poedespelled · 3 years
Renisence Blog Directory
@renisence - Multimuse, Main Blog
@renismut - 18+ sideblog, Multimuse, Smut blog
@itsbenabumpyride - Ben Pincus from JW Camp Cretaceous, Sideblog
@sealingpowers - Zelda, BOTW based, Sideblog
@poedespelled - Poe De Spell, Sideblog - YOU ARE HERE
@indentedlunchbox - Drake Mallard, DT17 based, Sideblog
@annietitchwell - Ducktales OC, Sideblog
@qucththeraven - Ducktales OC, Sideblog
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poedespelled · 3 years
yeah a boyfriend sounds nice but a supreme enemy you can make out with sometimes in secret sounds a lot more hardcore
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poedespelled · 3 years
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{ ☆ }   ❝  Perhaps…  ❞  Chimes a playful tone, Fenton leaning closer as he grins up at his boyfriend. Tail wagging and feathers fluffed, he cheekily quips,  ❝  But considering that I have the most wonderful boyfriend in this and any other universe, I feel like I’ve already won~  ❞  { ☆ }
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“....I don’t believe I’m the most wonderful anything, you’ve already taken those mantles for me.” He sighed, sitting at the table and staring over at Fenton. Looking at his eyes, and grinning.
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poedespelled · 3 years
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{ ☆ }  ❝  I just think Poe is amazing.  ❞  { ☆ } 
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“You’re challenging me? You won’t win. You incredible man.”
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poedespelled · 3 years
sir that’s my emotional support character who believes themselves unworthy and unable of love because of all that they’ve gone through but eventually realises they are worthy of love when they reach it through their found family
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poedespelled · 3 years
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poedespelled · 3 years
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“I just think Fenton is neat.”
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poedespelled · 3 years
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He’s back and he’s watching.
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poedespelled · 3 years
You say the ocean’s rising - like I give a shit You say the whole world’s ending - honey, it already did
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poedespelled · 3 years
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“hey… Poe come on.” He takes Poe’s hand giving it a small squeeze. “I love you.”
Poe blushed, sighing and looking into the others eyes, smiling and walking over, hugging him tight.
“I love you too.”
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poedespelled · 3 years
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“Would I?” She asked curiously. 
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Poe smiled, nodding and sitting down, on the floor. Crossing his legs. “Yes, she was shaping up to be rather alike you. Independent and strong.”
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poedespelled · 3 years
Mother, what do you think of your son?
The sorceress stared at the anon, her eyes as sharp as her tongue. Moving one leg on top of the other. Her eyes squinted into a glare, ready to curse the one who stood in front of her. "I don't have a son." She hissed. "I have twin daughters."
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poedespelled · 3 years
Send “Mother” & a question and my muse’s mom will answer it
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poedespelled · 3 years
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“I.....Don’t think I’ll be getting out of bed today.”
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poedespelled · 3 years
taken from the starkid horror comedy musical black friday (2020). change pronouns/wording as necessary. tw for swearing and mentions of violence and cults
‘ you know how i feel about that musical commercial. i don’t like it. ‘
‘ god, what even is a cabbage patch kid? it’s like you’re cutting into a head of lettuce and ‘oh shit, a baby!’ it’s like i wanted a salad, but now i have a child. ‘
‘ i do not get flashbacks. i remember bad things vividly. ‘
‘ he still lights up a room. it’s just less frequently that you catch him in bloom. ‘
‘ yeah, well, if i don’t support my drinking habit, who will? ‘
‘ oh great, now we gotta talk to the imaginary spider from outer space. ‘
‘ i’d make a great dad, i’m just saying. ‘
‘ i’d say you did your best, but i’m not a liar. ‘
‘ you know full well why you’re not allowed inside. because you’re not to step within 1,000 feet of a cinnabon, ____. no, i don’t believe that you just want to smell them. ‘
‘ that’s called a bribe and it’s illegal! … or it should be. ‘
‘ and that’s why you disgust me. not because you’re so naive, because you’re so weak. ‘
‘ oh my god, it’s a trainwreck. ‘
‘ i hope you have your finances in order. get ready for audits, audits up your ears audits in your yinyang, audits out your wazoo! ‘
‘ sorry, pal, the price just went up! supply and demand is a wonderful thing! ‘
‘  you never should settle for the lifetime that is handed to you. ‘
‘ stay back, whoever you are, i have pepper spray, and i use it more than you could ever imagine. ‘
‘ i want what everybody wants, to be loved. is that a crime? ‘
‘ we’re a fairly small team, just me and a few of my peeps. ‘
‘ there are monsters and there are men. ‘
‘ what the fuck am i watching? ‘
‘  after that, i didn’t go to any more parties. ‘
‘ he chased me out of the house and into the woods. he was the one who brought the knife. ‘
‘ so, ___, you’ve got to forgive yourself. ‘cause if you don’t, how’s anyone ever gonna forgive me? ‘
‘ you and i were meant to be something more than a faded memory. ‘
‘ you don’t look the same at all as i remember. ‘
‘ i dislike that word, ____, cult. no, it’s a new and exciting religion that i started. ‘
‘ i’ve met god, he had nothing nice to say about you. ‘
‘ no, no, guys, while i don’t want you to think for yourselves, i still want you to know what i mean when i say my evil shit, 'kay? ‘
‘ aw, don’t worry, kid, we don’t get tricked. we’re grownups. ‘
‘ the poorer get poorer, and the rich, well, they just get richer. ‘
‘ no, that’s not true, i can’t be evil. i’m a status quo democrat! ‘
‘ you’re not dead yet. ‘
‘ i’ve had shitty day, and i’d appreciate it if you got that goddamn gun outta my face. ‘
‘ they’re all into fortnite, dude. ‘
‘ i mean, you’re, like, 40, you probably think your life is over! ‘
‘ i failed you once, but i won’t fail again. ‘ 
‘ you think this is going to protect you, a magic hat? that’s ridiculous, only dolls are magic! ‘
‘ look at you, you’re paralyzed with fear! ‘
‘ no. i’m just lining up my shot. ‘
‘ you know, i have this kooky, reclusive biology professor. ‘
‘ wear a watch. ‘
‘ i feel like if we can survive today, we can survive anything. ‘
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poedespelled · 3 years
CARING FOR STUBBORN MUSES. for when the person you’re trying to care for insists they don’t need your help.
“at least let me clean the wound!” “you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.” “i really think you need to see a doctor.” “i made you some soup, and i’m going to sit here until you eat it. i can wait.” “your feelings matter too! i can’t help you if i don’t even know what’s making you upset!” “..i’m here if you need anything, okay?” “stop trying to push yourself! you can’t do this on your own!” “listen, i know you don’t want to, but.. maybe you should rest for a while. you’re not going to get anywhere like this.” “i’ll make you a deal: i’ll just get you some bandages, and nothing else, and you stop making a fuss over it.” “how long has it last been since you slept?” “have you even been taking your medicine?” “i know you think you have to get through this by yourself, but you have people here to help you.” “let me take care of you, for once.” “you’re gonna hurt yourself even more if you do stupid things like that!” “i hate to break it to you, but you’re not supposed to do any strenuous physical activity for the next couple weeks, and if i have to personally make sure you don’t every waking hour of the day then i’m fully prepared to do that.” “it’s okay to cry in front of me, you know. you don’t have to carry this alone.” “stop trying to act like you’re not bleeding out in front of me!! this is serious!” “listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” “oh my god, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?!”
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poedespelled · 3 years
lending an ear sentence starters
a lovely nonnie asked for these many moons ago!! find below a small list of prompts involving listening to a loved one.
" you can't keep this bottled up inside you forever. what's wrong? "
" penny for your thoughts. "
" talk to me. "
" you know you can tell me anything. right? "
" i can't help you if i don't know what's going on."
" i can see it eating you up, you know. on the inside. "
" you know i'm always here for you. right? "
" you're not alone. "
" whatever it is you did, or saw, or whatever... i can see it sitting in your chest. "
" it's just you and me here, you know... "
" if you ever want to tell me something... you know i'll always make time for you. don't you?"
" no matter what you did, or saw, or felt... i'm never going to judge you. or see you as anything other than the person you are. "
" we're close, wouldn't you say? close enough that we can... talk to each other. "
" it kills me seeing you like this. "
" you're awfully quiet today. almost like... like something's weighing you down. wanna talk about it? "
" you gonna tell me what's going on with you? "
" hey... hey, even if you don't want to tell me, would you tell a therapist? or... or a doctor, or someone, anyone at all, so that you're not suffocating under this? because you are. you are suffocating. and i want to help. "
" whatever it is you're not telling me... i trust you enough to know that it's for a good reason. but i also need you to know that i'm a lot tougher than i look. i can take whatever it is you're not saying. "
" how bad can it be? you know all my baggage... let me take a little of yours. "
" tell me. tell me what's bothering you. or... or at least tell me what it is i can do to make you feel less alone than you do right now. "
" we've been through enough together to be able to avoid the silent treatment. come on. out with it. let's face your dilemma together. "
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