pinselluchs · 1 year
Some Personal Life Updates
The year is not even over but it sure feels like I've done more than a years worth of activity.
When I first "joined the workforce" I ended up in a rather depressing position where I was mandated to be in the office for 40 hours a week without any practical work to do. I could neither sleep in my office nor do anything besides my "actual" work. I was in a constant state of bullshitting myself through. Having to do functionally nothing at your job really takes a toll on your psyche. Too much work is bad, but too little work is worse. Especially if you're in this situation for two years or potentially forever.
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This spring, I switched my positions to a favorable but more stressful field... at the same pay. Helped me to honestly find purpose back in my line of work, something I can achieve and work towards. It's a lot of work and I'm very content for every hour of having to do nothing right now.
And you know what? I am on track! This is the right way. I did well!
Suffice to say, I've officially become technical team lead for two critical IT services at the same time. Things and people have become dependent on me, which is a feeling extremely hard to fathom. What does it mean that my existence and my work could potentially impact hundreds if not thousands of people? This is the first time in my life that I have true responsibility for more than just myself now.
Not only have I grown at and through work (and I am still continue to grow; more or less, I have finally started to grow again!), I can and do also grow through my private life, especially due to the furry fandom. This year alone, I went to the NordicFuzzCon for the first time and thought I'd need to volunteer the next NFC. It truly was quite the experience; something I need to treasure.
Shortly after that, I went to Amsterdam on my own accord, to Furry Weekend Holland, to Waldcon, Tropical Furry Islands, and to Vienna just because I could. And soon, I'll be heading to the USA for BLFC! All in one single year. I need to cut back on that so that I don't burn out. This is probably one of two weekends this year I've been "just at home". Let's just say I was forced to spend some paid-time off that I accrued... and I did well with it.
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I have no clue what the future holds. I'm aiming for an important promotion (way more important than just being technical team lead). I am aiming for more cons, more photoshoots, more personal progression. Who knows, I got good aim, maybe I should do some military service. Me as a lieutenant, ha, it shouldn't have been - which is a story for a different time.
There is a word I've been hearing and using a lot recently. "Rotieren." "To be rotating", translated, is a phrase for being more than "just busy". It's having all your hands constantly active with no real opportunity to rest. As soon as you finish one project, another appears at the same urgency as the last one. You get things done, but those things take energy and effort, but are most certainly rewarding. I have not felt boredom in a long time. What even is boredom? There are always things to do, and they're certainly not getting less. What's important is to carry on, because what I am carrying is not only important to myself but seems to be more important to others as well, which is a rejuvenating feeling.
What I do starts to finally matter; it's a feeling I always wanted to achieve and now that I do achieve it, it's hard to realize that I have reached my goal. My work matters, my hobbies matter. I do things, they get noticed. Not on a global scale, that would be too much to ask for, but most certainly in my vicinity.
It starts to fill me with pride despite still having the "autistic onlooker" in me. More so, I feel like this gives me a sleight of hand in comparison to others. I can choose to play the game everyone else is playing because I can now know what game is played when. If I want to be noticed, I will be noticed. If I do not want to be noticed, I will be below all radars. I fear that luck may not be on my side but fate still feeds my arrogance so that I shall continue my ways.
What is there more to say other than I just wish to have more time? What I am currently doing is sufficient, it's more than enough for one human and it creates value. I want to do more, I feel like I need to do more. But I'm just one human, I only have two hands and one brain. If only I had the chance to clone myself, I would be unstoppable. For now, I still try to do everything at once so I won't progress fast in one field but slowly in all fields and I won't see that changing anytime soon. I'm still young, I got the energy, I just can't split myself. All I know is that I am rotating. I have improved drastically, I will continue to improve.
I do not know what my true fate is, but I feel like fate has led me to this exact point and I am right where I should be... for now!
I do not know where I will end up, but I did well, and I will do well. Pinsel - out.
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pinselluchs · 1 year
NordicFuzzCon 2023
Who could've guessed that I'd ever travel to Scandinavia in winter! Any sane person would question to go to an even colder place when it's already cold at home! But for the NordicFuzzCon, it's absolutely worth it!
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The NFC is a con as it should be. Relaxed, focused on meeting people new and known, great location, awesome breakfast with köttbullar and pancakes. After all this photographing, it took me about a month to go through all those photos but it was worth it through and through!
On the first two days, I had to come to terms with being back at a convention - simply an overwhelming feeling I have missed dearly since the Eurofurence.
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I spent the first few days having fun, meeting people and taking in all the events I could. Sometimes running around with the camera for free. Can't think of anything I didn't do during the con.
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I even scribbled things on the board!
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Got myself some good merch!
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And got to show off in style!
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And lastly, this was my first con where I could just drop off my business cards! Did you get one for yourself? :3
The Statistics, as promised.
Photos Taken:                1820 Photos Delivered:                               837 "Keeper Ratio":                                        46% "Just For The Memories" (1 star):        347 "Quality Shots" (4-5 stars):                    192 "My Favorites" (5 stars):                         50 Paid Photoshoots:                          4 Days till all photos were edited:           26 Skimmed/edited photos per day:      70/32
Kept it short, it's too much to write all down. So, all I can say is - See you next con! I'll definitely go again. Furry Weekend Holland is my next first-con-goal (but due to work and family related appointments probably no other cons for me this year? Not even EAST.)
Remember to check out Furtrack if you want to see my photos in full and follow me on my Telegram photo channel to get updates on my photos. All else is over on Linktree!
With Best Nubs, Pinsel.
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pinselluchs · 2 years
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Progress is slow, but it's happening for all of us. My submission for the Portfolio Day!
So far, I started my photography as a "business" (legally speaking) in 2022 and I might be a bad businessman but over those twelve months I have seen a steady increase in my photography. I am getting better in every regard and I sure how you did too over 2022.
Surely, 2022 feels like 2020 just like 2021 did. What year do we really have? What has happened? Looking back to it however, quite a lot has! I can only be glad about this year despite not progressing as far as I wanted to. So, 2023 is meant to continue what we began prior.
In that regard, I'll definitely attend NFC and FWH as my next furry conventions; since EF, I'm pretty much hooked. If possible, I'll also try to attend EF and EAST, perhaps even GLC (didn't get a spot last time!).
In case you want to request my services, please do feel free to chat me up. You'll know where to find me. :)
Keep it up!
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pinselluchs · 2 years
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I like to fondly think back to my first Eurofurence. And, you know, I'm not the type of guy that argues "planning is impossible, your plans will be nixed either way". Instead, I made a plan on what to do when and stuck to it. It was also my plan to get my first real fursuit photography commissions.
This plan also included to ask Chaotika, one of the most famous and proficient photographers in the German if not the furry fandom as a whole, to join in on one of his photoshoots so that I myself can get a hang on the inner workings of these; what to look out for, how to talk to fursuiters to get the photos you want to get, some generic ideas about composition and placement of a fursuiter. While it is easier to get an appealing photo with a fursuiter than with a human photo subject, it's also much harder to get it just right. Anybody can make a decent photo nowadays.
Needless to say, which I am very happy about and thankful for, both the photographer Chaotika as well as the fursuiter Pudge/Pudgical agreed to have me as a "guest photographer" on the set, so to speak.
While Berlin, and especially the surroundings of the Estrel in Neukölln, definitely do not offer the best of photogenic backgrounds or sceneries, they are clearly not an impossible scenery to get working.
So, under the lead of Chaotika, we marched around the vicinity of the Estrel and tried our craft with surprisingly few, but considerate, onlookers for Berlin and such a busy road nearby.
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While most ideas and input was from Chaotika, as expected, I am contently reporting that I also gave a few good inputs and have made a few photos that I am absolutely content with. It's good to see that I know and understand my craft. There is a certain satisfaction in my photography that I do not get anywhere else; but it's a hard craft to get into, not only in terms of skill but also willing subjects. And yet, the joy one can get from this pretentiously expensive hobby is impressive, so it is clearly worthwhile. To me, at least. I'm not sure if you think the same.
Fursuit photography does differ from regular photography, though. Photographing regularly dressed humans or even landscape or animals requires a completely different approach. This is a different subject, though!
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Now, on for myself to make my photography as worthwhile as it can be and get some commissions on my own! I am ready.
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pinselluchs · 2 years
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🐺: @vulparion 📍: #Munich #Suitwalk #MSW8 > 🔗: https://ift.tt/6HlGQ3m < > ☕: https://ift.tt/UXicVd9 < 📸 This photographer is open for business. 👀 #FursuitFriday #donut #plush #furry #fursuiting #furryfandom #furries #fursuitphotography #photography #furryphotography #fursuiter #fursuits #instafurry #photofurs #furrypride #fursuitphotoshoot #fotofur #furriesofinstagram #photofur #Germany #suitwalk #furryforlife #cutefurry #fursona #cosplay #cosplaying And the next batch of furry photos! Y'know, I would've queued up more photos if the planner didn't crash regularly. But now, now it works. So, here's the upload. Do check out my Telegram channel and my Twitter. Meet me at NFC and some of the West German Furry Stammtische, like Marl, Dortmund, Herne, whatever. Rambling-pambling-whatever. With Best Nubs, Signed Pinsel, The Lynx. — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/312300298_149379377803680_8372924743611547201_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=_oTNzuFppJ0AX8ZuC6A&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfD16iMd13shOvX_AtVsUeJ72d9onHVyoJDhpwLhgH8x9Q&oe=636994AA
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pinselluchs · 2 years
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🐺: @Kyraanim 📍: #Munich #Suitwalk #MSW8 > 🔗: https://ift.tt/MlBWfOm < > ☕: https://ift.tt/FSmZfvP < 📸 This photographer is open for business. 👀 #Camera #CameraFur #Videofur #Videography #publicfursuiting #furryfandom #furry #fursuit #fursuiting #furries #fursuitphotography #furryphotography #fursuiter #fursuits #instafurry #photofurs #furrypride #fursuitphotoshoot #fotofur #furriesofinstagram #photofur #Germany #suitwalk #suitwalks #furmeet #furrystammtisch #stammi #furstammi And the next batch of furry photos! Y'know, I would've queued up more photos if the planner didn't crash regularly. But now, now it works. So, here's the upload. Do check out my Telegram channel and my Twitter. Meet me at NFC and some of the West German Furry Stammtische, like Marl, Dortmund, Herne, whatever. Rambling-pambling-whatever. With Best Nubs, Signed Pinsel, The Lynx. — view on Instagram https://scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/313483632_190190526835316_8215867912262033804_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=1--hXF0Sm7EAX8beOqB&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfDxbbTrIUlzN832l1tfqZSvhtZdOD5QqtuTLefPwGYhWw&oe=636654AF
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pinselluchs · 2 years
Welcome to my Tumblr!
So, about me!
I'm an autistic furry, computer scientist and photographer from Germany. I will mostly just share my photography and some updates via Tumblr for now, maybe I'll start more actively engaging with the community here later on. Been in the fandom for quite a while but still struggling to get a hang on this social media thingy.
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As of now, I do not own any fursuits, so all you can see around here will be pictures that I took. None of the fursuiters are of my making or affiliated with me personally unless I say so.
Enjoy some nice photography, enjoy some furry company. You can find me pretty much anywhere nowadays on all social media platforms. More of that is best found on my Linktree. Such a neat little application!
Maybe we'll talk personally at some point, but don't worry, I'm bad at keeping contacts and chats alive, there's way too much happening in my life to even manage what's already going on. :)
I can info-dump a lot about photography, computer games and some small other things like lynxes. Sometimes abrasive, always open-minded; I just need a topic to talk about, simple "Hi, how are you?" don't get me far.
All I know is that I like this Tumblr post editor, pretty fancy! Will probably use it more often later on.
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