planetanonsmile 7 days
i get such a strange amount of gender euphoria working in the garage like yes i am mechanic girl with my hair in a pony (its long enough for that!) with a cap on!! that is me!!! :33333333333
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planetanonsmile 7 days
merry christmas!!!
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planetanonsmile 9 days
explanation of where ive been:
ur girl failed mist of her exams (not for lack of trying!) BUT the ones she did pass she got NINES IN!!!! WOO!!! but basically yeah I was in an inbetween state for a while, depression nd allll that good shit, took a cheeky trip to the psyc ward which sucked arse at the time BUT. youse will never guess what. it convinced my gp that im mentally fucked up enough to need a bridge prescription. long story short AS OF TODAY I AM ONE WEEK ON HORMONE BLOCKERS!! STARTING OESTROGEN VERY SOON!!!!! so yeah now im finally ready to come back online nd stuff :3333333 PLUS ive got a mechanic apprenticeship! not what i imagined doing with my life but tbh i really love it <3
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planetanonsmile 9 days
im alive hoes
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planetanonsmile 1 month
there鈥檚 no need to be rude.
mm yeah thereee is i feel
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planetanonsmile 1 month
hello again :) i trust you're recovering well?
Ffucc k yew :3
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planetanonsmile 1 month
Arson ?- ellie
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planetanonsmile 1 month
m soory it jsut
i really missed you nd my head fuckin hurts and its too hot here and i wanna go home man
its dumb and i know i cant i just
i really wannna leave
i dont like being trapped in bed all vulnerable and doped up and shit
if i ws feeling better id be prying whats upsetting you out of you nd making sure youre okay cuz i really want yuo to be okay man
b oo bitvh
Saturn, hello dear.
I apologize for the late response, I've been- swamped, as it were. An uncommon occurrence for me, but it happens nonetheless...
How are you feeling..?
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planetanonsmile 1 month
im ffien ill be fine i dosnst wsnna be a bother jase is tshe one whos arm si fucked nd leos scared nd shit
ill be fine
is alwys boucne bck donst i? m all good
are eyou sure ur alr? i miised you man
b oo bitvh
Saturn, hello dear.
I apologize for the late response, I've been- swamped, as it were. An uncommon occurrence for me, but it happens nonetheless...
How are you feeling..?
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planetanonsmile 1 month
OMG HIHIHI!!! UR HERE YAY!!!! s fine dwdwdw hope ur okay m finen donet even woorry abt it
b oo bitvh
Saturn, hello dear.
I apologize for the late response, I've been- swamped, as it were. An uncommon occurrence for me, but it happens nonetheless...
How are you feeling..?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
okkkkk but lmk if u do! u dont have to be fine man its ok!
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
13 notes View notes
planetanonsmile 2 months
whats happening? wanna talk at all?
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
WOO!! absoulte win
100% man we xould trauma bonf it'd be fucking sick!!
hey btw are you- dping okay?
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
aweosme dude i gotta meet her omg
youre okay!!! ramble my guy!!!
i feel liek id get her ykwim? m glad shes alr at least physically
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
oh. yeah taht makes sense actually thats fun
nd ohh makes sense is she ok now? sounds liek you like her a lot which must mean shes cool so i hope shes alr
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
yeah i know just sucks arse
theyre deffo helping w everything else but ive just kinda had a permenant headache since we got here? like the one i had before but it just never leaving
idk tho its chill
yeah? ive never really been hospital properly- not liek this anyways
when ws it that you went?
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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planetanonsmile 2 months
this is an absolute win for nappers everywhere omg
m alright! heads hurting a bit but thats it tbh m bored rlly wanna go home nd stuff i hate hospitals feels all weird nd shit
bo o btich i live
i thienk thstd ws the longst nsp e vr
did i sbreat msy recorf? ldts tiem ws 14 hrous
Christ, yeah I think you did. Good to hear from you though. You feeling okay sweetheart?
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