Pink Rabbit Productions
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Art and Lesbians: What More Could Anyone Want? Currently featuring SuperCat, SwanQueen with some Lost Girl, Otalia, and whatever else I feel like.
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
2. supercat
(my ko-fi, if you’re so inclined)
Oh my God. You’re in love with her. 
Alex shows up at Catco three hours after the fight where Supergirl went down. Cat’s nerves are fried. Normally on a day this bad, Kara would appear and offer her M&Ms before she got a chance to pour herself a drink. Even now, Kara a reporter and no longer her assistant, she always managed to arrive just before Cat stood up to head to her bar in the middle of the day.
She wasn’t here this afternoon, though, so by the time Alex gets there, Cat’s two drinks in, trying to hide the way her hands have started shaking.
“Agent Scully, finally,” Cat says. “Can we quote you for a story on Supergirl’s condition?”
“She’s fine,” Alex says, closing the door to Cat’s office behind her.
Cat doesn’t believe her. “Surely you don’t mind if I could hear that from the hero herself?”
“Cat. She’s fine.”
Except Kara fell out of the sky.
Cat has been pretending all day like the sight didn’t stop her heart dead in her chest. She’s been yelling at employees, demanding a source, demanding eyes on Supergirl before any other news outlet. She’s been making it seem like it’s about the story instead of the girl.
She can’t simply believe she’s fine.
“When can we expect her back in our skies?” Cat asks. She’s rearranging things on her desk like she’s looking for a document, but what she’s actually doing is avoiding Alex’s eyes. “How long do criminals only have to outwit the NCPD instead of Supergirl?”
“She told me to tell you her article will be finished by tomorrow,” Alex says. “Though she claims Snapper will throw it in the trash anyway.”
The papers Cat is holding flutter to the ground.
Of course she knows Kara is Supergirl. She’s known, of course she has known. It’s clear, even, that Kara knows she knows, but they’ve never addressed it. Not directly. And here Alex is, talking about Kara’s assignments. Talking about Snapper. Alex would never do this if Kara didn’t insist–which means Kara is okay, must be, okay enough to have pushed this plan on her sister.
Cat sets her palms flat on her desk, pays no attention to the papers scattered around her feet.
“Good,” she says. “I’m glad to hear that.”
She still hasn’t looked at Alex, but something must cross Cat’s face, because the other woman lets out a harsh breath.
“Oh my God,” Alex says. “You’re in love with her.”
Cat flinches.
On any other day, she’d have a better poker face. But she flinches, and her fingernails scrape against her desk, and she’s sure that’s all Alex needs to know.
“She’s probably right about Snapper,” Cat says like Alex never said anything. “But someday she’ll write something he’s actually willing to publish, I promise.”
“Tell your staff you’re leaving for the day,” Alex says.
Cat finally looks at her. “Excuse me?”
“You’re coming to the DEO,” Alex says. “You and Kara need to talk.”
“About what?”
Alex levels her with a look like she’s an idiot. 
Cat tries not to hope too much as she gathers her purse and coat. She’s too old for butterflies, but as she leads Alex to her private elevator, they swoop through her stomach anyway.
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
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Chasing Fog--Ch22--The night from hell continues as Kara is desperate to protect loved ones while Cat and Carter are on the run.
Read from the beginning
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
Glad I’m not the only who plays games with their wife. We’ve been having a ball with the release of World of Warcraft classic since my eyes have finally healed enough for me to play (the retail version leaves me with headaches, but the old one doesn’t). Fun times and a good stress relief. :)
Do you play games? what are your favorites?
I used to play mmorpgs, specifically World of Warcraft (played it for YEARS), Guild Wars 2 and Tera Online. Nowadays, I just play a bit of Overwatch once in a while, when I’m particularly stressed and I want to shoot people lololol
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
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Chasing Fog--Ch21--by Pink Rabbit Productions--Catwoman runs into Nightwing at the museum as an observer watches the fight that follows.
Read it from the beginning
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pinkrabbitpro · 5 years ago
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Chasing Fog --Ch 20 by Pink Rabbit Productions -- In the aftermath of the attack of the restaurant, Kara goes home for a family meeting. Conflict and secrets abound. 
Read it from the beginning
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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Chasing Fog -- Ch 19 -- Lives and secrets are threatened even as Cat and Kara find themselves becoming more emotionally entwined.
Read Chapter Nineteen
Read it from the beginning
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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Chasing Fog -- Ch 18 -- Alex  calls Barbara Gordon in search of information. It doesn’t turn out well.
Chapter 18
Read it from the beginning
Author’s Note: I’ve been away from this story for awhile and I recently realized how to work through one of the problems I had, and started working on it again (which is good for me as I’m happiest when I’ve got a couple of things in motion at any given time)
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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Watch: SNL roasts Trump with “Racists for Trump” ad
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
I'm a different anon but OTW = Organization for Transformative Works. They're the ones behind AO3 and another of their projects is Open Doors: "The Open Doors project of the Organization for Transformative Works is dedicated to preserving fanworks for the future. Our goal in particular is to preserve those fannish projects that might otherwise be lost due to lack of time, interest, or resources on the part of the current maintainer." [opendoors(.)transformativeworks(.)org/faq/]
Ah, thank you very much for your answer. Will read through the info in more depth(just glanced). Might well be an option.
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
So I loved loved LOVED your Cat/Alex fic. Until the kaiju thing. That came out of nowhere and it kind of changed the whole story. Would you consider maybe writing an alternate version without all of that? I don’t want to shit on your fic because it’s so obvious you worked super hard and it’s so awesome that you can write a multichap fic with chapters that long!! I definitely can’t do that. It’s just not what I was expecting and I liked the story the way it was.
Hi there. Sorry you didn’t like the direction the story went, but it went went the way it went and I wouldn’t even know how it could go any other direction for me as a writer. I honestly don’t think I could take off at some point and write a different story. Same problem with a couple of requests to take off and make it a SuperCat story at some point. Not being mea, I just don’t see how it would even be possible. Anyway, thanks for writing (I genuinely mean this) since i know it can be hard to offer criticisms. Take care.
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
This might be an annoying question but have you ever considered putting your artwork up on Redbubble? I have a few framed posters and prints up in my office where I write and I was just on Redbubble looking for a Supercat to add. All I could think was damn, I’d love one of the shots that you made during the season two thing of Kara, Cat, and Carter. So I know if you ever decided that was something you’d want to do then I would be first in line for art from a number of fandoms! Just a thought!
I was planning on trying to do a redbubble account and got delayed by my eye injury, but hopefully can get back to that as I’m healing. Thank you for your interest.
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
Hello! Sorry to bother you but I was looking for older fandom archives for fic and found your Pink Rabbit website and loved it. I saw your post about how you're not updating the site, and wondered if you'd heard of OTW's Open Doors program? Totally your call but I thought it might be useful if paying to keep the site up was getting to be too much. Thank you for creating the archive and sharing your AMAZING artwork!
I’ll probably sound like an idiot, but OTW? I would be interested in knowing more.
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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Good Scotch and Bad Nights--chapter 19--by Pink Rabbit Productions-- Mon El has arrived, bad things are happening and all that stands between him and destruction is Cat's ability to win a battle of wits.  Warning: another monster chapter here as things near a close. Also some tough subjects on hand, so please check trigger warnings.
Chapter 19
Read from the beginning.
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
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pinkrabbitpro · 6 years ago
so like okay, 
I don’t know why I’ve been obsessively thinking about the concept of “gaydar” 
but I have. 
Actually no it’s because a straight family member used the term like 
“oh I have really great gaydar” 
and it made me feel really gross 
and it took me like a full hour to realize why. 
When heterosexual people say that, 
it feels like they’re bragging about their ability to clock us, you know? 
like a straight person is telling me that they can spot us queers at 50 paces 
and i’m immediately going to be uncomfortable with that, 
whereas when other queer folks talk about being able to spot each other 
it’s a tool for survival. 
Like here’s the thing right? 
being able to tell is important sometimes.  
Here’s an example: 
A couple summers ago I was in a very very small town in Nova Scotia, Canada 
(like 6 buildings small) 
and I met a woman in the library who was probably a little older than my actual mother. 
She was there most days using the wifi 
because she lived across the street in an apartment without internet. 
We sat at the same table a few times and spoke briefly about life in passing 
and after a few of these not-talking-about-gay-stuff convos I was pretty sure she was a part of the lgbtq community 
and I slipped in a casual pronoun re: an ex 
and she just looked at me, 
stopped completely 
and said “oh thank fuck, I thought so.” 
and instantly started talking about her girlfriend, 
it was like this huge wave of relief washed over both of us 
because we were in a small rural town and both hovering in this really queer space and unable to talk about it. 
Anyway she was really rad and took me to the closest big town to buy me a tim hortons coffee 
because she found it reprehensible that I had been in canada for more than 3 weeks already and hadn’t ever had it. 
Almost instantly it was like 
“oh okay we have this thing in common that other people may not be cool with 
but we can actually exist and not hide shit without the fear of violence or anger”
but when it’s a straight person
they’re pretty much just letting you know that they can spot the fact that you seem “abnormal” to them 
like great 
thanks for letting me know. 
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