Pirill's Pics
373 posts
Hey there! Hope you enjoy whatever silly stuff I post here or something! I bet you didn't expect it but you'll probably see candy horses here. Fluttershy and Sunny are best ponies!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Golden Star
Almost done with posting these Derpibooru Collab Requests. This particular one is for my friend DevField and it's also part of a really nice group picture I made with some friends! Check it out over here!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Fidget
My own submission for the Derpibooru Community Collab. It's actually part of a really nice group picture I made with some friends! Check it out over here!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Attraction
Another request for the Derpibooru Community Collab. This time, a request for JosieTranello of their OC Attraction.
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Penny Curve
MLP-VectorClub's Penny Curve done for the Derpibooru Community Collab! She's all dressed for winter!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Proudy Hooves
Another request for the Derpibooru Community Collab. This time, a request for Proudy Hooves of their eponymous OC.
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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DCC 2021 - Stargazer
It's that time of year again! Derpibooru is doing their massive annual collaboration image and I volunteered once again to do a bunch of requests alongside my own submission. There's an art help thread on the website if you want to participate and can't draw your own OC.
This one features Stargazer by CompletelyBatty
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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Among Us YCH Result
>Derpibooru link >Alternate versions
Big thanks to both friends and commissioners who took part in this YCH! You are all lovely people!
In alphabetical order the OCs present are: Archex | Atlas | Carbon Copy | Cloud Weaver | Conicaw | Crimson Fist | Crimson Uppercut | Crystal Tundra | Dizzy Strings | Fidget | Fizzy Pop | Glitch | Home Slice | Honey Fall | Huracata | Inferno | Kyren | Lightning Blast | Paamayim Nekudotayim | Phase Noise | Pine Berry | Pluto Planitia | Protoqueen Bountiful | Radiant Nimbus | Rosalia | Sable Quill | Sam Radiance | Scarlett A La Creme | Scope | Sektiss | Shadow Strike | Snow Pup | Swift Strike | The Box Ghost Pony | TTT guy | Wheelie Rims!
As for the image itself, I definitely spent WAY more time on the compilation than I should've but I just had to get the recreation perfect and that took quite a lot of referencing. It ended up looking kinda busy hence the alternate version without all the UI elements. I also restricted the character names to 10 characters so I hope no one is bothered by the shorthands. :P
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
Among Us YCH and raffle is OGRE
Grats to @bunchofgames for winning it and thanks to everyone else who showed their support. :) The compilation will be posted soon and then we’re back to the regularly scheduled art!
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pirill · 4 years ago
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if anyone still wants an Among Us character, here's a double whammy to end this now that the anniversary pic is done! Should be pretty self explanatory but DM me if you have any questions.
��The YCH is likewise extended shortly so if you want a guaranteed chance, hit me up!
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pirill · 4 years ago
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Starring Everyone
Whew, this is a month old but I preferred to take it slow rather than burn out trying to rush it out! I think there are a lot of things that could've been done differently but ultimately I'm happy with the result! As for the anniversary? Well, I was glad to see so many artists join in for it, and so many people still celebrating it. I know I'm sticking around for the time being and I'm grateful to everyone else who is still around and supporting the show and the community! You rock! I'd also like to extend a special thank you to my friends for offering a lot of great feedback on this image, you are all truly wonderful!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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Froggy Fidget / Froggy Flutters
Edit 03/12/2020: Fixed some small errors with shading.
A bit late, and not all that spooky, but here's a bit of a vector experiment for Halloween! I had a lot of fun with the style and all them froggos, can you figure 'em all out? A big thanks to my friends who gave some great feedback and made this better than it ever could've been otherwise!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru >VectorClub Colour Guides
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pirill · 4 years ago
Wow, just wow! I had high hopes and they were blown away entirely! This looks amazing, and it was done in such a short time too!
 If anyone isn't following @jakelionstumblr (DA, Twitter) already, you're totally missing out on one of the most versatile artists out there!
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Jacktober 24 - Applachnid
Collab with @pirill - he did the sketch and I worked it up!
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pirill · 4 years ago
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Big thanks to all who got the ongoing crewmate YCH! It's been going so well, I'm going to throw in the option to get ghost variants of them for free on the 10€ character option! 
 For everyone else, I might have something cooking for the FiM anniversary so stay tuned!!
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pirill · 4 years ago
The YCH is still ongoing, thanks to everyone who got one! Here are a whole bunch of crewmates to get a better idea of how they look! If you want one yourself contact me on any of the platforms I use!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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I’m doing it! I think the image should cover most of the aspects but feel free to ask about any details! Also here’s an example of what you might expect from the horsie versions!
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pirill · 4 years ago
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I'm doing it! I think the image should cover most of the aspects but feel free to ask about any details! Also here's an example of what you might expect from the horsie versions!
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pirill · 4 years ago
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So I've been playing some Among Us since it's all the rage and here's Fidget (with bonus pony crewmate version). Game's alright, but kinda overhyped.
ALSO, this was kinda fun to make and I got some interest towards a YCH for them. Would anyone else want some?
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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pirill · 4 years ago
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Happy Sunset Shimmer Day! This is only a sketch WIP which I want to do proper justice soon but in the meantime I might as well have something posted for it! Sunset is BEST!
DA | Twitter | Derpibooru
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