My Little Peridot: Friendship is INVALID
129 posts
"Well, I'm going to report all of this." [[Indie Peridot RP blog from Stevens Universe]] Created 03.16.2015
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
[wobbles a bit because sweet land under her foot. Moves to give Lapis a cheek kiss as she enters the place]
... Don’t space out in Math. But I got the notes, do try to pay attention in class. You’re silly there, Lapis.
..... Well, I can play favorites with you and Jasper.
[ Now that they’re outside of Fish Stew Pizza she’ll put Peridot down and hold the door open for her. ]
I think I’m good on notes for now. Unless you have the notes for Math? I spaced out during the last half of class.
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My lips are sealed. Nice to know I’m your favourite. 
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
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got inspired by this to make some of my own human gems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
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jock//nerd squads cooler than u
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
Good. If you do need help. I have notes.
.... True. You have a very pretty and slim tone. I like yours a lot more than hers. Don’t tell her I said that.
Aww, I’m sorry. I’m serious, though, I won’t let my grades slip.
[ She knows she would too, but still. ]
Yes but do I have a better body? All she’s got is muscle to throw around and nock people off their feet. I’m defined.
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
I swear I am never going to help you with your homework if you use that tone on me again.
[{ she’ll still help }]
.... I am so done with you. But I do not deny that. Jeez, you have the same amount of confidence as Jasper.
I know I knooow. If I don’t keep my grades up I’d get kicked off the swim team, anyway. How bad would that look? The captain getting kicked from the team? I would shame the whole team, and school, and my family.
I told you! Body of a god. These legs are made for running and these abs are made of steel.
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
Well, I worry about your grades you know! I don’t want to have you making me do your homework at the last minute. I will make you learn. 
[{ sighs lightly }] 
... I’m surprised you can carry me this far even when I have a laptop in my bag.
Oh come on, we just left school! I’ll do my homework when we get to the Pizza’s. Just another few blocks. 
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
...... I am not that light-- And that works perfectly.
[{ nods at that as she looks at Lapis }]
Did you do your homework yet?
You’re barely even a weight. You’re so light. We could do half and half. Half meat lovers, half cheese?
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
Don’t use me as weight!!
[{ KEEPS A HOLD ON HER. Thank god she decided to keep her backpack on }]
..... cheese- I like cheese. But you need protein--
[ Hikes her up on her back and OUT THE DOORS THEY GO to the board walk ] 
So, meat lovers or just cheese pizza?
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
... I don’t even want to know.
La--Lapis please don;t do what I think you’re---
I know how to do eyebrows! I’ve done them once before. I’m not explaining why so please don’t ask it’s embarrassing.
[ Squats down in front of her and PULLS PERIDOT ONTO HER BACK before standing up again ]
To the combination Pizza and Fish Stew! 
[ And now she’s running hold on tight ]
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
If you draw them back on, make sure it’s straight.
[{ tilts her head as she snorts at the compliments that Lapis is giving her self. But Peridot still smiles nonetheless at how she said it. She slightly wished she’s able to think like that. }]
You’re doing too much all at once. Now let’s get some pizza for you to eat.
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I won’t, I won’t! I might have been exaggerating a little. Besides I’d totally draw them back on so no worries. 
Well, when I’m not at practice I try to drop down to the beach to keep in shape and I do jog. It’s not a matter of physical fitness. I have the body of a GOD. 
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
[{ raises her eyes at the words; then again, Jasper off they have a good day. no noise. }]
... Please don’t shave your eyebrows. I don’t think I can look at you in the face without wanting to toss something on your forehead. Maybe I can make a machine to swim against you so you can practice more.
Was she? I didn’t even notice. 
[ She snorts lightly and stops in front of her locker, quickly turning in the combination and opening it up to grab her bag. ]
Water resistance is why we wear those caps and why I shave pretty much every hair on my body that isn’t on my head. I’d shave my eyebrows in a second if it meant getting first. 
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
[{ snorts lightly at that as she shakes her head }]
If you count the water resistance and the temperature of the water. Those help counts in the factors as well. And then your body status.
[{ nods at that as she moves to lead the way, knowing where it is }]
Of course. Jasper is out sick today, wasn’t she?
Alright, alright. I was cheap last time. You don’t get it though, Peri— every fraction of a second counts. 
[ She holds her fingers up in a pinch in front of herself, to emphasize. ]
A fraction of a second could be the difference between winning and losing! Come on, I have to drop by my locker real quick anyway.
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
You’re paying if we’re going. I got some extra bottle of soda in my bag. we can sneak those in.
Oh? Just buy a twentieth of a second? Jeez, I remember you swimming slowly since last semester.
Fish Stew Pizza has free wifi, and if we drop by my locker first I think we have enough coupons between the two of us.
If not like, a super cheap pizza, at least. 
I beat my record time by a twentieth of a second. Beach City Swim Team is winning this year. 
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
I was going to ask you the same thing. How was practice?
[{ trots on over to where the other girl is at, putting her phone away. No need to focus on her notes when her friend is here }]
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You caught me at a good time. I just out of practice and I’m starving. Frybos or Fish Stew Pizza?
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
((ooc; im just-- going to reply and rp with one person to day OTL feel free to leave asks; I’ll get the drafts done as soon as I can ))
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
“I--- .... no. nothing is wrong.Please do be careful when you’re picking up the things. They are highly important.” [{ is flustered from the nickname }]
“ I called you peri, something wrong?”
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pickyperidot · 10 years ago
[{ Peridot frowns as she watches the other drop down. She moves back to look at the other with narrowed eyes unsure what had caused this but her robots are here and she’s making her retreat. She is never coming back here ever again. }]
Ghost Quartz: "Those words... I... I remember those words..! (Felt a sharp pain in her head as her awful past floods her mind.) ARRRGGGHHHHHHH!! Memories of my past..! HAUNTING ME!!" (Rolls around in agony.)
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