poppyisonline · 4 months
today is my birthday :o
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poppyisonline · 5 months
Poppy.TXT Masterlist !! ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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╰🍰 // HEY HELLO !! Poppy's here again to say that I'll be adding a masterlist tehee ! so, I'll update here every fic I write - <3
Steven Universe :
🌺 - you’re my first love too // ( Rose Quartz x GN!Reader )
Genshin Impact :
🍡 - HELPING HER BEFORE A PERFORMANCE...!? // ( yunjin x GN!reader )
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poppyisonline · 5 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤHELPING HER BEFORE A PERFORMANCE...!? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ( yunjin x GN!reader )
Your girlfriend's Yunjin performance would start in a few hours, she was making sure everything was in place. Luckily everything was ready except the most important thing at that moment, her!!
You looked at your girlfriend with her headpiece in your hand.
“May I help you?” - you asked, walking up to her as she looked down at you, putting her hands on her head realizing she wasn’t dressed for the performance.
“oh yes, please” - Yunjin leans forward so you could help her, as she did, you put her headpiece on her head and lifted her head up kissing her cheek.
Yunjin would giggle and hold your wrist, bringing you to her dressing room, she sitted down at her dressing table and smiled at you.
You smiled back at her and sitted on her knees as you took her makeup supplies and started making up carefully. You weren't the best one at Chinese opera makeup but you had seen her doing that sometimes, so you kind of learned.
“You're doing such a good job!” - she said with her eyes closed while you put on her red eyeshadow. - “You haven't even seen it yet!” you exclaimed, she laughed, her voice was so sweet, oh my you loved this woman.
After half an hour you finished and asked her to open her eyes, Yunjin looked in the mirror, the first thing she did was bring her hand up to her mouth.
“You didn't like it…” - you sounded hurted, you did your best but you felt that it wasn’t enough. Yunjin lifted up your face so she could look into your eyes.
“I love it, I love it like I love you” - she gently placed a gentle kiss on your lips, making you blush, you were almost as red as her eyeshadow, that made her giggle again.
You got off her lap with your hands on your cheeks, she walked to the stage with that terrible makeup you just did. After you recomposed yourself, you hurried to the event location to see your partner dance and sing.
The moment your eyes met her, a warm feeling took you head to toe, she did it. She was using that horrible makeup that you did at a performance, she loved it, no, she loved you, Yunjin loved you enough to embarrass herself in front of thousands of people.
She was shining that night, just like she always does in your dreams.
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╰🍰 // hey hello !! I'm back here to say that I'll be posting an oneshot per month, maybe more if I'm not super busy, btw I'll add the song that give me the idea of that oneshot here ! xoxo - <3
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poppyisonline · 5 months
you’re my first love too. Rose Quartz x Gn!Reader 
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Rose was exploring Earth, especially humans. She finds them so interesting, always asking herself why they turn the lights out when it's nighttime, why some of them are so short and others so tall, why do they change? One day she found you, and you found her; she was so excited that her pupil turned into stars as she looked at you. You were confused, of course, wondering why this tall pink-haired woman was staring at you like that. Rose was exploring Earth, especially humans. She finds them so interesting, always asking herself why they turn the lights out when it's nighttime, why some of them are so short and others so tall, why do they change? One day she found you, and you found her; she was so excited that her pupil turned into stars as she looked at you. You were confused, of course, wondering why this tall pink-haired woman was staring at you like that.
She bends down to your eye level and tilts her head as she says, “Hello little human, nice to meet you, I’m Rose Quartz.” You smiled and said your name too. As weeks went by, you two were getting pretty close. She often asked questions about everything that normal people would usually know the answer to, like why do you sleep, why and how do you eat, if you could shape-shift, and what’s love.
You knew that she wasn’t human and that she was new on Earth, but you couldn’t stop thinking about those constant questions or anything that involves her—her pink curly hair, her cute face, her pretty white dress, her personality, the way she’s so excited about everything on Earth.
No, it can’t be… are you in love with that pink-haired alien?! No! That's impossible. You can’t be together; she isn’t even a human! What if she didn’t feel the same way? You’re not a coward; you have to tell her. It’s now or never!
One day you met up with her again; she was excited as usual. “Where are we going today?!” she asked while grinning at you, looking around for something simple and “stupid” such as a butterfly emerging from its cocoon after months or a leaf falling from the tree because autumn has already arrived. Everything amazed her like it was the prettiest thing ever. You were pretty nervous but looked up to her with your face in some shades of pink and said, “Rose, I have something to tell you, it’s important…”
She looked at you and tilted her head to the side. She was so pretty that you blushed more every minute you looked at her. “So… remember you asked me about what’s love and how I said I haven’t experienced it yet?” you asked, all nervous as she looked at you and nodded. “I think I know the answer now… Love is that feeling that you feel when you can’t stop thinking about someone and about the wonderful things they do. You keep thinking about what that person said all day and night. Love is about all the things that happen when you’re together. Love is what I feel for you, Rose. You’re my first love,” you said, looking into her eyes, those star pupils again—the ones you saw when you met for the first time. She says in a soft tone as she holds your hands, giving it a little squeeze, “You’re my first love too.”
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╰ it's my first time writing something in a loooong time, so yeah, english is not my first language. if there's any grammar mistake tell me pls ﹗
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