22 posts
Here to post my edits. Which are occasionally accompanied by character analysis/rants. Please forgive the quality. Voldemort on the brain, 24/7. - She/Her, Mid twenties, Tomarrymort lover ❤️
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
Yayyyyy!!! It’s short and sweet, but it’s done. My first tomarry edit!!! 😭🥹 I love them so much.
I think it’s cute to imagine that Diary Tom was probably Harry’s first real crush.
Tomarrymort is my favorite ship ever. By a landslide. Canon soulmates??? I cannot get enough. Their dynamic, their parallels, I love them. All of the fics are so wonderful. I haven’t been able to read anything else since.
I wouldn’t be posting on this app if not for the amazing tomarrymort writers that unknowingly inspired and motivated me 🫶 Thank you to each and every one of you who writes and decides to post what you write! 🫶✨❤️
And the artwork? No words. Stunning. Beautiful. So so so good. ❤️💚 The tomarrymort artists leave me gasping, they’re amazing.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
Alright! This is the version with more text. Kind of a lot going on, but it’s meant to be that way.
Something fun to finish off the weekend. 🫶
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
I have two versions of this edit, this is the one with less text. I think it’s a little nicer to take in this way, not as distracting.
I’ll be posting the version with more text too though, cause I think it’s fun. 🫶
Anyway, need more songs like this. Missing 2000s-early 2010s Kesha, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga. Not to be absolutely ridiculous, but it’s been a minute since music hit like that 😫 Need some pop that makes me wanna move.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
Long intro, but the transitions in this edit are fun.
The hooded cloak was iconic. Wish we got to see that a bit more.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
He’s ridiculous. Love him for it though.
Fought with myself forever over this edit. It’s not even that serious but I kept going back and forth on the text, and the ending. I have different 5 versions in my camera roll. This one ended up being the winner.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
They’re so special to me. She was ride or die 1000% all of the time. I don’t ship them, I find their relationship even more special without romantic attraction or subtext. (Though if you want to view this edit that way, by all means 🫶) I just love that they always had each other’s backs. She was with him all the way. And he was there for her when no one else was.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
This is silly 😭 I’m sorry. I had too much fun making it not to post it.
🤭 Listen- If you get it, you get it.
This’ll be my last little edit for now, before I get back to posting more serious projects.
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
Made their breakup everyone else’s problem 😒
“Do you think I care for you so little, that betraying me would make a difference?”
That doctor who snippet hurts. Youch.
Mads Mikkelsen 🙏 He kills it every time. Missing Hannibal rn. Please, please season 4. I won’t give up hope 😭
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
More chamber of secrets Tom.
Another quick edit. Gotta get through these before I start posting my heavier edits.
I’ve got some in the drafts, and the edits themselves are mostly? finished, but getting all my thoughts out is taking forever 🫠
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pleiades-7 · 1 month ago
Wanted to post it again, I fixed the quality. 🫠 Took me half an hour to put everything together. I had all my clips mish-mashed in the overlay. I made this before I learned not to do that. Lmao.
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
I like the text more than I like the edit itself, whoops.
I don’t love Bellatrix but you know what? I get it. Cause me too girl 😭
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It’s Monday y’all please be patient. I’m losing it. I swear I’ll post more thematic edits soon.
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
Uncensored version + quality improvement 🥳
This is still one of my favorite edits I’ve made.
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
Another quick, fun edit!
Chamber of Secrets Tom Riddle is very classically handsome, as he’s meant to be. But there’s not enough love for post-Goblet of Fire Voldemort. I have to speak my truth 😩 He’s hot.
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Guys please-
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
Quick Tom edit 💚
Bit of a break from my other editing style. Edits that tell a story are my favorite, to watch and to create, but these short fun edits are good too.
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
I knew which clips I wanted use for the middle of this edit, so I ended up going from there and working my way out.
I might’ve even gotten the quality to behave? We’ll see.
This isn’t a unique take, but I think a lot of the reason Tom Riddle went on to become Lord Voldemort, isn’t that he hated muggle-borns. I don’t think he hated half-bloods. Or rather, he hated them equally, and less than he grew to hate pure-bloods.
He’s far too intelligent to be blinded by the pure-blood inbred rhetoric. Perhaps before seeing the Gaunts, with the Black madness as the only example of the issues that inbreeding causes, he might’ve wanted to think himself the exception to the rule. He probably wanted to believe the evidence didn’t point to inbreeding being the cause of such drastic issues, in order to cling to some aspect of his heritage. To carry on the ideals of the only ancestor he could respect.
However, after seeing the Gaunts, and learning his father was a muggle, I can’t believe he would subscribe to the concept of blood purity. Especially as the first wizarding war came to be. Snape was a half-blood and he was the most talented, most valuable, death eater of the bunch.
I think it’s more likely that he was using pure-blood fanaticism to get what he wanted.
Which I’m going to assume, wasn’t just power. He could have always had power. He didn’t need any followers for that. It wasn’t influence he was after either. He could’ve been minister if he’d taken the long route as Tom Riddle, and he could’ve done it through brute force later in the second war. I think his real goal was to burn it all down. Everything. Everyone.
I think Tom Riddle was furious. He was orphaned, his mother too weak to survive long after giving birth to him. Something I’m sure he would go on to, in part, blame the Gaunts for. After realizing the reality they subjected her to. I think he felt robbed. Robbed of a mother, who might’ve survived if she was a little more talented. A little more beautiful. If she’d had the opportunity to learn a little more. If anyone had bothered to help her. I think he felt robbed of a heritage, absolutely disgusted with the Gaunts, and enraged with his muggle father. He believed he was superior to everyone else. For his magical ability, his magical reserves, his brilliant mind, his charm and finely honed manipulation tactics. And yet, he found himself surrounded by ruin.
Other pure-bloods, the Malfoys and the Blacks, had rich family histories. Vaults of books and knowledge and heirlooms and wealth, which the Gaunts had all squandered away. All these pure-blooded fools, less dedicated, less ambitious, less capable, less deserving, got what should have been his.
I think from the start it was always about tearing these families apart, one member at a time. I think he delighted in having them bow at his feet, the irony of his status as a half-blood is very in character for his unique sense of humor.
The families closest to him, the Malfoys, the Blacks, the Lestranges, suffer the worst consequences, continually. He had no qualms killing any pure-blood family, and so he gave them a war. He let his followers imagine they were soldiers. He could actively torture those with the mark, and kill those without. Either way, it was their destruction he was after.
He knew what a muggle war looked like. He had lived through one. The sound of bombs and the fear of everything exploding, actively drove him to create his first horcrux. And still, he never subjected the wizarding world to that. For many reasons. He didn’t need muggle weapons to get what he wanted, he was above the use of such indiscriminate methods of annihilation, and he didn’t want the whole magical community extinguished. He loved magic. He coveted magic.
Magic was the very first thing that ever brought him joy, and probably what brought him the most intense amount of joy. It was what solidified his belief in his sense of superiority. He traveled the world, to learn. To put spells and skills in his repertoire. He would’ve taught at Hogwarts if he’d been given the chance. Not because he’d enjoy teaching, but because he is a collector. Those with talent and ability, he could’ve encouraged, to his own means of course. He would’ve been surrounded by magic and potential, and he would’ve been home. The primary draw to obtaining a position as a professor, was to settle himself. To finally find that connection, if only to a place.
Hogwarts was the second thing that brought him joy. I think that using the founders heirlooms to create his horcruxes, was an action driven by the same desperation that drove an eleven year old Tom Riddle to hoard the other children’s toys. If he could not have any of his own, he would take what he imagined he was owed, what he deserved. He dug his claws into that school and had to be pried from it. After finding that he was related to a founder of the school, the belief that he had a right to it was cemented.
I think in the end, he was furious, and a lot of his actions were motivated by that rage. So many of his actions were governed by the fear he tried so hard to escape, to run from. So many of his actions came from the gnawing cavern in his chest, that demanded to be filled.
He had this need to be seen, to be unforgettable. Nothing would have ever enough.
He was seeking something he never got.
He’s so interesting. 🫠 I hope this doesn’t mischaracterize him, all discussion is welcome! Just be kind :)
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
Quick Nagini 🐍 edit! Heard this song for the first time and immediately got to work. I love her.
It’s not perfect, but I was so excited to have it finished, that I’m calling it done.
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pleiades-7 · 2 months ago
Trigger warning - this edit does include the scene in which Hermione is bleeding on the floor of Malfoy manor.
Golden trio/Deathly Hallows angst. This is probably my most cohesive edit.
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