pink-grimoire · 4 years
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It was my birthday on the 18th and my best friend (a fellow Aphrodite worshipper and daughter) sent this statue to Cyprus at where it was consecrated and then sent back (we're Brazilian). It's insane. One of my most precious, unique and beautiful birthday presents ever. My mind just cannot fully understand the fact that it was at Cyprus. You can probably feel the love manifesting from it, too.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Persephone Offerings
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"Persephone is the goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, and the goddess of spring growth along with her mother, Demeter."
Large Altars:
Pomegranate juice or wine
Honey or honey infused wine
Honey made from flowers
Spring water
Floral tea
Flower or herb infused water
Breads, grains, cakes, sweets, etc.
Sweet fruits
Flower crowns
Flower arrangements
Potted plants
Floral scented incense
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented incense
Purple, magenta, indigo, green, and black candles
Statues or paintings of bats, rams, and/or deer
Small/hidden Altars:
Pomegranate seeds
Pomegranate candies
Dark chocolate
Spring flowers
Wild flowers
Fake flowers
Crushed mint
Small animal bones
Fake or animal skulls
Toy coffins
Floral scented perfumes
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented perfumes
Gems such as crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, obsidian, coral, and jasper
Plush toys of bats, rams, and deer
Devotional Acts:
Tend to a garden or keep a plant
Learn herbalism
Learn about flowers, try baking with them, using them in bath spells, etc.
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Her
Meditate outside
Go on nature walks
Clean up nature trails
Smell the flowers
Celebrate the coming of spring and Her return
Likewise, celebrate the coming of fall and Her departure to the underworld
Honor the dead
Visit graveyards
Clean up graveyards
Donate to those who can't afford a funeral service
Honor the fae and work with them
Honor Hades
Honor Demeter
Artwork from Smite
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
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It was my first day of living all on my own and I could finally envolve my hidden-in-a-box altar to an actual table!
I did this drawing of Hers long ago and the glasses are the same I'm wearing in my icon! I'm so unbelievably happy that I could finally set a visible altar for my most beloved Mother 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Being a red moon cycle witch is being the pervert of your friend group
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
hey i'm sorry if i'm being ignorant but i saw a post of yours where you said you spoke to aphrodite. how did you do it❓
I've been on Her cult for... 3 or 4 years now? It's literally a matter of spiritualism and approaching the gods through the cult (offerings, worshipping, devotion, prayers, meditation) and building a relationship with them. I'm Her devotee so I can communicate quite easily by now. 
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
The issue here is that someone dared to disrespect them like that. Obviously, the moon itself or the gods aren't harmed, however, that was an extreme level of disrespect. So yeah, drama might be, probably is coming.
I just talked to Aphrodite and she's "crushed to see how someone could do such thing". Apparently things are VERY tense up there.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
So uhm apparently some baby witches on tiktok decided to put a hex on the moon and the fae. I don’t work with the fae but I respect them a lot and I hope they get revenge on the people who hexed them. However, I have been trying to build a strong connection with Artemis and Apollo lately and this hex really affected both of them. It honestly makes so much sense because I tried to pray to Apollo a few days ago and I struggled really hard to connect with him. I did not feel Artemis at all. I am going to try to leave some offerings and spell work to fix this. I’m especially scared because I often ask Artemis for protection and obviously I have been trying to speak with Apollo about the whole pandemic. Everyone feels like their cycle is off and something is wrong, especially regarding the moon. :/ if you’re a baby witch please don’t mess with things you don’t understand. Also, if you have been charging crystals under the sun and moon for the past few days I recommend cleansing them and charging them a different way. These Gods are so powerful and we are lucky to be able to receive their divine help. I can’t believe someone would do something like this. Just for clarity, I know Apollo and Artemis are so powerful and will not harmed by this in anyway. All I’m saying is, they are pissed.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
I just talked to Aphrodite and she's "crushed to see how someone could do such thing". Apparently things are VERY tense up there.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Little daughter of Aphrodite things
. Brushing your hair a lot and for longer than necessary;
. Always drawing attention. Even when you don't intend to;
. Being the friend who's always got a mirror;
. Always smelling good;
. Rose quartz everything;
. Falling in love too easily or having people falling for you;
. Knowing your body and sexuality pretty damn well;
. Having the best taste for desserts;
. Good and skilled at love, herbal, kitchen or sex witchcraft;
. Being a super caring friend.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
one word spells
As long as you can focus your energy and set your intention your spell should work, so I’ve designed these 5 spells using just one word for a Witch who needs a quick fix.
Pronounced mar-e-quil
Used to calm a temper or an upset person. From the latin word for sea, mare, and the english word tranquil. Essentially you are calling the sea inside them to be still. For better results cast with wet hands.
Pronounced Uni-var
Used for faster transport. I use it at the train station to have a shorter wait time but really its designed for traffic lights. By combining uni from universe and vert,the french word for green, you’re essentially asking the universe to make your path green.
Pronounced Vis-e-did-en
Used to go unnoticed or invisible. Taken from the english words vision and hidden. For best results chant it softly while visualising yourself turning transparent.
Pronounced Lap-ag-na
Used when you just need someone to shut the f**k up but are too polite to say so. Taken from the Latin words lapis and magna, meaning stone and voice. For best results hold a stone or some earth while casting, if they’re really pissing you off just throw the stone or dirt at them.
pronounced Bav-are-ig-ni
Used to strike up a conversation or to continue a conversation. Taken from the French word bavarder, which means chat, and the Latin word ignis, which means fire. Basically you’re asking for the conversation to spark or catch fire. For best results flick a lighter in your pocket or light a match.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Passion of a Rose Spell (Tuxedo Mask Inspired)
A spell between two consenting lovers to increase the passion between them. 
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You Will Need:
🌹 A Red Rose (fake will suffice) 🌹 2 Pieces of Rose Quartz 🌹 1 Red Candle
🌹 cleanse your space and cleanse yourselves, set up an area where you and your lover can sit comfortably across from each other and space between you for your candle and other supplies. Make sure you both can comfortably reach each other’s dominate hands and at a good kissing distance, without having to lean over the candle (please place your candle to the side! I don’t want anyone burning themselves)
🌹 Once set up in your non-dominate hands, each of you hold a piece of rose quartz in it through the entirety of the spell. Place your rose between you both.
🌹 Light your red candle, again make sure during this spell you won’t have to lean over it or that you may knock it over with an elbow. Practice proper fire safety please. If you are on the floor put some wax paper under your candle to keep it from dripping onto the floor 
🌹 Once the candle is lit, with your dominate hand, press your palm to the palm of your lover and lock fingers, look into each others eyes and one at a time speak the following: “I, (insert name), wish to express my passion for you (lover’s name), so I present my love to you with this rose, and my fiery passion for you with this candle.” The first person who says this picks up the rose upon the line mentioning the rose and holds it up between you both. When the second person says the line they reach over and hold onto the rose with the first person so that both of you should be holding the rose together by the end.
🌹 Once finishing these lines hold the rose up at about lip level give or take (depending on height distance) and say together in unison as best as you can. “And I call upon the flame of passion to strengthen between us, so that it burns brighter than before. I ask this rose, to to fuel the fire.” And lean forward together and both kiss the rose between you two gently
🌹 “May this fire continue to burn.” Then kiss each other to end the spell.
Note: If you can you may choose to burn the rose at the end of the spell in a safe place, but if you cannot you can place it in a window to dry all the same. Or do whatever you wish with it. If using a fake rose you may keep it near your bed or anywhere else to keep its influence close.
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
The Lilith Signs
What is the Lilith Sign?
In Astrology, the Lilith placement describes negative tendencies, life struggles, and how we may behave when at our worst. But also, it is a warning. Knowing your Lilith placement can help you see when you are beginning to decline. The Dark Moon, as it’s called, constantly pulls at us. Pulling back is what gives us balance. 
It is important to note with the Lilith sign: the reading is almost always more extreme than the person. Again, this placement talks about tendencies, or things we may do. It is about what we may struggle against, not who we are. Check under the cut for specific placements.
Keep reading
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
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“I am calm - my anxiety will fade away”
I made this with a friend of mine who is dealing with anxiety in mind. I know that there are tons of people out there who deal with anxiety everyday - myself included. You are more than your mental illness and I hope some of you guys can use this to beckon some form of peace.
Please feel free to use this for your own needs! If you do please like/reblog~
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
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Herbs and Their Uses Aconite Also known as Wolfsbane, it can be used to make a wash for ritual tools & space. Note: Poisonous, do not ingest. *Caution – Poisonous, do not consume* Acorn Can be used in charms or spells for good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power. Sacred to Druids and can be used at the tip of wands. Adder’s Tongue This herb can be used in spells and charms to stop gossip and slander or to promote healing. It has also been referred to as Serpent’s Tongue and is often considered sacred to those gods associated with snakes. Agrimony It is used in protection spells. It can also be used to reverse spells sent against you. It can also be used in “sleep” sachets that you place under your pillow to allow you a restful sleep. Alder Used for protection spells and divination. Associated with music and weather magic and sacred to Druids. A whistle made from the branch of an Alder tree is associate with the old superstition of whistling up the wind. Alfalfa Used in spells involving prosperity, money and to ward off hunger. All Spice This herb promotes determination and energy. It is also used in spells and charms that involve money, luck and healing. Can be used to create a healing herbal bath. Almond Associated with wisdom, money, fruitfulness, and prosperity. It can be used in spells and charms or burned as incense to attract abundance. Be careful to specify what type of abundance you are seeking. Aloe Used for protection and luck. It can be hung in the home as a charm to attract luck and protection for those who live there. It can also be grown in pots and placed around the home to provide protection from accidents within the home. Amber Used for protection from harm and success. Helps to clear the mind and bring prosperity. Burn as an incense to transform the ambient negative energy to positive energy. Anemone Protection and healing. Angelica This herb is an excellent one to use for protection against negative energy. It can also be used in healing & exorcism incenses. It can be used in purification and uncrossing spells. It can be used in herbal baths for the purpose of removing curses, hexes, or spells. Sprinkle around the outside of your home for protection of the home. Anise Use in a sleep pillow to prevent disturbing dreams. A good herb to add to purification baths. Can be used in protection and meditation incenses. It can be used as an incense during the invocation of Mercury or Apollo. Apple Sometimes considered the food of the gods. Apples play an important role in many mythologies and are tied to fertility gods. It is also considered the food of the dead and is burned at Samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. It is traditional to leave two apples in the woods when you are finished hunting as an offering to the Horned God. Apple wood is also used in the making of wands to be used when doing rituals dealing with the underworld. It is also considered a sacred tree by the Druids. Apple cider can be substituted for spells/rituals that require blood or wine. Arnica An excellent herb that is used in salves for the healing of bruises and sprains. It can be applied to where there is pain and/or inflammation of the skin. Bachelor Buttons Use in Love charms/spells. Basil It is used for exorcism, protection and love potions. Sprinkled around the house to ward off evil/negative spirits. There is an old saying, “Where Basil grows, no evil goes!” and “Where Basil is, no evil lives.” A gift of Basil given to someone moving into a new home will bring them good luck. Bay Leaf Sacred to the god Apollo. This herb is used for protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and divination. It is traditional to write wishes on the leaves and then burn them to make them come true. Can be used in charms that when placed under the pillow will induce prophetic dreams. Place a leaf in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf or use in a protection charm to protect yourself against magical attack. Bayberry Brings good fortune, luck, healing, and relief from stress. Beeswax Used for making candles, natural polish, protective finish for things such as wooden wands, and used in herbal salves to thicken. Belladonna This herb is deadly poisonous. Handle with care - DO NOT INGEST. Caution should be taken when handling because it can be absorbed through the skin. Its uses include astral projection and protection spells. It can be used in flying ointment to achieve altered states of mind. It is not recommended though because people have died using this herb. Even some who were quite familiar with its use. (get a consult with a crone) Benzoin A resin used for purifying, for success, meditation, and stress reduction. It can be used alone as an incense or as a binder in making incense. It works well as a fixative in the blending of other resins together. It enhances the scent of other resins when mixed in. A must when making incenses that use resins.
Bergamot Used in spells and charms involving money, prosperity, protection, stopping outside interference, and promoting restful sleep. Black Pepper Used in spells and charms that banish negativity and protection from evil. Also used in exorcism. Brimstone Another name for powdered sulfur. Used in spells and charms that dispels or prevents a curse/hex. Can be used to remove an enemy’s power over you. Buckeye A good herb for divination. It can be used in spells and charms to bring good luck and attracting money and wealth. Used in Hoodoo as a charm for gamblers. Cactus Used for protection and banishing. It can be mixed with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden for protection of the home. Best to place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) to ensure full protection. It’s needles, instead of whole plant, can be used in spells/charms for protection. Carnation Can be used in healing and protection. Cashew Used for money spells and charms. Catnip An herb sacred to Bast. Effective when used in rituals involving cats or cat deities. It can be used with other herbs in love spells and charms. If grown near the home it will attract positive spirits. It can be used in charms to bring good luck. Cedar Use in spells and charms to promote strength, money, protection, healing and purification. Chamomile Use on spells and charms to bring love, healing, and reduction of stress. Sprinkle around the house for protection and to dispel curses. Burn as incense for de-stressing and meditation. Make into a tea and drink for a restful sleep. Used for luck in gambling and to attract wealth. Cherry Bark/Wood Used in lust spells. Can also be burned as an incense to aid in divination. Chili Pepper Use in spells and charms to promote fidelity and love. Use to “spice” or “heat up” a relationship. It can also be used in spells to break curses/hexes. Place them around the house to break negative spells placed on you or those in the home. Chives Used for protection and weight loss. Mix in food with magical intent to promote weight loss or protect those who eat the food. Chrysanthemum Protection. Grow in the garden for protection of the home. White is the best color of flower for this, but any color will do. Cinnamon Use in spells and charms to draw money & prosperity. Also used to raise spirituality and promote healing, success, protection and luck. Can be burned and an incense to promote protection, wealth and raise spirituality. Citronella Burn or use in charm to protect and cleanses the aura. Use in charms and spells to encourages creativity and clear the mind. Also used to repel insects. Clove Used in spells and charms for protection, love, money, and exorcism. Clover Use in spells and charms to promote fidelity, money, love, and success. Also used for protection. Used in the consecration of ritual tools. Place around the home to drive away negative spirits. Cloves Used to cleanses the aura. Use in spells/charms/incense for protection, banishing negative spirits/energy and to stop gossip. Burn as an incense to purify an area. Also used in exorcisms. Coltsfoot Sacred to Brighid. Use in spells and charms for wealth, prosperity, visions and love. Comfrey Use in charms for safety and protection while traveling. Use the root of the herb for money spells and incenses. Copal Used in incense for purification, consecration, contact with other planes, exorcism. Can be used in charms and spells for the same as listed for incense. Cypress Sacred to Apollo. Hang in the home for protection. Burn cypress wood to lessen the grief of death or to aid in divination. Carry as a charm at funerals to ease the mind and lessen grief. Daffodil Love, fertility and luck. Keep in the home or altar to keep negative energy away. Daisy Use in spells and charms for lust, love and luck. This flower is associated with babies and newborns. Use in baby blessings and during Wiccanings. Place in babies room for protection. Wear or carry to draw romance. Dandelion Leaf Not just a weed. Used in summoning spirits, healing, purification and defeating curses or negativity. Dandelion Root Used for divination and calling spirits. Use in dream pillows for sleep protection. Dragon’s Blood Used for protection, increasing potency in magical works and purification. Burn as an incense to increase the potency of spellwork. It is excellent in banishing and exorcism. Echinacea Used to add power to charms, spells and incenses. Can be used as an offering to spirits. Epsom Salt Typically it is the salt used in ritual baths and bath salt recipes. Add a small amount to cauldron water to keep smoke down. Eucalyptus Great for protection and healing. Can also be used to purify any space. Can be used to fill healing poppets or charms Fennel Seed Use in spells and charms for protection, healing, and purification. Fern Leaf Dispels negativity and promotes mental clarity. Can be used to cleanse and purify a space. Put in a room where you need a clear mind to think, such as an office. Foxglove Plant near house or in the garden for home protection. Used in spellwork/ritual to contact the underworld. Frankincense A resin. Can be used to represent the Divine Masculine. Often combined with myrrh to make a temple incense. Used for protection, cleansing and purification. Burn as an incense for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Gardenia Promotes peace and healing. Use it’s dried flowers with other healing herbs to bring comfort to one who is ill. Place potted flowers in room to promote a peaceful energy.
Garlic Used to invoke Hecate. Uses include healing, protection, exorcism and purification. Can be used to guard against negative energy, harmful magic, spirits and jealousy of others. Ginger Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Use in charms to promote protection and good health. Ginseng Used in magic workings of love, beauty, protection, healing and lust. Goldenseal Used in healing rituals, money spells, and spells to bring success. Use in other spells and charms to increase the power. Gum Arabic Use for protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement. Use as part of incense mixture burned during meditation. Use to consecrate boxes that hold ritual tools. Heather Used in spells and charms for protection and luck. Hibiscus Used in spells and charms to attract love and lust. Used for divination and to promote dreams. Hickory Used in spells and charms for protection, love, lust and legal matters. High John Often called the “all purpose” herb. It is used for strength, obtaining success, victory in any situation, gambling, luck, money, health, love and protection. Great for use in ritual work focused on prosperity. Holly Used as decoration during Yule. Used to promote a stable marriage, love, luck and dreams. Plant outside the home for protection. Hollyhock Used in spells and charms to increase the flow of money and wealth. Grow near the home to promote success of those who live there. Honeysuckle Used in spells and charms to draw money, success and wealth of material objects. Hyacinth Sacred to Apollo and gay men. Named after Hyacinthus; Apollo’s fallen male lover. It symbolizes homosexual love. Used to attack love, luck and good fortune. Hydrangea Used in spells and rituals for hex-breaking, attracting love, promotion of fidelity and to bind. Hyssop Used for purifications. Used to consecrate ritual tools and items made of tin. Steep in water to use for the physical cleaning of altar, ritual tools, temple room and ritual bath. Can be made into charms to clear negativity and evil spirits from a home. Ivy Used in protection, healing, love and fertility. Hang an ivy plant by the front door to protect from negative influence and to discourage unwanted guests. Jasmine Use in charms or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Use in dream pillows for restful sleep or burn as an incense in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to bring inspiration and create new ideas. Juniper Burn as an incense for protection from harmful magic. Can be used to banish all things detrimental to good health. Attracts positive energy. Can be carried as a charm to promote potency in men and/or attract love. Laurel Used for protection and love. If worn by a bride it is said to guarantee a long and happy marriage. Lavender Used for protection, healing, love, sleep, purification, and peace. Great addition to sleep pillows and bath spells. Lemon Used for cleansing. Squeeze a lemon in water to make a washing mixture to remove negative energy from ritual tools and altar. Lemon Balm Use in spells and charms for love, healing and success. Lilac Used for wisdom and good luck. Lily Used in spells/charms/rituals for fertility, renewal, marriage, happiness, and prosperity. Lily of the Valley Repels negative energy. Can be used in rituals/spells to stop harassment. Can be used to promote longevity in marriage. *Use with caution - Poisonous* Lime Used for protection. Used in magic for purification and to promote peace of mind. Lotus Used in magic for love and protection. Mandrake Used for protection and exorcising evil. Use in charms and spells to promote prosperity and fertility. *Use with caution - Poisonous* Maple Used in magic to bring love and good luck. Use in spells and charms to bring money and/or wealth. Marigold Can be used to aid in prophesy, legal matters, love, dreams and business or legal affairs. Fresh marigolds will cleanse and disperse negative energy in a room they are placed in. A yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower of the plant by boiling. Marjoram Used for cleansing, purification, and the dispelling of negative energy. Can be used in charms or sleep satchels placed under pillow to bring pleasant dreams. Marshmallow Root Used for protection and to enhance psychic powers. It can be burned as incense for protection and to enhance and stimulate psychic abilities. Place some on your altar during ritual to draw in positive spirits. Mint This herb promotes energy, communication and vitality. It draws in positive spirits when placed on your altar. Place in the home for protection. Do not plant directly into ground. It will overtake your garden/yard. Keep in a pot. Mistletoe Used in fertility spells and charms. Can be used as a protection charm from negative energy or curses. Use as a charm for luck while hunting. *Use with caution - Poisonous* Monkshood Used in charms to protect from evil. 6nly the flowers are used because the roots give off fumes during the drying process. Good for misdirecting enemies. *Caution – Very Poisonous, do not consume* Morning Glory Used for binding and/or banishing spells and rituals. Can be used to bring people or objects towards you. Use the vine to wrap around a poppet to bind someone. *Caution – Poisonous, do not consume* Mugwort Use in charms that are carried to increase lust & fertility. Can be used in healing charms to cure illness. *Caution - Use in well ventilated room* Mullein Used in charms that protect from nightmares and negative magic. Can be used in the invoking of spirits. Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares. Use in charms to help attract love from the opposite sex. Can be used in place of graveyard dirt in spells. Myrrh Feminine herb used to represent the Goddess. Promotes spirituality, meditation, and healing. Will enhance any magical working. Increases the effectiveness of any incense blend it is added to. Often burned with frankincense as a temple incense. Myrtle Use in charms to attract love and true friendship. Nettle Stuff in a poppet used to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Used in dispelling of fear and negativity. Sprinkle around the home to drive away negative energy or negative spirits. Nutmeg Used in magical workings to attract money/prosperity, luck. Also used in spells and charms for protection and breaking hexes. Can also be used in a good luck charm. Oregano Used to bring happiness, strength, vitality, and additional energy. Orris Root (cut) Used to aid in communication and helps to open dialogs with others. Can be used in herbal baths for personal protection. Orris Root (powder) Referred to as ‘Love Drawing Powder’ in voodoo/hoodoo. Used in spells and charms to bring love, romance and mates. Can be used as an herbal bath to attract love. Osha Root Used in charms and spells to protect against negative and/or evil spirits Pansy Can be used in love charms or love magic. Parsnip Used in male sex magic. Patchouli Used in spells, sachets, baths and mixtures to bring money or love. Can be used in charms or incense to promote fertility. Burn as an incense at your place of business to promote growth of the business. Peony Used to protect from hexes. Brings good luck, good fortune, and prosperity. Hang in the home or plant near home for protection. Known as a flower that will attract faeries. The flowers & petals have the positive qualities listed, however, the seed is called a ‘Jumby Bean’ and is used in spells for promoting dissension and strife. Peppermint Used in spells and incense for healing and purification. Place in a sleep pillow to ensure restful sleep. Burn as an incense when moving into a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy from previous owners. Pomegranate Sacred to Aphrodite. Use in rituals to aid in fertility. Poppy Used in charms and spells to promote fertility, prosperity, love and abundance. Poppy Seeds Used to bring love and luck. A popular ingredient used in food magic. Use in a sleep satchel to bring relief from insomnia. Primrose Used in spells to promotes the disclosure of secrets and to reveal the truth. Discourages dishonesty and secrecy. Rose Buds Used in magic that bring divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships. Rose Geranium Turns away negativity that comes in the form of gossip or false accusations. Rose Hips Used in healing spells/charms and mixtures. Use in charms to bring good luck. Use in ritual to calls in good spirits. Rosemary Associated with the Faye. Can be used in healing poppets for good health. Used in love/lust spells. Can be used in herbal baths for purification. Burn as an incense to remove negative energy and purification. Rue Used in magic for healing, health, removal and protection against the evil eye. Use as an aspergillium to dispense salt water for purification of the circle or removing negativity from a place. Burn as an incense or use in poppets to prevent illness or speed recovery. Add to herbal baths to break hexes and curses that have been placed on you. Saffron Used as an aphrodisiac and for magic involving love, healing, happiness, lust and strength. Often used in love magic, healing spells, and weather control. Can hang sachets of saffron in your home to bring good luck. Sage Burn for self purification and the purification of an area or ritual space. Bundle dry leaves or loose leaves to banish negativity and negative spirits from an area or home. Used in healing charms and incense. Removes negative energy. Salt Peter Highly combustible. It is used in charcoal tablets to help ignite them. It is what sparks when they are lit. Used to keep male lovers from straying. Also used for exorcisms and other purification rites. Sandalwood Used to clear negativity from a home by sprinkling it around the property. Use as an incense during protection, healing, and exorcism spells. The wood can be used to make healing wands. Used to help align the chakras for better energy flow. It is a good incense to burn during meditation. Sea Salt Most kosher salt is sea salt. Represents earth on the altar. Used for cleansing, purification, grounding, protection magic and ritual. Used with water for asperging, consecration and casting circles. Skullcap Used in sleep pillows for relaxation and peaceful sleep. Used in rituals as incense to bind oaths and consecrate vows. Used in baths to cleanse yourself of tensions and stress. Burned to diffuse disharmony and disruptive situations. *WARNING* Pregnant women should not use this herb because it can induce a miscarriage. Snapdragon Flower Used for protection, exorcism, and purification Solomon’s Seal Root Used for protection, exorcism and cleansing. Used to drive away evil/negative spirits. Spearmint Used in magic for healing, love and protection while sleeping. St. John’s Wort Use in charms to prevent colds & fevers. Used to protect against all forms of negative magic used against you. Use in charms to protect against evil spirits. Burn to drive away evil/negative spirits. *Caution – Poisonous, do not consume* Sulfur (powder) Used to dispel or prevent a curse on you. It destroys an enemy’s power over you. Thyme Used in spells and charms to attract loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others. Burn as an incense or use in charms and hang in the home for banishing and purification of the home. Bring into the home to attract good health for all occupants. Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares and facilitate a night of restful sleep. Valerian Used in spells and charms for love and protection. It can be used to purify sacred space. Used as a substitution for graveyard dirt in spells. Add to herbal baths for protection. Venus Flytrap Used for love and protection magic. Having a Venus Flytrap in the home aids in protection of the home. Vervain Used in spells and charms for protection, purification, money, healing, and restful sleep. Can be used in prosperity spells. Add to herbal baths for cleansing. All purpose protection herb for places and people. White Sage Use for smudging or for purification. White Willow Bark Used to guard against negativity and negative spirits. Can be used in healing spells. Willow It is associated with the element of water. Used in magic for protection, divination, inspiration, healing, fertility, love, grief and death. In fact, anything that has to do with the element of water. Can be made into wands that are used for intuition, dreams, visions and inspired writing or images.
Wormwood Used in magic and charms to remove anger, inhibit violent acts, and for protection from curses. Use as incense for clairvoyance, enhance divinatory abilities or to summon spirits. Can be used in spells to bring them strife and misfortune. *Caution – Poisonous, do not consume* Xanthan Gum Used as an incense bonding agent. Yarrow Flower Used in magic and ritual for healing, hand-fasting and divination. Used in spells and charms to draws love. Used to banish negativity and promote peaceful relations especially between married couples. Yew Used in breaking curses, raising the dead and protection against evil spirits. Yucca Used in spells and charms for protection and purification. Used to curses, hexes or illness.
source: Spellbound
I would suggest consulting a crown, and/or consult credible text to further further your personal understanding
☽✪☾ Youth/Father/Geezer ☽✪☾
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Magickal Uses for Kisses
A kiss is a very powerful thing, even in fairytales and lore of the past the power of kisses are told of (true love’s kiss, siren/mermaid kiss, first kiss, etc). a kiss can be a powerful tool for any witch. Here are a few suggestions for using kisses and the power they hold.
Use a kiss to charge objects: crystals, tarot cards, charms, amulets, etc etc. Use it to send your emotions and energy into the object. Love is a good emotion, but any positive energies you wish to charge the object with can be transferred this way. Adding your love to something can really give it a boost as well! Especially if it is for another to use. (Note: do not kiss toxic stones please! Be safe and smart)
Spell Sealing: Use a kiss to magically seal spells such as jar and bottle spells or use it to strengthen a (cooled!) wax seal. Imagine placing the kiss its like placing an invisible seal upon it, stamping in energy to lock th spell inside. 
For Air and Wind spells: For all of my fellow witches who use air and wind spells, blowing a kiss after a chant or spell to summon a wind in the direction you wish it to blow is a good way to guide the wind but also show it positive reinforcement. Use it to show your gratitude for the wind’s cooperation. It is best for gentler wind spells.
Glamour and Beauty spells: Kiss the mirror after a beauty or glamour spell. Thank the mirror for its aid and seal any negativity into it. It also a wonderful way to reflect love back at yourself!
Love Spells: Kisses are great for powering up love spells! Kiss a candle before lighting it (careful if you are using essential oils be sure not to kiss where they are), kiss the written name of the one you desire, kiss a charm or amulet to help bring love into your life, and finally blow a kiss when finishing the the spell to close it.
Kitchen Magic: blow a kiss to finish a dish (don’t be too close though, don’t want to spread germs) to put a final charge of love into it before serving it to others. Good for with tea and coffee spells too!
Public Magic: Want to remain discrete while casting a spell in public? Blow a kiss! Its much subtler than pointing or hand motions, especially if it is a positive spell you are casting on another or a friend but it is also good for curses, either way its a wonderful way to send your intentions. Whisper the words or chant needed for the spell (if any) under your breath, imagine them them gathering in an orb of energy at your lips as you do so. Then do a subtle kiss motion on your lips (no hands and no ‘fish lips’, you are trying to be subtle). Then release the energy and words towards the target with a gentle blow of breath, sending the ball of energy in that direction.
Mourning/Remembrance Rituals: Ending such a ritual with a blown kiss to close it can help release your feelings in a positive manner and close the ritual with love and sincerity. 
Thanking tools: As someone who uses tarot cards and many other divination tools, I like to place gentle kisses to the sides of the decks after using them to help bond with them. To show them my gratitude for assisting me in not only readings but also in my spell work. I also before days where I know i will be doing a lot of divination work, I will kiss them to help charge them up (as said above). It is an excellent way to bond with your tools!
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft funfact: Do you ever wonder why Bayo blows a kiss to destroy the angelic barrier and set a target? It might have an explanation based upon witchcraft practices, besides looking cute, of course.
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Witchcraft in fiction is nothing but a more fantastic representation of real life witchcraft. Kissing is commonly used for different intentions, like charging objects, thanking, but specially sealing or even casting discreet spells. It is believed that kisses hold a lot of energy and power (this one post is very explanatory).
When performing her final kiss, Bayo is shattering the barrier and then sealing the angels away inside an infernal portal. When targeting, she's also cursing her enemies discreetly.
Follow my grimoire blog for more witchy posts! 💋
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pink-grimoire · 4 years
Substitutions, Reworking & Personalizing Spells
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Substitutions in magick and spellwork is where you replace an ingredient for a spell with another due to lack of the listed ingredient. This is often done when a witch does not have specific plants, herbs or crystals on hand for when working a spell. This is a very common practice especially when individuals are on a budget or are still “in the forest” so unable to get specific ingredients. This is also done when a spell calls for an obscure or hard to find or even endangered herb/plant such as white sage, mugwort, nightshade, wormwood, wolfsbane and other harder to come by plants that one could not normally find in a store or local gardens.
General Substitution:
White Candles for any candle color
Rosemary for any herb/plant
Table Salt for any salt
Tap Water for any water
Clear Quartz for any crystal
Black Tea for any tea
Rose for any flower
Tobacco for any toxic herb/plant
Sage Incense for any incense
Olive Oil for any oil/carrier oil
Frankincense for any gum resin
Lemon for any citrus
Apple for any fruit
There are things in each “category” of ingredients for spells that are used for general over all substitution. Though these ingredients below can substitute for anything in their given category it does not mean that they are the best items to use for substitution in every spell. Why is that? Simply because each ingredient has different correspondences and though these items are “general” they have their own correspondences which can very much be different from what the spell is corresponding to.
An Example: Rosemary corresponds with protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth. If you are using it in a spell for money it may not work as well as it would to substitute the missing herb with another herb that corresponds with money, wealth and prosperity. This is why the list above is simply for if you are in a pinch and you have absolutely nothing else to substitute in for it.
This is why it is better to go with intent based substitutions, for they tend to correspond better with the spell and are more likely to be successful. It is very easy to figure out other ingredients that work with a spell by seeing if the ingredient corresponds with the intent, such as does this crystal correspond with love in anyway? If so it is a good substitute for a love spell, if it doesn’t then it is a poor choice. This part is where you need to research yourself to ensure you are substituting things properly. Research the correspondences of what you have and see if they match with the spell you wish to find a substitute for.
Reworking is the process of changing the actions, procedures and steps of a spell to cater to either one’s own situation or to work with ingredients that have been substituted or are missing. Reworking works hand and hand with substitution. The reason this is, is because sometimes when we substitute ingredients we can no longer use the same processes done in the spell. This is common when we substitute something such as a water safe crystal with a non-water safe crystal for a potion or substituting an edible plant with a toxic one in an edible spell.
Here is an example scenario that will show us both the process of standard substitution and reworking.
A Spell for Protection requires you to have a bowl of water and some aloe. The process of the spell is soaking the aloe in the water for a short time then rubbing the herb on your wrists and forehead. You wish to do this spell but you have come across the problem of having no aloe. Below are some examples of how to substitute with this spell and how to rework it when necessary.
Solution Example: You happen to have mint which also corresponds with protection. Mint is a non-toxic plant and it is good for your skin as well as smells quite nicely. So you easily replace the aloe leaves with mint leaves instead and go about the spell as the steps instructs. This is an example of substitution that does not require any sort of reworking.
Solution Example: You have blueberries which correspond with protection that you can use though you would rather not rub blueberries onto your skin leaving a sticky stained mess. This is where reworking is required. Blueberries are edible so instead you soak the blueberries in the water and instead eat the blueberries and then use the water to anoint yourself.
Solution Example: You have wolfsbane but it’s highly toxic and should definitely not be soaked in water, rubbed on your skin or ingested. This is a prime example of absolutely having to rework the spell for safety reasons. In this case it would perhaps be best to have the wolfsbane in a bowl and use its energy to mentally anoint yourself. This requires most likely reworking most if not all of the spell.
Reworking actions in witchcraft without substituting ingredients. This is most common due to a person’s situation or location making certain spells difficult to do. A very common example of this type of reworking would be reworking a spell to not have a burning process due to the witch being unable to use fire or burn objects due to their situation such as apartment or dorm living, lung sensitivity to smoke or having their own doubts about being able to work safely with fire due to one reason or another. Below are some suggested reworking actions for common things that some people are unable to do for one reason or another.
Substitutes for Burning: tearing/shredding, soaking in water (if safe), burying (if safe), pouring ink onto, scribbling out, erasing, crumpling or crushing, painting over, pouring wax over, cutting up via scissors, taping up
Substitutes for Ingestion: water soaking, meditation with item nearby, energy work via harnessing the item’s energy, burning (if safe), touch/holding (if safe)
Substitutes for Speaking/Chanting: thought/mental chanting, written word, gesture/sign language, listening to music with lyrics that correspond with spell/intent, air writing with finger
Reworking for Spoonies
Often spells can be too draining for those with “limited spoons” to use. In these cases, reworking a spell may often become necessary to make it easier on the witch casting it. In cases of this, certain gestures or steps may be too draining or difficult for the witch to perform due to physical or mental health. First off, this is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s okay if some things make you too uncomfortable or are just too difficult for you to do. There’s no reason to feel like you can’t do spellwork because of it. You can still do the spell by reworking the areas that you have difficulty in.
An example of this could be that a spell requires a lot of movement, gestures and chanting to do. As someone with limited energy you may not be able to exhaust so much of it by moving around like that. Instead you could examine the spell and see why that part may be required, if it is a spell to bring energy or motivation it may be added as a step to help encourage and invigorate the caster but making it difficult for you. Instead you can in this case find something that you find gives you a bit of a “pep in your step” that won’t exhaust you as much. An example may be music, listening to exhilarating and upbeat music can get the energy flowing instead so removing the chanting and dancing with loud energy filled music playing as you cast the spell is an excellent solution.
Another example may be that a witch has some lung and breathing difficulties making it very difficult for them to burn things or use incense due to it affecting their airways. In this case, the witch can examine what the spell is having them burn such as a spell for money having them burn basil and chamomile. Instead this witch can choose to soak the herbs into water or place them in a bowl near an open window to let the breeze spread their energy. Or even simply turning the spell into a sachet or jar spell instead of a burning one.
Personalization of Spells
To personalize a spell is to put your own personal touch onto it. This may include adding an additional step, adding ingredients or substituting ingredients not out of necessity but out of personal preference.
Examples of personalizing spells:
Adding the extra ingredient of rice to a money spell because you see rice as very closely related to money in your own personal practice
Adding a chant to a silent spell because you prefer chanting to get into the “witchy spirit” of the spell
Changing the spell’s written language because it is not your native one/you prefer using a different language for witchcraft
Changing the sigil in the spell to one of your personal sigils that you have a better association to the intent with
Replacing clear quartz with citrine for an energy spell because you prefer the energy of citrine over clear quartz
There are many ways to customize and personalize a spell to make it so it works better for you on a personal level. It is something that you will find easier to do with time once you have discovered the ingredients and methods of witchcraft that you prefer doing.
*note: reworking/personalizing a spell does not make it fully yours. If you wish to post this reworked/personalized spell please link it to the original or source the original seeing it was someone else’s work that you modified here and there for your own needs. It’s just polite to credit people for their work.
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