Poems From A Pansexual
58 posts
I make peoms and stuff. They’re not that good btw. If you want to post anywhere please ask first and give credit!
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 5 years ago
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I’m a baby witch but I tried the thing where you let dieties inhabit your body and draw something... I think Persephone drew a bouquet of flowers or her holding flowers and hades drew them holding hands. He started to draw his face and didn’t like it lol. I had my eyes closed the whole time and this is so crazy!!!
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
HELP!! I am new to this platform but am looking for some help. I had just came out to my family a few months ago and ever since then my parents have been so abusive and harsh towards me. They kicked me out the first night I told them and I had to sleep in my car for 3 days. They lock me in my room, as they turned the doorknob the other direction the other day that i was at school so it can be locked from the outside, not the inside. They wont even let me eat what they have and I barely have enough money to afford anything for myself, as i have bills and am a full-time student. Ive been living off of oatmeal and ramen for months. Im starving. They told me if i wanted to be gay then i must be punished as God would punish. I am Christian and I know that God accepts all, as who they are, with their sins. My parents beg to differ. My mom said that I am no longer God’s child but the devils, and she sure treats me like it. My dad said im purposely choosing this to hurt him and that I am not his son if i go against our religious beliefs. BUT THAT ISNT THE CASE!! 
I need to get out of here!! I havent eaten, I sleep in my car some nights, and I dont have any more than 3 pairs of clothes because my parents said that i dont deserve anything they have paid for so they took most of it away.
I just want to move out. I have $300 saved and need $700 more to move into a great apartment i found. PLEASE HELP. Donate if you can, help a gay kid get out of this abusive, twisted home. God bless. Please share if you cannot donate, anything helps!
Cash app: $christianchrischry
Paypal: paypal.me/CCTVorp
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
Never mind she broke up with me over text :,)
M’y girlfriend is just,,,, so amazing..... you don’t know her but she has hair like Harry Potter and does a suffer dude symbol when she sees me and oh god she’s great..... like I’m a pussy ass bitch and I’ve only ever held her hand but boy it gets me flustered. She always goes to timmies and tell me what the best drink is after and I only see her once in a blue moon but gosh it’s the best day when I get to see her... i think that enough gay for now but I’ll probably be back.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
M’y girlfriend is just,,,, so amazing..... you don’t know her but she has hair like Harry Potter and does a suffer dude symbol when she sees me and oh god she’s great..... like I’m a pussy ass bitch and I’ve only ever held her hand but boy it gets me flustered. She always goes to timmies and tell me what the best drink is after and I only see her once in a blue moon but gosh it’s the best day when I get to see her... i think that enough gay for now but I’ll probably be back.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
My Music
It wasn’t a quick leap of passion,
Not a slow fall into love.
It’s carefully thought out-
My hand taking ages to hold hers
In a quick whisper they interlock,
Leaving me breathless, hopeless.
Her eyes take me away, gorgeous and green.
I live for the moments together, and ache when we’ve been decades apart.
It won’t be long until I hear her voice again.
A new record to play over and over in my mind.
A melody just for me.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
Help Two HUNGRY Disabled Young Trans Men Survive the Shelter! - Desperately Need Aid against Stalker Mother 
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Hello, you might recognize me from these posts. We appreciate all the support but need help again. My husband and I currently homeless having been kicked out of our respective abusive transphobic and homophobic homes. Abuse that has strongly continued even we’ve been the shelter system since December 2nd. My mother has been aggressively harassment through phone and email. She has harrassed calling 25+ times to Stephen’s mother and step-father demanding that they tell her our address. I have blocked her across all devices and she continues to make accounts to message me threating emails that range from briding me to come home and separate from my husband effectively abandoning him in the shelter and to kidnapping me and placing me in a mental institution. My mother has a strong history of stalking, sabtogating and violence towards others. On May, she sent two demonstrating that she knew about the Gofundme which you can continue to donate to. Here. As as well knowing my address. I’m terrified of her. Terrified I placed a report against her that may or may not have resulted in her arrest as a required step of getting an order of protection against her. 
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Both my husband and I had filed reported against her. My mother has threatened violence against my husband.
Even since this shelter started been completely transparent about my mother’s intense abuse with DHS and HRA official but since the abuse was from my mother, not an intimate partner I have no entitlement to NOVA ( domestic violence services that would expedited my husband and I getting housing ) despite all acknowledgement from officials that if my mother were an intimate partner we would have well qualified. 
Prior to homelessness since my mother had been consistently threatening to kick us out we pondered ending the shelter system and pursuing a LINC voucher. When we became homeless and created this donation post we continued with the LINC voucher in mind. Unfortunately, due to the slow and outwardly hostile shelter system, we were delayed months in pursuit of the voucher despite having the recommended savings because neither my husband and I were working. Both my husband and I were enrolled in school full time. He just finished his medical leave from school due to this surgery and back to full time. However we had been entitled to a disability during the duration of his months’ long recovery WE DID NOT RECIEVE because we not informed that it was an option by our shelter despite providing extensive documentary in regards to the surgery multiple. There was have been numerous incidents of mismanagement and misinformation which has prevented us from going forward and reaching our goal which getting out of the shelter. 
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This was our ‘home’ where we slept without a lockable door, proper blankets, access to showers, dormed next a violent domestic abusive couple which was triggering given both of my partner’s and I’s histories. The food provided was uneatable, served spoiled and frozen and resulted in multiple hostipalizations from food posioning. 
Tw: violence & domestic violence
We have been moved to a permanent shelter but things are not much better. We are still surrounded by violence everyday. Every night we heard domestic violence, our next door neighbour was being consistently beaten and strangled by her husband. We had reported this to social services, security a number of times. We had called the police several times, it took her being nearly stabbed to death with glass from her husband breaking a mirror over her head resulting in visual scars for him to be taken away. Still, he came back despite being banned and nearly assaulted my husband who was trying to help our neighbor. My husband has encountered this violent man on a number of occasions. This violence no matter how awful is the norm. We hear violence every night. We haven’t been able to sleep well in the entire time we’ve been here. I have nightmares every night. My husband and I have had terrible flashbacks that lasted hours. We report these incidents to no solutions. We live in constant terror because some of the abusers have made it known they will MURDER anyone who tried to report the violence. We are constantly in the prescence of hard drugs as dealers from within the building near fought over illegal methadone in front of our door. We have taken to carrying weapons everyday for our safety. 
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We have been notoriously underpaid by our benefits only received Cash Assistance of 30 dollars for us both every two weeks when we were entitled at least $90 dollars and more since upon enrollment we were in school. As of right now, our meagre cash assistance is FROZEN and our food stamps case has been CLOSED despite despite our filling out the required cash assistance rectification. We now have to do a fair trial in order for it be turned back on but unsure how long that will take. Despite living a non-cooking facility meaning that our shelter provides NO FOOD of any kind and doesn’t offer any cooking equipment besides a single microwave. Food stamps can only pay for cold food—meaning we are meant to pay ingredients and cook at home but COOKING EQUIPMENT ( hotplates, toasters, rice cookers, instapots, etc ) is forbidden in our shelter.  As a consolation, we are supposed to recieve restaurant dollars to buy hot food but haven’t received a single cent of it the duration we have had benefits despite showing information that our shelter is a non-cooking facility multiple times. We are forced to either be completely dependent on food kitchens and food pantries which are minimum 30 minutes away by car from our shelter. We smuggled in a hot plate but it can be confiscated at any time if found during a room inspection. We are both disabled and mentally ill so cooking is not an option all of the time so we ultimately end up settling for cheap fast food which has taken a terrible toll on our physical and mental health as well as quickly use our limited donation money. I am chronically sick as a result of our poor diet. 
We are pursuing alternative methods of income since “earned” income is required to even get to SEE a housing specialist ( the single housing specialist assigned to our shelter of 500+ families ). We have been pursuing child support since my husband and I are both nineteen now but were 18 and 19 respectively when entering the shelter system. However, despite filling out the forms months ago, my court date at least is in late July before I can start receiving payments. And without payment as a sort of income, we are barred from seeing the Housing Specialist at to even get more information about Vouchers. 
We have tried through our efforts to find out more housing. We have contacted multiple DHS entities, outside non-profit organizations, tried the advice of friends going through the shelter system but since the LINC vouchers have been morphed into one, the process is very new and unclear. We have no other option but to just wait but desperately need money to survive in the meantime. Neither Stephen or I could work. He because of his surgery as well his debilitating mental illnesses and me due to my severe and chronic disabilities. Believe me if either of us work we have—we just want to be out of this terrible shelter so badly. Every day is just a struggle to find the will not to kill ourselves, I apologize for the triggering statement but it’s true. We’re desperate. We just want to get out and start our lives. Six months ago we would have never imagined to be living like this and we just want to live again because right now we are just bareknuckling it and going through the motions.
We are a purusing disability for me but despite having filled and submitted now a month and some change have yet to recieve a date from WeCare to start the process. If/When I get approved for disability we can pursue the alternative route of supportive housing or at the least now have an income ( though my own disability income and being considered a sick family member to Steph who then would be trained and compenstated for taking care of me which is neccessary. ) Even Stephen is cleared he’d be returning to school full-time. Even if he were to shift to part-time which would, “in theory”, give him more time to work he’d be responsible for all the hours missed due to the chaoticness of our homeless rendering unable to work weekends. I can’t be alone, eat alone commute by public transportation at all, and by car alone. I need supervison and assistance at all times. 
We have no savings all our donation has been used dealing with the number of complications with Stephen’s surgery ( more information is detailed here ). We need money for Stephen’s upcoming WeCare appointment tomrrow as well as my upcoming therapy appoints. 
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Transm*ds/T*RFs and Classist please don’t interact with this post. Been lucky not to have a lot of negativity directed at my husband and I but would rather not start. If you feel like my post is suspicious which it isn’t——very much homeless and suffering simply don’t reblog, don’t donate. If you find my cause unsympathetic don’t reblog, don’t donate. I force no one to donate——I appreciate and eternally grateful to those who do but know it’s not forced.
FOOD, like my god just food. Money for hot food. 
Uber - Our sole means of transportation of Uber since I can’t literally go on public transport without having anxiety so severe I either vomit or shit myself. We are have required appointment such as my therapy and pysch which are twice each two weeks. Costing 20-25 one way totalling between 40-50 dollars a round trip. We have to go HRA appointment typically once every 2-3 weeks which is 11-13 dollars one way and 22-26 dollars roundtrip. 
A storage unit at the moment we live in a 10x10 space room meant for a SINGLE individual. where our full size bed take up a third of the room. The drawer that came with the room has been broken since arrival. As one would living in a space going on six months we accumulate things—-we clean everyday and have purchased a number of storage methods but there simply not enough. We clean our room everyday but there is simply not enough space for our all our possessions. 
A large proportion of our belongings already are at Stephen’s abusive grandmother’s house and we’d like to minize interactions with her as much as possible as well as store it in a more accessible place since she lives an hour away by public transport and 30 to 40 minutes away by Uber ( a trip that amounts to $40 both ways )
Recurring Expenses
Phone Bill: 80 dollars, our phones are our everything, our access to money, the contacts we desperately need. 
                                       How YOU can Help
GoFund Me
Due to the halt of donations we were forced to dip into our donation from our Gofundme which we wanted to keep as purely savings when we finally get to the point of seeing the housing specialist. Unfortunately, at this point we used all the donation money, all 2,400 to simply keep surviving since GoFundme took a percentage of the 2,500. We have made a new gofundme which includes once again the saving requirement set by the shelter as well as money necessary to keep us afloat till July/August. The goal is now 6,000 which will include the savings required as well as money to hold us over until we can start reviving more of an income in July ( hopefully through child support )
Amazon Wishlist 
The wishlist has listed a range of items that make day to day living easier and some things that would just be nice. Strongly advise ordering by priority because some things are needed more than others.
Note: money donations will always be more help because we can get tangible things more quickly like food our biggest priority at any given time, metrocards now my husband is back in school, cost of Uber. But know every dollar means something so don’t feel bad if you can only offer a dollar, five, each of them adds up and more than we’d have our own.
Cashapp - $Elilut99
Venmo - Elijahlut99
GooglePay - [email protected]
Inquire about PayPal
If you can’t get something from the wishlist, or donate just reblog! Everyone reblog is an major help! 🙏🏿 Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
If you are curious about more real time updates check out the #strugglejournal tag on my blog. I detail a lot but not everything of my experience. 
Link to my husband’s blog @sweetdickheadass
Please consider checking out his his donation related tag ( honestly he is better at keeping up with that than I, too being depressed ) is 
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
bro shut the fuck up im analyzing homoerotic subtext
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
The Rainbow Railroad is helping gay men escape Chechen concentration camps. They need our help.
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“Rainbow Railroad receives hundreds of requests for help every year from countries where LGBT individuals are open targets of violence. Because the volume of requests is so high, we focus our efforts on assisting LGBT people who have faced physical violence or face an imminent threat of violence, imprisonment, or death. We have been successful in helping individuals from the Caribbean, Africa and Middle East where we have local networks to support and validate cases.”
“The costs range as every case is unique. Sometimes the individual has the resources to help themselves and they just need information and support from us to make a move.  In these cases, the cost to Rainbow Railroad is staff and volunteer time to research and provide information.  In cases where they need financial support to get to safety, it costs about $5000 to cover flights and other related costs.”
You can donate at the following link: https://www.rainbowrailroad.ca/donate
If you can’t donate, please reblog/like to signal boost!
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
Kill Me
Kill me
Then one day they’ll see
Who you are
Not who you’re meant to be
Kill me
To satisfy your hunger
Kill me
So I’ll never have to wonder
Was it my fault you left?
Should I be gone instead?
Hang me
To atone for your sins
Shoot me
And get rid of my bliss
I don’t see you anymore
I thought you left, walked out my door
I never found you hiding
You left my body dying
Kill me
So that one day they’ll see
Who you are
Not who you’re meant to be
Kill me
So I’ll never have to wonder
Was it my fault you left?
Should I have gone instead?
Poison me
Leave your past behind
Drown me
So that all your guilt will be mine
You fooled me
That all I’ve come to know
So kill me
Because I want to let go.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
I like never make poems anymore lmao I’m too stupid to do that anymore sorry.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
I want to die because I got no spring rolls tonight. Zero. Kill me.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
So I’m telling a story in the stairwell in my school....
And as I’m about to swear a teacher walks in so I whisper to my friend I’ll tell you later because it has a swear word and she immediately says to the teacher, Mr. ****** you won’t get us in trouble if we swear right and he just shouts FUCK! And we got our answer.
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
Head canon for Weredad
Tom got through the hatch to the balcony by dislocating his shoulders like Lotor
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poems-from-a-lonely-gay · 6 years ago
I looked at the review and I legit forgot everything from my science class so good luck to anyone who sees this. I know I needed to lol.
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