polyamory-and-pot · 5 hours
Can't even joke that I'm not gonna cry over this dog movie. I'm 100% going to bawl.
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Me: God I wish I could have a hyperfixation.
Also me: God I want to get into this thing but there's so much information it would take over my life.
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I'm stressed out -> I'm blurry -> Let's find the solution to the thing stressing us out -> It's super complicated and I can't figure it out -> Become more stressed out -> become more blurry.
Then rinse and repeat.
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I have no perception of time and I can't balance my relationships. These two things will be the death of me.
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polyamory-and-pot · 2 days
absolutely burning take!
some people who think they have OSDDID will be wrong.
not everyone who self diagnosed OSDDID is correct.
its okay, i know most aren't faking, just misinterpreting their symptoms. but my point still stands.
some of y'all online dont actually have OSDDID.
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polyamory-and-pot · 2 days
quick, anti endos, give me a source that disproves the existence of endos
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polyamory-and-pot · 2 days
Unpopular opinion time.
Not all of you on here has DID. Especially those undiagnosed. - Vesper
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polyamory-and-pot · 2 days
Friendly reminder that people who have DID/OSDD absolutely CAN be aware that they have it.
Yes, even without professional help. As long as they have done their research, there's no reason they can't come to that conclusion and use labels that are helpful for them.
You can't gatekeep a disorder and a LOT of people don't have access to professional help.
- 💬+🌕 - 🌕🔮👑
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polyamory-and-pot · 4 days
I have seen alot of people say that getting a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder ruins your life. And its straight and blatant misinformation. Getting a diagnosis cannot and will not ruin your life. You will not be locked away, you will not have limits of what you can and cannot do. Purely the only thing I am not allowed to do is drive. And that is only for both mine and others safety due to how heavy my dissociation is in public and stressful settings. - Vesper
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polyamory-and-pot · 4 days
Split doesn't exist without trauma or stress
There is no such stupidity such as "positive split" or "i split because yes"
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polyamory-and-pot · 4 days
Alright. Just to make this clear. While we do not believe in the term/name RAMCOA, that does not mean we don't believe victims of abuse. Abuse like trafficking is very much real, and we will never deny the fact that such a thing like that exists. However due to the ties that the name RAMCOA has and has no documented proof, we simply do not believe in it, as well as the fact that the word is spread around so carelessly like wildfire makes it incredibly hard to believe, therefor the lack of credible resources comes in.
No. We do not believe ramcoa is real, but no, this is not saying that systems who claim to have gone through ramcoa are lying/faking.
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polyamory-and-pot · 4 days
“adult” alters in minor bodies are NOT REALLY adults and should NOT be treated as such. you are still a minor even if you feel or picture yourself older.
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polyamory-and-pot · 4 days
Tumblr media
Fuck texts like this. I hate texts like this. Just tell me what's happening so I don't have to spend the next hour panicking over what ifs. Bro I was trying to figure out who died, my mom, dad, sister in-law, baby brother or nephew. Shockingly it was none of those people and my anxiety was unnecessary but fuck this kind of text. All my homies hate texts like this.
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polyamory-and-pot · 5 days
yall worry about faking too much. stop looking for the internet to validate you.
either speak to a professional who can diagnose or not diagnose you as the final say, or at the very least go work on getting comfortable with your knowledge of your symptoms so you arent so reliant on 14yos on tumblr to scream "youre valid!!" at you.
its not healthy so be so self concious all the time and im willing to bet it leaks into other parts of your life.
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polyamory-and-pot · 6 days
Also I am hella out of it today.
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polyamory-and-pot · 6 days
LMAOOOOOO I've logged into Tumblr on my work computer. This post sounds anti-climactic compared to the joy I am feeling.
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polyamory-and-pot · 6 days
Finding out that one of the YouTube's I like got married TWO YEARS AGO. And I looked up his wife and I might love her more than this YouTuber now.
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