plebies · 2 months
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Two characters I gave away. Doodled on a whim because I had a big wave of art block hit me. Doodling something random really helped me get out of that funk.
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plebies · 2 months
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Weird dino monster I drummed up recently for someone. I hope you like em.
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plebies · 2 months
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Alien bat monster I gave away
I like to think that it is some kind of hive mind entity. The orange lights drifting from out within its rib cage are eggs or spores… where it’s little minions will sprout from. Freaky…
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plebies · 3 months
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Bat art of a character I saw.
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plebies · 3 months
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Alien đź‘˝ >:P
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plebies · 6 months
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WIP of a new character I’m playing. He’s an executioner turned gladiator and pit fighter, who has turned a bit crazy with blood lust. Brought back from the dead through some Frankenstein like crack experiment, he continues beheading monsters and men alike while under the control of a mad scientist. I made him a Simic Hybrid cuz I never played it and it fits. Also made him a Zealot because I like the idea of him being able to rise from the dead consistently like some horror movie slasher.
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plebies · 6 months
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Silly lil ol Locathah I drummed up while struggling through classes. Hes a giant barbarian loosely based off of pufferfish. I named him Scurvy.
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plebies · 7 months
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Oh and heres a character i’ve been doodling.
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plebies · 7 months
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Hey…. I’m back. Been hella down in the dumps with school and self worth issues. Been procrastinating a-lot and i’ve just been feeling hella lost (like in general). Anywho… here are some recent pages from my sketchbook as I try to build up more motivation.
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plebies · 9 months
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Dog Butler! Had an idea for a character that my dm let me play in our campaign. He’s essentially a really loyal butler that goes around providing aid in the form of cups of hot tea, fetching weapons, gathering lost arrows and tracking.
At the same time, hes also gets super distracted in really important situations. Chasing small rodents and cats, barking at empty rooms and objects, and “marking” random trees and trees around cities and towns. All while having this really no nonsense stuck up attitude most butlers and maids have in shows.
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plebies · 10 months
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Update to the map i was drawing. Also slept the day away ...
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plebies · 10 months
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Drawing battle maps right now. Its fun but so tedious. Though the effort is definitely going to pay off once im done. Just very time consuming.
Also been listening to this while I draw. Real fun.
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plebies · 10 months
Yo, so I deadass just realized tumblr is literally a blog … and I should probably start blogging … on my tumblr account instead of just randomly posting art out of the blue….
Anyway, ADHD ramble incoming…
I’ve been thinking about this story (comic) idea of this girl (let say somewhere in her senior year of high-school cuz thats more relatable to me right now) going off to chase superheroes and villains in order to record their fights. She enjoys seeing heroes in action and villains attempt their evil schemes. Its all just a game almost. Like a even more exciting form of entertainment, because its real and she can feel the adrenaline pumping from being so close to the action (she also sells the footage to local news stations, so that helps with her tuition).
Eventually on one unfortunate occasion, she gets to close to the action of one particular fight. Local hero Ironwill is busy protecting innocence from an insane biologist known as Hybe Mind (get it kinda like Hive mind … his actual name is Wilfred Hybe … probably not smart to use your last name in your villain tittle but whateve ) Hybe Mind uses genetically mutated insects to wreak havoc on the town and the people around.
Our main girl here gets a bit too caught up in the fight and starts to wander out into the middle of the battle field to get batter angles. She gets incredibly shots of Ironwill resisting powerful attacks and sending equally devastating blows back with no sign of slowing down, angles of Hybe Mind darting back and forth in the air with a swarm of mutated wasps, and one particularly clear shot of a needle heading right for her-
The needle of a mutated bee pierces through the lens of her video camera and stabs into her neck. The needle oozes its lethal mixture of toxins into her blood stream causing her to fall paralyzed on the ground as she slowly loses consciousness. Her semiconscious thoughts as a classmate from her high-school rushes over to help are warped by the toxin.
I’d imagine heavy hallucinatory and trippy visuals like her struggling against a swarm of large dog-sized bees pilling on top of her, forming a ball around her (In reference to queen balling. FUN FACT TIME: iydk “Queen Balling” is when bees kill the old queen when there is a new queen in the hive. They make this big ball around her and essentially try to kill her with body heat by moving around a bunch.
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Its super weird and could potentially be used as awesome for-shadowing in the future maybe. If only I knew what it would foreshadow… lmao) She gets fatigued by fighting against the force of the hive as the heat ramps up while more large bees join the huddle. Another hallucinatory scene idea that I like could be her slowly sinking in honey, holding on to nearby flowers and petals to pull herself up. These petals and flower’s eventually wither and grow dark, failing her as she begins to sink again.
I don’t know what these scenes could mean now but they’re definitely important to her character and would act as some sort of foreshadowing to something(s) later in her story, or just be a representation of her character ad a whole.
So she awakens in the hospital in the company of her teary eyes parents (only child frfr). She learns she already died when she arrived at the hospital. Oddly enough her wounds had completely healed over and when they were delivering her to the morgue she began breathing suddenly (probably to a big shock to the nurse … def would be a funny joke of having the nurse constantly call her. a zombie and be overly protective of her exposed skin and covering her head … she saw like one to many zombie movies to know where this is going).
Over the coming days of her recovery and her return to school, she gradually finds out she has supernatural powers. She constantly sweats a sticky substance from her palms and often drools it at random (perfect for awkward scenarios). She gains a hyper awareness of her surroundings and enhanced sight (we love that extra anxiety for literally no reason. I like to imagine its like spider sense but you can never turn it off. How fun 💀). And after an exhausting hot shower she steps out of her bathroom and see a pair of insectoid wings behind her back. (Through this whole recovery process shes also feeling a change in her weight… like she feels “lighter” and more “bouncy”. I imagine this is her anatomy changing drastically as to enable her to fly with such delicate wings … maybe her bones become partially hallow lmao.)
This sends her on a whole side mission to investigate whats happening to her and why. ANNDD THATS ALL I GOT FOR NOW.
Im tired and my brain is literally dying, but i’ll come back to this later when I have more ideas. But before I nap, heres some stuff I need help with so if anyone has suggestions let me know!
Her name: I always visualized her as being of Han Chinese descent, or something similar. She’d probably be very loud and a real obnoxious in your face personality that gets a bit toned down after the big heavy hitter events in her story happen. (Just as inspiration)
~ Ight Gn
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plebies · 10 months
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A prince for a friend.
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plebies · 10 months
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Gnoll vibes
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plebies · 10 months
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Experimenting with hairstyles. Originally just did two but then got sucked into the fun of it and started doodling a bunch (if you include bald a hairstyle I guess).
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plebies · 10 months
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My friend’s DnD character got devoured by a giant awakened pumpkin. The strange magic inside the pumpkin somehow revived him though, so he’s fine… but now he has a pumpkin for a head… this probably would have been perfect for halloween now that I think about it.
Anyway heres a drawing I did of his new form. Was very fun.
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