poetic-solitude · 17 hours
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poetic-solitude · 3 days
oh love, don't you know?
the beautiful words you say
weren't made for awful people like me,
I'm definitely not your cup of tea
but your 7th shot of vodka
and the neon lights
illuminating the nightclub of your life
where you get wasted
just like your best, young years
counting milligrams and money.
every day, you left my house
with makeup like a black eye
from the dirty, rough and too-good sex
we had
every night in my dark bedroom
hidden from the world in my bed
in my arms, self-destruction at its peak.
because you're an angel and I'm ash
smudged on your pure-white wings
and innocent, wide brown eyes
that turn honey in the sunlight
averting my dirty blue gaze.
I'm a cloud of smoke at 3 am
and you're the morning light on a warm Saturday
illuminating the world with the glow of your beauty
you're gold and I'm coal.
I'm not too far from being a diamond
but the pressure crushed me
before it could polish my heavy, dirty heart
that if you'd happen to touch
your hands would be clad in black,
a filth that no holy water
or bleach can wash off of you.
I loved you in the same way there's war in the world;
destructive and never-ending;
a passion that burns like a wildfire
and one
that can't be put out, because even now that it's over;
everything that's ever been between us
still haunts me and will do to my grave
and beyond that, until I'm just a memory away
well put away in the back of your mind
on a shelf you can't reach, not without help
and by help I mean myself
reminding you of what was and what could've been.
oh, lover girl, look at us now!
you're having fun with your friends at the bar
while I'm hiding, waiting in a bathroom stall
for you
for a quick, dirty makeout
in an even dirtier place
though not dirtier then our minds
flooded with lust and pure passion
for each other, closing out the world
and only knowing one thing: each other
as we get lost in the other's body
lips and hips and below the belt.
because I know I'll never believe in anything again
in nothing that isn't you or something about you
nothing makes sense since you've been gone
not the nighttime sky without the fireworks
that I confessed to you under on the 4th of July
not the morning sunlight flooding my room
that woke us up every morning that summer
not the words I write in this song about you
that nobody will ever sing without you.
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poetic-solitude · 3 days
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poetic-solitude · 10 days
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poetic-solitude · 11 days
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what's meant for you will always feel natural, calm and clear, not forced, chaotic and confusing.
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poetic-solitude · 12 days
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poetic-solitude · 16 days
Candles, by Grain Woods
They have many scents,
Each one unique.
Some sweet,
Some bitter.
Some last a short time,
Others seem to last forever.
They may be all different,
But they all have one thing in common.
The smoke when you put them out.
The memory of all the candles.
It's the same with friends.
Some are nice,
Some are mean.
Some stay shortly,
Others seem to never leave.
They may be all different,
But they all have one thing in common.
The smoke when you put them out.
The memory of all the friends.
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poetic-solitude · 16 days
Be perfect, by Grain Woods
I try,
I lie,
I pretend,
I'm fine,
I'm okay,
I'm happy,
Nothing's wrong,
Nothing's bad,
Nothing's hurting,
I can be nice,
I can be good,
I can be perfect.
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poetic-solitude · 19 days
Callosity, by Grain Woods
Surrounded by happiness,
Yet I don't understand it.
Surrounded by sadness,
Yet I don't contain it.
Surrounded by anger,
Yet I don't express it.
Surrounded by many emotions,
Yet I don't reciprocate one.
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poetic-solitude · 21 days
"God is dead and we killed them"
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poetic-solitude · 23 days
Crying alone, by Grain Woods
Rushing emotions,
Everything feeling like it's crushing you
Flooding tears,
Everything pouring out till there's none left
Adamant pleading,
Everything spilling out with a want for help
Constant numbness,
Everything being nothing around you
Pitiful confusion,
Everything feeling like a lie except you're patheticness
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poetic-solitude · 26 days
Drown, by Vincent Allen Vicente-Manuel
Swim away with me deep down under
to a place where all my thoughts gather
A ruthless torrent of pain and anger
A trench of sorrows and endless hunger
The eternal pit of restless slumber
Of broken songs in deep dark water
Where pain stops when fear take-over
Drown with me in this heedless stupor
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poetic-solitude · 28 days
TW! SH, blood, knives, blades, su1s1de
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Poem By Neyri Castaneda
I had this poem saved since 2016.
Still hold true to my feelings even today
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poetic-solitude · 28 days
After being hopeless for so long, hope almost feel unreal
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poetic-solitude · 29 days
“To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten.”
— Unknown
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poetic-solitude · 1 month
Questioning life, by Grain Woods
What is it,
How do we know we're really living.
How do we know we're not fake,
How do we know we're not lying,
How do we know we're not pretending.
What if it's all just a lie,
How do we know we're living our fullest,
Being who we're meant to be.
How do we know people love the real us,
How do we know people aren't lying to us
How do we know people care about us.
In the end nothing matters,
No one will remember us,
Eventually we'll all fade away and die out.
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poetic-solitude · 1 month
“There’s really no shortcut to forgetting someone. You just have to endure missing them everyday until you don’t anymore.”
— Unknown
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