pluievertueuse · 2 years
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt “Guilty”. 50 words.
Do you even realize
how guilty you are?
Comforting me, reassuring me,
encouraging me…
to the point where
I trusted you.
You, a beloved friend,
someone I told
my secrets to.
Only to find myself
gasping for breath,
desperate for air.
Do you know
what you’ve done?
Do you know?
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pluievertueuse · 2 years
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt “curtain”. 50 words.
His silhouette is nothing more than the soft edges of a memory, highlighted by the sun, bringing him back to life. The cloth is translucent, a curtain of sheer robes covering his skin—clinging to every temptation.
He is beautiful.
He is gorgeous.
He is sin.
I fall to my knees.
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pluievertueuse · 2 years
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt “Wow”. 50 words.
It’s the only word that I can think of; the only word that I can voice.
For surely—surely—you did not just imply that…
No, you did not imply it.
You demanded it.
The Chosen One. Hero of Everything. Doer of No Wrong.
But I will not bow.
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