philliparossi · 7 months
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— oh, i thought the world of you. i thought nothing could go wrong. but i was wrong. 
Full Name: Phillipa May Rossi
Nickname(s): Pippa, Pip (if you’re really close to her)
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Neighborhood: Rogers Park
Occupation: Nurse at Providence Alaska Medical Center
Time in Anchorage: 3 months
Personality Traits: Modest, hardworking, sweet, patient, helpful, insecure, unconfident
Pippa is defined by her long-standing relationship with her high school sweetheart and ex-fiancé, Matt, who formed the core of her identity.
She’s dedicated herself to their relationship since the young age of 15, neglecting to develop her own interests and personality outside of it.
After nearly 15 years together, with five of those years engaged, Pippa’s world shattered when she discovered Matt’s infidelity over the past two years.
With the dissolution of their partnership, she decided to move to a new state to confront the daunting task of rediscovering herself.
Pippa moved to Anchorage because her cousin lives there and it is incredibly far from Annapolis, Maryland — where she used to live and her ex-fiancé still resides.
She’s incredibly nervous about starting over at the age of 30 but she’s being really brave about it. She’s gotten a job at Providence Alaska Medical Center, doing what she loves.
When she’s not working, she’s trying out every hobby under the sun and filling her time with activities she hopes will fulfill her.
She’s adopted a cat. An orange tabby named Pappardelle. They’ve only known each other for a couple of months but he’s the light of life.
New Friend — A new friend she becomes very close with. Someone very different from her, who becomes a source of inspiration and encouragement as Pippa navigates the complexities of her own identity and desires.
Her Cousin — They were very close in childhood but drifted over the years with their lives going in different directions. I’m hoping to explore them getting to know each other again, beyond short catch-ups over holiday greetings or birthday texts.
“Bad” Influence — Someone who encourages Pippa to explore experiences that are completely outside her comfort zone. She’s been a Good Girl™ her whole life and has never really experienced being reckless, going out and having a wild night, and more.
First Date — While Pippa initially avoids romantic entanglements, I imagine she’ll try a dating app at one point. Not to have anything serious, but just to experience what the dating world is like after 15 years of being in a relationship. Coffee date anyone?
I’m always down to brainstorm! Feel free to message me or  send a DM on Discord so we can figure something out. :)
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philliparossi · 7 months
there is no old self to get back to there’s a new u to create n nurture
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philliparossi · 7 months
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