Phone Psychic Readings Guide
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
In Support of Psychics
We remember many years ago a psychic predicting Arnold Schwarzenegger would be on a sitcom late in his life playing a grumpy old man.
Fast-forward to today, and Arnold isn’t staring in a sitcom. However, there’s a 2019 video clip of him promoting the most recent installment of the Terminator. In the video he’s sitting on a stage with another cast member in front of a live audience, jokingly putting down those who give excuses for not going to the gym: “You have no time? Then get up earlier!”
He appears to be playing a grumpy old-timer, and the audience was clearly enjoying his sarcastic humor. Perhaps this is the scene the psychic envisioned many years ago, but incorrectly assumed it was a sitcom.
“Being psychic does not necessarily mean seeing an event that has not yet occurred. It is rather seeing the inner nature of something.” Frederick Lenz
Psychics Often Get The Overall Concept Correct
We are acquainted with some talented psychics, and some of them don’t do it professionally. In our experience (personally, and as professional psychics), psychics often get the overall idea right, but it’s difficult to put a time-stamp on it, or sometimes the ideas get mixed up in translation, as possibly with the above outlined case.
Time and time again, psychics correctly relay a concept, something he or she unexplainably (by conventional wisdom) has a strong connection to, such as, “The name _______ relates to very good fortune for you,” or “There’s someone around you, born in (month of birth) who is working against your best interests.” The occurrences may be years in the future, but often the vision is accurate. The notion of self-fulfilling prophecy is inapplicable because the key circumstances are often in motion before the person is aware of the details (e.g., names, dates of birth).
“We each have a sixth sense that is attuned to the oneness dimension in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with our ideas.” Henry Reed
“Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.” Madeleine L’Engle
Accuracy Rates Of Good Psychics Top Those Of Many Other Professions
In our estimation, accuracy rates of talented psychics are at least 60%. That’s pretty good, especially when you consider the success rates of athletes and doctors.
Top Major League baseball players typically bat around.300. Batting.300 means he is failing 70% of the time and getting paid $10 million each season to do so.
According to a study (Plous, 1991) on the accuracy of doctors’ diagnoses, although the doctors were 90% sure they diagnosed correctly, they only diagnosed correctly about 15% of the time.
Although a 50% accuracy rate is considered reasonable in the psychic world, it’s never achieved in many other fields, including the financial investment field (e.g., Wall Street).
Affinity With The Psychic Matters
No psychic is 100% accurate 100% of the time, yet they are frequently the target of unrealistic demands from skeptics, like no other profession. A psychic can’t possibly effectively tap into every single area of your life and all that’s happening in the world, just as he or she can’t watch every channel on TV at once. Also, the energetic connection between you and the psychic matters; if you have a strong, largely benevolent compatibility connection as symbolized by comprehensive astrology and numerology, the psychic is more likely to be at the top of his or her game while doing a reading for you. Also, when clients have a lot of spiritual debris (such as lost souls and dark energy) in their energy field it can cloud or block a reading. Likewise, no psychic should claim to know everything or be able to read for anyone.
You Will Only Be Told What You Are Supposed To Know And Psychics Can’t Erase Karma
A psychic will only tell you things you are supposed to know at that time. There might be things you aren’t supposed to know at the time of the reading that the reader won’t get into. Also, they are reading you, not other people in your life, so don’t expect them to be able to pry into your friends and family through you. Don’t hold it against the professional if he or she doesn’t reveal all during your session.
Psychics can’t erase your karma either, so avoid expecting them to take care of your responsibilities. Just as you can’t expect a financial advisor to clear your debt, you can’t expect a seer to erase your karmic balance sheet.
Psychics And The Lottery
A famous comedian once asked why you’ve never seen the headline, “Psychic wins lottery.” Again, few other professions attract so much contempt as the metaphysical industry. Do you expect your financial advisor to recommend investments that will double your money in a year? Of course not. Our view is that only psychics who are fated to come into that sort of money will win the lottery.
Psychics are not magicians–they can’t shape-shift realty to manifest any desired result. They are messengers of the divine, and deserve as much respect as any other profession.
“I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” Richard Branson
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
A Spiritual Observation of Where Kobe Bryant and Gianna Are Now
The world was shocked by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna AKA (Gigi) in a helicopter crash on January 26, 2020. When a person of great celebrity passes in such a shocking manner it brings up many questions for people.
People always wonder why it happened
Are they earthbound spirits?
Where are they now?
The shock and grief his family is going through is beyond anything we as the public can imagine. We loved him for being a great athlete and a kind man, but they knew him personally and I’m sure they would like to have privacy at this time.
In this life we have no guarantee of tomorrow and God’s ways are definitely not our ways.
As a Spiritual Advisor I have been asked many questions about life and death. Death is a universal experience. No one can hope to escape it. It is only a matter of time till it comes to each one of us and those we love.
Once you pass over you continue to exist, not in a physical body, but a spiritual body. All of the problems and thoughts you have on this planet drift away and you are just having an initiation period where you get to just enjoy being on the other side and seeing all of those that you have loved who were on the other side.
You are taken into Heaven’s Healing Room where you are able to be healed from living in this dimension and you get a chance to view your life and see all that you experienced and did.
Each person is in Heaven’s Healing Room as long as it is needed to shake off everything they do not need. Some are there for short time and others for a long time. Please check out my video Heaven Has A Healing Room.
Once you have passed through the healing room you are taken and taught lessons about spirituality in being part of the one. Each one of us gets assigned to work spiritually in different ways. You may be a teacher, guide, or reincarnate if you have not completed everything you were supposed to in your previous life.
I have seen some psychics post videos talking about great conspiracies and all sorts of things. I have heard some psychic state that his marriage was in trouble and all types of things about his personal life that they could not possibly know.
If they were that great of psychic they would be on television and not on YouTube. Some have claimed to channel him and I personally feel that is not possible as he just went into spirit and it would be best to have permission from the family before you do something like contacting their spirit.
I do not feel that there was some big conspiracy out to murder Kobe Bryant. I’ve heard some people claim he was using drugs. To my knowledge this was not a man who used drugs. He was very much into natural medicine. He would never endanger his daughter flying and being on drugs. He was a good father who loved his children and they loved him. He loved his wife and she loved him. That vibration always came through very strongly for me. No marriage is perfect, but it doesn’t mean there wasn’t great love.
Despite what many now teach I do believe in accidents. The reason I say this is God gives us free will and that means we can be anywhere at any time and in harm’s way without knowing it. If everything was preordained we would have no free will.
Kobe and his daughter were taken into spirit immediately. They are not going to be wandering around as lost souls. I’m sure somebody is bound to say that and it’s not the way it works. I always had a very good impression of the spirit of Kobe Bryant and his daughter had his spirit about her. I’m sure that they are together and being well taken care of by the angels.
God does not judge. He does not judge you for what you thought, what your beliefs were, what race you were or what gender you were. God is Love and that is what He looks at, what love did you have in your heart and how did you manifest it in your time on planet earth.
So before you listen to the latest gossip, think about what I have written and use common sense. Unfortunately common sense is a rare commodity nowadays and people tend to believe the most outrageous things.
Life is quite simple – our goal is to live each day and not worry about tomorrow. Jesus said, “Take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 34
Think of our lives rising and falling as a boat on the crest of a wave. Descending into matter through the gates of birth; now re-ascending to the invisible world through the gates of death.
Kobe and Gigi will be greatly missed by their family and friends. Their legacy will live on. I have often found that out of great tragedy does come blessings and someday we will know what those blessings are.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
Aura Color Meanings
You are a living Rainbow, just like many of the non-physical messengers surrounding you as spiritual guides! Each color in your aura is the combination of the electro magnetic frequencies emanating from your body. Your aura field where all of the colors are constantly shifting and changing reveals to the fine tuned psychic eye, as well as the very developed physical eye, your thoughts, emotions and actions in the present, the past and can also give you a very clear idea of where you are headed in the future.
You can use this article as a simple reference guide to learn about each color in your aura as well as some combination of aura colors. Yet it is important to understand each individual color that might appear consistently or temporarily in your aura also has meaning to how it specifically relates to you.
In an interpretation of the aura color meaning, a combination of colors, as well as each and every aura color have both a negative and positive meaning. Each aura color meaning and in what shape or form it appears, is important to know and acknowledge consciously, as it is giving you an opportunity to be aware of and continue with your healthy behavior patterns that are propelling you towards your dreams by helping you be aware of any unhealthy negative behavior pattern/s that need to be addressed, healed and overturned.
As follows, is how the aura colors meaning have been revealed to me and how they translate for you in terms of my aura paintings, aura portraits, readings and or consultations.
The Aura Color Meanings:
Red, is the color of the root Chakra and if showing in your aura in a positive aspect, would be revealing you are full of the life energy force that will express as an extremely passionate about every thing individual. You are grounded and very active, because you are vibrant with the joy of life and your attitude continuously restores your energy.
Where as, a muddy red in your aura reveals its negative expression displaying you are holding onto anger. The anger may be due to something in your past lives or current past life, or the actual moment. It also matters how much red appears in your aura and its placement in your aura field. The amount and placement will disclose your willingness to face and work through your anger in a healthy conscious manner, or if you are resisting it, thereby creating even more anger related experiences to manifest in your life.
Orange is the color of the naval Chakra and if appearing in your aura is the color of inspiration; meaning in Spirit. If you have a lot of orange in your aura, then you have recently been inspired to do something, say something, express some part of the true divinity of you. If the Orange is muted with an overlay of other colors crossing over it, then you have not been paying attention to your inspiration, the speaker of your feelings coming from your heart’s desire.
Yellow, the color of pure joy and is the color of the solar plexus Chakra. Everyone’s aura painting should have the color yellow. When it appears as a light creamy hue like butter, you are peaceful due to a solid trust in self. If it is a bright and radiant bold yellow it is similar to the happiness we feel when we are joyfully and peacefully experiencing a warm sunny day.
Yellow represents the mental body, as well; so when in the aura yellow-green is combined together, especially if the yellow overlays the green, it usually means you are mentally interfering with your own desire for happiness. You are overly analytical having to dissect every decision before moving forward. Too much mental activity will always interfere with making the peaceful positive feel good choices towards manifesting your dreams. A yellow-green combination represents healing present in the aura on a mental, emotional and or physical level.
Green the color of the heart Chakra and when green appears as a vibrant emerald green it is telling you that yu not only have an immediate opportunity to heal anything but that you may also be a healer in some form as well. Depending on where it is positioned in your aura field it will reveal what exactly needs to be healed within you and whether it is seated in your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual body.
Blue is the color of the throat Chakra and when the color blue appears, especially that of a cobalt blue you are usually gifted with multiple communication skills. When appearing in its negative aspect this usually states that you have difficulty speaking up and it is time for you to be your truth by speaking your truth. Blue can also disclose whether the masculine aspect physical role model was either present or absent in your life.
Pink is the color of self-love and most people do not address the color pink in the aura. It is not often seen in everyone’s aura because we as humans suffer severely from its unhealthy expression of a lack of love for self. The energy of pink is most needed and empowering element within us, as it is what fuels the fires of being valuable and deserving. The appearance of pink in your aura will allow you to see where, why, and how much of this energy you are needing to heal the incorrect belief of being less than.
Indigo is the color of the third eye Chakra and It is actually the combination of Red and Blue in your aura. If it is appearing negatively it is a warning that you need to apply more life force energy to the passionate truth of who you are. Indigo in its positive aspect represents that you are an individual that will be firmly committed to your beliefs and will do almost anything to make sure that your personal life, as well as those you love and the world at large live in balance and harmony. If you have a great deal of Indigo in your aura field you will not stand for anything less than the absolute highest truth of all things.
Violet represents the crown chakra as well as St. Germaine and the transmutable violet flame. When violet shows up in your aura painting in a positive fashion, its means you are a master of transforming the negative to the positive. Violet appearing as its negative counterpart represents that there is deeply embedded trauma within you which has continued to be buried or avoided.
The good part here is that both the positive and negative aspect normally show up together, meaning despite any past traumatic experiences, you have the ability to change it all around for the good. When Violet appears with a gold and or silver, then you are mastered in the use of this energy, a true alchemist.
There are multiple more subtle colors that may appear in your aura, like turquoise, magenta, silver and gold. These colors have were not often spoken of in the past because they are beyond that of the interpretation of the physical colors of the rainbow and have only been appearing in aura fields in the past decade or so.
You may be predominately displaying one of these specific higher dimensional colors or a combination of turquoise, magenta, silver or gold and including the complete rainbow of colors within you.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
Reclaiming Your Personal Power
As the year draws to a close, I find it helpful to review and assess if there are any psychic cords that would be best to cut before going into the new year. In this way the new year can be greeted with renewed energy. A psychic cord is an invisible energetic cable that connects one person to another person, living or dead that has a toxic feel to it. We are not victims of psychic cords, they happen when we don’t protect and clear our energetic field regularly. Just as cavities occur in teeth if one does not brush and floss on a regular basis.
Psychic cords happen when we consciously or unconsciously give our sacred personal power, away to another person, and permit them to invade our psyche. We can both give and receive psychic cords. It is important to note, that cutting psychic cords does not mean cutting off the love. The love connection can remain but any fear, anger, negativity or judgement with another person, is most beneficial to sever and release regardless if you are the one holding them captive or they are psychically attaching to you.
Sometimes the cording can be very subtle and feel so familiar that the foreign energy is hard to recognize. One can easily become acclimated to feeling low energy or depleted from someone else’s energy in their psychic field (which acts as a parasite or leech)if the cord is from an individual that is somewhat enmeshed in your field like close friends, family or co-workers. Also the cording is hard to discern if the person who is psychically merged with you carries or vibrates at the same frequency level of one of your parents from your family of origin.
Not all psychic cords have a malevolent intent. Most do not. Some psychic cords have been put there with the intention of helping another. For example, a parent who is very controlling and worries a lot, may psychically cord to their child, teenager or adult child because they are fearful of losing them or worried about their safety. Another instance of unintentionally cording is apparent when an ex-lover attaches a psychic cord to their past partner because they care about them and can’t let go. However, though well intended, the recipient of the cord ends up feeling compromised in the clarity of listening to their own inner guidance because someone else’s energy is in their field.
Luckily there is a quick and easy solution to this psychic phenomenon. First and foremost a person must desire to be free of unhealthy cording. A qualified psychic can assist with cutting and removing the cords or an individual can do it themselves. Here is a simple technique: Begin by being willing to quiet the mind and scan your energy field to see if you have either taken on someone else’s fears, thoughts or energies or sent a cord to another person.
The next step is to tune in to the location of the cord in the body by identifying where the feeling of constriction is. After this is done, it is helpful to visualize how large the cord feels and what its density is. For instance, does it feel like a huge thick metal cable or a light fabric leash type of cord? Once these specifics are established, envision a huge pair of etheric shears that are designed to cut through anything.
In your mind’s eye sever the cord completely and simultaneously send the foreign energy back to its source. Then reclaim your own energy that you gave away and picture a pure white light entering the place where the cord resided in your body.
Next see this light dissolving any residual energy from the other person. Complete this psychic cord cutting exercise by surrounding yourself in a bubble of protective white light, a type of psychic armoring that let’s love through but does not permit negative energy to pass into your energy field.
Enjoy the feeling of your own pure and protected energy field.You are now ready to open up to your clear inner guidance and move forward in life on your soul’s path with renewed energy.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
My First Spiritual Awakening and Experience of Oneness
Here I will relate my first big spiritual awakening and experience of oneness.
I was in college, having a bad day. After classes and meetings with teachers, I went back to my dorm room and sat down to meditate. When I sat down, I just surrendered. Not that I knew what surrender was but looking back on it, that was what I did. I didn’t practice a meditation technique; I just accepted all of the insanity that had accumulated that day and gave up, not holding on to anything, not figuring anything out.
This happened automatically. And automatically I fell into silence, a place of just blackness. And for about half an hour there was just this blackness. It was nothing profound, no spiritual awakening, just almost like being in deep sleep yet fully conscious.
It was when I came out of this meditation that things got quite amazing. And this spiritual awakening wasn’t a feeling of attaining something, but rather a feeling that something was gone. That personal sense of “me” with all of its problems and conflicts was not there. I was still there, still aware of the body, still functioning through the senses, but that stress that I recognized as myself was gone.
And in that loss there was the sense that I was part of everything. I would say the experience was being one with everything, of oneness but that seems to imply something spiritual. And I knew nothing about spirituality then, nothing about enlightenment or spiritual awakening or yoga. I was completely innocent in that regard. I knew a tiny bit about meditating and that was it. Not enough to even really say I could meditate properly. But if I look back on it, it was the experience of “yoga” which means union.
The experience was that this little me was so utterly meaningless. There was the undeniable sense that I was actually a part of the infinite universe, I was not separate from it. I could feel that connection, or rather, the lack of separation from it. There was still the sense of me but it was not separate from everything else. The borders of separation were gone. And the feeling of this was incredible bliss and peace. A sense of freedom like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. I was happy for no reason. I felt my true nature as joy.
Over the years I have had incredible spiritual awakenings including cosmic consciousness, realization of the self, witness consciousness, various samadhis. But there was something really pure and beautiful about this particular spiritual awakening. One, because it was the first real spiritual awakening and because at the time although I yearned for enlightenment I did not even knew if it existed let alone had read any books about it. And so here after years of mental anguish was this pure state of happiness. The feeling of being connected to the universe and that the nature of this oneness was delight.
I made my way to the dining hall to have lunch. I remember because I had a vegetarian burger which was one of my favorites. I found my roommate sitting at a table and tried to tell him what I was experiencing. But he was deep in his own suffering over a woman he was in love with. Which was quite funny because it was usually me in that suffering and here I was trying to explain, quite innocently about how this little me is totally meaningless and that we are actually a part of everything and the nature of that was delight.
But I noticed that in trying to explain my spiritual awakening that it did no good. Because it was so new, I thought that if I just told him this secret, he would experience it too. It was not out of pride I told him, pride was not there. It was out of love and wanting him to feel this happiness too, this feeling of peace and love that had no reason for being there except that it was naturally there at the essence.
But my words could not reach him. My state could not reach him or anyone. I could feel this almost solid wall of stress in the room that was actively separating itself from oneness, from the experience I was having. I could feel the stress of the room pressing against me.
And I knew in that feeling that once I started to eat my veggie burger that I would also come down from this state. I say come down but I realized that this experience of spiritual awakening was the natural state and that the sense of separation was unnatural, it was something placed on top of what was already here. I guess contraction would be a better word. I knew that once I ate my lunch, I would contract back into my body and mind, back into a sense of being a separate “me” and I would lose this experience of oneness. And that this was the way it was supposed to be.
So I did not try to hold on to my sense of oneness. I ate my lunch and watched as this sense of freedom dissipated. And by the next day it was pretty much gone, yet there was a new sense of peace, because I had experienced the truth. In that spiritual awakening I had experienced my natural state of being one with everything and therefore I would experience it again.
I thought it would come the next day or the next week but it didn’t. Yet it left behind a sense of confidence, that this was exactly what I wanted out of life and if I experienced it once, I could realize it again. That it was possible to actually live in this natural state of oneness.
Years later after an incredible spiritual awakening that changed everything, I discovered a way I could help others experience deep states of meditation and oneness through sound. Simply by listening to meditation music with a very unique sound technology based on enlightenment, they too effortlessly enter deep states of meditation and oneness. Thousands of people all over the world are now meditating to these “Spiritual Awakening CDs” with great success.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
How Psychics Use Crystal Balls
Crystal balls are a very popular tool used by psychics and have been in use for a long time. Fortunetellers use crystal balls to perform various tasks like making predictions and in clairvoyance. Seers on the other hand use crystal balls mainly because of its authority and the ability to see through the diverse proceedings, time locations, and the client’s subjects as well.
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Crystal balls have been used for a long time and were first used by Celtic tribes’ along with other crystal divination objects for them to learn more about their past the future and the present characteristics of people’s lives including their own.
These balls are made of beryllium or quartz and are flawless and clear to look through. The psychics begins reciting incantations related to the balls and rituals while focusing their psychic abilities on the crystals and are essentially turned into devices that see into the invisible energies.
Since the time the fortunetellers began using them, they have helped many psychics see through other people’s minds and provide useful answers that conventional science cannot explain. Many religions and cultures have adopted these balls such as the wizards the gypsy’s high priests mediums and many other telepathic practitioners.
Different uses for crystal balls
They allow the release of energies that supplement the psychic’s abilities. The medium or psychic will hold the crystal ball made of quartz to strengthen their energies and conduct readings for their clients and for themselves. Quartz balls are more influential than others are, and hence chosen by many psychics during their readings.
Crystal balls help remove ambiguities out of a telepathist’s mind. The psychic may at one point or the other see through the clients mind and be able to cleanse their own at the same time. When conducting a reading a psychic must give the session their undivided attention and by doing this, they are able to allow them to rid themselves of impurities that they may be having in the mind and essentially gain improved concentration during their healing sessions.
Crystal balls also allow the psychic to get into a trance mode during the session. Psychics often use the balls to get out of their physical bodies and consequently give way for the spirit to take over and converse with their existing cherished ones for some time. When the session is over, the psychic’s spirit returns to them and they gain consciousness all over again.
Nonetheless, not all psychics and mediums use crystal balls for scrying. There are psychics who use small pools of water called scrying ponds or pools to reflect the images and visions they desire to see past future events and positions of misplaced entities. Establishing the connection with a crystal ball is the gateway to fully glimpse into the future and allow the haze to part aside revealing images and is required for reading and understanding the present and the future.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
The 4 Core Numerological Numbers Revealed
The fact is that numerological numbers, determined by assigning a number to each letter of an individual’s name as well as the day of birth as they appears on the birth certificate, are unique to each and every person. In simple terms, numerological numbers are calculated by taking the sum of these numbers and combining them in a variety of ways. Generally, they are then interpreted and presented in a numerology report. However, with knowledge and understanding you can do this yourself.
A comprehensive numerology report may initially appear somewhat intimidating as it may likely contain information derived from a variety of numerological numbers combinations, allowing you to look very deep into your soul. Becoming an expert in numerology is not unlike becoming an expert in any field.
The more proficient you become in using the tools of the trade, in the case of numerology, numbers, the better you will become in mastering the skill, or interpreting the numbers. The greater the knowledge you have about each number’s symbolic meaning, the better you will become in the art and science of personality analysis and prediction.
If you are in the beginning or learning stage of numerology, you may feel overwhelmed or become frustrated. Take it slow. If you hit a road block, stop, and do some research until you find the answer. There are 4 core numerological numbers you must know and understand. Following is a brief overview:
Life Path Number: Commonly called the Life, Skill, Talent, or Ability Number, the Life Path Number is considered by numerologists to be the most important of all numerological numbers. In general, it guides and directs you through life, and does this by uncovering deep-rooted talents, characteristic, skills, and abilities which you may not know you possess. The calculation is simply the sum of the numbers in your date of birth. For example, a person born on August 14, 1954, would have a Life Path Number of 5. (8+1+4+1+9+5+4=32, 3+2=5)
Birth Day Number: As the name implies, the Birth Day Number is derived from your date of birth and is calculated by adding the numbers of that day. In the example above, the Birth Day Number is 5, (1+4). This number defines your traits and will usually reveal your most obvious quality, the one that those closest to you recognize. Although it is often considered the least important of the 4 core numerological numbers, once you identify this unique quality, you can use it to achieve success.
Destiny Number: Also known as your Expression or Potential Number, is in a sense a story board of your life and reveals you life’s purpose or spiritual mission. This numerological number provides a road map of your life’s journey from beginning to end.
If you learn to tap into it, it will present signs like caution, stop, and go which will allow you foresee trouble ahead, or opportunities which lie in the future. In effect, it provides you with some control over your destiny in life. The Destiny Number is calculated by adding each number assigned to you full name and coming up with a single digit.
Heart’s Desire Number: Often referred to as your Soul or Soul Urge Number, digs a little deeper into your name and is calculated by adding the numerological numbers associated with the vowels only. This number is somewhat silent but very powerful. When you develop the ability to hear this number, it will always drive you towards toward the things which are closest to you heart.
Although there are many combinations of numerological numbers, the 4 core numerological numbers discussed above are by far the most important. Take the time to explore all that you can about them, and learn to incorporate them into your daily life. Knowing and understanding these 4 numbers alone, can have an impact on the way you live your life, beyond your wildest expectations.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
Be Clear and Say What’s Involved
I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend who had just returned from a kayaking holiday in Vancouver. After an exhausting four days of kayaking she was less than enthusiastic when their guide asked if she’d like to join them for some night-time kayaking as well. She wasn’t too impressed!
It was only when the others returned that she discovered they’d gone kayaking in water that looked like liquid gold. It was full of pyrosomes, translucent sea creatures that glow in the dark. If she’d taken up the offer she’d have found herself dipping her paddles in liquid light.
Why didn’t the tour guide properly explain what was involved, what she would have experienced, how awesome and unique a time it could have been?
Yet isn’t this something many of us do? We know our stuff so well that it’s second-nature to us and so we fail to appreciate that others may not have even a basic level of insight or understanding of what we’re talking about.
It’s not an intentional omission, but simply an oversight based on familiarity, rather than having any malicious or ulterior motive. We may ‘not think’, or don’t want to over-explain and appear condescending or patronising.
I’m guessing many of us will have seen a flyer or poster advertising an event with crucial information missing, like the date or time. The organisers were so familiar with all the details that they become word blind and forgot to step back and double-check. That’s why it’s a good idea to let a relative stranger proof read any copy before the final release.
Here are some tips for when we’re wanting to communicate effectively with others, points to remember when we want to clearly inform them about what’s happening. Whether it’s work or social, business or domestic, in order to avoid confusion or misunderstanding a few ground rules are useful to take on board so that we’re clear and say what’s involved.
It’s unreasonable to expect others to be psychic and understand what’s in our minds or what we’re trying to say, no matter how closely acquainted we may be. Being clear, especially over something important, demonstrates respect and offers the opportunity for further discussion and clarification, if required. Don’t make assumptions. As with the kayaking trip, a simple question could ascertain what people know and don’t know..
A little forethought can avoid you sounding superior or condescending. Avoid jargon, industry shorthand or acronyms. Maybe repeat what you have to say, but in a couple of different ways. Then check-in with the other person to ensure that they’re comfortably on board.
Establish some common ground, so that everyone knows what’s going on and is starting from the same page. It’s important that there’s inclusivity, with everyone’s role being valued, so that they’re clear about the agenda, are up to speed and aware of what’s needing to be discussed.
Be sensitive. Recognise that you’re adept, perhaps even expert in your field. Equally others could have a high level of competency in their specialism, but relatively little knowledge about yours. When the initial communication is being prompted by you ensure there’s an appreciation of where everyone’s starting from.
Listen to how the other person responds and is feeling. This can be especially important when we need to ensure that everyone’s being kept up to speed. Be open to discussing their reactions and feedback, so avoiding second-guessing or prejudging their views.
Don’t treat questions as challenges. It may be that they’re coming at the conversation from a totally different perspective. Being receptive to their input may invite interesting new thoughts and contributions that you’d previously not even considered.
In a work environment being clear is crucial, as in briefing staff, suppliers and agreeing what customers and clients are wanting. Sometimes an agenda or minutes can be a good way of confirming all the important details.
Two-way channels of communication are a fundamental requirement of good practice in every area of life, so remember to be clear and say what’s involved.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
A Simple Spread for Tarot Card Beginners
There are so many tarot spreads available to use for reading Tarot cards. In order to perform tarot reading effectively you have to be familiar with their meanings and how you relate to them when they are in a spread. Once you get accustomed to each card you are ready to start to learn how to read them in a spread. The majority of tarot readings that use Tarot Cards are familiar with the Celtic Cross Spread. But I think A three card basic spread is a good way to learn how to read cards for beginners.
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Even before you start to use a three card spread as a beginner; there is a good exercise you can do daily. Its purpose is to familiarize yourself with the cards and the idea of reading them. It is easy to do and will strengthen your abilities when it comes to reading cards in general.
What you do is you shuffle your cards and pull one a day to see what your day will be like. Based on the card you pull you give yourself a reading with that card. Analyze what that card will mean to you that day. This is an excellent way to get familiar with the cards and their meanings. It also helps you develop your sense of intuition which is very important for reading the Tarot Deck also.
Anyway with that simple exercise in mind; lets move on to the Three Card Spread.
Here are the Steps to conduct a Three Card Reading:
Focus on Your Question
Shuffle Your Cards
Pick one of the Cards and put it in the center of the table. This card represents the “present situation” in relation to the question you asked.
You will then pick another card and lay it to the left of the first card. This is the past in relation to the question you asked. Keep in mind the past could be the day before or even the night before. It doesn’t mean years ago necessarily based on what you asked. This card connects you to the present situation or middle card.
Next Pick your third card and lay it to the right of the middle card. This is the future or outcome position to the question. Keep in mind that the future can be later that night as well. It doesn’t necessarily mean a year from now.
You just did a reading. Simple and to the point. When you get to the point that this is easy for you then you can begin to explore more complex type of spreads because you are able to control of the cards and their meanings.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 5 years ago
Why Bad Things Happen To Good People
Like everyone I used to struggle with the question, “why do bad things happen to good people?” It is difficult to make sense of a world where horribly tragic things happen to decent people. Many people question, “why is God allowing this to happen to me? Doesn’t he love me?” It is quite logical to ask those questions when you hear about things like tsunamis killing hundreds of thousands of people or when a young child is diagnosed with terminal cancer.
I have come to fully understand why bad things happen to good people First of all, it is important to understand that the Universe does not view events as being good or being bad. They are neutral. It is us and society that judges an event to be good or bad.
My personal belief is that we incarnate to Earth in order to experience the lower vibrations that we don’t have access to in the afterlife. It is important to understand emotions such as anger, jealousy, and sadness. I believe that we, as souls in the afterlife, choose lessons to be learned prior to coming to Earth.
These lessons may be things like understanding grief or becoming intensely angry. We must be put in situations that allow us to experience these emotions. As a soul you may have chosen your young child to die so that you could experience grief. You may have chosen for your husband to be murdered so that you can better understand anger and forgiveness. You can transform your life if you are able to recognize that our souls choose our life path.
Our main purpose on Earth is to master the lessons that we decided on prior to incarnating. It is important for you to realize that your soul is the one that chose these bad events to take place. Your soul is focused on learning lessons and in order for learning to take place you need to experience the good, the bad, and the ugly.
In some instances the perpetrator (i.e. abuser, drug addict, etc) can in actuality be a soul mate or someone that your soul loves very much. Prior to your incarnation you may have asked the perpetrator to do something heinous just so that you would have the learning experience.
Many perpetrators are reluctant to accept these assignments because they love you so much and do not want to be the cause of pain. In the end they decide to do it because your soul has convinced them of how important it is to learn certain lessons.
Please take some time to think about the people you are angry with and the events in your life that you feel are unfair. Ask yourself what each situation has taught you. How are you a better person because of it?
Have other areas of your life been enriched through this one negative event? Give credit where credit is due. Keep in mind that your soul decided your life plan prior to incarnating. Your soul likely selected all of the major (good and bad) events in your life.
I sincerely hope that each and every one of you is able to see the perfection and value with everything that happens in life. Be grateful for the experiences and the opportunities that arose from those experiences.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 6 years ago
Cheap Psychic – Must Knows Before Paying
A cheap psychic that is reliable is tough to find these days. We all remember the dreaded Miss Cleo years which has become better known for the lawsuits than the psychic revelations. Fortunately, there are legitimate psychics available. Here are a couple things to ask yourself before putting any money out.
Also See:
Are they reliable?
When looking for a psychic be careful to check out their reviews. If they are in your community ask them to provide some references so you can see how well they have performed in the past.
Another good resource is the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce which would have a record if the psychic has ever had a complaint lodged against them. If you are looking for a psychic online it is easy to search for your psychic’s name to see if anyone has left a glowing review or a scathing claim of disappointment.
Do they have experience?
If it were me I would not hire somebody so wet behind the ears that they might not be able to handle the intensity of a psychic reading. Many things can happen during a reading and you need to make sure your psychic has the ability to handle your questions.
Ask them how long they have been working as a professional psychic. I also like to ask about their first psychic experience or when they knew they were a psychic. That question gives me a good indication of their ability level.
Are they cheap?
I have seen psychic charge up to $1,000 per hour for their services. That’s not only crazy, but completely avoidable. Local psychics often are much cheaper and more willing to build a personal relationship with you. Checking online is a good resource as well, because sometime psychics will offer free readings or trial minutes for users that find them online.
Good luck on your search finding a cheap psychic.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 6 years ago
Cheap Psychic Readings: Avoid Scams Use Trusted Sites
A psychic reading is the analysis of basic human nature by analyzing the fifth and the sixth senses of a specifc human being. Psychic readings give specific information about the individual concerned.
Whereas, a psychic medium is a method in which certain people create mediums in order to get answers of their consultants by directly getting answers from the people who are dead and their spirits.
Psychic readings can be of many types – at times the reading can be based on vision only. These types of readings are called a clairvoyance, whereas other mediums are based on tarot cards, palmistry or psychometrics.
This article will mainly focus on what to know about cheap psychic readings, reading reviews on sites for psychic readings and how to verify authenticity of cheap psychic readings, medium and clairvoyance and why psychic medium is sometimes better than psychic reading.
Top Two Cheapest Psychic Companies With Top Notch Quality
Psychic Source: Top Choice
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Psychic Source is the longest-standing psychic service that we could find online. They’ve been in business since 1989, with over 25 years in the industry. They have around 300 psychic advisers working for them, with over 30 of them available for readings at any given time. Just like Keen, Psychic Sources offers phone psychic readings and chat readings.
When you visit the Psychic Source web site, you’ll find that each reader has their own profile page, so you can hand-pick which psychic you want to get a reading from. Each profile page contains information about what types of readings they specialize in, what type of tools they use in their readings, and even ratings from past clients.
Types of Readings –  Psychic Source is well known for their powerful love readings, but they also offer many other types including cartomancy, dream interpretation, spiritual readings, angel card readings, and much more.
Psychic Screening –  Psychic Source thoroughly tests and screens each reader to ensure that only the most accurate psychics are accepted into their network. They also pay close attention to the feedback and reviews from their clients in order to weed out folks that are under-performing to their strict standard. Rest assured that you’re dealing with quality and authenticity when choosing for your readings.
Proven Track Record With Over 25 Years of Experience (since 1989)
Their Psychic Hotline Has Readers Available 24/7
All Readings Have A Full Money-Back Guarantee
Special Discounts Available For New Customers
If you choose to use Psychic Source, they’re offering psychic readings for first time customers for a low price of $0.66 per minute. In addition, the first 3 minutes are absolutely free.
Call 800-500-8563
Click Here to Visit
Keen Psychics: Really Good To
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Keen is a psychic network that was originally launched in 1999, with over 18 years of experience offering psychic readings by phone and through online chat. They’re one of the most reputable and respected online psychic services – and for good reason.
Keen claims to have the most accurate psychics in the world, and it’s hard to argue with that. Their satisfaction rate among clients is at the highest in the industry, and they’ve been ranked as the best psychic network by many independent review sites.
Types of Readings –  Keen  offers clients many different types of psychic readings including numerology, astrology, dream interpretation, tarot cards, love readings, and more. They have experts available 24/7 that specialize in a wide array of abilities, and are standing by ready to take your phone call.
Psychic Screening – Keen ensures that only the best of the best psychic readers are allowed into their network. To accomplish this, they have a very thorough screening process that tests each psychic for accuracy before allowing them to offer readings to their clients. This testing process helps weed out the fakes that have no real ability at all.
Psychic Readings By Phone or Online Chat
Money Back Guarantee on All Readings
Large Selection of Psychics Available 24/7
Over 18 Years In Business
How To Get Information About Cheap Psychic Readings?
Cheap psychic readings with dependable and informative readings may not be too hard to find. On many sites, there are certain gifted readers who will answer any types of issue you are currently facing in your life.
A good psychic reader will unravel things about your past by knowing little about you and will give idea about your future in a greater detail with good and positive motive. Psychic readers that are available online help you 24 X 7 and heal your pains and sorrows.
A good psychic reader will always get immense happiness after he or she have been able to completely heal you and give you a feeling that, he or she is the first person that you need to approach whenever you are in a problem. These types of psychic readers may sometimes opt to be a cheap psychic reader in order to get happiness from the job and not just to make a lot of money.
How To Verify Authenticity of Cheap Psychic Readings
Various methods are available to verify authenticity of the psychic readings. These methods are such as when the psychic reading is giving less detail about you and your social life, getting an idea by having a free chat in the first few minutes is a great way to ensure that the psychic is not leading you into a fantasized world.
Why get a Cheap Psychic Reading?
A psychic reading is a source of help known since the beginning of time. But, there is another type of psychic analysis which is known as the psychic medium. It has got greater power but only powerful and experienced psychic readers can perform it.
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Psychic mediums help you to connect with your past by connecting the people who are already dead and whom you loved. However, this type of membership reading cannot be done online and a good and experience psychic medium needs to do this job.
In the present time, these types of psychic readings have become very popular and are available in various forms everywhere as they help us to face numerous facts about our life and forces which leads us to misery.
All these unusual and underground forces lead us to approach psychic readers. Cheap psychic readers although easier to get you need to just place a free call with them before hearing there actual remarks which could possibly improve your life.
The Basics To Psychic Reading Tips
1) A psychic can’t pick the winning lottery numbers, tell you what color shirt you are wearing, if they could psychics would be winning the lottery, and picking the winner of every horse race and so on, but a good psychic can use his or her abilities to read your future, the thoughts and feelings of others, and predictions about you and others that you ask about.
Also See: Prepare For Your Reading     2) A good psychic will not offer to cast a spell to bring back your boyfriend or girlfriend for money, the psychic who says they can is only after your money. However many psychics do have certain abilities that can allow them to help you bring things in that are not against another’s or your free will.
Everyone has free will, so no amount of spells will break another’s free will, but there are many techniques a psychic can show you how to use that will allow you to work with your and others free will to help manifest what you want.      3) If a person is stuck on a particular path and needs to let go in order to reach their goal and obtain true happiness, a good psychic will tell you this. Some people have to let go of the past and their fear in order to move forward into a healthy future.
This is something a psychic can help you with a great deal. Knowing when it is time or if it is time to let go and move ahead, a good psychic can tell you what may lay ahead for you if you do choose to move on.     4) There are psychics and healers who can bring about healing by channeling  energy. When choosing a psychic look for this knowledge in their biographies and feedback.     5) A proper psychic will not tell you stupid things like what you had for lunch two days ago, or what you had for breakfast today and you should not test a psychic by asking questions such as this; it is a waste of your time and their energy. Ask questions that are really important to you!     6) Psychics are sensitive to an individual’s energy and will use clairaudience, clairsentience or clairvoyance other gifts when reading you. Tarot readers and other types of psychics will use tools such as a tarot deck or a pendulum in some cases.
Some psychic’s will use no tools. Using tools or not using tools is not a measure of how well a psychic can predict things or events and answer your questions..     7) You and your questions as well as your situation should be the focus of a good, professional psychic reading. The psychic should focus on your future potential, allowing you to make good decisions that will improve your life, and and guide you to the path that you are looking for.     8) If you are having trouble understanding your life, a psychic reading should give you some positive insight on how to change things for the better. Psychics do more than just predict they also advise.
This is a quality that you should look for in a good psychic. Read the feedback others have left for them and this will tell you how much advice they give along with the predictions given.     9) Do not expect a psychic to always have the right answers. However, in fairness many of the best psychics are not 100% accurate all the time and this is because of many things such as free will and what you choose to do with the information you get from a psychic.     10) The reason for getting a psychic reading is to help you understand what is going on in your situation and in your life. What is going to happen on your current path and to help you understand and make the changes if necessary to change your path for the better.
The more you understand about you and the person or persons you are asking about, the better you can make your life.     11) A good psychic can only give you the various options on how to solve your problems; you are the one who has to make the ultimate decision. Psychics can however tell you what may happen based on the decision you choose to make.
This is the most important part of a good psychic reading. Use the information that your psychic gives you to make choices that will change your life and or your situation for the better.     12) A professional psychic should be able to tell you about any major problems that may arise in the future, this should enable you to choose a path that will help you to smooth out the problems.
Some psychics are so good that they can even tell you what is happening to you now, not just the future or the past. Each psychic is unique so find that perfect psychic and try not to use too many others.
Some people use psychic after psychic wanting to only hear what  they want to hear instead of the truth or what they need to hear. Make sure you start a psychic reading with that in mind.
Final Thoughts
If you’re not happy with the psychic or how the reading is going just tell them you wish to stop. There is no reason in the world to continue, that is why one of the reasons we give you so many ways of trying different psychics at no or very low costs.
We want you to find the psychic who is best suited to helping you and providing you with answers, predictions, and advice that will help you obtain your goal.
A good psychic will not be offended if you tell them that you are not connecting with them, that does not mean that they are a bad psychic or that you should leave them negative feedback it just means they are not for you.
Psychics know they cannot always connect to everyone, and many will refund your money. Many of the psychic services that we recommend have satisfaction guarantees that will help you if you get a bad reading.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 6 years ago
How to Understand Your Dreams and the Hidden Messages They Convey
I became fascinated with dreams after I was experiencing the same dream years apart and I found that these dreams were linked to a past life. I found that as I was developing my psychic ability I had some very different dreams that felt more spiritual.
I would wake up from a dream and know that this was no normal dream this was on a different level. I have since studied dreams and also used my own psychic ability to help me to understand my dreams.
Subconscious Dreams
I often find that when people come to me with their dream that they think it is prophetic and most of the time it is not. It is your subconscious conveying scenarios and messages to you in a kind of story that makes no real sense. This is where psychic ability comes in to interpreting the dreams because psychic ability does not use logic it uses feelings and senses.
In dreams everything and everyone in the dream represents an aspect of ourselves and so if you dream about an ex you are linking to past feelings. The dreamer should take notice of what they are doing in the dream are they active or proactive in the dream. Lets take an example of a car going up hill and you are in there with someone else.
I would take you back to that dream and try to get you to remember whether you were driving the car or was it someone else.You would not necessarily remember this or who it was with you but it can be very revealing.
If you were driving then you are the one in control of the situation, but if you were being driven then you have placed your trust in someone else.
Messages from the Spirit Guides
There was one dream I could never forget and it was of a beautiful Siamese cat that was talking to me. It was talking in the most beautiful voice it was feminine but I have never heard anyone with such a beautiful voice before.
This cat seemed to be repeating a mantra over and over again to me ‘that’s right you are doing well’ and when I woke up those words were etched in my mind.
I remember that morning that I had this dream very much on my mind and when my friend came round I shared this with her. It was around the time when I was collecting Egyptian ornaments and they would deliver a new one every 2 months. That morning someone rung my bell and I jokingly said to my friend, that will be the cat.
When I opened the door I got the shock of my life, it was my Egyptian ornament and it was the ‘Bast Cat’. It was sat upright just as the Siamese cat had done in my dream and I put it in pride of place. I knew that this was not just a coincidence that there was more to that situation than meets the eye.
Loved ones on the other side
I believe that when we go to sleep we go to different realms and sometimes we can even meet our loved ones on the other side. I often hear of people who have had a dream experience where they have talked to someone who has passed over in the dream. It happens quite often and it usually allows the person on the other side to cross over.
When you are in a dream state that connects you with your loved ones on the other side you can have a healing experience. I sense that there is a kind of spiritual bridge that you are drawn to in your sleep.
You meet with your loved one on that bridge but neither of you can cross over to the other’s side. You remain in the middle and you converse and then you go back to your respective sides of the bridge.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 6 years ago
Relax, Relate, Meditate
Meditation has become trendy and popular by so many boasting about the serenity and peacefulness you feel when meditating effectively. The benefits of this thousand year old practice are truly limitless. Meditation originated eons ago from a need to deepen the understanding of the spiritual and unseen aspects of life.
For this very reason meditation is a great tool for strengthening your natural psychic abilities. Meditation is a powerful grounding tool for empaths, psychics, and mediums. The more you practice the easier it becomes, all while strengthening your intuition and the gifts you experience weaknesses. For example, a strong medium has the ability to increase the psychic gifts through meditation. It is recommended that you meditate at least 20 minutes each day to strengthen metaphysical gifts.
It is especially important for empaths and highly sensitive people to practice meditation daily. Absorbing the energy of others constantly can sometimes make it difficult to understand your own feelings and emotions; meditation can make your personal feelings easier to distinguish.
Often students of the metaphysical world find it hard to meditate initially, struggling to release the worry and random thoughts of the day. However, it is normal. No one can sit down and instantly grasp that deep state of meditation. It can take years and years of practice for that to be achieved. That’s right, a meditation practice will require lots of practice!
It is important to select a form of mediation that works for you. Sitting down in a quiet room does not work for everyone. Be careful not to limit yourself to one specific form. As an Air sign, being outdoors and moving mediation such as yoga tend to work best for me. If you have a creative gift, as all empaths do, you may be more drawn to that gift when you need to calm yourself and relax. A great way to meditate for a writer would be to put on some peaceful music and just let your words and writing flow without judgment.
Guided meditation is a great way to get started with meditating as well. If you are utilizing meditation as a tool to increase your psychic ability be sure to limit this. It is important that you are able to focus and meditate alone, so that you can call on that focus during readings and when you are seeking guidance.
Many enjoy taking meditative walks, runs, or just simply meditating during their exercise time. Meditation is an exercise in itself! Instead of striving to lose weight or burn calories, it is an exercise in getting to know you at the most intimate level. Meditation is a gentle acceptance of your personal reality. Most importantly, it is open conversation with your Source, and the key to all the answers you seek.
Each day can be made easy with just a few minutes of meditation. Take time to understand what is in your heart today. You will be so glad you did!
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 6 years ago
How to Get the Most From Your Psychic Reading
There are a several things you should do in order to get a reliable and accurate psychic reading. You can only get a useful reading from psychics that are truly gifted and know how to use their abilities to give accurate information to their customers.
Read the bio of each psychic carefully. Read about their tools and gifts to determine if they have what you are looking for. You need to believe in a psychic’s tools or gifts such as being a clairvoyant, clairaudient, or empath for the reading to be truly accurate.
The first thing that you need to do is have an open mind. Having an open mind opens the connection between you and the psychic. It makes it very easy for the psychic to pick up information they need to use for a reading.
Readings are to provide insight and answer your innermost questions. Even when you get a reading online or on the phone you develop a connection with the psychic who is then able to tune in and sense or read your energies. This gives them the insight they need to give you a reading.
There are some situations where the psychic reader is not as accurate as they should be and give information that can never be applied. This can be very shocking and disheartening for many people. People need to stay open minded for a psychic reading to be effective. Readings can work no matter how inaccurate they are, however, they are never intended to bring negative energies into a person’s life.
For example, psychic readings are not to put a curse on someone or to give bad news of any sorts. When it comes to the good psychic readings from reliable and accurate psychics, you should take the information that is given and move forward. Always look for psychics that have good feedback.
Before you schedule a reading whether it be in person, online, or over the phone, make sure you set a limit on how much you are willing to spend for the reading. Be very alert to the con artists that will charge you a high fee guaranteeing that they are the only ones that you can trust to give you an accurate reading.
There are many psychics that have different options for a reading such as chat or email. Take the time to choose the best way that you believe you will get an accurate reading. If you choose a psychic reading over the phone be sure you know exactly what the rate per minute is for the call. Next, choose the length of time you want the reading to be.
When the time comes for your reading, start relaxing by taking deep breaths. As you relax you will notice that your mind starts to open and your thinking becomes more clear. Be sure to talk slowly and confidently so the psychic understands your questions.
Many psychics use birth dates, so be prepared in case the psychic wants your date of birth as well as anyone that is part of your reading. Psychics may also ask about other major factors in your life such as children or your marital status. Always ask questions clearly so there are no misunderstandings.
This makes it easier for the psychic to identify your needs. If during your reading you become confused or don’t quite understand the information the psychic is giving you, immediately stop the reading and ask questions to help clarify the information. If the psychic is talking so fast you don’t understand them, or has an accent that makes it difficult to understand them, again, stop the reading and start asking questions.
After the reading is finished, take the time to think about what the psychic said. Some psychics follow up their readings with an email giving all the information they gave in the reading. Also ask the psychic if you can follow up with them after a certain period of time to ask any questions that may arise after the reading.
There are many common problems as well as questions that can arise especially if the reading is about relationships, love, money, career, life, or health issues. When a reading is accurate, clear and concise, you have an insight into your future which allows you to create certain changes in your life for a more balanced lifestyle.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 7 years ago
Increase Your Psychic Powers With These 3 Techniques
Enhanced psychic powers can give you an incredible advantage in life. It enhances the quality of choices you make. It gives you an edge in knowing the truth of who a person is or what they are doing. It also gives you power to communicate and influence the mind of others.
It also allows you to know and see more than the average person. For all these reasons you can never go wrong when it comes to developing your psychic powers.
The more mental techniques a person practices the stronger and more powerful their psychic abilities become. While there are many different mental techniques which can enhance your psychic powers; at the base of them all are three main keys which must be developed. If you can practice and master these mental techniques your psychic abilities will continue to grow at an astounding rate.
  Here are The 3 Psychic Power Techniques
Enhanced Psychic Perception
Have you ever played the, what if game…? You do that by pretending to be something else. Using the imagination you envision yourself as something completely different than yourself. For example you may imagine yourself living as a completely different person, looking like and experiencing all that other person has.
You can also imagine yourself as a child, a bird, a house or anything you choose. Doing this broadens your perception and gives you an understanding from an angle that is not your everyday perspective.
You will find that when you open your awareness to a different perception you mind stretches not only in understanding but what is possible. The psychic mind depends on this higher, wider awareness. That is what psychic powers is all about, being aware of the extraordinary.
This shifting of perspective will also help enhance your interpretation of psychic impressions when they come to you. You see if your perspective is a limited one based only on your day to day experiences, when psychic information comes you won’t be able to fully comprehend it. Practicing a shift of perspective also helps you in receiving higher, more creative and magical ideas.
Sensing Energy 
Your ability to sense energy depends on fine tuning your senses to finer energies. Energy is at the heart of receiving psychic impressions. When you pick up thoughts from others you are attuning yourself to thought energy. Being able to use your mind to receive information on an event that is happening in another place requires that you are able to feel and sense those energy frequencies as well.
Here is one technique to help you in enhancing your ability to sense psychic energy. Allow yourself to get into a quiet undisturbed space for 20 minutes. Close your eyes, then go as deeply into your mind as you can. Get as centered as possible by quieting all the mental chatter.
After you have relaxed your mind start with your hearing; listen to every sound in the room. Then shift your hearing to outside of the room as far as you can pick up on sound. See if you can hear sound five blocks away. Now bring your attention back to yourself, bring your mind back into your body. Can you hear any sound inside of your body?
Incorporate your imagination strongly into this technique. Imagine that you do have supersonic ears which can pick up on every single sound. You may imagine your ears being bigger or becoming some high powered sensitive instrument which can pick up sound far away. Next enhance the perception of sound at a distance by amplifying it as if it is very near to you.
Mental Concentration 
Another technique which will surely enhance your psychic powers is your ability to concentrate the mind on a single point. For several reasons mental concentration is very important. Sensing energy requires that you hold your mind in a clear receiving state long enough to feel the energy.
When you transfer thought impression through mental telepathy your mind also needs to be a single targeted point. Also being able to see visions require that you hold your mind in a clear receptive state to see with your psychic eyes what is happening. To do that you absolutely need to concentrate until the image unfolds before you.
Here is one way to practice strong mental concentration. Grab an item in your surroundings which is of interest to you. Using your imagination pretend that this item is the only thing in your line of vision. Bring all of your focus to it. Look at the details of this item. Look at its shape, size, texture, color. Amplify your awareness of each and every feature.
Then rotate the item in your mind and see if you can find any other features that you did not notice before. Now think about the function of this item. How is it used, when is it used and how?
Now close your eyes and try to recreate this item in your mind with as much clarity as you can. As you bring all the details to your mind make the image grow brighter and brighter. You have now created strong mental focus with this item. You can practice this mental technique for increased psychic powers at least 5 times throughout the day, taking no more than 5-10 minutes at a time.
Developing your psychic powers takes mental training. The more you practice exercising the mind the stronger your mental powers will get. Make these exercises fun, do them at short intervals throughout your day. You will discover that your ability will grow more quickly this way.
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phonepsychicreadingsguide · 7 years ago
Analysis of a Dream – How to Decode Your Dreams
Dream analysis can be a bit intimidating for many people. Because dreams seem to come in fragments they may seem not to make any sense at all to your rational thinking mind. However dream analysis is sort of easy. It’s a lot like decoding a game or fitting pieces of a puzzle together. The more you practice analyzing your own personal dream symbols the better you get at doing it.
The idea in analyzing your dreams is to keep in mind that no one else can analyze your dreams for you. Your dreams are a personal reflection of what is going on within you. Whether you believe that your dreams come from a creation of your mind or you believe as some mystics do that dream are an extension of reality they are yours.
A great number of people rely on dream books to assist them in understanding their dreams. However there is a huge flaw in using someone else’s idea to interpret something that is personal to you. A dream book cannot speak for everyone in general.
Two separate people may experience a bird flying towards them in a dream. To one person that bird may symbolize freedom, a change in their life or a sign to take off and fly away from a particular problem. However to the second person the bird may symbolize an attack, an inner fear of movement.
Here are a few keys you should always put in your dream analysis tool kit.
Your dream symbols are closely linked to how you feel. So your feelings in relation to the dreams are extremely important in your interpretation. If you see yourself flying in a dream ask yourself how you felt in the dream. Did you feel free or scared? When you are not asleep what does flying make you feel? You will realize that in or out of the dream your feelings are usually the same?
Was the dream in color or black and white? A colored dream would represent a situation in which you have a lot of awareness. If there is an issue that you are strongly dealing with on a daily basis it would mean that you have invested a great deal of energy to that story. When you dream about that issue you will find that those dreams are very bright. However when the dream is dark and without color it is often a precognitive dream or a situation now happening that you have not given your full awareness too s.
A bad dream is any dream which causes you distress, fear & worry. It is the inner mind telling you that there is something going on in your life which you absolutely must deal with. Whatever you do you should never ignore a bad dream. The issue could be dealing with your health, your relationships, your finance, etc. The level of fear you experienced in the dream is an indication of the effect the situation will have on you if you don’t immediately fix it. Your desire for the right dream analysis should always come with some action.
To fully benefit from dream analysis you have to be willing to incorporate the information you have gotten into your present life. After all whatever information you derive from your dreams it is to enhance or inform your present life. One thing you want to do is to create a dream journal. Dream journals help you in that over a series of days, weeks or even months you can get to see patterns in not only your dreams but the correlation with events in your life. Write out what you dreamed after you have gotten a clear analysis of the dream. You may even want to draw what you dreamed. Some analysis of your dreams can’t always be expressed in writing. Drawing it out can often give you a better understanding over all.
Go inside of your dreams and relive or re-experience them all over again. Doing that will help you in seeing more details that you may have previously overlooked. Not only that but you will find that the analysis of your dreams will become even deeper and far more insightful following this technique.
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