Consider Phlebas
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phlebasuk · 2 years ago
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Popped by the beach tonight after work and caught the two horsemen of the apocalypse, (well times are hard all round and hay isn't cheap) and their practice armageddon. Guess what I was singing all the way home.... #twilightslastgleaming #nuclearlensflare #armageddontime #armagideontime #itstheendoftheworldasweknowitandifeelfine #bude #crooklets #kernow #cornwall #kernowbysvyken #notengland (at Free Peoples Republic of Cornwall)
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phlebasuk · 2 years ago
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Textures (at The Pepper Pot Bude)
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phlebasuk · 2 years ago
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Almost a sunset tonight, but still a glorious view (at The Pepper Pot Bude)
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phlebasuk · 2 years ago
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Hamel Down Cross looked stunning against the blue sky during my bit of a rummage across the north east moor today. #hameldowncross #hameldown #twomoorsway #dartmoor #bluesky (at Hameldown Tor, Grimspound, Dartmoor)
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phlebasuk · 3 years ago
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The Ten Pillars of Fascist Politics by Jason Stanley
This July 6, 2021 twitter thread by Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley, PhD outlining the 10 pillars of fascist politics shows just how fascist most of the Republican Party has become under Trump’s leadership. The current MAGA GQP has incorporated each of the above 10 pillars into its talking points and philosophy. 
This is why the GQP has been up in arms about Biden accurately calling their Trumpist political ideology “semi-fascism.” 
Feel free to share this with your relatives and friends who want to defend the direction the GQP has been going in. [Just be prepared when they counterattack to explain why the Democratic Party is not “communist” or “socialist” but a center left political party with its most extreme members being just social democrats (even Bernie Sanders and AOC aren’t really democratic socialists).
Note: The visual formatting of how the original tweet in the thread appears, as well as the visual formatting of pillars number 2 - 9 were modified from their source; furthermore, the translation of “ARBEIT MACH FREI” AS “WORK MAKES ONE FREE” was added to pillar #10.
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phlebasuk · 3 years ago
I will admit to having had little kid going to Disneyland levels of excitement about this TV series, and also at the same time a terrible fear that it could destroy my much loved and re-read comic books. I watched the first episode as soon as I woke up and, with a little bit of an internal struggle coming from my memories, let the story take me on its journey. No spoilers, it’s definitely different to the source material, but simultaneously it’s the same. This is how it should be, I am both the same person I was when I first read a Sandman comic, but different as the intervening 30 odd years have taken me on my journey.
It feels right, looks gorgeous and Morpheus’ almost smile is nailed.
5 episodes in now, and facing the prospect of having to ration out what’s left for the remainder of the summer break. Every silver lining has a cloud….
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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When you just let your phone do it's thing.... Sunset over the Breakwater in Bude via the algorithms of my Redmi Note 9 pro. #budebreakwater #barefootinbude #barrelrockbude #sunset #redminote9pro #redmi (at Bude Breakwater)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Timing is everything. Missed sunset tonight, but that meant I was on my own for the glorious afterglow aftershow. I could stand with the water lapping over my feet without a care. #timingiseverything #budebreakwater #budecanal #budesealock #sealock #chapelrock #barrelrock #barrelrockbude #sunset #afterglow #orangesarenottheonlyfruit #orangesky #cornwall #cornwallcoast #barefootinbude #barefoot (at Bude Breakwater)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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View from the cliffs tonight as the surf died down and just before it got dark and cold. No filters required, St. Piran did it all. (at Maer Cliff, Bude - South West Coast Path Walk)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Story of the blues. Blue sky, blue sea, blue toes. Finished off my early morning walk on the cliffs out at Tommy's Pit on the breakwater just after the tide had topped it up. It's peaceful and calm in the pit, if a little cold, but the surf was up, there's a lovely 6-8 ft barrel curling in on the shoulder of Barrel Rock. #bluesky #bluesea #bude #budebreakwater #tommyspit #barrelrock #barrelrockbude #breakers #breakingwave #barrelwave #lastdayoffebruary #redminote9pro #redmi #lovewhereyoulive #nofilters #swcpb#swcoastpath #southwestcoastpathhikers #lockdown2021 #walkingisgoodforthesoul #walkingismytherapy #1000milechallenge #1000milesin2021 (at Bude Breakwater)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Sunset tonight. Just beautiful. Dodged the people viewing on the cliff top, scrambled down to the pebbles at Maer and had 20 minutes of private bliss. #sunsetsuperman #maer #maerbude #maerbeach #bude #cornwall #kernow #nofilters #lovewhereyoulive #southwestcoastpathhikers (at Maer Beach)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Sunset over Barrel Rock today was like a nuclear flare, especially after the last couple of days. #barrelrock #budebreakwater #bude #sunset #nuclearlensflsre (at Bude Breakwater)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Traveler, your footprints are the only road, nothing else. Traveler, there is no road; you make your own path as you walk. As you walk, you make your own road, and when you look back you see the path you will never travel again. Traveler, there is no road; only a ship’s wake on the sea. Antonio Machado (at Maer Beach)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Ominous skies... (at Bude Breakwater)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Thought I'd missed the sunset tonight, it went all dark and the clouds were fit to burst. Then this out of focus orange ball fell out of the clouds, all too briefly, before the squall reclaimed it. Bonus points for not raining on me. #sunset #redminote9pro #upton #widemouthbay #cliffs #heavyclouds #cornwall #cornwallcoast #cornwallcliffs #kernow #sunsetsuperman #swcp #southwestcoastpathhikers #southwestcoastpath #twohailstonesdonotastormmake (at Upton, Cornwall)
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phlebasuk · 4 years ago
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Seven stages of sunset. You never know what you're going to get when you walk the coast as the sun goes down, and I got a right treat tonight. #sunset #redminote9pro #sunsetsuperman #widemouth #widemouthbay #fireinthesky #cornwall #kernow #noemmets #localsonlyatlast #lockdownsunset #nofilters #swcp #southwestcoastpath #southwestcoastpathhikers (at Widemouth, Bude)
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