The things that make me different are the things that make me ME
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“Yay!” Peri grinned, clapping her hands together in anticipation, “let’s do it! Okay, not to brag- but I know the perfect spot to start! Have you ever gone exploring by the creek? There’s always some pretty great finds over there.”
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“I d-d-don’t think I really h-have. It sound l-like fun, though! What kinds of th-things do you thing w-w-w-we’ll find?” They were excited for a new adventure with someone. Finding games were always the best. 
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
Anastasia was getting a little irritated now. She didn’t think this was so hard to understand and she was being nice even to this person and for what? To be mocked? “Are you questioning my fashion advice? The fact that I’m even giving it to you for free is a service I didn’t need to offer!” She ran a hand through her hair. ‘Alright, so if you aren’t going to take the shoes thing seriously, I guess you can continue being a hot mess. Carry on.”
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“That’s n-not really call-called for...” Peggy muttered, though they partly hoped the other didn’t hear them. They felt more than uncomfortable, now feeling obligated to spend money they didn’t even want to spend on something they didn’t even want. All for what? To not get yelled at? “I just--” Part of them did want to say something against this action, but it felt like their voice only got caught in their throat every time they tried. “Th-th-that’s very rude of you to say.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“Hats, too? Aren’t all the little baby hats knitted and such?” he asked. “That’s just… So cool! I’m not the best with my hands, although I am trying to get better at all the crafty stuff.. Do you do anything besides knit?” 
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“Softer yarn is p-p-probably really helpful t-to sensitive skin, so most likely.” Peggy mused with a shrug. “Thank y-you! Crafts are a-a-always fun t-to do, even if y-you aren’t the best with them. It all t-t-takes practice. Oh, w-well, I’m g-going to school right n-now; mostly just basic c-classes. What a-about you?”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
Peggy wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed or laugh about the nips comment. Mostly, it just wasn’t something they were expecting to hear. “I, uh, I j-just thought it would be cute. I d-d-do wear a lot of knitted things, so I thought it w-would just be a nice challenge.” 
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They felt another bit of a giggle come out, nodding at the comments. “I def-def-definitely will if I find any I think y-you’d like.” They had moved to shove their hands in their pockets, giving a bit of a shrug. “A-a-actually, you can make mo-more than just scarves and gloves. It’s just a little m-more difficult. I want to try making a cami-cami-ca-camisole. Like a tank t-t-top.”
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“thanks!” morph’s music taste really was ‘flexible’, they listened to so much styles and artists. “oh, like those hipstery crop top things? i kind of don’t get the point of that, like, why put wool over your nips, do they get cold or something? but it always looks super cute and i i like weird stuff so yes, i support your wooly camisole dream. go forth and knit.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“nothing is a hundred procent safe. there’s a dark or dangerous side to everything.” peggy seemed uncomfortable, but carole wasn’t affected by their attitude. “one must always be,” she paused, as if to think about her next word, “careful. of course, if you have any questions or fears, come by the thread of life. we can help you with all your doubts.”
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Peggy blinked a little, trying to find words at that comment. Even if it was true, she didn’t have to point it out. Still, all they could do was nod for a moment. “O-oh. I m-might have to come b-b-b-by, then. I ten-ten-tend to have fear about... A l-lot of things.” They had tried to joke, if only to make themself feel better. 
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“Oh a little adventure here and there.” The girl shrugged with a sweet smile. “I did want to install a zip line in between two buildings but somebody pointed out I’m not exactly qualified but you know, the search for an engineer is still ongoing– in case you know somebody. But until then, I’ll settle for befriending a deer back over the forest.”
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“Th-that does sound a little d-d-d-dangerous. Sorry, n-not my area of expertise.” Peggy admitted, not adding that they’re glad that she seemed like she wouldn’t try that without professional help. “D-deer are nice, though. They’re ve-ve-very sweet, and they c-can get sp-spooked pretty easily. I like watching them g-go by from my bal-balcony.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“You did, no WORRIES.” He reassured, before grinning at them when Peggy agreed to go back into the craft store with him. Great! While he didn’t want to inconvenience them anymore than he probably already has, but the fact that they didn’t seem to mind made Miguel feel both relieved and happy. 
“Gracias! Having you around would be a big help!” He stated with a nod. “And as return, we can go anywhere you want or do whatever you want afterwards!” Miguel added, before making his way towards the direction of the store. He then paused. “—do you want HELP with carrying that?”
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They began to follow after, absolutely ready to go back inside. If they had to go out, Peggy supposed, this is a good place to be. And they didn’t have to go in alone, this time. Things always felt better with friends around, especially newly-made ones. 
“W-we realy don’t have to. I s-s-spend a lot of time crafting, a-a-a-anyways.” There was a bit of a laugh as they held up a hand as if to say ‘no’. “I-it’s only yarn. Thank you, th-th-though. I d-do appreciate it.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
Though Peri had been collecting items for as long as she could remember, never before had she heard it described that way, “That’s exactly it! I like that a lot actually. See, usually I just call them found items….but that probably doesn’t make too much sense to others huh?” the act of finding something that was found along the way always made Peri feel warmth, as if her whole life had been leading up to that one particular moment.
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“A-a-actually, that sounds per-perfectly reasonable. They are found items, a-after all. They’re items you-you-you found.” Peggy laughed a little, with a nod. “Though s-s-s-scavenger hunt makes it f-feel like a game, you know? Either w-way to say it, it’s still going to b-b-be fun!”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“I don’t know. This is a weird town, weird world. Unexplainable stuff happens all the time here.” Damn it, Fred. He wanted to kick himself after speaking. He wasn’t trying to make things worse, he really wasn’t. “But you’re probably right,” he quickly added. “I mean, I’ve never seen anyone disappear in front of my eyes. Have you?”
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That wasn’t exactly a comforting thought. But hey, nothing ever happened when they were in the woods. So that was nice to know, at least. He did have a point, though. “N-n-no. I haven’t see-see-see-- No one’s e-ever disappeared like that in f-front of me..”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
Laurie knew that it wasn’t her place to look after all of Carthay’s young, but she found herself wanting to help them as much as she could anyway. Ever since the moment she’d become a mother, really, her entire perspective on life had shifted, and after years of nursing, it only felt natural to take care of others.
“Alright, well,” she smiled, deciding she would back away so Peggy didn’t feel cornered. “The offer stands until I’m out of earshot. You change your mind, you just yell after me, alright?”
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Peggy wasn’t sure how to respond. It took their brain a moment to think on their options. There wasn’t anything specific Peggy needed, though the offer was nice. 
A sudden thought did cross her mind as she realized, “Oh, m-m-my name is Peggy, by the way! I-I’m so sorry, I forgot t-to introduce myself. It would b-be kind of silly to accept anything without at least having do-do-done that, right?”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“You could make anything, couldn’t you? Like.. People make little cup coasters a lot, don’t they?” he asked, trying to think of anything he can when it came to knitting. “Or like… A bag! Could you make a knitted bag? I think that’d be kinda cute, wouldn’t it?” 
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“W-well, anything is a b-bit of an overstatement. But b-blankets, clothes, and y-y-yes, coasters, too.” They laughed a little, a hand covering their mouth for a moment. “O-of course. I made a to-to-tote at one point. I d-don’t think I have it anymore. I should m-m-make a new one, though.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
lock’s gaze swept carefully around the room, eyes darting back to peggy as his voice lowered. almost as if anyone else hearing could be dangerous. “ well…they, y’know, ” he gestured a hand clear across his throat before hanging his head off to the side with his tongue sticking out. 
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It took them a moment to regain their composure, nearly letting out a scream at the pure thought alone. Think rationally. That can’t happen from simply reading a story. He’s only trying to scare you. It was true they were gullible, and absolutely on the verge of tears when they spoke again. “I d-d-d-don’t think that’s true. It c-can’t be t-t-true. N-not from j-j-j-just a story... Right?”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
It sounded like a really nice home, and Jane couldn’t help but wonder what it looked like, and what the views from it looked like. It made her long for the tree house back in Africa she and her father called home for a short time, so the invitation made her made her smile grow. “Really? That sounds lovely - I’d love to come over and have tea with you. When are you free?”
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“I-I’m free most weekdays in the afternoon. I g-go to classes most mornings, but any time a-a-after twelve would be good. And y-y-you?” Peggy moved to quickly look through their pockets, pulling out their phone. “Uh, if-- if you’d like, we can e-exchange pho-pho-phone numbers. S-so it’s easier to keep in contact.”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
@ ✘
Send “@” for a SCARED text. 
[Text:] I think I heard a strange noise outside of my window. It could be a bird?? Because I live high up off the ground. But a person surely couldn’t get up here... 
[Text:] *Right*????
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[Text:] This squirrel took off with my class notes. It was so rude and I’m really upset because I needed those. Why did it have to run off with *those* notes?
[Text:] ... Wow that sound really mean and that squirrel doesn’t know any better. I’m sorry to bug you with this :(
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“Oh wow!” Brows arched upwards, eyes gleaming with both curiosity and wonder. Dinah smiled getting a hold of her left arm with the opposite hand, rocking her heels back and forth once.  “That sounds like a fun task for the summer.”
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“I’ve be-be-been looking at patterns for it. Hopefuuly I c-c-c-c-can get it done b-by the end-end-end-- Before summer’s over. They shrugged a little. “What a-about you? Do you have any pl-pl-plans before summer e-ends?”
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
“It does, doesn’t it? People can be mean.” Studying their expression, it finally clicked with him — he was being mean, unintentionally, scaring poor Peggy more than they already were. “But,” he quickly added, “I’m sure that’s all it was. Maybe the person that wrote it was lying even, just to get attention… who knows?”
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Their eyes moved to their hands for a second, one grabbing the other to stop them from moving, and to make them hopefully seem less nervous. Their laugh was very noticeably discomforted, no matter how much they tried to hide it. “Y-yea. It was p-p-probably just fake. things like that d-d-do-don’t just happen.” Who were they trying to convince, here?
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piggylette-a-blog · 7 years ago
At the sudden question on if they could be friends, Miguel blinked at Peggy, before a smile appeared on his face. He then let out a small laugh. “Of course we can be friends!” He stated with a nod. Miguel laughed once more. “In fact, I would be happy to be friends with you, Peggy. You’re really nice, and I’ll be lying if I say that I wasn’t already curious in wanting to get to know you a bit more.” He admitted.
“In fact, I know you just came from the craft store and all, pero do you think you could come along with me and help me decide what I want to do?” Miguel offered. “I seriously still don’t know what I want to make, and so having some another input on helping me decide would help a lot?”
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The response honestly brought a grin to Peggy’s face. “Well, it’s better to be k-k-kind, so I’d hope that’s how I come o-off.” It was true; it was rare that they even had anything mean to say, even to those who weren’t very nice, Luckily, that wasn’t the case here. 
“I’d lo-lo-love to! I really don-don-don’t mind being back in the crafts shop. It smells really nice in th-there, if you ever really stop to n-notice it. And I d-do quite like being helpful.” They moved to hoist their bag further onto their shoulder, nodding their head as a question of if they should head inside the store. 
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