plemur · 7 years
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Oh, 2015...24 months and yet 50 years ago.
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Happy #ObamaDay
(photos by pete souza, official white house photographer)
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plemur · 7 years
Humor is the sharpest blade.
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FAYETTEVILLE, NC—Saying he “never could have imagined” he would have the opportunity to follow directly in his father’s footsteps, 19-year-old U.S. Army Pvt. Tyler Corcoran was reportedly excited Tuesday to take over his dad’s old patrol route in Afghanistan. “It’s just so incredible that I’ll soon be walking the very same footpath as my old man, securing the perimeter of Camp Chapman in Khost Province just like he did so many years ago,” said Corcoran, who explained how, throughout his childhood, he had heard his father’s stories of guarding the forward operating base but never once considered that he would one day be traversing along the exact walls and securing the identical checkpoints his father had during his tours of duty. “To think that I’ll be monitoring the road between the airstrip and detention facility that Dad always talked about, keeping an eye out for IEDs and any suspicious activity the same way he did all those years ago. Honestly, it’s hard to believe—but, wow, it’s really happening.” At press time, a tear fell from Corcoran’s eye as he hugged his dad goodbye in the very same manner he remembered his father doing to him when he was a toddler.
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plemur · 7 years
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I for one always believe in science when it doesn’t cost me any money …
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plemur · 7 years
you antifa guys are actually more hateful and violent than any neo nazi group in the 21st century. its fucking disgusting and you should be branded as terrorists just as much as the KKK
We’d usually just block you, Anon, but we’re going to use your message as a reminder of where the violence is coming from in 2017.  Off the top of our heads, here’s what the year has looked like so far:January 20, 2017: A right-wing extremist shoots a protestor at a Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of Washington. January 29, 2017: Alexandre Bissonnette walks into a mosque in Canada during evening prayers and opens fire, shooting 17 people and killing six of them.
January 2017: Over 40 Jewish centers in the U.S. receive bomb threats. February 22, 2017: Adam Purinton tells two men from India to “get out of my country” then shoots both plus a bystander, killing one.February 28, 2017: a mosque in Toronto is set on fire by arsonists.March 12, 2017: a mosque in Ypsilanti, MI. is set on fire by arsonists.March 20, 2017: James Jackson arrives in Manhattan with a sword and stabs the first black man he sees to death.  He later tells authorities he “intended to kill as many black men as he could.”March 24, 2017: Yelling “I hate Muslims!” a man in Minneapolis stabbed a Somali man in an attempt to kill him.  March 26, 2017: A racist mob attacks a 15-year-old Polish boy in Gloucestershire and, when a local Asian shopkeeper tries to intervene, attack him as well with crowbars and baseball bats, then attempt to run him over with a car.March 31, 2017: A 17-year-old Iranian/Kurdish boy is nearly beaten to death by a mob of eight people in Croydon after he revealed to them that he was a refugee.April 6, 2017: A Charlotte store is set on fire by an arsonist who leaves a warning message for the shop owner that he “did not want any refugee business owners and that they would torture the owner if they did not leave and go back to where they came from,” according to police.  It was signed “White America.”MAY 5TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:
April 30, 2017: A  white man storms a pool party in San Diego and shoots four black women, two black men, and one Latino man while allowing white attendees to leave.  One victim dies while the other six sustain critical injuries.
MAY 10TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:May 5, 2017: A man walking his dog on South Beach in Miami is confronted by two men who call him a “fucking faggot,” then attack him, beating him unconscious.  At one point in the attack, one of the attackers shouts “all faggots need to die and we’re going to make sure they do!”MAY 18TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:May 14, 2017: Vandals spray-paint hate graffiti on the home of a black family in upstate New York before attempting to set the house on fire while the family slept.  Although the family escaped unscathed, their garage burnt to the ground and their house suffered some damage.May 17, 2017: A homophobic mob break into the home of a gay couple and shoot and stab both men to death.  MAY 23RD: EDITED TO INCLUDE:May 20, 2017: University of Maryland student and member of the “alt-Reich” facebook group Sean Urbanski walks up to 22-year-old Richard Collins III, who is black and who Urbanski does not know, and stabs him to death in an unprovoked attack. May 27th: EDITED TO INCLUDE:May 24, 2017: A barrage of doxxing, rape threats, and death threats received by trans comic book artist Sophie Labelle forces her to cancel an appearance and event at a Halifax book store, which also received bomb threats and threats of attacking the event.  Labelle is forced into hiding.May 26, 2017: Three men intervene on a MAX train in Portland when they witness another man verbally abusing two Muslim women with an Islamophobic tirade.  The Islamophobe responds by pulling out a knife and stabs the three interveners, killing two of them.  
May 27, 2017: A white man drives his pickup truck through a campsite, targeting the Native Americans camping there while yelling racial slurs at them.  He intentionally drives over two Native American men, killing one and injuring the other.June 3rd: EDITED TO INCLUDE:
March 3, 2017: A Sikh man is shot and injured in front of his Seattle house by a white man waring a mask, who yells at him to “go back to your country!”May 27, 2017: A 34-year-old Anthony Hammond lets loose with a flurry of racial slurs directed at a black man in a parking lot, then pulls out a machete and stabs the man before barricading himself in his apartment for several hours, until finally surrendering to police.
JUNE 13th: EDITED TO INCLUDE:January 1, 2017: 19-year-old Nathan Richardson encounters 67-year-old jogger Wenqing Xu and beats him to death in an unprovoked, random attack.  After committing the murder, Richardson texted his friends that he “fucked sum chink up. Bodied him. I think pure crime scene – his head’s gone,”JUNE 19TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:June 18, 2017: two men armed with baseball bats attack a group of Muslim teenagers, kidnapping a 17-year-old girl, who they beat to death, dumping her body in a pond.
June 1, 2017: A Princeton professor and racialized woman is forced to cancel a three-city lecture tour to promote her book about the Black Lives Matter movement after receiving over 50 death threats.June 19, 2017: Shouting “I’m going to kill all Muslims!” 47-year-old Darren Osborne drives a courier van through a crowd of Muslims leaving a Finsbury mosque, killing one person and injuring ten others.
JULY 4TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:January 28, 2017: a First Nations woman walking with her sister is struck by a trailer hitch hurled from a passing vehicle.  After struggling in hospital for several months, she succumbs to her injuries.  June 21, 2017:  an Islamophobe approaches a Muslim man and woman sitting in a car stopped at a traffic light and knocks on the window.  When the driver rolls down the window, the Islamophobe sprays the driver and passenger with acid, severely burning both.  JULY 16TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:February 21, 2017: a 24-year-old transgender woman is shot and killed in Chicago, IL. February 26, 2017: a transgender woman is shot and killed in New Orleans, LA.March 1, 2017: a transgender woman is stabbed to death in New Orleans, LA. March 22, 2017: a 38-year-old transgender woman is shot and killed in Baltimore, MD.April 21, 2017: a 28-year-old transgender woman is shot and killed in Miami, FL. May 17, 2017: a 34-year-old transgender woman is shot and killed in Fresno, CA.July 2, 2017:  a 28-year-old transgender woman is shot and killed in Lynchburg, VA. JULY 25TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:
June 3, 2017: 38-year-old white supremacist Phillip Wade racially abuses a 57-year-old black man on an Oakley, CA. bus, then pulls a knife and stabs the man to death while the man is walking away from the confrontation.  The victim is the third racialized person Wade has stabbed in the past six years and the second person he’s murdered.  July 16, 2017: A man attempts to pull the hijab off of a Muslim woman waiting for the tube in London, then hits her when she resists.  He then pins her friend to the wall and spits in her face before leaving.  July 16, 2017: Arsonists set a mosque in Manchester ablaze. July 18, 2017: A NASA researcher of South Asian descent has her car windshield shattered by a rock thrown through it by an assailant screaming “go back to your country!”  She’s injured in the attack.AUGUST 2ND: EDITED TO INCLUDE:July 19, 2017: Two men exit a car and attack a racialized pedestrian with their fists and an iron bar.  AUGUST 7TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:August 5, 2017: A mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota is firebombed, narrowly missing killing & injuring dozens of members there for morning prayers. AUGUST 10TH: EDITED TO INCLUDE:August 8, 2017: A well-known Chicago neo-nazi starts an altercation at a concert, then pulls out a smuggled knife and stabs a man and a woman at the show.AUGUST 12TH: EDITED TO INCLUDED:August 12, 2017:  A white supremacist in Charlottesville, VA. drives his car at high speed directly into a crowd of anti-racist protestors, killing one woman and seriously injured 19 other people.
In case you have trouble counting, Anon, that’s three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve shootings, three four five six arsons, two three four seven eight nine ten eleven stabbings, two three four five mob beatings, over 40 41 bomb threats and an acid attack by bigots, Islamophobes, nazis and racists so far this year.  Eight Nine Eleven Twelve Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six Twenty-seven Twenty-Eight people are dead because of these bigoted attacks and fifteen twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-five thirty-five thirty-seven thirty-nine fifty-eight were severely injured.  But it’s anti-fascists that people should be worried about, right?“you should be branded as terrorists just as much as the KKK“ 
Really, now?  Anti-fascists are as much terrorists as the KKK, a terrorist organization which murdered over 3000 people in lynchings, arsons, bombings, etc. over its 150-year history, are we? 
Maybe it’s time you learned about the logical fallacy of false equivalence, Anon!  
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plemur · 8 years
I’m in with the SPLC donations.
If they win, I’ll subscribe to 4 major newspapers as well -- investigation and inquiry is important to keep these extremists in check.
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As a dejected Pats fan, I love this idea for Super Bowl Sunday.
I’m pledging to donate $20 to the Southern Poverty Law Center for every Patriots TD and will throw in another $5 if it’s a passing TD. The least I can do to offset Tom Brady’s shittiness.
Any fans care to join me? If you hate the Pats, you can always pledge to donate to a good cause every time Brady is sacked. ;)
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plemur · 8 years
Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly, and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbours were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.
Naomi Shulman. Now is not the time to be ‘nice’ to white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Now is not the time to politely listen to ‘both sides’ in some misguided notion of ‘tolerance.’ Now is not the time for silence. NOW is the time for good people to resist. Loudly and unambiguously. (via aishawarma)
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plemur · 8 years
The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity .…They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.
Vice President Henry A. Wallace, April 9, 1944. (via natural-mystic)
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plemur · 8 years
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“I should be to your house in 5 or 10 minutes.”
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plemur · 8 years
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Don’t miss out on this hot item.
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plemur · 8 years
There was a Frenchman in the 1600′s who was a master at his craft of building bridges. His arches built to precision, the piers strong enough to withstand both flooding and crashing boats, and the stone itself chosen with such care that people stopped before and after crossing them just to admire the workmanship.
An eminent writer of the time decided he had to meet the man behind the wonderful bridges. They spoke at length about his craft. Finally Pierre, the bridge builder, looked downward in defeat and softly told the writer “I spent my life building these bridges, pouring my heart and soul into them, but do they call me Pierre the Bridge Builder? No! But I suck one cock...”
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This fact annoys me. If you single handedly saved the world but later did something wrong, you will always be remembered for that wrong deed.
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plemur · 8 years
Run, woman. Pack up and run...but leave the white sheets, he needs those. 
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plemur · 8 years
We need to ban toddlers from entering this country NOW! 
Build vagina walls! 
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No, that’s not a misprint
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plemur · 9 years
Instead of a panel consisting of journalists, debate panels should be
Debate 1: Economists
Debate 2: Scientists
Debate 3: Educators
Debate 4: Civil Servants
Debate 5: Business Leaders
Debate 6: Foreign Press
Debates now only perpetuate the entertainment aspect of elections rather than actual issues. Let’s call the idiots out on their bullshit and see if we can find a person with actual, studied greatness.
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plemur · 9 years
No Reply on Rye.
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The most delicious t sandwiches…!
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plemur · 9 years
“When it drifts into a woman’s senses, it says...Escape.”
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Escape, by Calvin Klein. The unforgettable scent of people running away.
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plemur · 9 years
No need for youporn last night.
Was just watching Star Wars trailer yet again on Youtube and for some reason it filled me with joy to see that Nick had shot his load in the comment section:
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plemur · 9 years
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Everyone should take this quiz before they pull the lever. I cannot imagine that the support for some candidates would be as high as it seems to be if people analyzed their stances and educated themselves on the issues. 
(The science issue agreement with some kind of shocks me...must be supporting NASA? No idea.)
Take the quiz here
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