memes & starters
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a collection of memes  &  starters for the rpc
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phantomemes · 5 years ago
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starters  /  prompts taken from various characters starring in the game   fire emblem : three houses .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
“  feel free to say hi whenever you like  ”
“  don’t hold back for my sake  ”
“  you think I'm so clumsy that I need someone to watch over me ?  ”
“  you act like you're full of regret  ,  but I know you don't really mean it  ”
“  you actually look more handsome to me with honesty on your face  ”
“  don’t be ashamed of crying  ”
“  could you keep quiet for a bit ?  ”
“  you’re actually kind of amazing  ”
“  do you mean to imply you have no intention of acting a bit more respectably ?  ”
“  stop acting so nonchalant about getting hurt or killed  ”
“  naive and uptight is no way to live your life  ”
“  you’d better watch that temper  ”
“  i am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you  ”
“  your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling  ”
“  I'll just be straightforward about taking advantage of you  ”
“  when will you tire of challenging me in pointless competitions ?  ”
“  you expect me to believe that ?  ”
“  i’ve had enough of your foolish antics  ”
“  i wish you would not sneak up on me like that  ”
“  before you reprimand me  ,  take a moment to consider your own failings  ”
“  it is like hearing a snake sing an aria  ”
“  am I hearing a deathbed confession ?  ”
“  i never have any idea what you’re talking about  ”
“  don’t walk away when i’m talking to you  ”
“  you’ll be the death of me for sure  ”
“  i do not intend to die  ”
“  i can’t believe you put yourself at risk for my benefit  ”
“  i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile  ”
“  i do not desire your gratitude  ”
“  you’re surprisingly strong for how slender you appear  ”
“  perhaps i was flustered needlessly  ”
“  i had forgotten how charmingly ethereal you can be  ”
“  you’re going a little overboard  ”
“  you have shaken me to my very core  ”
“  so this is what death is like  ”
“  if you get sick of me  ,  i’m sorry ahead of time  ”
“  i’m embarrassed just thinking about it  ”
“  you’re like a little brother to me  ”
“  spending the rest of my life with you doesn't sound so bad  ”
“  if our roles were reversed  ,  I don't think I'd be able to forgive you  ”
“  you actually hate me  ,  right ?  ”
“  you haven’t stabbed me yet  ”
“  i want to be more like you  ”
“  i actually envy the size of your heart  ”
“  i don't think you can solve all your problems by throwing a few punches  ”
“  there aren't a lot of people like you in the world  ”
“  sorry I've been so oblivious to your needs  ”
“  sometimes you just can't afford to wait around for someone else to notice ”
“  yesterday’s enemy is today’s ally  ”
“  you have to abandon old feuds  ”
“  learn to protect yourself before trying to protect me  ”
“  i always trust that you've got my back  ”
“  if only people could be more like flowers  ”
“  if you promise not to resort to violence  ,  I'll do whatever you want  ”
“  i can't stand the sight of me either  ”
“  i would be even more impressed if you hadn't been screaming the whole time  ”
“  i did what was necessary to get you to comply  ”
“  you have so much power in you  ,  just waiting to be unleashed  ”
“  i’m hopelessly terrified of you  ”
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phantomemes · 5 years ago
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starters  /  prompts taken from various game grumps’   ten minute power hour   videos .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary . 
“  stop throwing stuff  ,  what is wrong with you  ?!  ”
“  turn on the magic of colored lights  ,  you jerks  ”
“  there’s a warrant out for my arrest  ”
“  this is just a blob  ”
“  i’m yelling in general not at you  ”
“  what if a child ate these  ,  then they would die of glass poisoning  ”
“  how did kids do this when they were childs ?  ”
“  take your cup off the raft you animal  ”
“  how do you not know your soda trivia  ,  you dope ?  ”
“  it tastes like cough medicine but good  ”
“  i think i’m losing feeling in my right arm  ”
“  i should be in a carnival  ”
“  i got the sugar shakes  ”
“  it’s a four  ,  as in the amount of days i have left to live  ”
“  i feel so weak  ”
“  i don’t have a sense of smell anymore  ”
“  drink it you armadillo  ”
“  ew no no oh no no  ---  oh that’s not bad  ”
“  it tastes like if i ate a fridge magnet  ”
“  i love MSG  ---  that stands for mighty good soup  ”
“  if we could get something sharp and dangerous that would be great  ”
“  the moral of the story is you have to have a huge hat  ”
“  i’m your dad  ”
“  you need to grow up .  it’s time to grow up  ”
“  i can’t open my eye it’s glued shut  ”
“  i’m a little bumblebee  ,  bzzzzz  ”
“  who knew that eating frosting could be such great exercise ?  ”
“  great news on the friendship front :  you’re my friend  ”
“  we better call some hospitals  ”
“  i’m already so sweaty  ”
“  there’s some kind of dinosaur wearing pants  ”
“  looking at this makes me feel like i’m having a stroke  ”
“  what does arizona look like ?  ”
“  i’m here with all of my friends in a hot  ,  nasty  ,  sweaty corner  ”
“  you see a spiced up dino  ,  you want that boy to smile  ”
“  i’m not gonna pretend i’m not jealous  ”
“  dude you got a scoodily doop dee woop doop doop wah wah wah  ”
“  we don’t have the necessary amount of woops  ”
“  i don’t want a pumpkin growing in my belly  ”
“  what are you�� ,  my bully from middle school ?  ”
“  pumpkins were made by god to scare children away  ”
“  he’s already dead  ”
“  i feel good about what we’ve done here today  ”
“  ooo  ,  sparkles  ”
“  i’m trying to be beautiful  ”
“  oh we’re gonna fucking die  ”
“  are we penalized for screaming ?  ”
“  we look tasty  ”
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phantomemes · 5 years ago
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starters  /  prompts taken from hieu minh nguyen’s work ,  not here .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
  ❛  it seems important to mention all the things that went wrong  ❜
  ❛  don’t ask if i’m a ghost  ❜
  ❛  i fled and did not return  ❜
  ❛  i cannot love you  ,  if i love you  ,  i will die  ❜
  ❛  for years i chose death  ❜
  ❛  i belong to my mother’s fear  ❜
  ❛  what do you do with tenderness when all you expect is fury ?  ❜
  ❛  he looks like he will keep you safe  ❜
  ❛  any love i find will be treason  ❜
  ❛  why did you bring me here ?  ❜
  ❛  i count the hornets that escape their mouths  ❜
  ❛  i only ask for your laughter  ❜
  ❛  look at me in the old way in this new light  ❜
  ❛  sometimes i wake up and my body does not follow  ❜
  ❛  it wasn’t the same without you  ❜
  ❛  i’m still trying to figure out what it means to stay  ❜
  ❛  it’s all very predictable  ❜
  ❛  how can i love something that isn’t ruined ?  ❜
  ❛  like all agony  ,  there are pleasant moments  ❜
  ❛  i want to be better at lying  ❜
  ❛  i’m afraid if i say it out loud i will cast a curse  ❜
  ❛  some men don’t know they’re hungry until they eat  ❜
  ❛  some spells take years to cast  ❜
  ❛  there are rules you have to follow if you want to survive  ❜
  ❛  i know you’re not supposed to smile back  ❜
  ❛  madness  ,  too  ,  can be cumulative  ❜
  ❛  trying to forget is not the same as leaving  ❜
  ❛  i really should get a sense of humor  ❜
  ❛  i understand no one  ❜
  ❛  i cannot stop him from disappearing  ❜
  ❛  her body was a dress i hung for motivation  ❜
  ❛  you were once and perhaps continue to be the myth you tell to scare yourself  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to justify company  ❜
  ❛  you are predictable in your longing  ❜
  ❛  i don’t want to explain a thing  ❜
  ❛  i knew if i just asked him to leave he would have  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to open a carcass  ❜
  ❛  all i’ve ever wanted to be was useful  ❜
  ❛  there’s still time to be saved  ❜
  ❛  shut up  ;  i know the story  ,  or at least the lesson  ❜
  ❛  you wont find it  ;  you won’t find whatever you’re looking for  ❜
  ❛  i could get away with being clumsy with knives  ❜
  ❛  i want to study the mechanics of leaving  ❜
  ❛  any adjective can be true if you cry hard enough  ❜
  ❛  i see little futures in the distance but none belong  ❜
  ❛  i am beginning to forget what i expect from the world i always knew  ❜
  ❛  you can’t think of regret as a town you move too when grief snores too loud  ❜
  ❛  in death we belong to everyone  ❜
  ❛  i want to return to my old body  ❜
  ❛  i think the life i want is the life i have  ,  but how can i be sure ?  ❜
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phantomemes · 5 years ago
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starters  /  prompts taken from f. d. soul’s work ,  between you and these bones .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
‘  the problem is you keep trying to use your eyes  ’
‘  how i soften when you pull me against you  ’
‘  you are teaching me to love  ’
‘  i will pretend that i have not already heard the question in your eyes  ’
‘  you perhaps will become my swan song  ’
‘  it is a very human thing to love  ’
‘  you are my good days  ’
‘  i have been loved dearly  ’
‘  i promise you will not always be this war  ’
‘  thank god for the stubbornness of organs  ’
‘  it takes me seven days to stop being in love with you  ’
‘  there will always be another day  ’
‘  there will always be another mercy  ’
‘  perhaps i will take up dancing again  ’
‘  what a pretty little disaster you will be  ’
‘  i am terrified for you  ’
‘  i will fold inside of myself  ’
‘  today i am thankful  ’
‘  i didn’t want to sleep because i didn’t want to wake  ’
‘  come and get me  ’
‘  i tell myself i do not need you  ’
‘  i think i broke again last night  ’
‘  i’m just trying to connect with you  ’
‘  you are an ocean that will perhaps never stop crashing  ’
‘  burn the house down in search of yourself  ’
‘  don’t you dare ever stop looking  ’
‘  i struggle not to feel guilty  ’
‘  you are a wild  ,  unkempt thing  ’
‘  sometimes it is a very sad thing to be human and longing  ’
‘  find that you are made of russian nesting dolls  ’
‘  the trees are always kindest with spring comes  ’
‘  teach yourself the hymns again  ’
‘  he is every amen i have ever laid down on lips  ’
‘  this life is an altar  ’
‘  i am sorry i do not have more time  ’
‘  there is a mountain in me  ’
‘  by the morning i am a triumph  ’
‘  there are words playing hooky in the back of your throat  ’
‘  today is by far the most beautiful creature i have ever come across  ’
‘  there are many things that will fit beneath your skin  ’
‘  forgiveness does not take up much room  ’
‘  some days you will breathe and it will be enough  ’
‘  you do not have to hold it quite so tightly  ’
‘  there is a prayer in me  ,  still  ’
‘  you scare me a little  ’
‘  you can be a good thing and not a whole thing  ’
‘  there are flowers in my chest again  ’
‘  the rain comes and sounds like you  ’
‘  i cannot tell you why i still trust god  ’
‘  find peace and build a home out of it  ’
‘  there is never an end  ’
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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lines taken from various characters and events found in  american mcgee’s  game  ,  alice : madness returns  ( 2011 ) .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ another day  ,  a different dream perhaps ”
“ i know what’s real ”
“ i know i’m guilty of something ”
“ punishment hardly ever suits the victims of a crime ”
“ you've used me and abused me  ,  but you will not destroy me ! ”
“ i want to forget ”
“ it’s not a dream  ,  it’s a memory ”
“ how is one to find her way ? ”
“ i didn’t kill my family ”
“ i’ve not come back here looking for a fight ”
“ i’m not afraid to die ”
“ when you’re not on edge  ,  you’re taking up too much space ”
“ threats  ,  promises  ,  and good intentions don't amount to action ”
“ every picture tells a story .  sometimes we don't like the ending .  sometimes we don't understand it ”
“ delusions  ,  too  ,  die hard with memory ”
“ only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth ”
“ forgetting pain is convenient  ,  remembering it  :  agonizing ”
“ a secret is only a secret when it is unspoken to another ”
“ different denotes neither bad nor good  ,  but it certainly means not the same ”
“ how fine you look when dressed in rage ”
“ is our situation not dismal ? ”
“ every adventure requires a first step ”
“ only a few find the way  ,  some don't recognize it when they do --- some don't ever want to ”
“ everything's a nail  ,  is it  ,  miss hammerhead ? ”
“ forgetting's just forgetting  ,  except when it's not ”
“ a good guest does not overstay  ,  a perfect guest stays home ”
“ who benefits from your madness ? ”
“ what you claim not to know is merely what you've denied ”
“ authority must be obeyed  ,  or it must be overthrowned ”
“ you shouldn’t ask questions you know the answer to ”
“ make your survival mean something ”
“ memory is more often a curse than a blessing ”
“ the past must be paid for ”
“ you're as randomly lethal and entirely confused as you ever were ”
“ return to whatever hovel's home to you ”
“ your presence here is unwelcome ”
“ everyone here has an excuse for doing nothing ”
“ this world is not so either  /  or ”
“ what’s true of the living is often true of the dead ”
“ this life is full of random death ”
“ death is the ultimate equalizer ”
“ all have the right to be eaten ”
“ you’re not that good a liar  ,  and i’m not that stupid ”
“ your madness will be punished ”
“ come to receive your punishment then ? ”
“ the damage is done ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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lines taken from various characters and events found in  punchline’s  game  ,  rule of rose  ( 2006 ) .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ it wasn’t me  ,  honest ! ”
“ i’ll never let myself be tied up again ”
“ only you greeted me warmly ”
“ i’ll never break a promise again ”
“ what has happened can never be undone ”
“ you don’t deserve to be forgotten ”
“ i never want to lose you again ”
“ you’re filthy ! ”
“ she follows me everywhere  ;  it’s pathetic ”
“ you deserve to be gobbled up ”
“ get lost before i smack you ”
“ it was your fault that i got into trouble ! ”
“ let’s have a little talk ”
“ i’ll never get along with her ”
“ i know what you’re doing ”
“ she was writing you a love letter ”
“ have you found what you’re looking for ? ”
“ please lead us ”
“ i won’t lose to you ”
“ i didn’t want to do that  ,  i was just so scared ”
“ we’re still friends  ,  aren’t we ? ”
“ we make a great team ”
“ we have to pray from a distance ”
“ you don’t suspect me of stealing it  ,  do you ? ”
“ i’m fine  ,  really  ;  i’m not upset at all ”
“ it’s too late now ”
“ we need you  ,  we don’t know what to do ! ”
“ oh  ,  why can’t they all just go to hell ? ”
“ you will be duly punished ”
“ how very delightful life is ”
“ i don’t want to touch him ”
“ why does it have to be you ? ”
“ i’ll do anything for you ”
“ let’s run away together ”
“ this is your life  ,  but you’ll play by my rules ”
“ there are really only two kinds of people in the world  :  those who take orders  ,  and those who give them ”
“ no one wants to be alone ”
“ where are you going ? ”
“ please don’t leave me ”
“ who wants to be buried alive ? ”
“ today is the day of your funeral ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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lines taken from various characters and events in  tri - crescendo’s  game  ,  eternal sonata  ( 2007 ) .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ the morning light has now come ”
“ it takes but a moment  ,  don’t worry ”
“ you do not understand ”
“ live in ignorance  ,  die in ignorance ”
“ forget the pain you felt in the dream ”
“ this is but a brief parting ”
“ bow down before me ”
“ cry me a river  ,  you wimp ”
“ sorry  ,  but i’m in a hurry ”
“ stay away from me ”
“ will somebody please take care of that ? ”
“ just shut your mouth and watch ”
“ you better beg for mercy from this one ”
“ you don’t look so good ”
“ picking on weaklings really isn’t my style ”
“ i’ll be perfectly polite when i send you flying ”
“ are you looking down on me ? ”
“ soon you’ll be dust on the ground ”
“ would you just open your eyes ? ”
“ pride goeth before the fall ”
“ anything that gets in my way is going down ”
“ transforming weakness into strength  ;  strength will surely become weakness ”
“ break free from the cage that holds you ”
“ when plants die  ,  the earth does not tremble ”
“ if you strike a person their soul is scattered ”
“ virtue does exist in this world ”
“ i will be the shield that protects my people ”
“ you gutless coward ”
“ to me thou art a bone  ,  to me thou art as limbs ”
“ the night shall become my clause ”
“ my resolve will never waver ”
“ so long you stupid bastard ”
“ this is the end of your pathetic lives ”
“ to enjoy the morning roses you must kill the insects ”
“ you will die trembling ”
“ oh  ,  i’ll hang you very slowly ”
“ there is no tomorrow for the weak ”
“ if something can not be recognized  ,  does it even exist ? ”
“ war is simply a battle of egos ”
“ at some point it's no longer about who wins or loses ”
“ i believe that the future holds infinite hope for all of us ”
“ when a man's consciousness is fading away he will find without fail that he comes face to face with his own soul and must challenge it ”
“ i only want a chance to do something to help everyone ”
“ ignoring the things that seem too hard to do eventually becomes a habit  ,  the natural thing to do ”
“ the time has come for everything to be settled ”
“ was this always my life's purpose ? ”
“ no one wants to touch someone like me ”
“ do you plan to spend your whole life pretending to be someone you’re not ? ”
“ people tend to act in ways that suit their own best interests ”
“ you can’t just sit back and accept a destiny of death ”
“ you can’t hesitate ”
“ when one thing comes to an end  ,  something else begins ”
“ you can give up when it’s really  ,  truly  ,  absolutely the very end ”
“ are we only destined for destruction ? ”
“ my life is nothing compared to his ”
“ everything I've ever done has always just been an act ”
“ making excuses just makes you look pathetic ”
“ we learn from our mistakes and grow from them ”
“ when you eliminate all the other possibilities  ,  you cannot escape the truth that remains ”
“ there's no use in comparing the dead with the living ”
“ he needs to remember this pain ”
“ i’ve no interest in hearing about your failure ”
“ what I want is to be adored and admired for eternity ”
“ you have a heart that sees the world with open eyes ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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lines taken from various albums  &  unsorted songs by  xylo .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ the nights never ending ”
“ go off the deep end ”
“ i’m bad luck  ,  baby ”
“ i don’t need your sympathy ”
“ i need a fuckin’ miracle ”
“ i just want your love  ,  not your money ”
“ leave me here  ,  i’ll be fine ”
“ i’ll wait for the stars to align ”
“ i’m waiting for the afterlife ”
“ i just wanna be loved ”
“ the news fuckin’ scares me ”
“ we’re still young but we got older ”
“ real life is make - believe ”
“ all that glitters isn’t gold for me ”
“ don’t say anything ”
“ you look perfect in this light to me ”
“ i’m sick of listening to everyone ”
“ i just want you ”
“ this will all be over soon ”
“ the nights are longer than i’ve ever known ”
“ come get me now ”
“ there’s a black cloud hanging over my head ”
“ there’s a bad taste in my mouth ”
“ when did this bed get so uncomfortable ? ”
“ will you heal me ? ”
“ if you have the answer let me know ”
“ it doesn’t feel the same as it did before ”
“ you slip like sand right through my hands ”
“ the battle never ends but you won the war ”
“ i’m sinking like a stone ”
“ we’re all livin’ in the gutter ”
“ live fast  ,  leave a pretty body ”
“ is this love ? ”
“ i think that i love you ”
“ you know i tried to warn you ”
“ are you alive or are you just living ? ”
“ the pain i feel makes me feel real ”
“ everybody’s let me down ”
“ give me a little time to un - fuck my mind ”
“ i’m ugly when i’m jealous ”
“ i’m so used to being sad ”
“ you’re my bad influence ”
“ i don’t know if i should stay or if i should go ”
“ i don’t have the answers you need ”
“ i think i’m dying ”
“ are you thinking about me ? ”
“ would you take back all the things you said ? ”
“ am i enough ? ”
“ you’re turning me into somebody that i didn’t wanna know ”
“ i knew you were trouble when i met you ”
“ tell me you love me ”
“ tell me i’m pretty ”
“ i made this life ”
“ guess i’m the one to blame ”
“ you know i can’t take this ”
“ i know you’re not changing ”
“ at least i know it’s all said and done ”
“ i don’t wanna go to sleep alone ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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lines taken from various songs in the  ms mr  album  ,  secondhand rapture .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , i , you , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ didn’t know what this would be ”
“ i knew i didn’t see what you thought you saw in me ”
“ i jumped the gun ”
“ the storm never came  ------  or  ,  it never was ”
“ it meant i wound up losing you ”
“ welcome to the inner workings of my mind ”
“ i become afraid of the darkness in my heart ”
“ what’s wrong with me ? ”
“ make ash and leave the dust behind ”
“ when i fall  ,  i fall on tragedy ”
“ dig up her bones but leave the soul alone ”
“ let her find her way to a better place ”
“ we found a way to escape the day ”
“ lost in the pages of self made cages ”
“ life slips away and the ghosts come to play ”
“ these are hard times for dreamers ”
“ my highs hit a new low ”
“ shadows bleed and the locks will break ”
“ have i only seen what i wanna see ? ”
“ maybe i’ll find something real ”
“ how could you be what i wanna see ? ”
“ my reality could never live up to the fantasy ”
“ existing and living are not the same ”
“ how many hours will i let slip away ? ”
“ this world is gonna burn ”
“ as long as we’re going down  ,  baby you should stick around ”
“ it’s all gone to shit ”
“ it’s out of our hands ”
“ if we’re gonna die  ,  bury us alive ”
“ if you’re searching for us  ,  you’ll find us side by side ”
“ your heart understands mine ”
“ your kiss tastes better outside the light of day ”
“ hard to believe you could cause me harm ”
“ damned if i do and bored if i don’t ”
“ no winners in this race when you’re caught up in the chase ”
“ solemnly swear i’m up to no good ”
“ i’d get out now  ,  if i were you i would ”
“ the longer we linger the sooner we bore ”
“ you got high off my devotion ”
“ i was addicted to your touch ”
“ i still think of you and all the shit you put me through ”
“ i know you were wrong ”
“ you made pain your lover ”
“ you only give what was lost ”
“ dark clouds follow you around ”
“ you only picked me up to bring me down ”
“ don’t build for me an empty grave ”
“ don’t need the promise of heaven ”
“ let me be your singing corpse ”
“ i have this dream where i cut out my tongue ”
“ it doesn’t make us weak ”
“ it didn’t come easy ”
“ i’m glad it was hard ”
“ i found you in pieces  ,  you’d been torn apart ”
“ we kiss the dusk goodnight ”
“ the things i feel now i thought i’d never find ”
“ i wonder if our future was written in our past ”
“ i didn’t know i could do it without you ”
“ this isn’t control ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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quotes taken from the character  “ wendy ”  of klei entertainment’s  “ don’t starve  / don’t starve together ” .  feel free to change pronouns as necessary .  warnings for some allusions to death  /  generally somber overtones .
“ i’m only taking back what’s mine ”
“ nothing good may last ”
“ they are more useful in death ”
“ i’ll only end up hurt again ”
“ life brings pain  ,  pain brings life ”
“ the clouds weep ”
“ i am directionless ”
“ the sun upsets me  ;  i couldn’t possibly sleep ”
“ i was always destined to bear a heavy load ”
“ it makes me feel less alone   ---   plus  ,  i can throw it ”
“ whatever is in there isn’t dead yet ”
“ life needs time to blossom ”
“ emptiness  :  the natural state of all things ”
“ nothing escapes the pull of decay ”
“ i don’t know why you bother  ,  we’re all going to burn ”
“ the relief it brings is only temporary ”
“ it is a dark path we tread ”
“ shall we set the world on fire ? ”
“ some of us can see our cages ”
“ it only provides the illusion of control ”
“ it seems a tad dramatic ”
“ its beauty will undoubtedly succumb to the tide ”
“ the emptiness is consuming him ”
“ antagonizing crows is always bad luck ”
“ the moon  ;  she whispers promises of protection to me ”
“ it’ll never get better than this ”
“ i have learned unspeakable things ”
“ it may warm my body  ,  but what of my spirit ? ”
“ no living soul commands the sea ”
“ your beauty will fade too  ,  you know ”
“ life is a swirling abyss of suffering and disappointment ”
“ that I cannot hear it does not mean it is silent ”
“ a shame you have to perish ”
“ death will be a blessing ”
“ i have destroyed something beautiful ”
“ your sacrifice will not be in vain ”
“ how does it feel to be ripped from your home ? ”
“ no matter what it consumes  ,  it is never satisfied ”
“ oh well  ---  i hope it’s a quick death ”
“ the world has wronged you ”
“ you can’t hide from your problems forever  ;  i’ve tried ”
“ do you dig your own tomb  ,  sir ? ”
“ a life sooner begun is a life sooner ended ”
“ vegetables are good for you  ,  but what do i care ? ”
“ i can no longer be amused by childish things ”
“ i’m surprised we didn’t die trying to get this ”
“ did it go as you planned ? ”
“ you should be thankful i’m sparing you ”
“ i can’t do anything right ”
“ i must carry my own burden ”
“ your pleas will fall on deaf ears ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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from the work of  amanda lovelace  ,  the mermaid’s voice returns in this one   (  consider supporting the author  ) .  pronouns  (  he , she , they , i , etc  )  &  tenses can be adjusted as needed
“ i’m dropping my sword ” “ i’m not sure which of us i’m trying to convince ” “ there was no one i could have told ” “ there was nothing i could have done ” “ do you ever find yourself nostalgic for the life you never got to have ? ” “ do you ever find yourself nostalgic for the person you never got to be ? ” “ i never meant to be here for so long ” “ when will it be my turn ? ” “ who was i before you ? ” “ you can’t fix someone else ” “ you were the first one i believed ” “ i don’t mean to frighten you ” “ i would seriously consider drinking the atlantic whole if only you asked me to ” “ what wouldn’t i do for you ? ” “ i wish you had been my first love ” “ you were always my favorite wreck ” “ why wasn’t i smart enough to stay away from you ? ” “ this isn’t that kind of fairy tale ” “ cages are still cages even when they’re designed to look just like castles ” “ staying with you is nothing more than muscle memory ” “ how can you just walk away ? ” “ sometimes we have to feed ourselves lies just to live ” “ i still have every part of myself ” “ you don’t get to say it’s my fault for staying ” “ i’m but a work in progress ” “ i’m still alive and therefore so is hope ” “ i’m my own sunrise ” “ be stronger than the villains ” “ your voice could sink spaceships ” “ you need to try anyway ” “ you have been known to pry the scabs open  ,  bleed them out ” “ i woke up the next morning and i did not feel brave ” “ we talk about survival like it’s a thing that makes you stronger ” “ i was a bird before this ” “ i remember everything ” “ my healing is ugly ” “ there always exists more than one opportunity for you to grow ” “ i meant to break open to make room for stars ” “ it’s time you give yourself a fair chance ” “ it was never as pretty as you like to pretend it was ” “ i’m used to it by now ” “ don’t ever take anyone’s bullshit ” “ you did not disappear unnoticed ” “ your scraped knees will always mend ” “ just keep singing yourself to sleep ” “ eventually your monsters will stop haunting  you ” “ you are not sad forever ” “ maybe the difference between remembering and hurting is just me ” “ does your pain have a voice ? ” “ you are worth spoiling ” “ when i was a child  ,  i used to believe anyone ” “ you did all you could do ” “ now you must learn what it means for you to live ” “ i’ve never been a river nor a lake for you to peer into ” “ my story has never been your story ” “ rip this page out and keep it with you ” “ be victorious in everything you do ” “ disturb the gods  ,  if that’s what it takes ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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sentences from the youtube series  ,  buzzfeed unsolved .  primarily taken from season 5′s supernatural investigations .
“ it doesn’t matter because you’re dead ”
“ it’s not impressive  ,  no one’s impressed ”
“ the spot of your death is now a lovely gift shop ”
“ as god as my witness  ,  he snapped him in half ”
“ i seriously want you to throw something right at my face ”
“ you can live in the cave ”
“ i’m a big fan of your name ”
“ the fact that you steal  ,  that’s really funny to me ”
“ that’s the greatest thing to steal  :  a man’s joy ”
“ because i’m a masochist ”
“ i’m going to regret this ”
“ i’ve lost the ability to feel ”
“ they’re gonna fucking murder you ”
“ the way you shushed me was quite rude ”
“ cowards  ,  all of you ”
“ i’m strange and off putting ”
“ i should not feel confident in the face of any man ”
“ here you are  ,  smiling in the face of the devil ”
“ i hate bats ”
“ bats sometimes carry rabies and that’s a thing i’m afraid of ”
“ not today devil birds  ,  not today ”
“ i think i’m blacking out right now ”
“ i don’t think i’m going to remember this moment ”
“ i think i’m gonna cry ”
“ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ”
“ if you know me and my debilitating fear of bears  ,  this is my worst nightmare ”
“ i’m standing on an altar alone ”
“ maybe you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and eat your cat ”
“ i’m so glad that’s over let’s go eat taco bell ”
“ were you making horse noises ? ”
“ in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare ”
“ there’s a good chance i’m gonna fart in here ”
“ well this is horrifying ”
“ let’s do each other a favor and not show ourselves to each other ”
“ if you could do me a big solid and not do anything that would be sublime ”
“ this is just as horrifying as i thought it would be ”
“ you talk to hide from the silence ”
“ do i look like the kind of man who could give advice ? ”
“ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ”
“ let’s play look at the ceiling tiles !  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … ”
“ i just wanna know if you think they have belly buttons ”
“ i did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me ”
“ if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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if you’d like to support the author  /  feel free to change pronouns as needed
potential warnings for  :  mild allusions to homophobia 
“ i am going to hurt you ” “ you are going to hurt me ” “ i swear to god it will be worth something ” “ it’s always going to be like this  ,  isn’t it ? ” “ everything is a promise ” “ my heart looks like a bruise and i almost don’t mind ” “ loneliness aims to make a spectacle of me ” “ i forget how to say my own name ” “ i don’t know what i’m doing here without you ” “ i know this isn’t going to end well but i don’t think it matters ” “ everything is perfect .  everything is fine ” “ i slept incredibly well before i met you ” “ how much room do we have to breathe ? ” “ how do you effectively hold onto something that you don’t want other people to see ? ” “ what if i want other people to see it ? ” “ i don’t know if this is worth putting a name to ” “ you call it a sin when we kiss ” “ you only hear the word unholy in your mother’s voice ” “ what a slow way to die ” “ my soul can’t bear to be without yours ” “ that doesn’t mean it works ” “ i am the one saying goodbye ” “ i don’t remember anything before you ” “ the ocean always looked like you ” “ she does not remind me of anything  ;  everything reminds me of her ” “ i’m sorry for trying to love you before i knew what i was doing ” “ most days i pity you more than i love you ” “ i was as close as skin to you once ” “ sometimes i don’t feel like a person ” “ you are still the first person i want to share new things with ” “ i couldn’t remember the last time i’d been happy ” “ some people are born flight risks ” “ i feel like i’ve been sleepwalking for the last three months ” “ i need a crash course in my own body language ” “ i’m trying my best not to find this poetic ” “ there is an emptiness here that i swear was not here before ” “ my worth is not defined by a man and neither is yours ” “ i’m not going through a phase ” “ remember how you would like to be treated ” “ i know this isn’t what you wanted it to be ” “ you can still make something good out of it ” “ there are people i’ve slept with just because we hurt the same way ” “ you were born with an open mouth and empty hands ” “ you were never supposed to be a lesson ” “ sore muscles have always been a sign of growth ” “ my mother says she’s not surprised but she doesn’t understand ” “ people don’t have roots for a reason ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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if you’d like to support the author   /   feel free to change pronouns as needed
*  potential warnings for  :  mild allusions to abuse  /  trauma
“ the shadows were always taller than you when you walked ” “ our horoscopes say we make great friends ” “ now you’re nothing more than a ghost who haunts me ” “ i thought he was a god ” “ i thought he would love me if i became his puppet ” “ beings like him don’t know what the fuck love is ” “ did your parents not love you enough ? ” “ you can’t make up excuses for an asshole ” “ i  ,  the ragdoll in your collection of toys ” “ you take up a space that i do not want you to have ” “ you blamed me for the wreckage ” “ your blood type is toxic ” “ the dead and i now raise hell ” “ the congregation screams holy to your voice  ,  not to your anointing ” “ here lies your pride ” “ this time though  ,  i stitched myself up ” “ i refused to be the next victim that laid at their altar to sacrifice ” “ i fucking hate roses ” “ did your dream come true ? ” “ you tried burning me down not knowing you were fucking with a goddess ” “ i’m not scared of the monster anymore ” “ fathers shouldn’t kill their daughters ” “ yet a monster is still a monster ” “ karma has a way of working and doing its due diligence ” “ with your death  ,  i found my peace ” “ your holy ground burns my feet ” “ i’m still walking through the fire ” “ she wanted everyone to pay for her pain ” “ somehow it doesn’t run through my veins to better understand your actions ” “ i guess i had too much hope ” “ you tried killing me ” “ i’d miss death’s visitation again ” “ you decided it was my turn to be ruined by everyone ” “ it didn’t take long for me to figure out i was an easy target ” “ he was preaching about me on his holy  ,  untouched altar ” “ she’s still alive  ,  in case you’re wondering ” “ the demons have found souls to rest ” “ somehow it’s not god who comes to my rescue ” “ your eyes will always remind me of the ocean ” “ paranoia now has a place in this body i call home ” “ here’s to all the events we’ll never attend together ” “ the seven deadly sins have nothing on you ” “ you’re scared ” “ i hope no one recognizes me ” “ if hell is real then there’s a home for you ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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feel free to change things  ( such as pronouns )  as needed !  music link
G U E S T   R O O M
“ i’m better off on my own ” “ i wish i never let you sleep in my bed ” “ i’ll never get over you ” “ i'm pretty sure that all of this was my fault ” “ you know how to make me feel all alone ” “ just fucking find another way to heal ” “ i’m sick of feeling so betrayed ” “ i thought i’d mean something to you ”
“ your story isn’t adding up ” “ your religion is a lie ” “ why don’t you throw me to the wolves ? ” “ you’re not so innocent ” “ you’re standing here like an angry god ” “ you’re no saint  ,  you’re no savior ” “ you only follow rules if others follow with you ” “ that doesn’t sound so holy  ,  only playing victim ” “ keep your judgement for someone else ” “ i’ve had enough ”
1 2 1 6
“ welcome to the room i hide in ” “ i’d invite you in but i’m trying to get out of here ” “ the windows know my pain  ,  they feel it ” “ get out of here ” “ you’re still ringing gin my empty head ” “ i can’t let go of you ” “ i don’t know why i can never leave ” “ all that i’m left with are memories ” “ i guess i want your ghost as my company ”
“ i’m afraid that i’ve gone vacant ” “ i don’t have time for your equations ” “ i swear i’ll try to save this ” “ i start to despise myself ” “ you say i put you through hell ” “ you never knew if you could feel the way that i do ” “ we aren’t gonna make it ” “ we’ve both been changing ” “ maybe we should find ourselves ”
“ i've been waiting for you to get your mind right ” “ you've been running from yourself for a while ” “ you think that if you burn down you'll be fine ” “ maybe i’d forget all the times you lied ” “ i hope that you choke on your vacant teeth ” “ i know that you’re empty ” “ you don't even look the same with your brand new eyes ” “ you drained the light out of yourself and now you can't see ”
“ you talk a lot of shit for somebody who's sorry now ” “ i’m a habit that you miss ” “ this is everything i wanna say  ,  but can’t say yet ” “ you’re looking for someone to blame ” “ i gave you all my blood ” “ i’m still waiting for your love ” “ thanks for calling me on my birthday to say i was wrong ” “ i hope you swallow me ”
“ every time i see you i light up inside ” “ truth is casting shadows all over me ” “ you walk through your house like a ghost ” “ i hope you lie in your bed thinking of me ” “ there’s a hole inside my chest you can’t see ” “ my heads a burial ground of your memory ” “ you can take whats left with you ” “ i can’t keep holding on ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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collection of prompts  /  starter sentences taken from the  cursedsuggestion  blog 
“ tell me we’ll be safe at least for a little while ” “ no one can hear you and no one can help you ” “ ruin my life and never leave me ” “ haunt me , fucker ” “ leap off the precipice before anyone can shove you ” “ now you know how i feel about you ” “ think of me when you want to come home ” “ you made your choice so live with it ” “ don’t look back on it ” “ family does not guarantee safety ” “ you were an adult for most of your childhood ” “ you’ll be okay somewhere in that vague future tense ” “ what i’m saying is what happened was fucked up ” “ you’re crushed under the spine bending weight of yourself ” “ you fell in love with yourself and projected it onto me ” “ i’m the one with the power this time ” “ i bite off more than i can chew ” “ you ruined your own self ” “ i never say the right things ” “ you didn’t outgrow your misery  ,  you grew into it ” “ i look after me and mine ” “ we’re twin souls ” “ you molded me into something terrible ” “ i’m too rigid to bend back ” “ no one’s coming to fix you  ;  put yourself back together ” “ i’m not even a real person ” “ you don’t love  ,  you just devour what i give ” “ why do you expect others to treat you better than you treat yourself ? ” “ you should try to be you ” “ sometimes fixing something is stopping it from breaking further ” “ you don’t say what you mean  ,  just what sounds good ” “ all you do is watch ” “ i’m a bad habit with a bad attitude ” “ everything you are shown has a purpose ” “ someone else wears your face ” “ my soul is a bit fucked up ” “ i’ll burn the sheets when you go ” “ there is no god that i can see ” “ love isn’t an excuse ” “ scream into the universe until it screams back ” “ i wanted you to stay ” “ the past is with you  ,  for better or worse ” “ this hate keeps me warm in the winter ” “ i’m a wrong number ”
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phantomemes · 6 years ago
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collection of prompts  /  starter sentences  /  what have you taken from private  /  unpublished works of poetry written by the blog moderator .  feel free to change things  (  such as pronouns  )  as needed !
“ i finally recognize my own reflection ” “ these clothes cling to my body like cobwebs ” “ you left your body somewhere far behind ” “ you know it works every time  ,  half the time  ,  when you get lucky ” “ get the hell away from me ” “ the taste is regret ” “ you never learned to say you’re hurting without forcing someone to hurt with you ” “ you have the audacity to act surprised when your bridges burn ” “ you’re too old to still need a nightlight ” “ still scared of the dark ? ” “ you know them  ,  or you don’t ” “ it doesn’t matter because they’re dead ” “ you’ll join them one way or another ” “ here’s how to relax your muscles ” “ i don’t bother telling anyone the results anymore ” “ they don’t bother asking ” “ i think someone switched the contents ” “ you spend so much time considering what it must be like to be someone else that you forgot to consider what it must be like to be someone at all ” “ i don’t know what to say ” “ you are either a fool or a genius or maybe both ” “ for once i feel like maybe i’m not letting anybody down ” “ he doesn’t believe you ” “ i can’t tell if there’s something wrong or normal with me ” “ the empty container of cup noodles digging into my side is almost pleasant ” “ let them take your place ” “ you are not a king nor were you ever one ” “ i am ready to go home ” “ your mother wept the first time she held you in her arms ” “ you are a miracle ” “ you are something damned ” “ there are not enough apologies in this world to make up for your closed casket funeral ” “ gods will always know the difference ” “ i want to ask my father if he was afraid ” “ maybe never getting to say goodbye is the closest you’re allowed to get to a blessing ” “ the gods will never know the sound of my forgiveness ” “ i just woke up here one morning ” “ i don’t know how to tell you i don’t know where she is ” “ there’s someone here who misses her ” “ i should just be able to bottle up my pain ” “ i feel as though i’m just here to disappoint ” “ if you look closely you can see the snakes shifting beneath the dirt ”
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