Connor "Connair" Czarniak
34 posts
Dream: Become the Anime KingNaCl Overwatch player: Lucio main
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
As we’re moving into the last three months of the year, let’s make them count spiritually. Let’s pray more often if we need to. Let’s manifest and envision the lives we want to live. Let’s be kinder. Let’s help one another out. Let’s watch what we put into our mind and body. This year has been a battle for all of us. Let’s keep fighting.
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
How To Attract What You Desire:
Before you begin:
• Know what you want. What you really want. And don’t think of “how” you’ll get it. • Write the desire in present tense on a card. It is now your goal card. • Carry this card with you and read it often. This is putting the desire into your subconscious mind. • Check if your goal is really what you want. Can you imagine bigger? Are you letting fear stop you? Are you answering your soul’s calling with this? 
• How you fall asleep determines what shows up in your life. Everytime. Without fail. So we start our day how we fell asleep the night before, actually. Ask your self one question before you sleep: “If my wishes were fulfilled, how would I feel?” Fall asleep to that question satisfied. • Record an MP3 or voice note of your OWN voice, reciting positive affirmations. Get examples online but personalize them. Your subconscious mind trusts your own voice. Use it.  • Never ever let yourself fall asleep feeling stress or failure. Don’t invite it in. 
• When your eyes open, set your intention for the day.  • Did you have any dreams last night? Write them down. • Write 5 things you’re grateful for. Increase to 10 after a while and begin to include wishes that are yet to manifest e.g. “I’m grateful I now weigh __” 
• Read Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. (PDF’s online) Read slowly and reflectively.  • Read Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard (PDF’s online)  • The Secret book/DVD is great for beginners but you’re going to have to dig deeper to pull this off.  • Do what makes you smile. Read, play your music, call a friend, go for walks. Do whatever you can to lighten your mood.  • Write about your desire as if it’s already happened.  • Visualize your life ASSUMING the desire has already happened. How do you feel? What are you wearing? Where are you? Was manifesting easy and fun?
• Bruce Lee, Jim Carrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey, Big Sean, Conor McGregor and countless others have used this formula. It works, and it will work for you. 
And please share this post. You never know who might be waiting to see it. 
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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Scared this Reaper for replying to his voice-line
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
I'm an adult and this still blows my mind
As a kid, the thought of my driveway being connected to every road in the country blew my mind
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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A prayer.
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
9 ways to manifest... fast!
1.Do not ever spend your time with people who have limiting beliefs about the world, themselves or you. If they have a toxic belief in any of these areas, you will tend to mirror that belief. We become our environment. If you cannot cut these people out (say, if they are a loved one) then make a decision that “they are that way. They do not reflect me or influence my thinking. I let them be, and I take full control of me”).
2. Do spend time with people who uplift you. People who have goals and are serious about them. People who have qualities you like, or qualities you would like to one day have. People who are a success in absolutely any industry! If you can, be face to face with them. Make sure they are the ones you are mostly messaging. If you don’t know these people but see an interview of theirs then see if you can write them an email introducing yourself and showing gratitude for what you admire about them. This is a great way of networking, showing gratitude, raising your vibration all at once.
3.Do not listen to music, read books or watch TV/films that contain low vibration emotions. This includes: characters with low self-esteem, heartbreak, love that doesn’t last, sadness, characters with major illness or problems, extreme violence, poor attitudes toward a certain group of people.
4.When you are resting, play relaxing music. When working, have catchy songs playing. Use music in multiple ways as it is 100% pure vibration and can tune up your emotions and energy.
5.If there is an action you know you need to take, but you are delaying it, do it now. For example if you know you need to resign (and have enough money) then hand in the letter now. Only you know what action, big or small, you are delaying. By delaying, you are telling your subconscious mind “it’s okay, we don’t need to change, not really”.
6. Become addicted to motivation: Get into the habit of Googling motivation. Either motivational quotes, motivational videos, or websites like (if you are not an entrepreneur then just replace “business” with your career title instead: all the articles will start to make a lot of sense)
7. Each time you make a change, form a new habit, struggle with something, read a great article or have a great thought, tell your life coach. By receiving impartial guidance from someone who believes in your full potential, you will be able to make small progress over time to being the best person you can be. As you go about changing your thinking, sometimes you may find your life coach to be the only person to believes in your new ideas!
8. Think of a few more little ways you can improve your environment. Cleaning up the space, walking more, etc. 9. Get a life coach. This is the easiest way to make sure you reinforce the above, develop your potential and notice real change. If you would like me as your coach please see:
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 7 years ago
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
things to love about yourself
you have a good heart that works as hard as it can to keep you alive
you have a tummy that growls to remind you it’s time to eat
you have lips so u can kiss girls
you have a nose so you can smell your favorite food
your fingerprint is one of a kind, just like you
you have lungs working their butt off to help you breathe and stay alive
you have a smile that lights up the world
you have eyes that let you see cats and doggos
you have hands so you can pet cats and doggos
you have a voice so you can say doggo as many times as you want
you have a spine that helps u not flop around like puddy
you are you and your body is fighting all day everyday for you to stay alive because you are wonderful
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
Invite With Ease
Do not try to manifest anything with force or urgency. Pause or be silent until you can feel calmness and connection with the Universe. Your life will reflect back to you your intention, your emotions. If you are manifesting and having fun doing it - more experiences will occur where you feel the same level of happiness, or even more.  Remember this often, especially if the appointed time for your desire hasn’t come yet and you are tempted to feel impatient. 
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
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I miss the old Team Rocket
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
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These brand new carved natural stone dragons have just been added to my shop!
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
I am the weather system.  I am the stars in the sky. I am the ground, grass and ocean floor. I am the wildlife and human population. I am the planets, the solar systems and beyond. I am the never ending dark matter. I am every idea, every truth and every atom. Which is why they call me Infinite. I am also sensitive to your emotions, I hear you before you speak. I know the right time, place and person. I know the best way for all involved. I know the easiest, fastest way. Which is why they call me Intelligence. Your job? To trust I can do everything you’ve ever imagined, through you.
Infinite Intelligence aka The Universe (via manifestingsuccess)
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
There are constantly 30 or 40 or 50 opportunities in your immediate vicinity to take you toward what you are wanting.
Abraham-Hicks (via lawofattractionlife)
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pinkfartwakeen-blog · 8 years ago
I love this so much
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My Hero Overwatch by Goombac
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