pilotamador-blog · 6 years
He decided she talked too much. Could probably hold a conversation with herself if he only provided one word responses, he speculated. He didn’t mind talkative people, as much as he minded them. Oliver was never a sociable person, and when he was, he was a much different person. That person no longer existed within him. “I don’t really know what to tell you,” he shrugged, feeling his headache getting worst. “Sneak in the kitchens? Starve? Don’t really matter to me.”
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“Then who’s gonna be here to bother you while you mope?” She lifted her head slightly, hair shifting out of her face to see him better. “Don’t people say ‘Misery loves company’?” She propped her chin up on her fist, eyebrow raised in verbal triumph. “What’s your name anyways, I don’t recognize you, but if you were this mopey before we went to sleep, then you probably didn’t come to any of the parties or anything like that.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“I guess I’m getting too in my head. Trying to prepare for scenarios that have one in a million chances of happening.” Jenny shrugged. “The nature of my job. You always think in worst case scenarios.” Jenny approached the viewing window, the vastness of space filling up her vision. “You don’t believe in aliens? Or back on earth, what did you think?”
Jenny could only imagine the kind of freedom that came with being a pilot, especially the pilot of your own space craft. “Did you ever think you’d be flying up here?” she asked with a slight disbelieving laugh at the setting.
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“It’s always good to be prepared, and it’s stupid to not believe in aliens when we’re in space.” Camila crossed her arms, staring out into space as if she could see an alien floating around if she looked hard enough. “I just don’t think it’s any of my concern and we’ll deal with it when we deal with it... I don’t know, I’m more interested in the Space.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“As long as there are no Lando Calrissians.” Eli joked with a wink, turning a little more towards her with interest and no shortage of excitement. “So as a fellow sci-fi fan, do you have any opinions on whether or not we’ll be running into other life out here?”
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“You looking to fill the role?” Camila waggled her eyebrows. “You look suave enough, but you’ll need the goatee.” She laughed. “I kinda hope we do, though I hope it’s more in the capacity of Next Generation than Aliens.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
Say you had a soundtrack to your life. What would the top 3 songs on it be?
“Kid Cudi’s Pursuit of Happiness, History Has It’s Eye’s On You from the Hamilton musical, and.... Probably Joji’s Yeah Right.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
Out of the two of you. Who’s the best pilot.
“Stupid question. We’re both the best because we cover each other’s flaws. Having one without the other is like having Peanut Butter without Jelly. It’s still really good, really good, but when you put them together, it’s amazing.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
If (/if/) in the event we meet alien life forms, what would be some of the first things from Earth culture you'd want to introduce to them?
“I think I’d want to show off our food first. I can only imagine the kind of food they’ll have, and the kind of food they won’t have, and seeing their face at some good home made stew or something would be really cool. If that’s not an option, then probably some art. You can figure out a lot about a person based on what sort of art they like, and I assume that’s gonna be pretty much the same for aliens.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“Everyone else might help the ship run but we’re the only two that can pilot this girl. It’d be fitting we start this together and end it with one another. Kick ass, take names and fly straight. You super-glued him? Goddamn it - you are a bloody beautiful genius.” He smiled contently; confidently giving her a squeeze partially out of a need to express his admiration for the woman and the reassurance Mimi was real and this wasn’t some bizarre cryo-dream. “Cleared in no time right?”
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“Abuelo, damn straight I’m a genius.” She pulled away from Connor, excitement filling her at the idea of going to where she was supposed to be. “Oh if he doesn’t clear me by tomorrow, I’m just going to start anyways. I’ve waited ten years to properly fly this beauty, and I don’t want to wait anymore.” Camila grabbed his hand, tugging him down the hallway.
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
This wasn’t the first time today Tucker had been drawn to the viewing window- the only difference was that this time, he seemed to have company. He couldn’t blame them. The view out there was something he felt he’d never tire of.
“Aim for the moon, huh?” Tucker echoed the woman’s words with a smile, before turning his gaze back to the window, “I think we can safely say we made it further than the moon. Well, Earth’s moon, anyway. Who knows how many moons there are out here.”
New planets, each (he assumed) with their own moons and stars. Just waiting to be discovered. He was itching to get out there.
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“I have to say, I'm not to upset to have passed it.” Camila smiled, arms crossing her arms as she rocked onto her heels. “I’m sure we’re going to see some other moons pretty damn soon, and since I’m a pilot, I can pretty much guarantee it.” She looked at the Security officer. “God I can’t wait.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
There were her arms threaded around him and Connor closed his eyes to breath in deeply allowing himself to be content. It was important to trust the person in the chair next to you especially when two thousand or more souls depended on you to get them there safely and in one piece. Even if he kept secrets from this one there wasn’t a person on this ship he would’ve trusted more with his life than Camila. He’d lost people before and earned medals for his bravery that should’ve belonged to dead crew members and people who were better people than he was. Silently he prayed he wouldn’t have to be the only one there when Abuelita woke up. Funny thing it was that Mimi said hell and back because Connor was thoroughly prepared to go through it all to make sure Mimi made it out on the other end on some new planet with that little old lady. Laughing softly he smiled again opening up his eyes to shake his head at her “Hell sounds nice right about now - it’d be warmer but we’ll have to talk to our navigation officer and cap see if we can find a planet with some beaches. I haven’t been up to the bridge yet - you think Godzilla’s still hidden there on the dash, Mimi?”
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She couldn’t help but beam. On one hand it had felt like she had only just seen him, making some joke about being a human popsicle. But on the other hand, she could almost feel every single one of the years that she hadn’t spoken with her flying soulmate. “I haven’t been to the bridge yet either, I guess I was waiting for you.” Camila nodded, that sounded like that made sense. “Wanna head there together? We’re not cleared to piloting yet... Well I’m not at least. But that Godzilla is definitely there. I superglued him.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
A genuine smile graced her face at the sweet words, “She sounds absolutely sweet. I bet this feels like an accomplishment, like a really big one.” She drifted off. Rosa remembers when she was six, her father would bring home magazines from his job. She would imagine herself on the moon, or finding new planets to explore.“It’s going to sound so dramatic,” she added back in the conversation, “but my father would bring home space magazines. And I would have this set up, where I would play David Bowie’s Life on Mars on the highest volume, and flip through the pages.” Rosa smiled at the memory, crossing her arms and shaking her head, “My father would leave the house for thirty minutes, that poor man.”
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“Oh yeah, I can’t wait for her to wake up and see all this.” The imaginary image of Abuelita’s face when she saw the stars made her smile all the more. “Geez, I don’t blame your dad, seems like you were a little obsessed.” Camila winked, knowing full well that she had been no better growing up.
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“I don’t know.” And he didn’t. Waking up from cryo, food was the last thing on his mind; even after 10 years of not eating. To be honest, even thinking about it now, he wasn’t hungry. “You’ll  probably have more luck the mess hall.” Even moreso, should the cooks be up. If they weren’t, he hadn’t a clue as to when they were going to wake, or how long it would take for them to get everything in order. 
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“I’m not stupid enough to insult the cooks, but I just really want some leftovers or something. Y’know, like when you wake up with a hangover but then you remember that you have some extra tamales in the fridge from that party last friday and you heat ‘em up and they’re the best thing in the world.” Grabbing a chair, she slumped over and let her head rest against the cool surface of the table. “You think they’d at least put a vending machine in here or something... Though I suppose I wouldn’t want to eat any decade old chips or candy. But that’s not the point.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“Ours?” Jenny didn’t let her posture slip, but her head cocked a little. “You don’t think we’re going to be stepping on some toes out here?” Jenny didn’t believe in aliens, technically. There was no master race that was responsible for ‘building the pyramids’ or abductions. Jenny did believe in threats. “Things out here are uncharted and unpredictable. We may not be the only ones out here.”
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“Ah, the ‘probably’ instills such confidence.” Jenny let herself crack a smile. “It must be a rush, piloting. I love security, but piloting always sounded exciting.”
“How would I know, I’m not a scientist, and if there is any life in the area we’re headed, I’m not too concerned. I’m not a communications officer, but I’m sure we have the best with us.” She shrugged. Aliens were fascinating and all, but they weren’t there right now, and Camila was best at reacting.
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“Piloting is the best thing I could have ever done with my life. It’s freedom and excitement all wrapped up in a beautiful ship with beautiful controls.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“Oh no, I’ll be in the science bay- maybe do some work with the other engineers. But you’re one of the pilots? That’s awesome! I still can’t believe we’re in actual space right now, and you get to put the ‘go’ in ‘to boldly go’. Pardon my French, but that’s so damn cool!” 
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“Don’t worry, I’ve heard worse words from my old neighbor’s kid.” She laughed, shoulder’s shrugging back as she shoved her hands in her pocket. “But yeah, trust me, I made a lot of Star Trek and Star Wars puns and quotes when we were training. I think I’ve called Connor, Chewie, about.... a lot of times, because I am definitely Han. Also Sulu. But mostly Han.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
“I think this is where most of us are meant to be” he said as he turned his attention back to the floor to ceiling glass window, moving further into the room as he did. “I’m still just trying to get my head around the fact that we made it this far… who knows whats waiting for us out there” Desmond found himself now standing next to Camila, hands in his pockets as he continued to stare out into the empty abyss ahead of them, momentarily forgetting why he was there. 
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“I honestly can’t wait. I really hope wherever we land has some good beaches. I think after 10 years, I could soak up some sun.” She rubbed her hands together, staving off the chill that seemed ever present since she’d woken from cryo. “God I hope there’s no snow.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
Getting to know the ship again, Jack had been an aerospace engineer for the Apollo Corporation and had helped design the first four ships that had gone missing before Atlas 7 was conceived. Now here they were; a decade passed their launch and nothing but the vastness of uncharted space. He knew about the viewing window and found himself there with one of two pilots for the ship. He smiled as she shared her grandmother’s words. Jack’s own mind went, not to a beloved grandparent, but his father. Come back down to Earth, Jack.
Look at me now dad, Jack silently thought to himself. The Captain of a ship, the ship, that would be the future of humanity according to the senator who spoke at the launching. “I blew up my mom’s fence when I was in high school building rockets. My head was always miles away from Earth imagining a rocket out there in space. But uh,” He pursed chuckle. “I don’t think I ever imagined being on a ship, lightyears away from Earth and having spent ten years asleep.”
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“Jesus, Abuelita would have chased me down the street if I destroyed any fences.” Camila snickered, just imagining the little old woman waving a sandal in the air as she yelled. “I always knew I’d end up right here, I mean I didn’t know about the sleeping thing, but I knew I’d end up in space.”
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pilotamador-blog · 6 years
The medical staff had woken up first and who had woken up next well he would’ve assumed they woke the captain next but Connor wasn’t sure if Camila came first or if he had. They say in cryo you don’t dream. Nothingness replaces all your active imagination where dreams would’ve wandered but he would’ve like to think Mimi wandered around his brain. He’d never assumed in the three years of training for this mission that he would’ve found himself as close to this woman as he was but Connor’s first thought was of Mimi. He had to make sure he saw her first as opposed to anyone else. When they finally cleared the first pilot he found his way to where he hoped she’d be and there she was. Connor would be a terrible liar if he were to say he hadn’t missed her even if it seemed like only yesterday that they’d last seen one another, done some terrible secret handshake and put a plastic godzilla toy on the console. “Abuelita is a star. It’s in your blood. Perhaps she knew all along, Mimi” He coughed, throat still tickling from the sudden intake of air with his body getting used to being active again. “Take a picture for her - so she can know what she’s missing… You ready to fly this thing with me?”
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There was a moment where it felt like sunrise as she realized that Connor was the one standing behind her. Warmth spreading through her at the sight of the closest friend she had on this ship. Immediately she moved to his side, threading her arm around his waist and tucking herself in to steal some of his warmth. “Perhaps you’re right, it would fit in to my theory that she can actually see the future.” Without losing her place at his side, she pulled out her comm device and snapped a couple pics to save for later. “You know I’d fly to hell with you.”
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