of empathy (duh)
Vulnerable, low self-esteem=great opportunity for men
Needs men to feel worthy (as she should, right?)
Of course there is the added layer of sexualizing incest/abuse/child rape.
Thin/skinny is always better, no matter what the cost to her health is
Easy to dominate
Easy to coerce
A lot of homemade anorexic porn–a perfect example of why even homemade porn is terrible. Can you imagine what people do to convince a young woman with anorexia that porn is a good idea?
New level of degradation: call them fat, since of course that will make them feel worse.
Encourage other girls to be anorexic “as a joke”
Mental breakdowns/Panic attacks
I have been naive to think that if people actually saw these women getting upset during a shoot, then porn users might have more empathy.
Porn star breakdowns have become a genre of their own
They are categorized as bloopers. We’re supposed to look at their pain and find it funny
In a decent world, people would see someone having a breakdown, and it would cause them to feel some empathy. The porn industry has just turned it into another aspect of “entertainment”
When degrading someone physically isn’t enough, this is what the industry turns to. There will never be anything that makes people think that these women are worthy of compassion. In fact, they make it so people will be entertained and even turned on by women’s misery.
The whole genre is basically saying: look at how miserable these women are. Isn’t that funny? Isn’t that sexy?
Please tell me more about what a happy and empowering place the porn industry is.
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(Asked about his stance on pornography, in response to perceived endorsement of Hustler, who had tricked Chomsky into giving an interview for the magazine.) Pornography is humiliation and degradation of women. It’s a disgraceful activity. I don’t want to be associated with it. Just take a look at the pictures. I mean, women are degraded as vulgar sex objects. That’s not what human beings are. I don’t even see anything to discuss. (Interviewer: But didn’t performers choose to do the job and get paid?) The fact that people agree to it and are paid, is about as convincing as the fact that we should be in favour of sweatshops in China, where women are locked into a factory and work fifteen hours a day, and then the factory burns down and they all die. Yeah, they were paid and they consented, but it doesn’t make me in favour of it, so that argument we can’t even talk about. As for the fact that it’s some people’s erotica, well you know that’s their problem, doesn’t mean I have to contribute to it. If they get enjoyment out of humiliation of women, they have a problem, but it’s nothing I want to contribute to. (Interviewer: How should we improve the production conditions of pornography?) By eliminating degradation of women, that would improve it. Just like child abuse, you don’t want to make it better child abuse, you want to stop child abuse. Suppose there’s a starving child in the slums, and you say “well, I’ll give you food if you’ll let me abuse you.” Suppose—well, there happen to be laws against child abuse, fortunately—but suppose someone were to give you an argument. Well, you know, after all a child’s starving otherwise, so you’re taking away their chance to get some food if you ban abuse. I mean, is that an argument? The answer to that is stop the conditions in which the child is starving, and the same is true here. Eliminate the conditions in which women can’t get decent jobs, not permit abusive and destructive behaviour.
PSA PSA! Just thought you should all know your favourite leftist is a raging SWERF. Please stop reposting his foreign policy quotes, and those Manufacturing Consent gifsets. Thank you. :-)
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Stop Watching Porn
You can live without porn. You can seriously go about your days without getting off to seeing women and children being raped and humiliated and abused. Shocking.
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“No woman was put on this earth to be hurt or humiliated in order to facilitate male masturbation.”
Gail Dines (via )
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What do you suggest be done about the current pornography situation?
1. Men quit using porn2. Men stop making porn3. Women stop being complacent and letting porn users into their lives, don’t date or tolerate people who use porn in your lives.4. Existing legislation needs to be enforced, new legislation drafted (similar to anti-smoking laws,) and widespread education.
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[Patrice] Roldan, like many of the women who drift into the porn and prostitution industry, had a difficult and troubled childhood, including a physically abusive mother. Her mother threw her out of her home when she was 17, and she spent time in homeless shelters. She answered an ad in LA Weekly that offered women $1,000 as models. This is a common doorway into the porn industry. She started appearing in Internet porn. She had a boyfriend when she began filming and tells me she “felt guilty” about hiding her porn sessions from him, but the money was good. Her boyfriend eventually found out, and their relationship descended into one increasingly characterized by verbal and physical abuse. She drifted from the Internet into films. She was 19 when she made her first film. “Doing a movie shoot was a different experience,” she says as we sit in two folding chairs across from the Pink Cross booth. “I made my first film with New Sensations [adult video studio]. I got makeup. There was a set and cameramen all around. I thought it was glamorous to have my makeup done, to have pictures taken of me. That was a regular boy-girl shoot. At that point, I was just trying to survive.” She had been promised $1,000 for her first film. She was handed $600 when the scene was done. She also contracted gonorrhea. Porn stars are tested for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases once a month, but “people do so many scenes between tests that a month is a long time.” She began, once she had treated her gonorrhea, to do films three or four times a month. She would have several more bouts with gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases during her career. She got pregnant and had an abortion. The demands on her began to escalate. She was filmed with multiple partners. Her scenes became “extremely rough. They would pull my hair, slap me around like a rag doll.” “The next day my whole body would ache,” she recalls. “It happened a lot, the aching. It used to be that only a few stars, people like Linda Lovelace, would once do things like anal. Now it is expected.” She became a staple in “gonzo” porn films. Gonzo movies are usually filmed in a house or hotel room. They are porn verite. The performers often acknowledge the camera and speak to it. Gonzo films push the boundaries of porn and often include a lot of violence, physical abuse and a huge number of partners in succession. According to the magazine Adult Video News, “Gonzo, non-feature fare is the overwhelmingly dominant porn genre since it’s less expensive to produce than plot-oriented features, but just as importantly, is the fare of choice for the solo stroking consumer who merely wants to cut to the chase, get off on the good stuff, then, if they really wanna catch some acting, plot and dialog, pop in the latest Netflix disc.” Roldan would endure numerous penetrations by various men in a shoot, most of them “super-rough.” As she talks of her career in porn, her eyes take on a dead, faraway look. Her breathing becomes more rapid. She slips into a flat, numbing monotone. The symptoms are ones I know well from interviewing victims of atrocities in war who battle post-traumatic stress disorder. “What you are describing is trauma,” I say. “Yes,” she answers quietly.
The Victims of Pornography
Posted on Oct 11, 2009
Chris Hedges
(via exgynocraticgrrl)
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"[…]We want to address the industry as a whole and the systems that support the industry. We will not clean up prostitution, on the surface, in order for people to feel better about it’s existence or in order to ensure men have easier, safer access to prostitutes[…]"
Meghan Murphy, Feminist Current.
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Director Erika Lust Explains How to Make Properly Feminist Porn
Erika Lust leans forward in her seat and looks right in my face, brows lowered, with a huge, conspiratorial grin on her face. She pounds her right fist against her open, outstretched left palm.
“It’s time,” she near-yells over the huge glassed-in meeting room. “Feminist porn needs to go mainstream.”
Lust has been directing porn for a decade, and she’s in Toronto for the tenth annual Feminist Porn Awards. She wants to teach young women who are new to filmmaking that they, too, can get into the business.
She depicts real, enjoyable sex that reflects actual pleasure for all, and not just tropes of woman-as-cock-hungry-damsel, man-as-empty-headed-stallion. She says porn needs to change.
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and honestly the scariest part of being so unapologetic about anti porn beliefs are the moments when i realize just how desensitized people, especially men, are to the abuse they see in the porn videos they watch
like when you sit down and explain to a man how high the possibility is, statistically, that he masturbated to a porn video where a woman is being raped and he doesn’t even bat an eyelash and just shrugs that is one of the most frightening things in the world to me, and you will never convince me otherwise
the majority of men do not care about women, especially rape victims
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Porn Actress Exposes Industry: Trafficking in the Porn Industry
… [P]ersons are trafficked into the international sex trade, often by force, fraud, or coercion. The sex industry has rapidly expanded over the past several decades. It involves sexual exploitation of persons, predominantly women and girls, involving activities related to prostitution, pornography, sex tourism, and other commercial sexual services. The low status of women in many parts of the world has contributed to a burgeoning of the trafficking industry. - The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act (TVPA). TVPA combats trafficking in persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and involuntary servitude. It has been reauthorized three times since its initial passage: (x)
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