pointless-party · 4 hours
tbh im still mad and its been several years, that since uni is transfem now, she cant be a gay man anymore. transfem gay men exist. but also im even more pissed the generic gender dysphoria sly had was also turned into a transfem direction when originally it was like entirely neutral. she couldve even been a stealth trans man, because we never ever get trans men, but no. why is every character with actual gender dysphoria in kc land a trans woman :sob:
PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
imo slys one of those characters where they could be either tfem or tmasc & it works either way. similar to hemera, sunshine, plankton etc
but turigirl uni is real & factual in my mind.
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pointless-party · 1 day
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed about how Marco's insomnia was made into another sex joke lol
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pointless-party · 2 days
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pointless-party · 2 days
doom listening to animals by stomach book and uni approaches them and asks what theyre listening and doom says uni wouldnt understand the song because its too complex but gives her its headphones anyways and after uni listens to it pup goes "actually i relate to this a lot" and then both stare at each other and start fucking wailing while hugging each other
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pointless-party · 2 days
me when i have chronic insomnia to the point where i have to lay down for 3~ hours to fall asleep and i might find a character i relate to because sleep deprivation can LITERALLY kill in some cases but no he just can't sleep because his parents keep rawdogging in the room above him and nobody is allowed boundaries ever ☺️☺️ /sarc -🐍
how often donthe comet parents fuck to the point marco cant sleep because of it
like this i fucking ridiculous at this point can we go 5 minutes without kc turning everyting into a sex joke. and just when i thoughtshe was actually treating his insomnia seriously
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pointless-party · 2 days
hate the new cometcare update. Hate it /srs -🐍
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pointless-party · 6 days
you guys gotta hear me out on this one. bowser x cuddles
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pointless-party · 7 days
hemera has ocpd . Reblog post
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pointless-party · 12 days
I'm not going to sugar the pill for you all even though all you can consume are sweets
If someone comes out about being groomed, what matters is not whether they have a crit blog. What matters is that they were groomed.
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pointless-party · 12 days
anons continue to have zero reading comprehension -🐍
that callout is really hard to read, can you summarize whats going on without just posting a bunch of sexting? none of those messages are particularly incriminating with no context to put them into and its really hard to tell whats going on. its just a bunch of out of context hornyness and if something serious is going on i would like to know and not just read peoples personal messages without any context. thanks in advance.
I’m 16, they were 20. They used sexual advances on me and I slowly became more and more addicted to it as it slowly went from a weekly thing to something we were doing daily. It got to the point that they were asking for my sexual fantasies. The context is all there. The fact you’re sexting a 16 year old when you’re a grown ass adult is incriminating evidence enough.
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pointless-party · 12 days
Hi everyone, this isn't usually the type of post I would make, especially since I'm currently just getting back into Sparklecare, but this is important. Please read this post if you can
(tw for sexually explicit messages, grooming, and victim blaming. Post under the cut purely because of the messages, but please read if you are mentally well enough)
This is one of my friends. No, I do not want to hear about her having a crit blog. I dislike sparklecrit but this is genuinely important. Nobody deserves to go through this. Please spread awareness as this person is pretty popular in the sparklecare community and is dangerous.
This is definitely a change of tone from my usual posts, but it's important. It's very important. Stay safe everyone!
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pointless-party · 12 days
This is a callout post on @/frosty-burny-felony or @/asterciphercat (Others included, under read more) they’re pretty big in the Sparklecare Community and they’ve been grooming me for the past months and I can’t stand by and let them do that to anyone else in the near future. TW for sexual content below this post. I promise it’s bad.
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I’ve been harassed, taken advantage of, used, all the fucking lingo in the book, but you three. You three have caused me so much pain. I genuinely wanted to not do this, to break away and give you three peace. But, that isn’t the right thing to do. Especially since I’m the one that apparently 'needs help' according to Spooky, another partner around the age of 18 that I was dating
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That just ticked me off, more so the fact you two think you’re in the right. There’s still someone you’re dating that is in my age gap. That person is Maddie, the only partner I was public about, being around 16 and running the @/msketsukane1225 blog. (In comparison to this, Ci and Spooky are 20 and 18 respectively, me and Maddie were both 16)
Fucked, right? They’re still dating Maddie like I mentioned, and I tried on and off again to get in contact with her, that last chance to fix a wrong I made, but. That didn’t seem to have worked.
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Noelle is a victim of grooming. I was a victim of grooming. This post was made to tell my side and provide context to what the hell happened to me in the past month or so.
Here’s more information revolving around Ci, more screenshots that go to show how must of a sex pest they are to be getting it down with a sixteen year old.
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If this doesn’t prove my point yet. Then I don’t know what will. Get rid of them. I only wish for Maddie to be okay.
-Mx. Hemeruni/Hem
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pointless-party · 14 days
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anon is this image -🐍
these sparklecriticism blogs are pissing me the fucking hell off can you guys just deactivate already
So if they piss you off so much why don't you just block the tag? Genuine question. Why do you care so much about random people online having a different opinion than you? People like you are the reason we even have to make these blogs because you'll harass and drag us through the mud if we ever did these on our main accounts. Grow up and learn not everyone will agree with you, both on the internet and in the real world. -🧪
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pointless-party · 17 days
When I usually state my opinion about something, I don’t really say it with the intention of having others lean towards it one way or another, I simply state it to get something off my chest.
Hemera is, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite Sparklecare character. I never would’ve imagined that this would be the case, but nonetheless I strive to make content revolving her whenever I can.
But, just like rolling a rock up a hill, it’s seemingly becoming more and more common for this fox to have… something of sort happen, which inevitably leads to out roar and hate and whatever the fuck people come up with. I used to be apart of that crowd, I will admit, and I can see where these people are coming from.
If you were to show me dialog from V1 and V4 spoken by Hemera, I would’ve assumed that they were two different people. Hemera doesn’t feel like a main lead anymore, rather a side character that gets outshined by the other leads. It makes you think that this whole ordeal is necessary, when it really just causes more confusion and mistreatment of the fox by the community.
And the fact that this hatred only got worse around the time V3 came out, with it hinting in multiple pieces of teaser material that she was going to DIE, only for KC to be like "You all REALLY thought I was going to kill off Hemera" YEAH??? What the fuck does this shit mean then????
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Reminder that the volume before this revealed that Hemera suffers from the trauma of having THE LIMBS OF SOMEONE SHE CARED ABOUT STITCHED TO HER BODY
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I hate that im making this, but im genuinely upset that this fox is treated like this both in and outside the comic, you’re telling ME that the traumatized fox who already has problems with losing people is IN THE WRONG for wanting her friends back safe??? Is it wrong to just lie to the health inspector because you know damn well that they wouldn’t have believed you anyways??? Hemera was RIGHT in doing that in V3 btw argue with a fucking wall
And then V4 came around and honest to god this is probably the worst portrayal of Hemera yet, and probably the worst TREATMENT she’s been given.
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You’re telling me that when Hemera got honest to god mad with Uni over this SHE was the one in the wrong??? TELL ME, WHO IS THE ONE WHO MADE THE SENTIENT LIFE, WHO LEFT IT TO ROAM FREELY, AND WHO PROCEEDED TO GET 0 REPERCUSSIONS FOR THEIR ACTIONS.
Yeahhhh Uniiii give her a fucking puppet, see what good that does for you
Don’t get me started on the V2 "nope, still aroace" joke or whatever the fuck excuse that you can possibly have for hating this fox.
It sucks having a favorite character who is seen as nothing but pure evil among a crowd of apparent "saints" when those said saints have done things equal to or worse then what Hemera has done. I’m not going to assume things, but the bias shows.
I’m not tagging this, this doesn’t deserve to be tagged. I’m going to bed.
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pointless-party · 17 days
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Fandom Problem #5679:
How hypocritical and bias fandoms can be towards characters from shows who go through traumas in different ways, but only Character A is acknowledged or focused on because their trauma is “more in your face” or they’re personally their problematic fav/popular character.
Even worse, Character B’s trauma is even treated as a joke, victim blamed, gets no sympathy, attention, focus or time to shine. Nothing.
Even WORSE, both characters could’ve possibly done bad/horrible things, but only Character B is criticized while Character A’s trauma is used as a “get out of jail free”, leaving them to get coddled, enabled and treated like a baby for it. And if your not “down with the program”, you get harassed or accused of some very horrible shit!
“This sounds like personal experience,OP…”
Well, maybe it is.
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pointless-party · 18 days
Due to more recent developments, I won't be as mean to KC anymore. Keep in mind im still gonna criticize the comic but y'all won't see me tear her limb from limb anymore LMAO
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pointless-party · 21 days
For what seemed like forever
My soul is finally at peace
Maybe there is hope out there
Maybe, just maybe
I was too harsh.
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