poesia-vivir · 9 months
Not interested in a love I have to earn or perform for. I want to be loved as a choice, on purpose, not as a reward
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poesia-vivir · 11 months
low self esteem can set your entire life back. it’ll cause you to miss opportunities. avoid taking risks. stay in situations longer than you should. seek validation instead of trusting your instincts. etc. you shouldn’t underestimate the power of having confidence or high self esteem with one’s self.
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poesia-vivir · 1 year
I love you, and even though I have suffered greatly. The sweetest revenge is not that you’d suffer just as I have. I don’t wish you any harm, torment, or misery. Justice to me, would be that you just realize you’re genuinely sorry.
- S.R // Pure Love
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
“From His vantage, He [Jesus] watched as a Samaritan woman approached to draw some water. Unexpectedly He spoke to her” (from John 4:5-8, VOICE).
From her vantage, the Samaritan woman saw Jacob's well as a source from which she could draw water from the earth to satisfy her body's persistent thirst. But she had not perceived that at this same well, she would encounter water from a different source. Jesus offerered the woman the gift of Living Water--with this water her spirit would never thirst again.
From his vantage, Jesus saw the parts of this woman that her pain refused to let her forget. He saw the parts of her yearning to be revived--the parts of her thirsting for more than water from a well. He saw the parts of her that had been wounded and the pieces of her that were broken. And though no one else may see those parts of you, your Father is aware of all that has bruised the hearts and crushed the spirits of his daughters.
God is aware of every scar--new and old, visible and invisible. No trauma suffered, great or small, will be forgotten. From his vantage, nothing is hidden, nothing goes unseen.
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
He was one of the best people I knew, a heart of gold. He hurt me though, intensely. If somebody that good can hurt me, then how can I ever trust someone good again? You’ve crippled me, and it is the cruelest thing to rob someone of a love that could have healed them.
— S.R // Wandering Forever
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
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Gabor Maté, When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
“There are people who are always in love with the sky, no matter the weather. One day you will find someone who’ll love you the same way.”
— n. m., from a book in progress (via wnq-writers)
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
“How did you lose her? I felt trapped, but another man looked at my prison and called her a church”
— Rudy Francisco  (via h-o-r-n-g-r-y)
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
“Instead of withholding love to change somebody, I poured it on, lavishly. I hoped that love would work like a magnet, pulling people from the mire and toward healing. I knew this was the way God loved me. God had never withheld love to teach me a lesson.”
— from “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller (via gorillafear)
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
It’s not “cool” to be indifferent to someone else’s pain. It’s either you’ve been where they are, you haven’t, or you will. Whatever it may be, pain is a call to empathy.
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
“When I wake, I ask God to slide into my head quickly before I do.”
— Calling a Wolf a Wolf, ‘Being in This World Makes Me Feel Like a Time Traveler’ by Kaveh Akbar
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poesia-vivir · 2 years
You see, love liberates. It doesn’t bind. Love says I love you, I love you if you’re in China, I love you if you’re across town, I love you if you’re in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you, I’d like to have your arms around me, I’d like to hear your voice in my ear. But that’s not possible now, so I love you. Go.
maya angelou
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poesia-vivir · 4 years
How to know if something is God’s Will:
- the door that opens will never contradict His Word
- the door that opens will be accompanied by confirmation
- the door that opens will require you to depend on Him
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poesia-vivir · 4 years
“Here’s the truth: friendships between women are often the deepest and most profound love stories, but they are often discussed as if they are ancillary, “bonus” relationships to the truly important ones. Women’s friendships outlast jobs, parents, husbands, boyfriends, lovers, and sometimes children…it’s possible to transcend the limits of your skin in a friendship…This kind of friendship is not a frivolous connection, a supplementary relationship to the ones we’re taught and told are primary – spouses, children, parents. It is love…Support, salvation, transformation, life: this is what women give to one another when they are true friends, soul friends.”
— Emily Rapp (via kuanios)
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poesia-vivir · 4 years
“I keep going around in circles,
Because I’m terrified of ends.”
- @poesia-vivir // Circles
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poesia-vivir · 4 years
“How many times will black people have to continue turning the other cheek to their oppressors until they’re allowed to overturn tables? This nation was called the land of the free, but it has been made into a graveyard of black lives.”
- @poesia-vivir // How Long O Lord
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