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Pan Pan Moodboard
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is it okay for me to follow you if I'm a pan woman but refer to my attraction towards other women as "gay"? i know it's technically not accurate, but it's such a widespread thing for people to do that it's just become habit. I really love the idea of having an actually accurate term for my attraction, but I don't know how easy it would be to start using such a little-known term more often and as casually. Can I still follow this blog given my situation?
Yes! I honestly use the term “gay” sometimes too. I think most people do, because it’s so built into our lexicon. 
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Bisexual: I'm actually BYEsexual. Im attracted to when people leave me alone
Pansexual: I'm actually PUNsexual. You make a pun and I fall in love
Homosexual: I'm actually HOMEosexual. I'm attracted to being home all the time
Polysexual: I'm actually POOLysexual. I'm attracted to swimming in pools and having fun:).
Asexual: I'm actually no
Heterosexual: I'm actually HEATerosexual. I'm attracted to warmth during cold weather.
Homophobic: I'm actually an asshole
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Multisexuality pride hearts with some small versions to use on your blog
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Demigender | Asexual | Sexualities | Aromantic | Genders
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[Image description - Images of the bi pride flag with the text: BI WITH A PREFERENCE IS STILL JUST AS BI AS THOSE WITHOUT. End description.]
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Tuesday- Bisexual(17 small, 3 large); Pansexual(30 small and 8 large); Polysexual(4 small and 3 large)
Keychain Count 5 Part 2❣️
(Reblogs are better than likes! 💙)
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[Image description - Images of the nonbinary pride flag spliced together with a bi, asexual, rainbow, queer, pan and questioning pride flag with the text: BI ENBIES ROCK, ACE ENBIES ROCK, GAY ENBIES ROCK, QUEER ENBIES ROCK, PAN ENBIES ROCK, QUESTIONING ENBIES ROCK. End description.]
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Deathly Hallows Pride Icons! (Part 1)
Free to use but rb if using!
-Gay -Lesbian -Bisexual/romantic -Polysexual/romantic -Pansexual/romantic -Omnisexual/romantic -Asexual -Aromantic -Transgender -Genderqueer
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:0! Can you make me a pansexual one with the dragon...... ily my man
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Here you go!
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Hello fellow humans
Hey guys, I'm mod Rhiannon and super bad at intros so here I am.
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Crystal Pluralian Pride Flags. Feel free to use
A term used to describe a person, regardless of gender identity, who experiences attraction towards two or more genders.
Used in a similar context as sapphic, archillean, diamoric, and enbian
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Multisexual Pride Flag Post! Flags are: Ply Flag Bi Flag Pluralian Flag Omni Flag Pan Flag
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The floor is bi and ace people having solidarity & each other’s backs
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Just Bi Woman Things
- “So do you have threesomes?”  - Having all the representation you supposedly have on television be “not into labels”  - Having a 46% chance of being raped and a 78% chance of being sexually assaulted in general :)) - Suddenly being Straight, somehow, when in a relationship with a man, even though that’s more statistically likely  - Suddenly being Gay, somehow, when in a relationship with a woman, even though that is your community and potential safe space - Suddenly being Pan, whether or not you use the term, when in a relationship with a nonbinary person, even though bi means ��two or more”  - Having no representation on director boards for LGBT events - Feeling like a fake at pride events when there with a male partner  - Feeling erased when called gay or lesbian - you can pry my target-brand bisexual flags from my cold, dead hands  - Still having lesbophobic slurs thrown at you even though you’re not a lesbian  - No matter how happy you are with your present partner, it doesn’t Matter, because your existence has to be Politicised by Everyone - That fun :D :D feeling :D :D when you’re just Invisible, all the time, to everyone :D :D  - “Are you sure you won’t cheat on me?”  - Finding someone else who’s bi and being Excited!!!  - “Why don’t you just identify as pan?”  - That feeling when Internalized Biphobia  - “Bi means Man & Woman! You’re transphobic!”  - having all your celebrity community members being called gay or straight by the media depending on who they’re with or whether or not they just came out  - No one remembers that bisexual people helped to found Pride  - “Bi means Two” - Arguing with people on the internet about whether or not you’re allowed to be in a space you’ve been in for… ever.  - “you HAVE to be bi and sga! You can’t possibly be attracted to nonbinary genders! those don’t count”  - When you see this screenshot: 
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- people confusing bisexual with being trans even though it’s 2017 - not being able to be polyamorous without feeding into stereotypes :))))  - Time to be Hypersexualized  - crying when you see a bi flag at pride  - “bihet” uwu  - Pick a Side??? Pick a Side!!! they demand  - When you’re young and just think people are pretty and have no idea what this will mean for the rest of your life - One Day I’ll Stop Feeling Out Of Place, Right?  - At least we have decent puns 
bonus nonbinary round:  - “how can you be bi… and nonbinary?”  [sorry gents I’d have a Bisexual Man post but I’m not a man in the slightest so I don’t feel comfortable commenting on that] 
non bi women can reblog
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And with that, #Raptormonth and #Birds are Dinosaurs Week are over!
It’s been a fun time guys! I’ve really enjoyed the content and floof we’ve had on the blog. 
Don’t forget to donate to The Utahraptor Project to get that block funded! https://www.gofundme.com/utahraptor
May is going to be a fairly quiet month - I need it, trust me - we have Celebrate Ceratopsians week at the end of the month - but June is 
“#LGBTQ+ Dinosaurs” month! 
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Each day has a theme! What can you do with this theme?
Well, last year we had a lot of people draw the (usually extinct) dinosaurs of their choice (both avian and not) with colors in the flags of these various groups! 
I also enjoy having photos modern birds submitted that happen to have colors very similar to the flags! 
We also have instances of modern birds with queer behavior! Or people drawing extinct dinosaurs/birds showing such behavior! All are fair game! 
It’s going to be a fun month! 
June 1 - Gay & Achillean/mlm pride!  June 2 - Lesbian & Sapphic/wlw pride!  June 3 - Andro/Masexual/romantic pride!  June 4 - Gyne/Womasexual/romantic pride!  June 5 - Diamoric, Enbian, Ceterosexual/romantic pride!  June 6 - Bisexual/romantic pride!  June 7 - Polysexual/romantic pride! (And marine reptiles day, ahah)  June 8 - Pansexual/romantic, Multisexual/romantic, & Pluralian pride!  June 9 - Asexual, Graysexual, & Demisexual pride!  June 10 - Aromantic, Grayromantic, & Demiromantic pride!  June 11 - Akoi/Lithsexual/romantic pride, and Jurassic Park Day!  June 12 - Intersex pride!  June 13 - Trans pride!  June 14 - Nonbinary pride!  June 15 - Genderqueer pride!  June 16 - Maverique pride!  June 17 - Agender/Neutrois/Genderless pride!  June 18 - Genderfluid pride!  June 19 - Genderflux pride!  June 20 - Demigirl pride!  June 21 - Demiboy pride!  June 22 - Demifluid/deminonbinary pride!  June 23 - Proxvir & Juxera pride!  June 24 - Xenogender pride!  June 25 - Graygender/cassgender pride!  June 26 - Bigender, Trigender, & Polygender pride!  June 27 - Alterous, Queerplatonic, & Quoioromantic pride!  June 28 - Polyamory pride!  June 29 - Anything else!  June 30 - Everything! 
This blog is an inclusive/anti-REGs blog. Any and all asks or comments about discourse will be deleted/blocked immediately. 
I recognize not everyone will agree with this breakdown, but it’s been set in the calendar for months, and I know multiple people who are working on pieces, so it would be unfair to change it now. I’m open to suggestions for future years! 
Have fun! Be sure to use the hashtag “#LGBTQ+ Dinosaurs”! And happy Pride!
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Looking for someone to take over this blog!
Hi everyone,
The original coiner of the term Pluralian here. I love the mspec/pluralian community, but because of my IRL things going on, I don’t have enough time to run this blog (as could be garnered from the complete lack of content). 
I would love for someone to join me as an admin (and I would leave blog running up to you. I wouldn’t want to leave the blog completely on the off chance I can come back, but I don’t want to be the primary blog runner anymore) 
1. Must be m-spec, pluralian, etc.  2. Must NOT be an Exclusionist of any sort 3. Must agree to keep the Discourse off of this blog (it’s a POSITIVITY blog)  4. Must be over the age of 18 
Please send me messages/asks! There really isn’t a limit for the position, the more the merrier! Thanks! 
~ Admin Kulinda
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Can you be bi-romantic while still being heterosexual? I've been dating a boy for three years and I don't know if I'm sexually attracted to girls, but I still really like girls?
Yes!!! Absolutely!!! Definitely!!!!
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