pokemondarkcrystal · 4 hours
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Jelsa really is kicking me out of all my blocks 😂
Background? Hands? Making up outfits on the spot? Sure, why not? My style will be as inconsistent as ever anyway haha
This time I remembered I could draw for my own fic, so here's a scene from a one-shot I had fun writing recently. If you might be interested in Royal! Jack briefly meeting Spirit! Elsa, here's a link!
Lost Together
(my friend said Elsa looks like a water bender and now I can't unsee it)
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pokemondarkcrystal · 17 hours
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Mothkongzilla babies because I need some self care
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pokemondarkcrystal · 17 hours
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artwork by 계를
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pokemondarkcrystal · 24 hours
I just realized stolas can remember blitz name and who was to him even though it probably been 20-30 years since they last saw each other.
But he can't remember a simple promise he made to his daughter, probably 10 years back?
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I ship it.
oh no Blitzø is traumatized
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I hate stolas but I begin to hate him more when I imagined him as a cuckoo bird.
if you don't know, cuckoo birds are parasitic birds who puts their own egg into other bird's nest to make them take care of it. what's worse about these fuckers is that the baby cuckoo bird will try to push the other eggs to the ground so it will be only baby bird the victim mother bird would feed until it becomes an giant ugly bird taking up the whole nest and starts the cycle again.
to me, that's stolas. he's not an owl. he's an ugly evil parasite cuckoo bird who takes whatever he wants and let others exhaust themself to help him of his care and leaves them with misery and despair.
If this isn't Stolas and the state of Helluva in a nutshell, I don't know what is.
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
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Autumn camping stories! c: Wallpaper size here LINK!
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
I cannot STAND the idea that good intentions equates to capability, and that ESPECIALLY applies to parenting. I loathe how the Helluva fandom treats Stolas as a good father BECAUSE of his good intentions alone, not because of his actual capability to meet the expectations of a father. So, if you’ll permit me, I’ve decided that I’m gonna be reeeeeeal obnoxious for the next few asks by breaking down all provided CANON evidence in the Helluva Boss series on Stolas as a father to Octavia in the episodes where it is directly relevant. Also, as much as this is being driven by spite, I will genuinely try to be fair, and feel free to call me out on any missed moments or unfair assessments for each episode mentioned!
So, to begin, how is Stolas as a father to Octavia in Loo Loo Land?
Things he does right: 
In the past, he goes to Octavia when she cries out for her parents in the middle of the night.
He asks her what’s wrong directly, and validates her fear by directly calling her bad dream a nightmare. 
He does not bring attention to how late it is or that she woke him up, and takes the time to slowly calm her down again.
He reassures her that he will be present in her life, and sings her a comforting lullaby.
He tucks her back into bed and only leaves after he sees she has clearly fallen back asleep. 
In the present, he recognizes Via’s awake and asks her how she slept.
He tries to engage in her interests by asking what music she’s listening to.
He realizes parental arguments might be stressful and tries to remove Via from that situation.
He tries to spend alone time with his daughter at a place she used to really enjoy.
He recognizes that people of their status could be at risk and takes into account their physical wellbeing.
He tries to encourage Via to engage with her environment positively at Loo Loo Land.
He does not discuss the stressful home situation while they are walking around the park.
He goes after her when she runs off upset.
When he finds her, he removes his goofy hat to show he is taking the situation seriously, and opens conversation with a gentle tone and consideration of her being upset instead of anger/fear that she ran off.
He apologizes for taking her somewhere she didn’t want to go and apologizes for how complicated everything has been and how he hasn’t been listening to her. 
He apologizes for not being able to properly convey the complicated adult situations happening around her. 
He makes it clear that he will not abandon her and hugs her. 
He initiates their departure and validates that Loo Loo Land is not an appropriate place for her to be at her age or in her current emotional state.
He carries her out of the park while she is in a clearly emotionally vulnerable state and still needs his parental validation and support.
He focuses entirely on her as they are leaving the park instead of on the others or the actively burning attractions, which includes him proactively protecting the two of them from an attacker himself.
He tries to end the day positively by specifically asking her what she would like to do next and agrees to her suggestion.
He thanks her for her positive words and patience with him. Things he does wrong:
In the past, he does not reassure Via that her mother also cares about her and will be present in her life like him. Admittedly, Via’s use of “you” when explaining her bad dream COULD refer to Stolas specifically, but it could just as well refer to the plural “you” of both her parents, which could be supported by the fact she called out to both her parents after her nightmare. 
In the present, he did not pay any attention as her parent to the type of breakfast she prepared for herself when considering that she is still a minor, which seemed to consist of a cup of coffee and some fistfuls of cereal straight from the box. Ideally, he could have encouraged her to use a bowl and have some milk and water, or he could have offered to get those for her to alleviate any possible implication of him judging her meal. She is almost eighteen, so he should be trying to encourage her in little ways to be more proactive in how she feeds herself.
When she makes it clear that she heard him and Stella scream arguing and implies it negatively impacts her, he does not apologize for the fact she had to hear that or try to assure her that the situation is manageable as a parent. I cannot emphasize enough how damaging it is to children to experience loud, angry confrontations between their parents, and the fact she is more personally inconvenienced instead of scared/confused implies that she has witnessed many negative interactions between her parents.
When he tries to engage in her interests by asking about her music, he doesn’t try to elevate tensions by redirecting the conversation when her response leaves him feeling guilty. It might have been better for him to try and make the conversation less tense by asking her what genre it is or what other songs “Fuck You Dad” has made that she likes.
He lies about their day at Loo Loo Land being just the two of them by inviting IMP and flirting with Blitz throughout their time there.
He disregards Via’s extremely negative response to his suggestion that they go to Loo Loo Land.
He refers to staying at the house as a very negative situation. This is the house Via is supposed to feel at home in.
He makes EXTREMELY age, situation, and relationship inappropriate comments in front of his daughter while calling Blitz. I, similarly, cannot emphasize enough how disgusting his remarks around and about his daughter were, and that judgement would apply whether OR NOT she was a minor. 
He actively brings along an affair partner to his day at the park with Via and frequently flirts with him in front of her. 
He never denies or argues against Via’s observations of his and Blitz’s apparent sexual relationship including when she implies she does not enjoy knowing that they have a sexual relationship together. Remember, unhappy as he may be, he is still a married man who has brought along his affair partner while the daughter he had with the wife he is cheating on was with him.
Instead of asking about her negative view of Loo Loo Land or trying to encourage her to see the positive, he laughs off the awkwardness and changes the topic, pulling her away from the scene.
In the scene where we see Blitz’s bodyguard shenanigans, there is no visual or audio cue that Stolas is trying to have conversation with Via as they walk around the park.
When he is being surrounded by attackers, he does not attempt to warn Via or consider how she might feel about seeing that situation. After Blitz saves him, he doesn’t check on whether she was scared for upset by seeing that happen.
(Heads up, but any heavy bias in this next statement is because this is one of my most-hated scenes in the episode) While chasing after her into the Lucifer building, he willingly stops and POSTPONES FOLLOWING HIS EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT DAUGHTER out of annoyance and confusion that Blitz has not personally dealt with the extremely minor inconvenience that is the latest attacker. After Millie saves him, he further delays going after his daughter by spending time asking Millie and Moxxie where Blitz is.
When Via explains her specific reasons as to why she didn’t enjoy coming to Loo Loo Land (her parents fighting and watching him flirt with his affair partner), he does not address each of the specific issues she brings up or apologize for his role in each of those specific issues.
By opening his attempted explanation of his and Stella’s marriage situation with “You need to understand-“, this insinuates that Via would be expected to be less bothered by the fighting and flirting if she knew that him and Stella were in an unhappy marriage, which can come across as invalidating the child’s negative feelings.
When Via expresses fear over him leaving her, he does not try and ask her why that was a worry of her’s and THEN reaffirm why she wouldn’t need to worry about it in the first place. And that’s it for Stolas as a father in Loo Loo Land! Feel free to tell me your thoughts and if you’d like to read my breakdowns of his good and bad from the other episodes!
Good breakdown! And keep in mind, this is probably the pinnacle of his parenting. It's all downhill from there.
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
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Composition made out of the icon set "Cosy Season"! ^o^ LINK!
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
folding paper bunny and crescent moon for mid autumn festival
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pokemondarkcrystal · 2 days
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pokemondarkcrystal · 3 days
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Chris Cyprus (British, b. 1971, Gorton, Manchester, England, based Lancashire, England) - Whispering Souls, 2021, Paintings: Oil
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pokemondarkcrystal · 3 days
Yayyy Billy Kid!!! 💥
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My workplace lmfao
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pokemondarkcrystal · 3 days
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idk I love cyborgs
print here
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