pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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       ❛  well, hello there, stranger. don’t you look FAMILIAR?  ❜     he teases, grabbing Max by his sides, squeezing gently to tickle him. 
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
&&. (   deathwritten ---
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❛   give me one reason why i should listen to you.   just one.   ❜   she takes a step away from him,   her hands shaking slightly as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.   her teeth caught her bottom lip as she stared doe-eyed.
@pokerwitch​      /      starter call
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        ❛  ah... I’m 900 years old, much older than you, much STRONGER than you, and quite knowledgeable in many areas of... whatever you want. I’m like an anthology of random facts, love. test me,  ❜     he says, shrugging his shoulders and pressing a toothpick into his mouth. 
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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          listen i’ve been away for a while ;; like for a smol starter or something
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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                starting up a new blog  ( should stop making characters. ).     is always hard because finding people that actually want to write with you seems impossible.    if you could give this a    LIKE or REBLOG    if you would like to interact with the really arrogant witch bitch  RULE 63! DAVINA CLAIRE    from   THE ORIGINALS.   canon - divergent   ( S1 - S3 )     open to all plotting and multi-verse.
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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          listen i’ve been away for a while ;; like for a smol starter or something
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
&&. (   hxvein ---
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                          lips twisted in a bit of a    pout.      not that he minded the help   ,   but Davina was more than a little    independent.      wanting nothing more then to correct himself.      maybe so long under the ancestor thumb   —–   HOWEVER   the eldest words were taken into consideration.      finger tips drumming the desk as he stood pushing his stool away walking over to the shelves.       ❛    deoxyribonucleic acid is found in more than just you or me    ,    it’s in plants.    so that means I could    —–   ah here!     milkweed root.   ❜       walking back he sat back on his stool pulling out a silver dagger.     digging into the root to get passed the aged and revive the soft white inside he plopped it in before positioning himself in the same manner as before  &   focusing again.      lids falling closed  ,   the bubbling and crackling smell and overwhelming   pool   of energy brought his gaze up.    silver turned to blood   ,   roots forming at the bottom of the base and the flower over blooming , brimming the edges.      smirk  ,   pleased with himself as he casted a glance over towards the other male with a shrug of blade.      ❛   milkweed …. also referred to as the blood flower.  ❜  
         HE’S RESOURCEFUL.  Patrick will give him that. standing back, he just nods learning just as much as Davina is, toothpick pressing into his tongue inquisitively. he’s independent and determined, the kind of witch that doesn’t trust easily, doesn’t help easily, doesn’t anything easily. there’s a tension in Davina’s bones that never seeps away, and it, in turn, puts Patrick on edge, makes him acutely aware of his own IMMORTALITY, aware of the fact that his power is not the oldest, not the strongest, not the be all of any witch. he has never been an ARROGANT man, cautious of his own boundaries and his abilities, quite humble in most regards--but it is Davina who reminds him that his magic is recessive, a trait that only just barely slipped through the cracks and met him on the MYSTICAL WHIM of chance, yet Davina had a power that burned in his veins, screamed to be acknowledged by a world desperate to rid him and restore balance. he pities him in a Biblical sense. 
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    ❛   you don’t NEED me--as a tutor, as a guide... as ANYTHIN’ really. I was under the impression tha’ you needed ‘elp with somethin’. obviously it’s not anythin’ basic or a simple spell.... so what is it?   ❜      
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
❝ there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. ❞
                         ❛    are you kidding me ….   EVERYTHING   is wrong with me!   ❜       hue of normally gentle kindness and beautiful crystal blue now seemed to glow in a cracking ember heat.      RAGE & ANGER. something he had witnessed from   Klaus & Marcel    far too many times.      GROWN INTO BEING A MIKALESON       veins coiling through his skin and squeezing around a heart that could only beat for VENGEANCE.       everything Davina had come to love   ,    had come to help all now crumbled around his feet and yet the only finger that could be pointed     WAS AT HIMSELF.      allowing himself to trust  ,  to love  ,  to believe that there was anything good.
                         palms rested against the iron railing  ,  fingertips curling to squeeze as his body quaked with anger and more so   disappointment.       ❛    I was brought into this world by a woman who never really wanted me   ….   just wanted a legacy  ,   a reason for the line to continue on.      ——-   I was lied to by my coven believing I was good   ….   believing I was going to make this world a better place      ——– BUT NOTHING CAN MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE! ❜        lids squeezed as teeth clamped tight with and sharpening of jaw.      flames bursting from the few clay pots around him   ,    burning the life that was held so sightly inside by earth`s soil.
                       ❛    I’m …. a monster   ——   just as cruel and wicked as   they   are.   ❜
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                         head falling to hang he could feel the trickle   ,   the crack of his shell.     EXHAUSTION that made him drape his body against the railing and choke for air.       pressure against his chest and as he released a deep breath the flames begun to die leaving a trail of smoke   &   tear.       a sniffle rubbing cheek against the leather of his jacket to hide away the truth.      ASHAMED     of what he had become. trembling hand reaching to touch the scar that etched across his throat.       but soon that sadness melted and anger returned.       TRULY A MIKALESON       if his blood ran with cold fangs like theirs.       he turned heel walking past the other bumping shoulder with shoulder   ,   brows furrowed and a look to   KILL.   ❛    I will watch as this city   …    as this WORLD burns    —– and I’ll be damned if I’m going down with it without a fight.   ❜      a slam of door , heavy weight on shoulder. the life of clay pots slowly returning underneath the damage of his flame.      ALL HAIL THE PRINCE OF NEW ORLEANS.      his crown heavy with thorns.
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
&&. (   hxvein ---
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                            azure eyes rolled as he turned his head and attention back to the goblet of water in front of him. small silver chains and feather that hung from pierced ear giving a gentle jangle as arms moved.      hovering both hands over the cup in a manner that made it almost seem   whimsical  &  graceful.      narrowing lids as he tried to focus   ,   ignoring the other witch that watched and observed.      soon water forming into heated silver  ,  bubbling and boiling over brim which caused the young witch to furrow darkened brows and bring hands back in a look of confusion.  ❛    I was aiming for blood  —–   what did I do wrong….?  ❜       he didn’t defer to the eldest   ,   rather went to tattered leather notebook.    index scrolling down the page to reread instructions.
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             watching Davina is like watching himself centuries ago. it brings an odd NOSTALGIA to Patrick, tugs at his heart in a familiar, homey way  ( it makes him miss the old, dusty study he was cramped in with his old master back in Turkey; the smell of ink and parchment, candle wax melted to his small, wooden desk--a blissful retreat for the BLACK DEATH slaughtering just outside their door: mortal days; fearful, mortal days ).  Patrick can’t help but smile as Davina struggles. it’s not that he’s SADISTIC and wishes him to fail, but Patrick is an avid believer of mistakes, believes that it is more productive to fail a million time than to get it right on the first try. witches learn from mistakes, just as humans do  ( though, the RISK is sometimes different ),  but Patrick would never allow Davina to do any sort of magic without precaution of its effects.     ❛   ALCHEMICAL MAGIC requires a bit o’ science. you’re very close. blood is hard to fabricate due t’ the fact that it’s an organic material, an’ organic material means DNA, so that DNA’s got t’ come from somewhere, so either you take it from YOURSELF, or from someone nearby. focus on... your HEARTBEAT, for breathin’. that’ll help you focus.   ❜       
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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           listen sorry for not being here 
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
&&. (   hxvein ---
                                            ‣   @pokerwitch
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                             ❛    ——–   I can’t concentrate with you hovering.   ❜
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      ❛   not ‘overin’, dear. jus’ watching. jus’ pretend like I’m NOT HERE, yeah?   ❜      
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pokerwitch-blog · 7 years
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                starting up a new blog  ( should stop making characters. ).     is always hard because finding people that actually want to write with you seems impossible.    if you could give this a    LIKE or REBLOG    if you would like to interact with the really arrogant witch bitch  RULE 63! DAVINA CLAIRE    from   THE ORIGINALS.   canon - divergent   ( S1 - S3 )     open to all plotting and multi-verse.
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
&&. (   kcngaloosh ---
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“Work. Evidently.”
It’s more of a half truth really, being a treasure hunter had the tendency to mean the places he ventured were far from ordinary, though this place seemed like it was straight out of some cheesy sci-fi fantasy flick.
“Consider it a work venture.”
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       ❛   EVIDENTLY-------well, mate, what do you do for work then?   ❜       he snickers, teeth biting at the end of his toothpick, tongue playing with the sharp end as he considers the man at his table  ( well... a BOY to him, but a man by society’s standards--a flimsy standard ).        ❛   you an Indiana Jones type then? go ‘round swinging on vines an’ crackin’ a whip ‘r somethin’?   ❜      
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
&&. (   prettyplanchette ---
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         yennifer knows the feeling all too well;  the air is  practically   electric   as  they lock eyes,  when she takes a seat next to him  .       she shoots him a knowing glance before ordering a beer for herself,  answering his question,   in part,  with a shrug,      “      i was about to ask you the same thing !      you looked at me like you were seein’  a  ghost   .      ”
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     he doesn’t UNDERSTAND the atmosphere yet, but it keeps him on his toes. he takes a sip of his whiskey as he nods, recognizing that she feels the aura as well. ah... seems they’re at a STANDSTILL then.      ❛   no, not a ghost--though, I’m surprised one hasn’t come back to HAUNT me yet. do you live in town? ‘r you jus’ visiting?   ❜      
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
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       young and gentle, your body holds an insurmountable variety of SECRETS. your lips are sewed shut with cotton threads, veins full of BELLADONNA AND HEMLOCK.sugar packs are the only counter to the BITTER POISON on your tongue. son, you are cursed from within, but you refuse a cure. step down from your pedestal of fear; SAVE YOURSELF.   //   𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖…
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
&&. (   gorespit ---
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“ we on that level of sharin’ ? shit, i ain’t even tell russ that. mm, want long story or short ? “
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       ❛    I’ve got time. give me the unedited version. I quite like stories, y’ know.   ❜  
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
&&. (   necromantiia ---
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   ‘old enough.’ bitter response, he hated this very question…it was becoming POPULAR. there was no hiding it, however, he was VERY young. it all depended on how one looked at his situation. ‘early twenties pushing into my fourth century. I have a great skin care routine.’ and, apparently he thinks he is hilarious. 
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       ❛    fourth century----   ❜    Patrick’s almost shocked, but he reassesses the aura and just nods to himself, thoroughly impressed.        ❛    tha’s amazin’. you have a spell ‘r somethin’? CHARM? can’t imagine many witches your age aging as well as this. you’re very young still. how long’d it take to get this kind o’ immortality?   ❜  
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
&&. (   zeraphe ---
                  it  was  curiosity  more  than  a  need  for  anything.             you  don’t  hear  about  an  old,  powerful  witch  with  a  talent  for  poker  without  being  a  little  interested  in  seeing  it  for  yourself.  gaze  is  focused  on  the  cards  and  the  trained  hands  that  shuffle  them,  collecting  his  thoughts.              “  heard  about  you  through  the  grapevine,  i  was  curious.  ”             not  that  lucifer  couldn’t  find  a  use  for  the  witch  if  he  saw  fit.  could  always  use  more  people  in  his  arsenal. 
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            you don’t roll into town and not expect some unwelcomed faces upon your table. this happens to be one of them. talk among demons and witches are always circulating, and even though Patrick’s more or less on the outskirts of witch society, he’s heard; he’s seen; he’s gathered--this is not a man to take lightly or REFUSE if his aura is anything of an indication of his status, but if there was anything to refuse, it was Patrick thinking that this man wasn’t going to try and get something out of him.      ❛   ‘m surprised the grapevine’s still talkin’ ‘bout me. haven’t walked int’ a witch bar in quite some time. didn’t know I was still RELEVANT.   ❜       
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