look at those stars, man
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pinkstrology ¡ 6 years ago
No one breaks your heart more than you do by overthinking every goddamn little thing
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pinkstrology ¡ 7 years ago
Questions for the signs
Aries: how have you been doing? has the past finally caught up with you? have your mistakes sunk in? that’s okay. now let them go. they do not define who you are anymore. you have the power to move on from who you used to be. within you lies the power to grow. utilize it. your gift is special, a priviledge granted to few.
Taurus: are you really happy?is this the life you enjoy, or the one they want you to live?start making choices for yourself. live is too short not to enjoy every moment.
Gemini: who are you trying to fool? pretending to be someone you aren’t will only cause you to completely lose yourself. open your eyes, and do things for yourself. not for them, but for you. then, you will discover how happy you truly are capable of becoming.
Cancer: how come you always put others before yourself? your own well being is just as important as the needs of those you love. take care of yourself, so you can better take care of others’.
Leo: why push away the love they offer you? why not embrace it? emotions are okay. no matter what you tell yourself, you are human. its okay to be vulnerable sometimes.
Virgo: when are you going to let yourself breathe? are you going to stop constantly critisizing yourself? you don’t have to be your own worst enemy. once you become your best friend, you will know peace.
Libra: are you still questioning yourself? why not just go with your instincts? mistakes are okay. you will never see what life has to offer if you keep holding yourself back.
Scorpio: why are you letting yourself settle for less? why aren’t you seeing that you deserve better? i see that you fall back into routines, and you hope it will be different; better, but it never changes. you are an incredibly radiant soul who should only accept the treatment that they deserve. you should be surrounded by positivity and happiness for miles and miles. why don’t you let yourself? 
Sagittarius: who are you so afraid of? why are you letting them control you? let go of the past, they do not define who you are. focus on yourself. i know you have an amazing soul.
Capricorn: do you see the world differently now? ever since it happened, have you taken a closer look at the society you were born into? maybe colors seem a little more dull now. maybe the lines are becoming abstract and you cant tell whats real, and what you have imagined. is there still even a difference? you don’t know. but you keep on living because you know the future is brighter than this colorless gray palette. keep going forward. 
Aquarius: tell me why you’ve done it all, but never really lived it? you’ve had so many experiences, but did you ever stop in the moment to actually live it? you’re always thinking about the past. if you don’t stop to actually live life, it’ll be over before you know it. be present.
Pisces: why are you still blaming the world for your actions? can’t you accept responsibility? sometimes, karma has nothing to do with your choices. your words have a lot more power than you think they do. take a look around, pisces. this is your world. make decisions you are proud of, and understand that not everything unfortunate happens because of bad luck. you may be the root of your own problems.
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pinkstrology ¡ 7 years ago
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The Year Ahead Reading
The Year Overall
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pinkstrology ¡ 7 years ago
reminders to people in high school
• there’s a very, very, very slim chance you’ll marry the one you’re currently dating.
• get involved and study hard. trust me, it matters and it will pay off.
• stick close to your friends. this will be the last couple of years you might have with them.
• start learning to love yourself. even if it’s harder for you than it was for me, start to learn.
• your ex will miss you if you show them how much better off you are without them and by that time you should be focusing on yourself. that’s your revenge. • don’t take these years for granted. and stay away from drugs during the school year do u hear me. SOME MAY AFFECT UR LEARNING AND CONCENTRATION.
• never take on more than you can handle in terms of classes and shit.
• BE KIND. learn to accept others and quit negatively judging!! over time if you try to control yourself, you’ll grow into a more loving person!
• don’t slut shame. someone’s sex life is none of your business.
• sign up for parking spots early
• AP classes don’t mean you’re any smarter than others. maybe you will know more things, but that doesn’t make you more high and mighty.
• people are like city buses: if you miss one, there’s another one right around the corner
• if you have periods, you can use it as an excuse to leave to go to the bathroom at any time.
• if you need to cry, ask the teacher if you can use the restroom and take all the time you need.
• support your school’s sports teams!!
• don’t take these 4 years for granted. because from the moment you first walked in those doors to the moment you walk out those doors for the last time, those memories will all collide into one huge memory of big events that you’ll never experience again. not even college will be the same.
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
Questions for the signs
Aries: how have you been doing? has the past finally caught up with you? have your mistakes sunk in? that's okay. now let them go. they do not define who you are anymore. you have the power to move on from who you used to be. within you lies the power to grow. utilize it. your gift is special, a priviledge granted to few.
Taurus: are you really happy?is this the life you enjoy, or the one they want you to live?start making choices for yourself. live is too short not to enjoy every moment.
Gemini: who are you trying to fool? pretending to be someone you aren’t will only cause you to completely lose yourself. open your eyes, and do things for yourself. not for them, but for you. then, you will discover how happy you truly are capable of becoming.
Cancer: how come you always put others before yourself? your own well being is just as important as the needs of those you love. take care of yourself, so you can better take care of others’.
Leo: why push away the love they offer you? why not embrace it? emotions are okay. no matter what you tell yourself, you are human. its okay to be vulnerable sometimes.
Virgo: when are you going to let yourself breathe? are you going to stop constantly critisizing yourself? you don’t have to be your own worst enemy. once you become your best friend, you will know peace.
Libra: are you still questioning yourself? why not just go with your instincts? mistakes are okay. you will never see what life has to offer if you keep holding yourself back.
Scorpio: why are you letting yourself settle for less? why aren't you seeing that you deserve better? i see that you fall back into routines, and you hope it will be different; better, but it never changes. you are an incredibly radiant soul who should only accept the treatment that they deserve. you should be surrounded by positivity and happiness for miles and miles. why don't you let yourself? 
Sagittarius: who are you so afraid of? why are you letting them control you? let go of the past, they do not define who you are. focus on yourself. i know you have an amazing soul.
Capricorn: do you see the world differently now? ever since it happened, have you taken a closer look at the society you were born into? maybe colors seem a little more dull now. maybe the lines are becoming abstract and you cant tell whats real, and what you have imagined. is there still even a difference? you don't know. but you keep on living because you know the future is brighter than this colorless gray palette. keep going forward. 
Aquarius: tell me why you’ve done it all, but never really lived it? you’ve had so many experiences, but did you ever stop in the moment to actually live it? you’re always thinking about the past. if you don’t stop to actually live life, it’ll be over before you know it. be present.
Pisces: why are you still blaming the world for your actions? can't you accept responsibility? sometimes, karma has nothing to do with your choices. your words have a lot more power than you think they do. take a look around, pisces. this is your world. make decisions you are proud of, and understand that not everything unfortunate happens because of bad luck. you may be the root of your own problems.
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
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requested by @iwritecinsnottragedies
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
20 Days of Back to School Magic Challenge
Hi everyone! I decided to make a little challenge for witches who are heading back to high school or college. This challenge is an eclectic mix of spell writing, sigil making, enchantment, and even energy work to help you with going back to school!  You can do this challenge in the days leading up to the first day of school, or, if your school starts in less that 20 days like mine, you can do it in the first 20 days of school to help start the year off right. Enjoy, and make sure to tag your responses with #BackToSchoolWitchcraft
Day 1: Write a calming spell (going back to school can be stressful!)
Day 2: Draw a sigil on your planner/journal/calendar/etc to help keep you organized
Day 3: Write a spell for restful sleep to help get your sleep schedule back on track for school
Day 4: Make a sigil for your backpack or pencil box/case/bag to keep you from losing your supplies
Day 5: Write a motivation spell to motivate you to study and do your homework (or finish your summer reading)
Day 6: Make a sigil to attract new friends as you go back to school
Day 7: Write a spell to increase your memory
Day 8: Put some sigils on/near your mirror for self-love (school can sometimes take a toll on your self esteem)
Day 9: Make a small magical sachet or bottle to keep in your book bag or backpack
Day 10: Glamour your makeup, perfume/cologne, or clothes to increase/decrease your chances of getting called on in class (depending on if you like to be called on or not)
Day 11: Make a sigil for your water bottle to help you remember to stay hydrated throughout the day
Day 12: Write a spell for an extra boost of luck on your tests/quizzes/exams
Day 13: Enchant something small to keep in your locker throughout the day
Day 14: Create an energy shield and program it to increase your memory, focus, motivation etc or for some other helpful purpose
Day 15: Make a sigil on your notes to help you remember the information that you wrote down
Day 16: Perform one of the spells that you wrote during this challenge but haven’t done yet
Day 17: Enchant a pencil or pen with happiness, good luck, self-love or something else and give it to a friend
Day 18: Write a spell to keep you from missing much when you have to take a sick day
Day 19: Draw a sigil somewhere in your study space to make your study sessions more efficient
Day 20: Write a spell to ward off bad hair days, low spoon days, or whatever other days you would like to avoid.
Have fun! Make sure to tag your posts with #BackToSchoolWitchcraft if you would like to share :)
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
Tips for High School Witches
Hey guys! I’ve been a witch for about a year now, and being a high schooler in a conservative state has made it quite interesting, to say the least. So here are some things I’ve discovered that have made being a young, jobless witch AMAZINGLY easy!
The Library- if you are in High school, you undoubtedly have easy access to a library. This will contain information on mythology, religion, weather, astronomy, history, and just about any subject. Almost all of this knowledge (certainly all that I just listed) can be used in your craft. These are FREE BOOKS WHENEVER YOU NEED THEM. Take advantage!
The Art Room- weather you are in an art class or not, there is usually at least one art teacher in the school who has plenty of strange junk and materials that can be used for witchcraft. For instance, my teacher’s closet includes: bones, wax, wire, clay, wood, soapstone, beads, and all kinds of other brilliant components. These are FREE MATERIALS!!! As long as you have the teachers permission, GET WHATEVER YOU CAN!! You wouldn’t believe how many witchy items I’ve made in third period that cost me exactly $0.00.
The Thrift Store- I’ve seen other witches beat this one to death, but I must stress what a good resource thrift stores are for witchcraft. I’ve purchased brass candle holders, carved wooden boxes, stone incense burners, and more for less than $5. You can also find altar cloths, candles, picture frames, and more. The thrift stores of good for more than retro fashion!
Now, I also want to suggest some of the most useful spells and tricks to a high school witch (in my experience, of course.)
Anti Suspicion- wether your parents know or not (mine certainly don’t) you definitely don’t want your whole school to know that you’re a witch. Trust me. A simple sigil or spell to avert suspicion and ill intent will go MILES! My altar is the first thing you see in my room, I hoard bottles and jars, I use all the candles, and my parents suspect nothing. I’ve come to school with sigils all over my arm and no one so much as blinks an eye. I’ve also been able to get away with not wearing my school ID for a semester and a half, which was a nice side effect. Moon water is also great for making you less visible/noticeable.
Focus/success- when you’re about halfway through a semester of homework and studying, you’re gonna want some help. Spells for focus, knowledge, brain power, and success at schoolwork should not be underestimated. I’ve also found that wearing carnelian and aventurine Jewellry does wonders. I also rub safely diluted Rosemary oil on the back of my hand, and smell it whenever I’m struggling on tests and quizzes, as it aids in memory.
Luck, Prosperity, & health- you are a high schooler. You probably stay up way too late, forget a ton of assignments, spill things constantly, trip, lose socks, lose your wallet, and run into all kinds of awkward, dumb situations. A blend of safely diluted orange, lemon, Rosemary, and lavender oil will provide health, prosperity, positivity, happiness, protection, and psychic power. Aventurine, citrine, and rise Quartz are also some good crystals to keep you focused, happy, and protected.
If you have any more questions for me, want to talk, or want to add to the list, feel free to do so! Love you guys, and good luck!!!
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
witchy group chat
i'm considering creating a new gc on kik due to the number of requests i've gotten, so do your kik if you are interested
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
The Signs as Friends
Aries: the excited and always wants to do something one Taurus: the needy, moody and crazy one Gemini: the talkative and gossipy one Cancer: the flirty and kinda shy one Leo: the bluntly honest and kinda crazy one Virgo: the lecturing and semi emotional one Libra: the calm and sharing-is-caring one Scorpio: the loud, funny and moody one Sagittarius: the crazy and semi sexual one Capricorn: the annoyed and laughing one Aquarius: the out of place and jokester one Pisces: the always kinda-depressed and off in the corner one
-Admin S
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
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unusual colour aesthetics for the signs
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
Aries: how have you been? Yes you with the angry eyes and the broken heart. Didn’t anyone tell you that smiling with your lips is the worst smile? Smiling with your eyes is the best love. I find it prodigious really, how you pick yourself up after being impaired. Taurus: and even when everything stings, even when everything burns, even when you’re on the verge of giving up. You looked fear in the eye and said “Go to hell” because sorrow is a sign of the times, and your willpower is stronger than your emotions. You control you. Gemini: when the dandelions fall out of your hair, and the skies turn orange. When the little paper cut burns a little more than you’d like it to or when the grass you sit on has a little too much dewdrops. When everything is a little too much, or just not enough, know one thing is certain. Someone is thinking of you, somewhere. Cancer: sometimes I want to sue the world, how can it be so harsh on something so sweet? How can something so sweet do something so bitter? In a gutter your light would still shine. In the dark you can’t see, “Am I darkness or has darkness become me?” Be free, you are light and you are dazzling me. Leo: compliments feel like sticky pastes ‘cause you don’t believe in the smiles on their face, it’s a maze. Run, run, don’t come back, see the stars and kiss your scars. Kiss your own skin, love your own face. You are independent, you are relentless. Puppet on a strings, threaded to promises. Virgo: a shattered self esteem, an introvert with devoured dreams. Eaten by the greedy, the successful and the liars. Fake friends meeting sadness at one end, hate at the other. But “otherwise I’ll be alone and no one wants to be lonely and I’m lonely when I’m alone” the critical mind, the self paining cries. “Alright, it’s alright.” Repeat it until you believe it. Libra: when love and chaos meet, you will see me at the early morning sunrise. Plucking petals off of periwinkle blue, eerie flowers. You said you were a night owl, one to always sleep in. The last few days you’ve been up at five thirty, meeting the sunset with tired eyes. You told me that fatigue is the price of caring for someone too deeply, you said it meant love. Scorpio: the claws of the nightmares enrol in your daydreams, the screams and whispers shiver you to the bone. You’re not afraid, you’re not scared, just a little bit alone. But you’re dying to stay positive, come on love you can do it. You keep telling yourself lies, “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.” You’re in the headlights, on the front row of your own movie. Stop feeling like you have to pay for the tickets. Sagittarius: let’s run away tonight, let’s get drunk under summer stars and hope we’ll get home without broken hearts. Let’s run, let’s go, I don’t want to know. There’s too many pain in this black and white town, let’s leave and build our own out of cracked bones and broken homes. Capricorn: when the shadows catch up with you, and the fatigue seeps through your lifeless skin; when the dandelions feel like uselessness and the smell of rain reminds you of broken glass… know that you don’t need to be fixed. You are not broken. Reading glasses slipping off noses, tossing and turning to get a slight chance of sleep.. know that everything you tell yourself you are, is how you limit yourself. You tell yourself it’s all you’ll ever be. Aquarius: jars filled with little papers. They’re inked with words that are left unknown, one word for every day together with a number. Today the word was “HOPE” together with a six-point-seven on the happiness ratio. Yesterday it was “MELANCHOLY” with a five on the scale of misery. Never daring to get close to nines and tens, those were for people with real problems- funerals, breakups, getting fired. Maybe five, maybe an in between. A non-answer. Maybe five. Pisces: someone told me about their imaginary friend named Ann, she was sweet and nice but cold like ice. Her hair was raven black and she always wore sundresses even in the winter. They played tennis with her and wore each others clothes, one day Ann had the leave the young person. They cried and weeped “Why?” they screeched. Ann frowned and held the persons face in her hands. “Other people need me too, you’re not alone. Just have the courage to pretend.”
if your day has felt longer than the time it took to read this poem, know that you’re loved. (1st august - 2017)
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
☿ Mercury Signs-Your Voice ☿
Mercury in Aries: The Voice of a Warrior; direct, assertive, the voice that roars before battle.
Mercury in Taurus: The Voice of a Mother; gentle, worrisome, the voice that keeps caution over you like a cloud.
Mercury in Gemini: The Voice of a Shapeshifter; overwhelmingly intelligent, slightly confusing, the voice that brings everyone to the fire to hear his stories.
Mercury in Cancer: The Voice of a Titan; emotional, guarded, strong enough to strike fear in all who oppose her.
Mercury in Leo: The Voice of a Hero; commanding, proud, the voice that lights the torch of hope once more.
Mercury in Virgo: The Voice of a Healer; critical, sensible, the voice that you need to hear.
Mercury in Libra: The Voice of a Snake-Charmer; sweet, melodious, all the right words in all the right places.
Mercury in Scorpio: The Voice of a Vampire; seductive, compelling, pulls out secrets like a vicious riptide.
Mercury in Sagittarius: The Voice of a King; jovial, loud, bubbling with a light that no one can dampen.
Mercury in Capricorn: The Voice of a Queen; commanding, flat, weighed down by the realities that no one wants to face.
Mercury in Aquarius: The Voice of an Inventor; eccentric, uneven, filled with electricity that crackles with possibility.
Mercury in Pisces: The Voice of a Siren; soothing, serene, overflowing with otherworldly melodies.
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
Pessimistic POV on the Signs
Aries: Jock™, thinks they're better than you, probably ate dog food once, a dick.
Taurus: 🤑 personified. Will do anything for cash or free things. Lowkey spontaneous and uses their stoic and proper facade to get what they want.
Gemini: Will manipulate you and when someone asks they'll play victim. Liars.
Cancer: Cries a lot. Plays victim, hypocrite.
Leo: Center of Attention. Brat. Needs to let go of things. Anger Issues. Toxic in relationships, depending.
Virgo: Two faced, manipulative. Sexy Secretary™. Ex cheated on them so they cheat on their partners. Uses their past to justify their actions, but never fixes the behavior. Believes their perfect (intelligence/personality wise).
Libra: Clingy™. Uses your heart against you. Would probably push you infront of a bus if it meant they could pet someones dog. Will cut ties for minuscule things, as long as you aren't dating.
Scorpio: Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. Uses sex to get what they want. Became "that creative" bc of the time they took a psychedelic.
Sagittarius: Knows they shouldnt say the shit they do, uses "Blunt" as an excuse to bully people. Disappears without reasons and when you ask they shrug. Claims to be honest, but isn't if the situation is relatively awkward. Talks their way outta fucking anything. Can manipulate you without lying.
Capricorn: Fucked your family member. Has no concept of loyalty. Wants to have power over others. Psychopath™.
Aquarius: Reminds everyone how giving they are so they get things. Will smoke all of your weed. Will manipulate you. Creates false ego's in order to seem more "real". Basically a surveillance robot sent by aliens.
Pisces: Hipster™. Plays the victim, wants to be treated like a princess. Has no concept of what its like to be hated. Talks shit. Pathological Liars, claims to be doing it to "protect" people, despite lying about unnecessary things.
*use moon or rising too
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
The Signs’ Most Beautiful Features
**Check Sun, Sun’s polarity, and Ascendant
Aries: smooth, lustrous hair, beautiful bone structure of the face
Taurus: long, expressive necks, strong jaw and shoulders, lovely skin around the throat and collarbones
Gemini: graceful arms, well shaped shoulders, hands, and fingers
Cancer: beautiful breasts, soft, creamy skin along the chest and stomach
Leo: straight spines, upright posture, graceful movements
Virgo: delicateness about you, graceful gestures, slender frame or features
Libra: muscular back, curvaceous buttocks, fine skin, pleasing features, good bone structure
Scorpio: piercing eyes, prominent cheekbones and nose, mysterious, powerful aura
Sagittarius: long, well shaped legs, thick thighs and hips, natural athleticism 
Capricorn: pleasing bone structure, angular beauty, intriguing smile
Aquarius: well shaped legs, muscular calves, slender ankles, broad hips and shoulders
Pisces: graceful, well shaped feet, beautiful arches, hypnotic eyes
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
Zodiac Insecurities
Let’s get introspective and hit insecurities the Rising and Moon could develop. 
Aries Rising can form insecurities around their external confidence and strength. An insecure one will want to appear “all that” by showing off, bragging, maybe acting arrogant. They find insecurity in their ability to establish direction or assertion in the public sphere and might try to dominate space.
Aries Moon insecurities are aimed toward identity and self-worth via winning or conquest. Challenges help Aries Moon develop. Battles and competitions are enticing but can reward their emotional fulfillment or can reassure a self-doubt.
Taurus Rising insecurities can exist in the physical realm with looks, material possessions, and money. Watch for a more insecure Taurus Rising putting an emphasis on weight, beauty, fashion, cars, purses, etc. They could hide their body too.
Taurus Moon has insecurities around security and stability. They cling, is possessive, and territorial over others, places, things, even ideas. They can have a fear of change and losing security that makes them stay in unhealthy relationships.
Gemini Rising insecurities lie in how they communicate, connect, how others judge their intellect and information. You’ll see emphasis on jokes, trend-following, show of intellect, caution of communication or overshare of it with a insecure Gemini Rising.
Gemini Moon insecurities are tied to their intellect, social standing and acceptance, and possible lack of depth or emotional grasp. An insecure Gemini Moon keeps things light and avoids too much self-analyzation. They avoid judgment of others but observe every nuance of others. 
Cancer Rising has insecurities revolving around emotional offenses. They can be shyer, protective of views, maybe judgmental.
Cancer Moon is insecure in their individuality sometimes clinging to family or community views with blind faith. Security is a huge doubt.  You can find an insecure Cancer Moon being possessive, clingy, controlling, and manipulative.
Leo Rising has their insecurities bundled up in ego and identity. You’ll find an insecure one boastful, opinionated, cocky, and harshly competitive. 
Leo Moon fears being forgotten, insecurity stems from lack of recognition and positive self-esteem. Common signs of low self-esteem will show.
Virgo Rising insecurities stem from a lack of perfection in the physical world or lack of usefulness. An insecure Virgo Rising may become health and beauty obsessed, judgmental about looks, and must be “important” somehow to a group or person.
Virgo Moon insecurity is embedded in not being useful or needed. An insecure one easily gets used or turns into a doormat. They practice unhealthy giving and attachments. 
Libra Rising insecurity has to do with acceptance and admiration. An insecure one can exploit their talents, focus too much on looks, or even throw others under a bus. 
Libra Moon insecurity is about being liked and connected. They attach self-worth to who they associate with, fear being alone, and fear disapproval.
Scorpio Rising’s insecurity is appearing weak or vulnerable. They might act aggressively tough or be highly reserved. An insecure Scorpio Rising doesn’t want others knowing the real them whatever it is.
Scorpio Moon insecurity revolves around lack of control and fear of betrayal. Possession, manipulation, jealousy, and abuse take form with this.
Sagittarius Rising insecurities actually revolve around appearing foolish. They avoid “being wrong”, joke about themselves to avoid mocking from others. Sagittarius Rising can have an insecurity of being labeled or pin down to something too specific, as if their impression is trapped. An insecure Sagittarius Rising has a hard time accepting negative reputations, feedback, or being categorized even if that category true and not negative.
Sagittarius Moon insecurity is fear of being trapped or held down. With immaturity this leads to avoiding responsibility and commitments. They can be insecure in how their morals line up to the rest of the world or community morals. 
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn in general has great insecurity in lack of control. Within the Rising they try to control environment with strictness, demands, or pushiness. They can be insecure in their authority. They may overcompensate and push others around to get this or lack a lot of assertion.
Capricorn Moon insecurity in lack of control shows most in their work and close relationships. They are controlling and critical. Their insecurity can focus on stability. They may get dependent, not take risk, and become rigid to safeguard their stability.
Aquarius Rising is insecure about acceptance/rejection. You will find an insecure one conforming, being opinionated, and displaying plenty of faux confidence.
Aquarius Moon fears rejection and wants approval but tends to hide their uniqueness due to this. They might be quiet observers.They can be insecure in their ability to become close with others. They fear intimacy, avoid emotional exploration, and become cold.
Pisces Rising has insecurities wrapped in guilt or shame. This could take form in wanting to please others, hating on those more carefree, being used, or attempting to escape with self-inflicted ignorance. 
Pisces Moon is insecure about feeling loved and easily gives into guilt. They manipulate or deny to soothe or take control of this.
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pinkstrology ¡ 8 years ago
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Virgo being called
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