pip583 · 3 years
Hot take but you can’t learn about paganism without also learning about white supremacy and how it uses pagan religions to push hate group agendas all over the world today. If you don’t learn about the connections between the two and how it operates, your ignorance enables white supremacists to keep on doing it and using it to recruit others. People in our community who do nothing and stay silent are literally a part of the problem, there is no opting out whatsoever. Divorcing the two makes the issue repeat itself over and over and over again.
It’s not hard to include this in your research and stay aware. It’s the bare minimum.
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pip583 · 4 years
it’s the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century.
you can only reblog this today.
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pip583 · 4 years
Hi Richtor! Can you please put links to sites or post to gems (quartz,crystals,stones),essential oils, and herbs's meanings? Please i need them but I want trustworthy info!😆 have a good day!
Remember to always fact check your sources - compare them to two or three others, and information that repeats can be assumed to be “correct.” Remember, also, that personal correspondences are very important. Go with what feels right to you.
Crystals and Gems
[A - Z Crystal & Mineral Information] *
[A to Z Crystal Meanings] *
[A to Z Crystal Meanings] *
[Beginner Crystals]
[Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals] *
[Crystal and Gemstone Correspondence Masterpost]
[Crystal, Stone and Gem Master Post]
[Crystal Meanings] *
[Crystal Prescriptions]
[Crystal Uses]
[Crystalpedia] *
[Crystals and Colors]
[Crystals, Gems & Metals] *
[Crystals/Stones and Their Physical and Mental Powers]
[Essential Crystal List]
[Gemstone Guide]
[Gemstone Meanings and Properties] *
[Gemstone Properties] *
[Gemstone Properties] *
[List of Stones and Crystals]
[Metaphysical Guide to the Healing Properties of Crystals] *
[Metaphysical Properties] *
[Planets & Minerals/Crystals]
[Properties of 14 Common Crystals]
[Stones, Minerals, Metals, and Crystals] *
[Ways to Use Crystals]
Crystal Safety and PSAs
[Crystal Safety]
[Crystals That Are Not Suitable for Placing in Water / Making Gem Water]
[List of Crystals and How NOT to Charge Them]
[Mineral and Crystal Safety and Care Masterpost]
[Stones and Crystals You Shouldn’t Cleanse in Salt Water]
[Stones That Are Unsafe For Ingesting or Water]
Other Crystal Information
[Charging & Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleaning, Clearing and Programming Your Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals Methods]
[Crash Course on Fake Stones / Misrepresentations]
[Crystal/Stone Cleansing Methods]
[Crystal and Stone Cuts]
[Crystal Tip: Color Correspondences]
[How To Cleanse/Charge Crystals]
[Identifying Crystal Properties By Color]
[10 Different Crystal Shapes and How to Use Them]
[Using a Wine Glass to Cleanse Crystals]
Essential Oils / Aromatherapy
[ABC of Carrier Oils]
[Aromatherapy, Memory, & Magick]
[Carrier and Vegetable Oils]
[Casting Spells Using Oils]
Distillation of Essential Oils: [Part 01]; [Part 02]
[Essential Oil Correspondences] *
[Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Basics]
[Essential Oils and Their Magickal Properties] *
[Essential Oils List and Benefits] *
[Essential Oils Masterpost]
Essential Oils Masterpost: [Part 01]; [Part 02]
[Essential Oils Uses Chart] *
[Good Essential Oil Combinations]
[The Language of Aromatherapy]
[List of Essential Oils’ Correspondences]
[Magickal Uses for Essential Oils]
[Meditating With Essential Oils]
[New to Essential Oils? Here’s How to Get Started]
[Ritual Witchcraft Oils] *
[Spiritual And Magical Properties Of Essential Oils] *
Essential Oil Safety and PSAs
[Essential Oil Safety]
[Essential Oil Safety]
[Essential Oils are Awesome Witchcraft Components! They Can Also Fucking Hurt You]
[Exploring Aromatherapy: Safety Information] *
[Oil Safety]
[Risks and Uses of Essential Oils] *
[Using Essential Oils] *
[Correspondences for Herbs] *
[Darkest of Lights Herbal Series]
[Herb & Oil Correspondences] *
[Herb Keyword Correspondences] *
[Herbal and Plant Listing By Purpose]
[Herbal Chart By Use and How to Use Them]
[Herbal Correspondences]
[Herbal Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick] *
[Herbal Index] *
[Herbal Magickal Correspondences] *
[Herblore] (tw: music autoplay)
[Herbs] (a very long and thorough list)
[Herbs and Their Uses]
[Herbs by Name & Property] *
[Herbs/Food/Plants by Purpose]
[Herbs in Magic]
[Magickal Properties of Herbs]
[Magickal Properties of Herbs, Roots, Barks, Flowers & Resins] *
[My Correspondence References]
[Plant and Herb Properties by Name Masterpost]
[Top Ten Magical Herbs]
[Ultimate List of Herbs/Plants]
Herb Safety and PSAs
[Common Toxic Herbs and their Effects]
[Herbs NOT to Be Used During Pregnancy]
[List of Poisonous Herbs]
[A Note on Herbal Remedies]
[Witchy 101: Herbal Safety & Hormones]
Other Herb Information
[A Basic Glossary of Herbalism Techniques]
[Common Substitutions In Witchcraft - Herbs and Oils]
[Drying Herbs in Your Oven]
[Harvesting Herbs]
[Herbal Code for Strange Ingredients]
[Herbal Substitutes]
[Herbal Substitutes for Magick]
[Herbs and Gardening 101: Drying]
[Herbs for Spells: Grocery Store vs. Home Grown vs. Edible Wilds] (tw: gif)
[How To: Dry Herbs]
[Plant Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing]
[Some Alternatives to Lavender]
* = external link / resource
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pip583 · 4 years
Basic Recipe of a Spell
Intent (what is the purpose of your spell?)
A correspondence (candles, stones, incense, etc.)
A source of power (your own energy, fire, a quartz crystal, etc.)
A binder to connect all of them (an offering, an incantation, dance, art, writing, etc)
A cleanser (a bell, ethically sourced sage, salt, etc.)
Cleanse your working space
Ensure that your intent is clear and loud in your mind for the duration of the spell
Set up your working space in an organized way
Activate your source of power
Activate your correspondence
Activate your binder
Repeat but in reverse
This is not a definitive guide, but is rather a very easy to follow guide to making spells for those who don’t know where to begin! I recommend you tweak it for your needs and to match your magickal style.
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pip583 · 4 years
If you’re a Norse pagan that sympathizes with the alt-right/neo nazi movement or is a neo nazi that uses Norse pagan symbols, please smash that unfollow button and block me.
I don’t want that filth here.
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pip583 · 4 years
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pip583 · 4 years
This isn’t related to anything but I think that it’s weird that we’ve never really seen Touya’s face in the anime or manga (aside from that one panel). So if the Dabi thing is true it would make sense for us to not see his face (idk some symbolic shit? I’m grasping at straws here, so enjoy me desperately hoping the theory is true).
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pip583 · 5 years
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pip583 · 5 years
Fuck capitalism for telling me that I can’t be an eccentric witch who lives in the woods outside of the village in a cottage covered in plants and lizards who helps the desperate
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pip583 · 5 years
Today feels like a good day to wander into a forest for 30 years only to come back with antlers, a thousand yard stare and the ability to speak to the earth.
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pip583 · 5 years
may your soul be overgrown with moss. may your veins fill with rainwater and your lungs swell with flowers.
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pip583 · 5 years
From the Land of the Lost: A spell to find lost objects
We’ve all been there, you’ve searched high and low, in your bag, in the car, you’ve torn apart your room and if you looked any harder you’d probably find Narnia. But still, still, you can’t find that thing you’re looking for. I lose things all the time, there is at least one active thing I am on the look out for. Personally, I am quite relaxed about missing things, I know they will turn up eventually. So, I tend to only use this spell in desperate need, or last-minute panic – which is why I have both a long and a short version. There’s a time to look for something you’ve misplaced, and there’s a time when you lose your phone and you got to go to work in five minutes…
From the Land of the Lost: Long version
You’ll need:
·         A candle (preferably green for some extra luck, but any candle will do)
And either:
·         Three similar items to the one you are looking for. E.g. if you have lost your engagement ring, three other rings. Lost a book, three other books.
·         Or a piece of paper and a pen (also green if you can, but it is not essential)
So, clear a fire safe space in the room that your lost object is most likely in – if you have no idea, I usually set up in my bedroom, since I sleep there and I associate it with my unconscious thoughts (the ones that know where I put my glasses, but my conscious mind can’t seem to remember). But the ‘heart of the home’ is another option, like the kitchen, or even the room where you usually perform magick so the spell can soak up all the extra energy.
Then set up the candle and either, place each of your duplicates of your lost item in a circle around the candle or write down the name of what you are looking for – I find more detail about the object helps me focus my magick and direct it into finding that specific item, wherever its hiding.
Light the candle, now if you have your piece of paper, set it alight, otherwise simply close your eyes and visualise the object in your mind’s eye. As you visualise, or as the paper burns, say the following three times:
‘I now invoke the power of three, what once was lost return to me’
Let the candle burn out, once it has, begin your search – it won’t be long until you find what you are looking for. If I use the paper method, I usually rub the ashes on the back of my ‘searching’ hands, but feel free to dispose of them safely.
From the Land of the Lost: Short version
This requires no ingredients, it’s for emergencies, when you need to find what you are looking for right now
Stop your search for a minute, take a deep breath, close your eyes and visualise what you are looking for. Get really specific, make it so clear in your mind that you can practically see it in front of you.
Now open your eyes and with as much emphasise and gusto you can summon, chant three times:
‘I now invoke the power of three, what once was lost return to me’
If it won’t disturb anyone, I normally shout this out (helps with the pent-up frustration too!) You’ll usually find it in a minute or so.
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pip583 · 5 years
You keep asking me how to befriend crows, so here is your answer.
First, you have to find the crows. If the crows don’t live there you probably won’t find them. Second, you must remember that while they are urban wildlife that have lived near humans for millennia, they are still wild life and are to be respected and not to be commanded or captured. Crows do not owe you anything. They don’t owe you friendship and they don’t owe you their secrets.
I live in Portland, Oregon. We have crows the same way some cities have pigeons, they are everywhere and I love them. Ian B and I had serious conversations 5 or 6 years ago when I first wanted to get to know the crows in our neighborhood about how smart they are and how I shouldn’t give them peanuts all the time because they would identify me and become demanding.
Crows love peanuts, unsalted and in the shell. They will also eat all sorts of scraps. I saw one dragged a discarded taco bell bag down the street. Cat or dog food is good good too. Here’s an article with the top 10 best and worst things to feed crows.
I first started feeding them on a specific corner half a block away so as to not use my house as a the base. I saw that they would hang out on power lines and I would jingle my keys or make a specific sound with my mouth and then leave the peanuts on the corner curb. Crows will notice patterns so I gave them a patters of sound and place to associate with the peanuts. Crows are incredibly bold and at times daring, but they are very wary of new things. Give them some time for them to associate you with the treats. Once they associate you with the peanuts they could become curious about you as a friendly human.
I have met several generations of these crows and they have brought me gifts of small trinkets. They hang out on the wall across from my house and they hang out on the power lines while I work in the yard. My indoor/outdoor cat is afraid of them, but the crows have learned to leave him alone. I’ve gone outside with JackieCat and scooped him up to show the crows that I can handle the cat.
I work about a mile from my house and when walk or ride my bike to work I know each different family of crows along the way. They all have distinct personalities and even variations in their calls. Some are more chatty or aggressive or playful. One of them will fly right next to me down the street when I ride my bike. With each generation the younger crows are taught that I am a friend and source of food. I love their goofy awkward “feed me” calls as they are learning how to be a crow. You can spot young crows because there is still a pink webbing where their beak meets and they will beg for food from parents or helpers because that was how they were fed in the nest.
 Listen to their calls and see if you can distinguish between alarm calls or friendly calls. Crows are also capable of mimicking sounds. They could mimic the sound you make. I’ve even heard one mimic a dog bark to a dog when it got too close to a peanut!
Watch the crows. see their family dynamics. The crows will also be watching you. Do not trick crows because they will remember.
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pip583 · 5 years
Hi! Could you write some offering ideas to Odin?
Hey there Nonny! I’d love to take a crack at it.
Let me preface this all off by letting y'all know that I don’t specifically work with Odin, so these offerings are just what I can figure from research and my vague gnosis of the Allfather. I invite all who have more intimate knowledge of Him to add on! And if you want more historical detail for any of these, let me know, I’m dying to elaborate!
Whatever you offer, be sure to be hospitable. Basic offerings of food and drink are usually a good go to, but if you want to get deeper here are some ideas.
Material Offerings
Alcohol, specifically beer and mead.
Shiny things, stuff a corvid would want to steal. Coins and jewellery are good go-tos.
Blood. Preferably of your enemies.
Meat! Cooked to perfection.
Whatever best snack you have in the house.
Things with the word “bastard” on them.
Pinatas (animal sacrifices used to be hung by their neck until dead. This is the modern AllDad to the ancient AllFather)
Travel related things!
Neat books.
Something you made. A drawing of ravens, a neat stick you whittled, macaroni art of Sleipnir. Anything, as long as you put effort into it.
Non-Material Offerings
Learn all his names and use them.
Have a party and feed everyone! He does it daily in Valhalla, take His example.
Terrible dad jokes. Also springing said terrible dad jokes on loved ones.
Learn a new thing of philosophy and become more wise. Discuss.
Donate money to a charity that you think He would like (Heifer international lets you buy a goat for a family and that feels like a very Odin thing to do)
Learn the runes and use them to talk.
The important part of Norse offerings is that it is a sacrifice to make offerings. Something that would have benefitted you is instead going to the Gods, and there in lies the power. The Old Norse gave up their horses, their goats, and their slaves to the forests, weapons and money and tools to the lakes. And it takes a lot of work to make those things, not to mention the loss of lives.
Sometimes it’s the gods at your altar asking for the best chips in the bag, you know the ones you save for last because they’re perfect. Sometimes it’s the gods taking form in a homeless man, asking for something to eat when you only have five bucks for your own lunch. Keep an eye out for the holy places, there’s more places to make offerings than the altar.
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pip583 · 5 years
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Pretty good setup in this new place. Now you can clearly see everybody. Yes, this is a home made altar.
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pip583 · 5 years
How to study with a chronic illness and not kill yourself in the attempt
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Hello my dear spoonies! It’s been a while since the last time I wrote, I’ve been busy dying and not-dying lately, but I am so much better now! *cries in fetal position*
I have so much to tell you, but today I want to focus on study issues. I have not been to attend college for eight months now because of my illnesses, but tomorrow I’m going to start a new semester. I’m obviously very scared, when you don’t study for so long because you weren’t healthy enought makes you feel worried, you’re afraid of becoming sicker and having to quit again.
But I made a little guide for myself so as to prevent this from happening. I want to share it as it may help someone.
Before I start I want to clarify that I have endometriosis, several spinal problems that make my joints hurt a lot and my gastrointestinal system doesn’t know how to function. Seriously. So what has been useful to me may or may not help you. Some may need more, some may need less. But I will try to make this as general as possible, hopefully something could be useful to you!
Don’t leave home without having breakfast. 
By this I don’t mean that you have to eat three loaves, six eggs and a liter of coffee, eat something that makes you feel safe, eat something that you know your body can tolerate well. Leaving home without eating anything is going to make you have low blood sugar and will lower your blood pressure if you are susceptible to this. If you don’t feel well enough for breakfast, try having healthy snacks during class time.
Make good use of class time.
When you go back to your house you may need to rest a lot. Some will be able to take more advantage of the rest of the day than others, but if you know beforehand that you wont be able to, use your time in class well and don’t get zoned. If the class is slow you can try to advance on the material. Do not forget to keep a good posture while sitting.
Squeeze every second you feel good.
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Rest in the recess.
Some class breaks are longer than others. The important thing is that you use this time to give your body or brain a break. If you need to close your eyes for a while, do it, if you need to stay in the classroom seated, do it. If they don’t let you stay in the classroom, talk to the teachers, don’t be embarrassed to explain your situation. If you have spinal problems, use this time to get up and walk a little. The vertebral discs get compressed when seated and they rise when we return to stretch. This will avoid back pain and even some joints pain. Keep a good posture while sitting!!
Bring your meds.
If you need to take medicine, take them. If you need your painkillers, take them. It’s not a shame to take pills in front of others, you know your body and what you need, and your health comes first. Don’t think what others will say, you don’t need it and will only generate anxiety. If you are embarrassed that someone might ask, you can literally answer that you don’t want to talk about it, but that your medicines make you feel good. Your health is only your business.
Stay hydrated. 
This speaks for itself. Drink lots of water! Especially if you drink a lot of coffee like me. Oh, and avoid the energy drinks.
Relax when you get home.
You do not have to go back and immediately sit down to study while you choke on lunch/dinner (haha, choke, sorry I’m five). Take a bath, put on comfortable clothes, do your back exercises if you have to, rest for a while in bed and apply hot or cold pads where it hurts if needed. If you’ve been sitting in class for a long time, I seriously recommend to do a little stretch for your back when you get home, it can make a difference (do it or I will kick you ಠ_ಠ).
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Study time.
Understand that there are different ways to study and that you have to find the most suitable for you. For example, for some it will be better to take the reading material to bed and read lying down, and this is ok. Always make sure you are comfortable, and if you are sitting keep a good posture ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 
Use ranges of 20/10 or 40/20 minutes, study, rest. Do not overload yourself, but try to keep up with the class. This will be very useful for when you need to take a day off or during finals. Studying a little every day is going to be a lot healthier for you, and less stressful, than doing it all in a week.
Do not forget that there are many resources, not just books. If you don’t feel well to read or do exercises you can watch educational videos while you rest your body. Read things to understand not to memorize. Use colors to make it easier for you to remember information. If you feel stuck in one chapter, move on to the next or review the previous one. Don’t stress or compare yourself to anyone. If a subject is difficult for you, you aren’t stupid, it’s only a subject that is more difficult to you, as it happens to everyone. It’s okay to ask for help.
Know when to stop.
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This I think is the most important part. Recognize when you feel bad. Take a day off if you’re sick, it’s okay to skip a class. Don’t compete with others or compare yourself, your situation is different. Identify how much you can do, recognize it. Don’t think that your old self could have taken five classes and today you can only take three, two or one. Your past self is in the past. Work with who you are today and move on from there. If you can only take one class today, that’s fine. Time will go on the same, whether you do that subject or not. Don’t give up just because you have to take it slow, feel proud that you are strong enough to be where you are today. 
You are valuable, you are intelligent and you will be a great professional.
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ And if you don’t strecht I will hunt you down.
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pip583 · 5 years
This is a great article for those preparing their Samhain rites & honor the dead, but also remember the ones that have been forgotten & have no one to mourn them.
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