pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
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For anyone who might want context as to what's happening in my country. I'm currently living in Venezuela, I'm disabled, and I cannot get out. I'm sorry to use tags that are not exactly appropriate, but I beg you, please, talk about us.
This is not about right-wing or left-wing, I'm an anarchist so you know that I'm not fucking right-wing, but we need to get out of this dictatorship. Desperately.
Edit: since this is getting pretty popular, please go to this post
Where I explain the situation more thoroughly.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
You know what the batfams biggest problem is? Their views of each other are clouded by trauma, first impressions, hero worship, expectations and the past. It might be obvious to us, as objective viewers what problems they have but it's not to them.
This is also why Tim, despite keeping track of the Waynes for quite a while doesn't actually know them very well before he joins the family. Even without meeting them he is so tangled up in what he already knows of them and what he expects them to be that he doesn't see a lot of other stuff.
It's also what makes Duke's role so interesting. He's a bit crazy and traumatized, but mostly unrelated to the actual people in the batfam. He can see that Dick's drowning in eldest daughter syndrome, Jason actually wants to reconnect with his family, Bruce actually loves his kids, Tim needs a support system and Damian needs to be a regular kid. The rest of the batfam however has normalized a lot of things that would seem irregular or bad to ordinary people.
Cass might be able to read body language very well but she doesn't have a baseline for normal human emotion. Most of the people she knows are superheroes or criminals. She can understand that her family has problems, but she can't always see that these problems are actually bad things. Which would kind of make her like someone who wants to write a fic where all the characters have actual trauma and problems but also wants them to be a perfect happy family with no issues.
Steph is also unique because I think of her a lot like a casual fan in this fandom. She only interacts with the characters and events she wants to interact with, and in doing so falls into a lot of generalized characterizations and facades that aren't necessarily true.
Bruce meanwhile is stuck in the past. He still remembers his Robins when they were younger and he can't let go of that perception of them. But also that was never really real because he's remember what he wants to remember. He won't think about how reckless and angry Dick and Jason could be, he'll only bring up when they were perfect sons who did nothing wrong. He won't talk about how little supervision and time he spent on Tim and Damian, he'll just talk about the moments when they were close. And by doing this he unintentionally makes the problem worse.
I feel like Barbara would see these issues but she won't deal with them because of essentially nostalgia. Both because she desperately wants to see the past as better than it was and because it hurts her to think about the past.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
What is happening in Venezuela?
The current president, Maduro, has the blood of young students in his hands, he's a genocidal freak and saying free palestine is not saving him from hell
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My activism and fight for palestine is not going to turn myself blind by praising someone who's responsible for the exile of 8 MILLION venezuelans and 300 political prisoners who have been tortured in the most inhuman ways
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"the fight of a few is worth the future of many" - neomar lander, a 17-year-old m*rdered by the military forces, he was considered a "t3rrorist" by the nm's regime
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
idk if this is controversial or not, but I really like when non-professional writing like fic has hints of author bleedthrough when it comes to like, what different people assume is common knowledge. Like sometimes I’ll be reading a fic and it’ll just be obvious that the person writing it is either obsessed with medicine or has been to medical school, because they’ll use terms that are just a shade too technical without explaining them. It’s never the super specific stuff that they’d know other people are unaware of, it’s always the things that once you’ve known it for a while you forget it’s niche knowledge. It’s fun because as a fanfic reader it reminds me of how this is a fun hobby community, where everyone has their own thing going on outside of fandom. Everyone’s got their own specialties and they can’t help but write that into their work sometimes
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
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Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
Y’all I genuinely urge you to stay up to date with world politics.
In my country, Venezuela, elections have just been held and the blatant disrespect that the so called government have for their people is astonishing.
How can they claim that Nicolas Maduro, one of the most hated dictators of our time, won 51%/5+ million votes?
How is it possible that he won when the voting panels have been updating every hour how Edmundo Gonzalez (the opposing candidate) has been winning by TRIPLE the vote?
How is it possible that most of the 7.3 million Venezuelan immigrants can’t vote and have no say in what goes on the country that gave them life?
How is it possible that Venezuelans have to fear for their life in voting stations because the military are set there to prevent them from voting?
How is it possible that the pig that’s called president is currently celebrating his “well-earned” victory?
Countries like Chile and Peru are already making statements that they will not recognize the results given by the CNE (the Venezuelan electoral system)
I think it’s sickening how all people can do is talk about it and not do a single thing about it, especially because as a society we try to condemn any harm to human rights just like how we did Russia, who by the way, is one of the dictatorships biggest supporters.
People have been facing literal hell since the late 90s and people in power DO. NOT. CARE.
Educate yourself, educate others, and most importantly TALK ABOUT IT, because I’m certain we’re not the first or the last country to go through this.
This is as much as I’ll say.
I hope they all rot in hell.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
I'm Venezuelan.
And today we were stolen from our freedom, our hope, our dreams.
We were stolen from human rights.
If you see that the supposed president was elected fairly, is all lies. He, and his government, is lying to the world.
He is a liar.
He is a monster.
He is a dictator.
He is a murderer.
Today in Venezuela what happened was the biggest scam and robbery of the century.
And my heart can't take it anymore.
I prefer to die than to live another day under his government.
I can't do this anymore.
I beg you, anyone who sees this, have mercy on us.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
Having a high pain tolerance is so funny because it'll be like "ow! Oh that's too bad" and your co-worker will be like "oh did you bang Into something?"
I sprained my elbow
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pinkrobinontheloose · 2 months
What if Tim was a meta with ability to erase and change people's memories (like Pudding from One Piece) and when he felt like he had to disappear he erased memories of himself from Batfam's minds??
The batfam become confused af as well. They feel something is missing. There's a hole in their lives, but they can't tell what it is. They can't tell that their memories are missing because Tim erased the memory of the third Robin from everyone's minds.
Despite having no recollection of Tim (and despite him deleting all evidence that says contrary), everyone still feels his absence.
Alfred, for some reason he can't place, keeps setting an additional plate down for dinner. He finds himself buying Zesti flavors none of the Waynes like.
Jason feels an odd sort of grief when he notices his jacket is still draped over the back of the couch where he left it.
Bruce finds himself drowning in work despite the workload being the same as it always is. He goes to send his analysis of an interesting cold case but pauses at the contact name.
Cass knows, to the very being in her bones, that her family isn't whole. She just doesn't know why.
Duke finds himself dropping by Wayne Enterprises during his dayshift, but he doesn't know where he wants to go. He's also bothered by the window in the CEO office being locked how it's supposed to be.
Titus won't stop whining as he sits in front of a bedroom in the family wing that's always been empty.
For some reason, Barbara has every other Tuesday night completely empty. Despite her hectic schedule and her needing that time to get work done, she can't bring herself to fill it.
Damian is getting so frustrated every time he tries to paint. There's a face he keeps drawing, but it's blurry. He doesn't know who it is, and he doesn't know why it causes him to feel so much.
Steph cracks a smile when she sees a brick but doesn't know why. There's a plethora of inside jokes she knows but doesn't understand. None of the other Bats react to them either.
Dick stares at the photo of himself with his parents and two strangers. He thought his mourning had lessened over the years. He still feels it, but he usually remembers the good times when he looks at this picture. Now, it's as if he's feeling their loss anew. He's grieving, but somehow, he knows it's not about them. He doesn't know what else it could be.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
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Baby Timmy from my fic
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
The batfam knows where Jason lives because this is his welcome mat. No matter where he moves too he uses it. They haven’t told him this is how they know.
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
Tim is sick of his family fighting, an occurrence which doesn’t always but enough times has nearly led to murder, that he devises a new method to deal with them and their petty (or serious, but usually petty) arguments: Batcourt
The first ever batcourt trial was to mediate an argument between Dick and Bruce, bc when Tim became Robin they were on the outs; Dick had moved out and was rebelling against his dad. They barely talked to each other, and when they did it was to argue.
Tim, being in the middle of all that, finally snaps and basically strong arms them into a impromptu “court session”, bc if they can’t be civil with each other in conversation they maybe they can at least be professional in this Thought Exercise.
He appoints Alfred as the unbiased jury, and then demands that both Bruce and Dick take five minutes to compile their cases against each other to present to the judge (Tim).
Both Bruce and Dick are incredibly unamused, but Tim has Alfred’s support, so they reluctantly go along with the charade. And…
It’s actually surprisingly effective.
The argument is hashed out without anyone coming to blows or a screaming match. They are all very mature about it and the argument is settled with both parties, if not happy, then mollified that they actually got to speak their parts and come to a conclusion that wasn’t unfair.
Alfred is very pleased with the results of the first batcourt trial, and give his blessing for this method to be used in the future.
And so it is. Tim is typically the Judge, as he is the mastermind behind the method and typically stays out of all arguments as much as he can, and is known to everyone to be extremely impartial when the others argue about anything. So 9 times out of 10, Tim’s judge, and uses a generating software program he developed and installed on his gauntlet (and civvy watch) to choose a jury to preside over a trial when one of the family members opens a case against someone else.
This eventually becomes just how the family resolves disputes.
If an argument comes forth and is starting to get too heated, whoever declares that they’d ‘like to submit a case to the batcourt’ is by default the prosecution, leaving the other party as defendant (these are just terms, this isn’t actually a court of law, this is just a method of resolving arguments, so both sides are heard). At this point, everyone usually turns to Tim, who appoints a jury and then tells the pros and def that they have five minute to compile and submit their evidence to the court.
It’s all very official, and the Rules of Batcourt is that everyone has to remain absolutely professional as if this were a real court case. This is to ensure nobody breaks the exercise, otherwise it won’t work.
Anyway it’s VERY effective, and is used for years in private.
Until a pair of them have an argument in the middle of an op in public and it’s getting in the way of taking out the villain…. So someone declares that they’d like to submit a case to the batcourt.
Of course any non-bat present is like “the what”
But all the bats present, being so used to using the batcourt method to hash out disagreements, automatically turn to Tim (in the insert fanfic I was daydreaming this up for, he isn’t Robin but called Shrike, but O digress).
Anyway, Tim, by habit, immediately runs the jury program and appoints Spoiler and Black Bat as jury (the argument was between Red Hood and Nightwing, with Red Hood submitting the case and therefore the prosecution).
The rogue they were fighting (let’s choose a nicer one, Riddler maybe) is so confused at this point that they kind of stop in the middle of their scheme just to watch the the fuck is going on.
The bystander civilians and any reporters are also like “???” And so basically they all get to watch the first ever public batcourt trial.
(The jury ends up voting in favor of Red Hood, so Tim declares that Nightwing is Guilty “by the power vested in my by the Batclan” and Nightwing is sentenced to Apologizing to Red Hood - since the argument started because Nightwing wouldn’t get the fuck out of RH’s way and he kept almost shooting him lmao, it just went downhill from there. Brothers amirite.)
Anyway the video goes viral immediately, the Gotham internet going insane over the concept of how the vigilantes apparently resolve their arguments.
The riddler is so fascinated by what he just witnessed that he just accepts being taken back to jail for the meantime to mull things over (I love Eddie)
Now that the bat is out of the bag (lol), so to speak, the Batclan submits cases to batcourt in public a few more times without thinking, and the public is very excited every time. Every case and verdict shows up in the next day’s paper, and it’s a Gotham Highlight. People love it.
And then it escapes containment. Because one day a rogue loudly declares that they would like to submit a case to the batcourt. Against Batman.
The present Batclan members all look at each other, and then to Tim, who is already running the jury appointment program without even thinking. It ends up choosing Riddler (who was also there) along with two civilians and a bat (Robin).
Tim blinks, then shrugs, and lets it happen.
So starts the Batcourt trial of the decade: Batman V Poison Ivy.
And Batman loses.
Ivy still goes to jail afterwards, being a criminal and all, but she does so victoriously. She has mad street cred after this. The public goes WILD.
Anyway what I am saying is that batcourt is a highly respected court of dispute in Gotham. The majority of trials are conducted between Batclan members, but there are rogues who have won (and lost) trials in batcourt, and even one very infamous instant where the GCPD submitted a case against Red Hood and subsequently lost when the mostly civilian jury declared him Innocent.
The police force having to then apologize to Red Hood made headlines so big that they broke Gotham City containment and made it into the outside world.
Which leads to the next famous batcourt case: Superman V Batman.
I have been thinking about this concept for weeks and it’s definitely going to be a running gag in all my batfam fics forever
Also we get to have this fun interaction
“Batcourt is now in session”
Batman: please don’t call it that
Tim: ahem
Batman, sighing: objection
Every single one of his kids, pointing at him like in ace attorney: overruled
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
Superman was never my vibe
when i was a little girl and i got asked who my fav hero was i would always say batman because i thought he was the most girly of the choices
so yeah
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
This is how I imagine Tim in the fics that make him unhinged and a little insane.
More than the usual.
hihi have a tim drake doodle <3 took me around an hour.
my favourite kind of tim has longer hair and the jason scar
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
young people are not going to want to hear this but some clothes should be ironed. you should own an iron and know how to use it. i genuinely see people comment on photos of influencers and celebrities like “wow how does that collared shirt look so good?!” girl it’s an iron. do you think they put a wire in their collar like robert pattinson in twilight
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good
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pinkrobinontheloose · 3 months
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