65 posts
Hello! Welcome to my art blog! :) I like animation, drawing, writing, and generally creating things. Animation is my passion and my major, and something I hope to get a lot better at! Current hyperfixations: Kid Icarus Uprising, MLP, Warrior Cats, WOF, MHA, FOP: A New Wish, and Gravity Falls :) Probably will keep reblogs mostly to responses for now, but that may change in the future lol Have a good day! ^^
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polarisblitzwing · 9 days ago
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@planeoftheeclectic that's exactly it! It's an arrow and wind trail / the air being pushed outwards as Dark Pit dodges.
There's a lot more outward wind in the sketch I made of my AU DP, which the poster is based on! Adobe Illustrator can be a bit tough for novices so the poster looks a lot more stiff haha
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A poster project I did for one of my college classes! I'm advertising KIU to my peers whenever I can haha
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polarisblitzwing · 19 days ago
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A poster project I did for one of my college classes! I'm advertising KIU to my peers whenever I can haha
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polarisblitzwing · 24 days ago
My Kid Icarus NES AU in which Pit & DP are born twins. DP is called "Kyu" in this au. Another little video I made a while ago :]
Kyu & Pit experience battle and beating the heck out of every force in their way. These scrappy 8 year olds have both each other's backs and Grade A survival instincts, but after almost dying, they get a little bit annoyed and curse everything around them.
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polarisblitzwing · 29 days ago
Sibling activities
Their ultimate goal is practicing to get into Super Nintendo World for free
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polarisblitzwing · 2 months ago
Wooooo!! This was so fun to color! ^^
And the lineart is so good!! :]
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Just these two having a fun day out, looking cute!
The lineart was done by me, but the coloring that brought this to life was done by the awesome @polarisblitzwing ! Check them out!!
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polarisblitzwing · 5 months ago
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Here's a Murder Mystery I drew after the posting of MSA The Future 4 years ago! (WOAH)
Always ment to finish, revise, or redraw it, but never got to it. My plan was to post it back then, better late than never I guess! XD
Still cool to look back on! Currently working on my own short film for my senior year of college, time is wild ^^
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polarisblitzwing · 6 months ago
Little 5 year old Ford and Bill! ✨️
In this AU, these two met about five months before this moment, by them both attempting interdimensional dreamwalking and their powers reaching out to each other by chance :]
Posting the parts of the AU in order of what feels narratively important for the next parts (potentially, if my motivation keeps up! ^^)
Audio: "Fox and the Hound" movie (Copper's lines edited by me)
Here is the first part ~
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polarisblitzwing · 6 months ago
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Ford's World - Dimension Fri3nds46/’
◇ Alternative Earth Variant ◇
● Humans have wings and feathered tails
● Alternative Pines family decisions timeline
◇ Stanford Pines ◇
● Ford is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of anomalies
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Bill when he was 5 due to him attempting an interdimensional dreamwalk link, with Bill trying the same thing by chance, something that wouldn't work at their age without each other
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Most gods were mortals whose power was drawn to them like a magnet due to their personality in some way
● Fairly secretive and prefer to hide their works
● Rely on their believers to notice their efforts, resulting in an increase in power
● Can reveal themselves to the public, but building up power from faith alone is more sustainable for less powerful gods
● Stop aging between 25 and 100 (depending on what age someone wants to live forever)
Bill's World - For3verEuclydia
◇ Alternative Euclydia Variant ◇
● 360 years is the average lifespan of a Euclydian in this au
● No massacre
◇ Bill Cipher ◇
● Bill is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of weirdness
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Ford and Stan when he was 5
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Only gods have wings and tails as a power symbol
● Their wings and tails are invisible to anyone that doesn't believe in them specifically
● “Omnipotent” Euclydian gods only know everything about their own world. Bill's knowledge of the third dimension is seen as false teachings to even them.
◇ Bill’s Family ◇
● Scalene is a goddess of Truth and Euclid is a god of Reality
● No one believes Bill is a god except his parents, as godhood is a power grant at birth to someone who the power is drawn to here. It can skip generations.
Bill: So here's my problem - I need to show them the stars. It gets real flat to hear “you're delusional, Bill” and “stop talking about a third dimension!” “Shh, you're gonna get arrested!” “It's not real!” Over and over again. It's time to change up the law and their perspectives.
Ford: Hmm.. that'll be quite the endeavor. You might need more power for that.
Bill: Ohh-ho-oh, definitely. Some of my ideas get real difficult along the way. The kind of stuff only a god with twice my power could pull off. 
[ Pulls up a holographic board with his first idea. ] 
Bill: If I could turn their eyes towards the stars and give them the same vision as I do, that'd be ideal. 
[ Ford manifests a danger sign over Bill's board; a buzzer sounds in warning. ]
Ford: Doing that to the entirety of Euclydia could potentially be devastating. Even if you get that newfound power, without centuries of diligent practice, you could end up permanently mutilating thousands of people in the process. Too risky. 
Bill: Uuugh… even if the people I wanted to show the most were immortal too, I don't think I could put up with more of their talk for that long. It has to be this century.
Ford: I get where you're coming from. I’ll do my best to make sure it happens when we figure out a plan that won’t have too many risks involved.
Bill: I could probably have the world dream of stars if you help, but that isn’t real enough to me. It drives me crazy that I can’t see you in real life. 
Ford: We’ll meet one day, I promise it. 
Bill: I sure hope so, Sixer. 
[ Pulls up two more holographic charts. ] 
Now.. back to my list of extremely great ideas.. what if I put really tiny stars in the world and contained the heat? Or flipped the world on the y-axis just to prove a third dimension exists first?
[ Ford manifests two more warnings in succession. ]
Ford: Could easily start a fire if anything went wrong, and for all we know, flipping the world vertically could cause everything to fall bottom to top infinitely until it’s fixed. Also runs the risk of killing a lot of Euclydians. Not to mention there could be other forces in your space that could affect the world.
Bill: Yeesh. Alright then, you got any ideas?
Ford: Actually, come to think of it.. 
[ Ford summons a hologram with a vision of his own forming. ]
Maybe instead of dreams, we tried something just a step up from multi-dimensional dream-walking, something like astral projection. We bring them out of their bodies, but tethered to their world, into space. Without the limitations of their physical forms, their eyes should be able to see more than what they could before.
Ford: Hah, well, I try.  
Bill: NOW THAT'S SOMETHING I COULD ACTUALLY PULL OFF RISK FREE! It might take splitting up the days people get to see it, but, they’ll finally see.
Ford: Well, hold on, splitting up the days could be risky for the groups who see versus who don’t on the first day, so, here's what I'll do. I'll give you my powers for as long as you need them for this. I would like to help personally, but I’d need to physically be there. This will be my contribution to your paradigm shift for Euclydia.
Bill: ..you really trust me that much? 
Ford: (smiles and nods) Of course. You're my best friend, my muse, the sun in my galaxy, Bill. I want you to be happy.
[ Ford offers his hand and godly powers out to his partner. ]
Bill: (chuckles, smiling) You’re the best, Fordsy.
[ They shake on it. ]
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polarisblitzwing · 7 months ago
Just realized that if I was in the gravity falls universe, Bill would absolutely not want to possess me because I have visual snow syndrome (not very intense, but still noticeable.) It's like seeing through a static-y TV screen everywhere. There's black and white & red and blue specs in the static. Most of the time, I don't process it there out of normalcy, but at night time, it's extremely visible.
Definitely wouldn't make a deal with him regardless, but bro would Nope the heck out even if he managed to possess me anyways lol
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polarisblitzwing · 7 months ago
Winn & Jasmine: my MLP AU Edition! ~*
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Semi-complex designs for these two as their color schemes are unique, but easily clash. Had to find a fun way to mix them!
I usually base these mlp designs on the prominent colors of their most worn outfit or general color vibes. Utilized to its full extent here :]
- Winn is a hippogriff! Their hair reminded me of one & they seem to be the tallest of the trio, so this felt like a cool choice for them.
- They were the first in their class to get their cutie mark, in an assignment in which you had to write up a law / act and persuade people to vote in favor of it. Winn did this with both a good presentation and the power of cool as heck skateboard skills. Their cutie mark is a colorfully lined scroll and a skateboard on it! (This cutie mark is based on their answer during the career presentation.)
The whole class was in awe to see them earn it in class, and Dev was rather jealous at first. Ultimately respects them, though.
- Jasmine is a kirin! She reminds me a bit of Autumn Blaze, I think they'd be friends if they were in the same mlp universe.
- She dyes herself with magic to get those blue stripes, spots on her mane and tail, and leopard or cheetah spots (based on the print on her shorts).
- Her cutie mark has to do with her love of music / singing. Even if a bit scratchy & rough right now, passion for something can definitely lead you down plenty of paths you want to be on in the future!
AU Info
- The area they live in has a lot of different creatures living together
- Most of the main character names are easily fantasy names, so I'm keeping them the same for the most part unless the name is less mlp-like. Will likely give them different last names though!
Peri & Dev
Hazel & Cosmo & Wanda -
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polarisblitzwing · 7 months ago
Quick little baby Billy video
He wants to escape the shackles of bedtime and stargaze instead
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polarisblitzwing · 7 months ago
Hazel and Cosmo & Wanda: my MLP Edition! ~*
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Hazel is a crystal earth pony!
- She loves this fact about herself because her hooves are crystal. Her cutie mark relates to her passion for geology and the colorful crystals are representative of her fun and creative personality!
(Plus, I put that shiny out-of-this-world rock in the design, love that gem.)
Fairyzie Lore
- Combining the words Fairy and Breezie since this is a powerful subspecies of breezie! I alternatively thought of "faebreezie" but I can't stop wheezing every time I read that name, so I went with Fairyzie instead ~*
- Decided that fairyzies customize their antennae the way they want them to look with magic. Before then, they have a default antennae look that they are born with, influenced by their parents. They also take the shape of objects around the baby sometimes after birth (Peri's example here: a baby rattle).
- Gave him a comet-like antennae and cutie mark. His cutie mark is cosmic and swirly, fitting to a powerful being (*cough* Von Strangle *cough*). But instead of a mystic spiral, it's a silly swirl in the cosmos :]
- Her cutie mark is her wand antenna and a W (for her name) crown above it, surrounded by stars (space and wishes). I feel it's representative of her way of doing things & her fairyzie godparenting.
(Wand antenna-like cutie marks are fairly common amongst godparents and those who like magic, with both her husband and son having hints of this in their marks.)
I had to resize Cosmo & Wanda a lot, so here's the drawing before shrinking them + Hazel by herself too ~
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I was struggling to draw all three characters, so I started sketching these for an extra serotonin boost :]
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(1) Baby Peri & Cosmo (Proud dad moment)
(2) Four year old Peri (Please don't put him in an insect collection)
(3) Wanda, speaking to Hazel & Dev: Peri used to curl up like a kitten when he was 4. He called himself "Dapper Cat" and staged a whole dramatic cat tale with Irep
Wanda: It was very cute. He learned his favorite song is "Posin'" when I turned on some music for him to dance to
Fun Facts
- Hazel's reaction afterwards would be "Aww", and Dev says, "That sounds lame."
- Peri really likes electro swing music
- Peri could imitate a kitten 100% accurately and Irep could not. So he taught him and it ended up going like this
Link to Dev & Peri:
That's it for now! Really wanna draw Winn and Jasmine though, who won't be ponies & instead other creatures :]
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polarisblitzwing · 7 months ago
Peri & Dev : my MLP AU Edition! ~*
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A New Wish got me, so I gotta express myself with animal fantasy creatures xD
Peri has a breezie design here! He has a cutie mark, cause I make the rules. I imagine fairies as just larger, more powerful breezies in this mini-au ^^
It is absolutely essential that he has a poofy tail
Dev is a unicorn colt! With some white spots on his back and hooves. The gold above back hooves are an accessory.
- His magic isn't very strong, but useful for carrying tech around.
- I thought about what his cutie mark should be for a bit and decided on two customized coins (heads and tails, design based on Doug Dimmadome's belt buckle) and two arrows indicating a flip. It can be seen as relating to wanting to be involved with business, but also his ability to make decisions, reflect on them, and turn them around sometimes. It's a trait I really like about his character :]
I badly want to draw Hazel, Cosmo, and Wanda next. Hoping to keep the motivation xD
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polarisblitzwing · 2 years ago
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Dark Pit but he reforms the mirror shards as flight feathers and uses them to make his wings look cooler >:)
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polarisblitzwing · 2 years ago
Mini Aggie!
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A small KIU Aggie.io collab from members of our server, featuring: @brushstrokes-art @surachibee @mango-peach-strawberry @polarisblitzwing @verdanturfwind and @ASiscoLink!
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polarisblitzwing · 2 years ago
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polarisblitzwing · 2 years ago
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The au Pits hanging out in a hotspring! They had a fun Christmas ^^
A gift for the cool people who were part of the apartment collab :D
@farvaduvet @brushstrokesapocalyptic @kopawz @mango-peach-strawberry @verdanturfwind
Who they are + a few silly captions ^^
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