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pixelateddust · 1 year ago
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the joy of life legacy challenge by @simelune 35 generations to keep you playing.
as i was looking for legacy challenges that were being updated as new packs came out, i had the thought "hey, why not just write one myself?" so here we are! i'll do by best to add new generations as time goes on, but seeing as this already has 35 (!!) generations, i think we'll be okay for a bit.
a few notes:
this challenge incorporates mods. i tried to include options for players who do not use gameplay mods, but some generations are built around them.
this challenge uses (almost) all packs. some generations are based off specific packs though, so you could pick and choose which gens you want to do.
this challenge has story aspects. there's a lot of room for you to come up with a story yourself each generation, so have fun with it!
some generations are longer and more involved than others! this is meant to give you a bit of a break and provide variety between generations.
please feel free to tag me if you try this challenge! i would love to see how you interpret some of the story aspects and seeing your simmies makes my day <3 you could also tag it with "#tjol challenge" / "#tjolc" if you prefer!
if you have any questions or feedback, my inbox is always open.
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pixelateddust · 3 years ago
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Building a World: Residential
Cottage Am See 2.0
Maaike and Ulrike have been best friends forever! So when Maaike inherited her grandmother’s old cottage she offered Ulrike to bring her trailer to finally live side by side. Both are huge fans of all things occult and have made it their driving force in life to learn all about them. 
A little cottage home and trailer! This is a one bed, one bath home with a secret witch lair underneath. The trailer is open concept but does boast a private bath as well. It sits on a 20x20 lot and costs $80,860  simoleons. Playtested/functional.   CC-Free packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 3 years ago
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Building a World: Community: Nightclub
South Square Coffee 2.0
The castle used to be a renowned historical site, now it is home to the top DJ talent from around the world! If you can the occassional Windenburg shower the rooftop dance floor is worth checking out. or still come sit on the original throne of Lord Windenburg himself! 
The nightclub sits on a 30x20 lot, is playtested/functional. I highly recomend this mod pretty much for all my builds, so that you don’t have to replace the DJ booth outside everytime it rains as it does often in Windenburg! CC Free, Packs used:
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pixelateddust · 3 years ago
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Building a World: Community Lot
Desert Bloom Park 2.0
Del Sol valley may be the place for large scale musical events but its here sims can enjoy the most pleasurable of festivals! Boasting a small campground, market area, and playground this park has been providing sims with fun with or without musical events! 
This park sits on a 50x50 lot. It is listed as a park but I tend to notice they just love the dang chess tables more than other things...So you could easily switch this to a different venue type to make them gather more collectively at the stage. It is playtested/functional and CC Free. Packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 3 years ago
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Building a World: Community Lot
The Moonwood Mill-2.0
A staple of the community for over a hunderd years the Moonwood Mill pretty much is the towns only employer. They might not do the same amount of business, now that Kristopher Volkov focuses more on his new collective, but the bar has helped keep some money in the mills pocket!
They gave me the setting and then didn’t deliver! How can we have a logging town without a sawmill/yard? This lot is mainly asthetic, meaning the bar is really the only thing going for it. However, there is a secret warewolf hangout underground. All the paths too are walkable, it is playtested/functional. It sits on a 40X30 lot and is CC FREE, packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Building a World: Community Lot
Magnolia Blossom Park 2.0
It’s a park! I don’t have an good backstore for this guy! It sits on a 50x50 lot and is playtested/functional. I didn’t really make it anything special...I hardly travel here when playing in Willow Creek and really only do to find collectables. So, I made a little “events” center. The inside is not decorated extensivly. I feel like you could switch out things to fit a need, wedding reception, birthday party, prom? Otherwise it is CC Free packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Build a World: Community Lot
Burners and Builders 2.0
A fixture in the community for years the Bowl-a-rama and Movie theater continues to bring in the simoleons! A little rougher on the exterior then the newer strip members this lot boasts a full sized bar, several bowling lanes with a birds-eye peak down below to the skating rink and several other games/activities. Connected to the theater room is a party room for those who would like to age up in a more exciting place than their backyard! 
This lot sits on a 40x30 lot and is listed as a Karaoke Bar I suppose it could just be a bar? But I already had one in my world so switch it up? I wish we could set it as a bowling alley???? but beggers can’t be choosers! The lot is playtested/functional and is CC Free packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Building a World: Community Lot
Rattlesnake Juicebar 2.0
The diner has always been a staple for the residents of Oasis Springs. It has only ever had one owner and is the perfect place for a quick bite before entering or exiting! At night it is the only place on the stripe one can get those drunkin munchies!
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The dinner sits on a 30x20 lot, it is listed as a resturant and is playtested and functional, as well as, CC Free packs included: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Building a World: Community Lot
Brindleton Pawspital---Brindleton Fair
Years in the making, the community of Brindleton Bay finally managed to thwart the all mighty Alto family from purchasing the last bit of farm land in the town center. Instead Mayor Whiskers striked a compromise with the community and builders. Create three new shops but keep the barn and turn the remaining land into a communal space with fair events for every season!
This lot was going to be the death of me...honestly its why I had to take a break for a little bit! I wanted to make this a community lot type so that you could easily switch between seasons. Of course that is not how the game would like me to have it! So, it is a park with four different versions to download! I really wanted  the food stall to be functional and with it being listed as a park it is! The shops are a bank, grocery store, and little cafe. You could easily switch between whatever lot type you want. The upstairs is also functional, in that you could make this residential if you would really like to? It is playtested/functional and is CC Free packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
Lordy my life has absolutely no balance at the current moment! I am so flippin BUSY! Also the game made me want to rage quit about a bajillion times so I did and I couldn’t be assed to open it up again! I am going to spend all day tomorrow loving on your blogs and I cannot wait! 
I’m really hoping that now that school has gotten to a good place for the step-kiddo and I semi know what my work life is going to look like for the rest of the year that I can get into a more normal rythm here! 
Anywhoo...All I have are building posts. I know I said a week and its been like a month? But I am getting there! I have one more thing to make if I don’t get distracted and then will drop the save file. I was thinking of doing like a walkthrough on a youtube or something? Who knows. Also I might abandon the postcard challenge. We’ll see I might focus just more on the families in my saved world, it might be a new change of pace to follow different families instead of just one?? Really do need to finish 100 BC too and I think I am almost ready to dive back into that! 
Hope all is well in everyone’s world! 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
your gameplay looks like so much fun! you also make the cutest sims and builds, i always look forward to your posts. they brighten up my day! hope you‘re doing well and have a nice day! 💖
Awe Anon your going to make me cry!
Thank you so much! I know I've disappeared a little again! I just have too much going on, the world coming back together has created the most stressful/jammed packed me I've ever been! You rock and I hope your doing amazing!!!!
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Building a World: Residential 
The Old Salt Flat 2.0
Everyone couldn’t believe the news of a new “loft-style” department store. The houses to be furnished with all the new industrial goodies! However, when it opened the people of San Myshuno basically scofted at the lack of flooring/paint/hardware literally everything they had to offer. People are still rioting outside the storefront as we speak. 
The industrial loft kit was the biggest let down from the sims team yet, IMO. So I “recreated” one of my generation houses to make it suitable for any/every sort of sim! It is a converted Firestation that sits on a 30x20 lot and costs $151,457 simoleons. If you live downtown it’s quite expensive, ya know! It is playtested and CC Free, packs used: 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Harvestfest was not a success but we got to welcome a nooboo!
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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What a mood! 
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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For some reason Persephone is in need of an ocean! But we managed to get an errand done!
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pixelateddust · 4 years ago
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Poor girl couldn’t get much done today...
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