plum1xland · 17 days
i should prolly make a new pinned huh....
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razz/salem, they/it/any neos. this is a sideblog, so i can't follow back directly, but if you're getting interacts from a bandom acct with a noel gruber pfp that's me ;3
if you're here because i left a tag on your posts that you thought was weird and out-of-context; it's probably one of my organizational tags. i have weird organizational tags
about me/taglist under the cut!
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some of my interests:
bandom [esp decaydance & mcr], scott pilgrim, homestuck, magical girl anime, dan & phil, failboat, jaymoji, tamagotchi, doom patrol, steven universe, astrology/divination, alternative culture, j-fashion, vocaloid
my history with shifting:
i'm hardcore struggling 😭 i've been in the community since 2021-ish, minishifted multiple times, but have yet to fully sustainably* shift. but these bitches will not get me down
*sustainably is not the best word i could've used there but i can't think of anything better
my taglist [this might be missing some stuff but i lost my old pinned 😵‍💫]:
razz.txt - my og posts
shifting tips - self-explanatory
misc - posts that i couldn't fit under any other tags
nico bourbaki is a bitch ass motherfucker! - streamer dr [originally. it's basically a fucked up wattpad bandom highschool au at this point]
bad dreams is an understatement - iDKHOW lore dr
[will wood plays in the distance] - main wr
fuck this. fuck you. [walks into the ocean] - the heart rate of a mouse dr
he's drunk and beating people at chess. as usual. - the bastards dr
he's seen my kinlist! he knows! - actual bandom dr
[placeholder doom patrol dr tag] - [young animal-era] doom patrol dr
stop eating the flower petals trick - twenty øne piløts lore dr
from pete wentz you came and to pete wentz you will return - bandom dr.... 2! [this one is more waterparks-centric than the other [more panic! at the disco/general decaydance-centric] one]
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plum1xland · 17 days
i need a better backdrop for my desktop theme
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plum1xland · 21 days
trying to avoid weird bullshit paradoxes with shifting is so fucking funny. what do you mean i accidentally made her name ebony dark'ness dementia raven lane.
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plum1xland · 24 days
ok ive got like a placeholder Better Image up but its literally just boring ass pink cheetah print and i want something more like the collagey one i had b4 so. which one of these r we feeling. cz personally i like all of them but idk
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i need a better backdrop for my desktop theme
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plum1xland · 24 days
i need a better backdrop for my desktop theme
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plum1xland · 24 days
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plum1xland · 1 month
the sexual tension between me & the alternate reality I daydream about
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plum1xland · 2 months
nearly clicked on the wrong sideblog to make a post i almost just blew my entire fucking cover oh my god
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plum1xland · 3 months
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archiving these in my organization tag for this dr btw because i think i'm Hilarious
ive had. a new dr brewing in my brain for so long that i Really gotta get to scripting
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plum1xland · 3 months
ive had. a new dr brewing in my brain for so long that i Really gotta get to scripting
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plum1xland · 3 months
i just found another anonymous shifting confession acc... honestly do what you want but be aware that you're essentially creating discourse by letting people say what they want
for silly, stupid things its alright, those are easy to ignore, but people get into big twists about morality and theories and whatnot with these things
just let people do what they wanna do! it doesn't affect you cuz it's literally (!!!!) in a dif reality
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plum1xland · 4 months
what drs do you guys shift to that you think nobody else heard about?? i want to hear yours 😌🫵
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plum1xland · 4 months
like on the one hand. most of my friends r pretty sick. kiss gerard way on the face. nice hair. cool dad. on the other. also friends with a lot of people i've found out since then are shitheads in cr which totally lets down my expectations of what they'd be like irl. so many other realities where i could kiss gerard way on the face. have realized since scripting cool dad that 1. he would make a horrible father 2. i also want to kiss him on the face and that just feels awkward
maybe i need a new main dr tbh
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plum1xland · 5 months
I've been doing this shit for a year AND I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE TUMBLR! I want my page to be prettier. I hate asking for help but I have to put my pride aside to get to my goal.
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plum1xland · 5 months
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plum1xland · 5 months
how much mary sue-ish scenarios is too much for a dr self?
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plum1xland · 6 months
i am actually concerningly unfunny
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