Pokémon Habits and Habitats.
11 posts
Im Rowan and im a Pokemon Breeder. This is a pokemon headcannon, rp and ask blog. Art by me @gothiccrowart
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poke-breeder-rowan · 3 years ago
Hey, sorry been busy. Im starting to work on future plans for the blog but its not my main blog meaning I cant do certain things with other blogs I speak to. I am going to move blogs. I will let yal know the blog when it is made. So I have it as a main blog as sadly not being one does restrict interaction with others. (Cant ask and such.) So far the ideas for the new blog are very similar but I will specialise with pokemon hybrids and mutations. I will be designing them myself so all art belongs to me. Thanks.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 3 years ago
This is a pokeblog. Asks and just things that make sense that would happen in the pokemon world
If you're another Pokeblog, could you reblog this? I wanna spread out a bit more and follow some new folks!
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poke-breeder-rowan · 3 years ago
Update about Lotad and Ponyta.
Its been about three months since I adopted a Ponyta colt and male Lotad. So this is how they are doing and I've been meaning to talk about them.
I got the two Pokémon from @adventures-on-foster-island . These two Pokémon needed somewhere to call home and I adopted the two together. Lotad is a flowering variant which is rare but often mistaken as sickness in grass type Pokémon. As someone who owns their own little pod of Lotad I hoped to integrate the lil guy into it.
Lotad after being carefully watched has responded well to changing homes and being introduced to my Lotad pod. After a few weeks I got a few bits of paper and let him choose his name. I have a Gardevoir called Ophelia who is my translator. His name is now Kaj. He gets along well with the pod. Some members aren't bothered with him but aren't separating him from the others or anything. He gets along the most with flowers. Flowers is a Lotad of mine who loves flowers. So its common to find him and Kaj together which is great as Kaj has a friend but also Flowers has a tendency to go out of the water for too long sitting with plants. He has been feeding well and he has even had a dip at the river. Now you can find him lazing about in the pond or taking a nice swim down the river.
Clurichaurn's update.
Clurichaurn is the name Raven came up with. He's a young male Ponyta who had a bad start in life, and has integrated into the herd fairly well. The herd's adults are all boys and the youngest Ponyta bar Clurichaurn, Diana who is the only girl of the herd. Cluri is often seen at the outskirts of the woods with Diana and Tor who is a Mudbray. I'm really impressed with him and how he's gotten use to the herd. He has had no health issues or anything, though displaying some hesitancy towards some of the further north woods at first, but he seems to no longer be anxious of the area. He does go to new places with his herd and he looks like he feels safe with them. Galarian Ponyta don't like very open spaces unless they are going for a quick sprint. If you ever wish to spot Cluri then look for the smallest Ponyta who's near the front.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
Update on the farm.
Soon ill be making a series of posts about our two new residents. These two are a galarian Ponyta colt and a flowering variant of Lotad. These two have recently been adopted and their stories will be coming out for next week. Ill be making updates of their progress on the farm aswell. The colts name is Clurichaurn. Name chosen by my partner Raven. The Lotad is getting to choose from a few names. So ill say when he chooses a name. Both pokemon are males.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
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Tricky Purrloin are particularly adept thieves, using all manner of deception and improvisation in order to obtain what they desire. These Pokémon are famous for pulling of heists before vanishing without a trace! Illusory Liepard are skilled in both battle as well as escape, using their unpredictable movements and attacks to confuse and dazzle opponents.
Requested by @haze-regallis!
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
My main team and two support Pokémon.
This team has been with me for years. Serena has been here since I was eight. Bare in mind Service/support Pokémon cannot fight if they are seen as outside the 6. They all have helped while I was trying to compete for champion. Raven was my rival and best friend while I also had a few friends who also would fight against me. For the most part my team didn't change too much during it all. Especially with joining up as a ranger when I was young. Now adays I go around as a breeder and study Pokémon variants and how they adapt to their environment in college. My main team I rarely fight with as I have a separate competitive team. Serena First Pokémon I ever got was a Eevee called Serena. She's been with me since I was eight when I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She and I trained together and so she could help me manage. Near the end of her training she evolved into Sylveon and we then started a little bit more specific training so she could help using her ribbons. She did evolve really early on but she's doing well and is happy enough. She's a fully certified diabetic alert Pokémon and is often seen following me around. She's the most likely Pokémon of mine to see with me in town and at home. She also is very close with the fox , cat and dog pokemon on site. Especially Nyx, Sandwich and Nightshade. Saturn. This lil guy actually didn't become my Pokémon till much later. He was a lil Pidove who I would feed in my first home back down at Postwick. He got really use to me and would even sit on my hand. I'd tend to keep Serena away from him just in case. One day I had to move and expected never to see him again. I spent the whole two days at the times he usually comes to my windows and he never showed up. On the third I moved up to Wedgehurst to my dads. Only to find a Pidove all too familiar in town with a folk. He stayed wild till I was 12. When I actually caught him. He was usually with me anyway but I caught him when he made it clear he wished to join me on my journey and see the whole of Galar. Now he's a Unfezant who's a glutton. He hasn't been caught for so long due to me joining the Rangers when I was 12. He flies about and helps me find any missing or injured Pokémon. He fits in my team fairly well though him and Sandwich can be quite the hand full. Especially since hes aware of how pretty he is and loves going to contests. Hes quite the bad loser too. (His favourite contests are the cuteness and beauty.) Sandwich My starter Pokémon. A gift from my partner Raven as I started my journey quite late due to my family being worried about me with my health issues travelling through Galar. I managed to get them to let me leave after I showed my friends who would be joining me on my adventure. I didn't get to start till I was 13. My partner, friend at the time gave me a shiny Vulpix variant (Classic/kanto) named Sandwich. Sandwich is a calm and mischievous Ninetales. She was my main Pokémon partner and she loved competing against my friends. Now a days most contests are at contest spectators and a friendly fight ever now and then. She took along time to decide to evolve. Now she's a Ninetales who is absolutely aware of how gorgeous she is. She's often found wandering with me or hanging out with Nyx. They form snuggle piles and all the fox Pokémon will sit with them, its utterly adorable. She serves as the guardian of the farm. Nightshade. Another support/service Pokemon. I got him gifted to me from the same breeder my family got Serena from. I knew he was most likely to Evolve into a Umbreon just from his connection to the moon and being wide awake at night. Which was really good for sleepless nights while out or at home. We often go out on late walks when I cant sleep or if I just want to enjoy the night. This lil guy helps with anxiety and my autism. He reminds me to take my meds too though my partner does that plenty anyway. Nyx. A Zorua shiny that I found in the Crown Tundra. He was on his own and badly hurt. I was a ranger at the time and we got told we were watching the Crown Tundra for a bit. I looked
after him the most. Eventually he ended up joining me and being registered under my Trainer ID. He gets along alot with Sandwich, Serena and Nightshade. They use to form a little fur pile. Now sometimes they'll sleep together and it is the cutest thing. Nyx is mostly seen as the dad of the farm. He occasionally gives canine and fox pokemon rides in his fur.
Bud. A Cottonee who's parents I caught in the wilds. Shes my first ever pokemon I got myself from breeding. She started my love for grass types. She is wonderful to relax and sit with. She loves decorating her cotton various accessories like ribbons and bows. She is wonderful. I was 14 when I raised her with the help of other breeders , Pokémon and partner. She is a cross she mostly looks like cottonee but she has a little bit of Roserade making it so she has small flowers behind her horns.
Avalon. Avalon was given to me around a year after I stopped being a Ranger. I started joining small clubs for Pokémon breeding some were variants and others for competitive Pokémon. I gave one of the members one of my pokemon (A corviknight.) I got them back a few weeks later but about my anniversary of leaving the rangers I was alerted that I was sent a Pokemon. Turns out it was a little Applin. Now I know that couples often present one to one another and I really thought of giving him to my partner especially since Sandwich was given to me by them. While looking after him I came up with the name Avalon. He has stayed with me since. He usually sits on my shoulder or curls on my bag, cuddling onto me while I do chores. Nagi Nagi the Noivern. He is a little rascal and second dragon type Pokémon I raised from an egg. He would sit and hang from my tent pole alot during camping. He was the last pokemon in my party. I got him after I stopped going to gyms after leader Allister and being a ranger. Nagi and the rest of the team helped defeat all the way to Leon. Though I failed to defeat him. After that I went on to work, got a place and now go full time to college. He helps out a lot with travel which ill take him over a Corviknight taxi unless I must. He helps with any emergency travel spots to the Pokecenter. Hes a lot calmer now happy to go out on rides though and he still loves the game catch. I toss a ball up in the air and he usually tosses it around for a bit before returning it and repeating all over again. And that's all my Pokémon!
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
My first partner is a Ninetales named Sandwich. She was given to me as a present from my partner Raven. Shes a little small and shes wonderful. Still runs around the place and hyper when it comes to contests about beauty and coolness. If I had to choose a traditional starter, I'd choose Scorbunny. Since thats what my region has. If I was in Unova though I would choose Snivy. Mostly havent ever thought of traditonal starters till my course started discussing traditional starters and how they don't appear in the wild.
I'm just curious; to fellow Pokemon trainers that didn't get a traditional starter, who was your first Pokemon? What d'you think you would've picked?
Mine was my Unfezant Dovepi; she hung around the house when I was a little kid as a Pidove and I fed her for a couple years. She stuck around until I got a Trainer Licence (9, a week before my birthday) and caught her.
If I had to pick a usual starter, I think I'd go with a... Tepig, maybe? I didn't really think about it, actually.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
Alolan Vulpix in Isle of Armour Headcannon.
The Alolan Vulpix variant is ice/fairy. First found in Alola due to Vulpix adapting to its climate. So why is Alolan Vulpix found on Isle of Amour? Isle of Armour has a history of Pokémon smuggling as these smugglers would smuggle them to the Isle to trade to other places to avoid rangers and taxes in Galar. Every so often Pokémon would go missing within Isle of Armour were the smugglers couldn't find them and many abandoned places were these Pokémon were left to adapt to the Isle. So this is why Pokémon like Alolan Vulpix is able to be found in Isle of Armour. It'd be sold for a lot too due to them being found in Alola. There seems to be enough alolan vulpix to of carried on generations later becoming part of the environment. Now the Isle of Armour is a protected area with rangers wondering the area and only being accessible through certification that costs around £30 for all the paperwork. Any Pokémon who aren't found in Galar you must agree you wont breed them or release them into Galar. If you wish to breed them you need to have a breeders license.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
Mudbray Headcannon.
First proper post and first headcannon written here. Some while traversing through the Galarian wilds wonder why Mudbray are there as it is known they don't appear in the wild anymore except from in Alola. Well its because of two important factors. One is a program called "Mudbray recovery." This group set out to reintroduce Mudbray into Galar. Using Alolan Mudbray they tried to move them to wetter and cooler areas of Alola before starting to move them to Galar. They also hired groups of breeders to breed these Mudbray or collects eggs and release them into the wild to keep the population thriving. Even some breeders today breed Mudbray so the population doesnt become rare from people catching them. They are also a protected species in Galar. Where it is illegal to move them from their homes without a certificated breeder's permission. Another reason is because of a family in Galar who were all farmers. When their grandfather passed they ended up with a herd of Mudbray that he got overseas from rescuing. 14 are known in total. 5 stayed with the family as they family started working as breeders of mudbray and farmers due to demand on mudbrays abilities to help with agriculture. The rest were released into the wild. So next when you see a Mudbray thank these two amazing groups. Loosely based off of real life reintroduction programs in Scotland.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
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                                                   Blossom Fox
                                   A Vulpix x Deerling Crossbreed.
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poke-breeder-rowan · 4 years ago
Hi! This blog is just me (Rowan). I write about pokemon habits and habitats.  I also will occasionally have pokemon you can “buy”.  As i work as a pokemon breeder. My ask box is open so feel free to ask questions about pokemon! I also know a lot about service/support pokemon. Owning two myself. A male Umbreon named Nightshade who is my support for anxiety and autism. A female Sylveon named Serena who is diabetic alert (type 1) I also will do pokemon headcannons from time to time.
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