phatblrs · 11 years
Joining a gym today!
I'm so excited! 
I haven't belonged to a gym in about a month and while walking with the girls is a lot of fun, my messed up uni timetable doesn't always allow me to go running with the girls. That might be an excuse but I'm sticking with it.
When I sign up I get two weeks free, two free PT sessions and a free trip to the nutritionist. I'm really looking forward to the PT sessions. I'm already booked in for one next week thanks to my mum. Haha. I'm excited to see what a PT session is like. 
I'm super motivated to get there and I'll probably stop on my way home and sign up. :)
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phatblrs · 11 years
Use the ipod at the top of the page to find the XFM Auckland station.
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phatblrs · 11 years
health/fitblr/keto/positive blog
no blogs glamorising eating disorders or promoting eating disorders as a way of life, no, no no.
reblogs only
you have until 11pm UK time (2 hours from now)
no limit.
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phatblrs · 11 years
kielylosesit replied to your post: Weigh In
Good job! I’m struggling too with losing what I’ve gained. We just can’t give up, even if we mess up for a bit :)
Struggle is part of the journey! We can do it!  Keep going, love.
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phatblrs · 11 years
Weigh In
So I was unable to get to some scales before today so sorry it's a bit late but here we go.
SW: 147.5Kg(325lbs) Blog SW: 132.4kg(292lbs) Last week: 135.0Kg(297lbs) CW: 132.9Kg(292lbs) Difference: 2.1Kg(4lbs) From SW: 14.6Kg(32lbs)
So I'm nearly back down to the weigh I was when I started this blog. Um, whoops. I shouldn't have let that happen. And I can give all my excuses, (trust me, I have them) but at the end of the day, it wont change me weight. All I can do is keep trying.
I'm pretty happy with 2.1kg off this week. So that's what I'll focus on.
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phatblrs · 11 years
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Sorry! Just saw your reply! Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it! :) Bree xo
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phatblrs · 11 years
Sorry for my lack of posting, guys.
Uni has started up and we're 2 weeks in and I've already got 3 assignments due soon.  It's pretty hectic and I pretty much spend all my spare time sleeping. So no, I haven't been exercising. But my eating hasn't been too terrible. Mum and dad took me to a smorgasbord the other day and I went to town on their chocolate mousse because it's my favourite but other than that I'd say it's been pretty successful.
Haven't had a chance to weigh in yet this week as I haven't been to my mum's yet and I probably wont until tomorrow morning some time.
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phatblrs · 11 years
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MOTIVATE ME MONDAY Sorry about last week, I was flat out. Didn't get a chance to weigh in or update. But this week, you've got Camille Leblanc-Bazinet.
Name: Camille Leblanc-Bazinet Age: 25 Height: 5 foot 2 (1.57 m) Weight: 58 kg (130 lbs) Profession: Student/Coach/Crossfit Competitor Career Highlights: Finishing in the Reebok Crossfit Games Top 10 for 3 years running. Reasons for inspiration:
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is one of the world’s top CrossFit athletes. She has finished in the top 10 at the Reebok CrossFit Games for the past three years, improving her placing each year (9th in 2010, 8th in 2011, and 6th in 2012). She has also been the highest-placing Canadian athlete at the Games each of the past three years, male or female, which makes her the fittest woman in her country. Along with her CrossFit accomplishments, Camille has qualified for the National Championship in weightlifting in Canada, while also remaining a full-time student in chemical engineering at the University of Sherbrooke.
Camille inspires me because, well, look at her! She's a complete bad ass, and drop dead goregous. She makes me want to do better when ever I'm working out, who knows, maybe I'll be as fit as her one day... Never say never. :]
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phatblrs · 11 years
Bree's Monday Weigh In
So, I sorta fucked up in the way that I didn’t weigh in last week. Like, I weighed, but I didn’t post. So I’ll just put down what’s happened in the last two weeks. HW: 126.1 kg (278 lbs) Week before last: 107.1 kg (236 lbs) Last weeks weight: 107.9 kg (237 lbs) Current Weight: 106.3 kg (236 lbs) Difference: - 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs) From SW: 19.8 kg (43 lbs) From GW: 31.3 (69 lbs)
I’ve been doing okay. I’m not really eating shit. I’m not eating great. I feel this is something I can maintain. For instance, I had donburi for lunch one day, and just made sure I didn’t have deep fried toppings. And it was super yummy. But I felt like something sweet later that night so I allowed myself some kettle corn. It’s those compromises that make me think I will be able to keep this up.
Now I just gotta get the exercise back under way. There’s always an excuse, and there shouldn’t be. This weekend, Jarrod said he’d go for a run with me and the dogs, but me being me, decided that because “Cyclone Lusi” was coming, we would just stay in and watch movies and play playstation. :\ Like, yeah, it was raining, but a bit of rain never hurt anyone, right? And if I really wanted to, I’m sure he would have gone to the gym with me. LIKE, ACTUALLY no excuses. :\
Just gotta try harder.
Heaps harder. Jarrod is losing weight as fast as I am. I’m never going to be under him at this rate. :\
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phatblrs · 11 years
An Update from Bree
This week has been okay. I've been feeling kinda shitty this week, just about personal shit. :\ I've been eating pretty well, except for one meal. I had McDos with Shanna.  I've been to the gym twice this week, and while that isn't a lot for a regular fitblr, it's a lot for a fitblr that hasn't been to the gym in 2 months. I did the treadmill and the stationary bike on the first day, and I did the treadmill and lifted some weights the second day.
I feel okay about this week so far. I've finally figured out that losing 30 kilos isn't going to happen over night. Haha. I'm settling in for the long haul. Let's do this. :]
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phatblrs · 11 years
Last night
I caved and had fast food. :(
I forgot my shaker and so had no dinner. By the time I finished work, only fast food chain restaurants were open and I was starving. So was Hone. So we got Carl's Jr. 
I'm not too upset about it because it was under unforeseen circumstances and oh well, shit happens.
Today will be better. :)
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phatblrs · 11 years
She's so famous right nowww. She's playing DJ for a little while.
Use the ipod up the top to find the XFM Auckland channel.
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phatblrs · 11 years
Daily Work Out Song - Week Four Day Three 12/03/2014
Flo Ridah – Good Feeling
Welcome to my daily work out song. Each day I will look at a song, give it a bit of a talk up. Then I will see where you may be able to fit it in. 
Attention Team!!                               
Flo Ridah, has some of the best samples going on. He owns them. This is a great song all by itself tho. I would argue his best. When this song came out it was everywhere doing everything. It is one of those songs that didn’t get over played tho. It’s fantastic which means I can listen to a couple years down the track and not get bored.
This is such a versatile song. It can be used for any part of your work out. It is motivational at the same time. It’s up there with the top  work out songs I would say.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another song daily work out song.  XOXO
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phatblrs · 11 years
Today I'm really craving real food. Chicken mainly. I think I will go out and get some. Other wise I've been really good. But I ate probably a few too many blueberries.
Other than that today's going fine. I should've gone out for exercise but I didn't. C'est la vie. 
Quite proud of my effort so far this week.
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phatblrs · 11 years
Daily Work Out Song - Week Four Day Two 11/03/2014
Linkin Park – One Step Closer
Welcome to my daily work out song. Each day I will look at a song, give it a bit of a talk up. Then I will see where you may be able to fit it in. 
Attention Team!! 
It is kind of hard to get my head around the fact that this song is 14 years old. It is showing my age!!! One Step Closer was Linkin Park’s debut single. I remember it was huge. It’s a very edgy song, with the guy who had spiked up hair, and the band who bowed before they sang.
This is a song you can lift to. I find a lot of rock songs give you that inner fire, or rather allow that inner fire to come out. So use this as a song to get your weight training on, or to run to. You probably shouldn't walk to this one. =)
I’ll be back tomorrow with another daily work out song.  XOXO
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phatblrs · 11 years
So I weighed myself again today just because I'm back on optifast and I've lost 1.5kg.
Of course, it's not an official weigh in or anything but I must say that it has really motivated me. 
Weigh loss, get at me.
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phatblrs · 11 years
Daily Work Out Song - Week Four Day One 10/03/2014
Hedley – Anything
Welcome to my daily work out song. Each day I will look at a song, give it a bit of a talk up. Then I will see where you may be able to fit it in. 
Attention Team!! 
This song was specially requested by Jess. So I will comply. This is an interesting song. The meaning is amazing. “I can do anything” well if that doesn't teach you, then I don’t know what will. Hedley is a Canadian Pop Rock band. They have been active since 2004. Listen to the words in this song it will really motivate you.
I would use this at the beginning of your work out. It has the positive feel to pick up your pace. It would also be great for stretching, because it not as intense.  It will also be a satisfying reinforcement at the end of your workout.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another song daily work out song.  XOXO
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