porkorfovor · 3 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion but if I was a witch, one of the tropy things I'd really want is a big ol' crooked nose.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
Inconsistencies' the name of the game here and I'm a winner born, sometimes.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
I think you can have up to 5 mothers before it becomes too far-fetched.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
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By all things cute and delicious, you deserve terrible angst !
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porkorfovor · 3 months
Quick Note
In the world of the blind, smellmojies reign supreme.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
In this universe, lobsters
While watching a video the other day, I came to the realisation that I do not, in fact, control how lobsters die.
I had never thought about it before...
And when it finally came to my attention, I understood that my place in this universe what not one where I control how those delicious critters die and their fate does not follow my whims and wants.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
Question about clothing
Would a Viking's bikini be called a vikini ?
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porkorfovor · 3 months
A recent thought of mine
I kinda want a car that doesn't go above 100 mph, just so I can talk in percentages.
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porkorfovor · 3 months
Backlogs at 44
I'm someone normal so I sometimes save what I'd post for when I finally create an account on here or on twitter.
But the bird took a rocket to the throat so I'll just be here.
My favorite number is 11 and 4 is hated by the japanese so as my backlog is finally at 44 I'll HEREBY start posting.
Consider yourselves warned.
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