peskyowl-writing · 6 years
“my characters have a mind of their own!” - no i’m not mad and yes i know i made them up but i have no idea what’s happening anymore please save me
“i’m going to write today!” - i’d actually rather wash the garden path but the house is already pristine and i’ve run out of excuses
 “this is still a rough draft so go easy on me!” - i have spent what feels like forever pouring my very soul into this but i worry it’s terrible and if you’re mean i may just cry
“i’ll update soon!” - this is utterly killing me, i don’t know how to read anymore, what are words, help 
“i just had this idea and had to share it with you guys!” - this has taken me three weeks and countless hours please love and appreciate it
“feedback appreciated :D” - please, i live for validation! i need comments!! 
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
- Hyun thinks this is absolutely adorable!
-He was a little weary when he came home to you with your hair wrapped up in a towel, and red splotches on your forehead.
-“Babe what’d you do today? And why are there red splotches on your forehead?”
-“What do you mean rEd? It’s supposed to be brown!”
-He’s actually kind of concerned when he sees you run to the bathroom mumbling pleas to yourself.
-Lets just say he bolted to the bathroom when he heard you scream (he may have broken a vase while running to you)
-He is holding back a smile as you pick up pieces of your now red wet hair and stare at it in dismay.
-He picks up the box that was on the floor and looks it over, he read the color “auburn brown”
-You lean your elbows forward onto the bathroom counter in front of the mirror, you put your forehead in your hands and groan to yourself.
-He lets his smile take over his face and steps behind you, resting his hand on your hips, and then letting them slink in front of you, encouraging to sit up. As you straighten yourself leaning into his body, he rests his chin on your shoulder and gazed at you in the mirror.
-“You know jagi, the red looks good on you. It’s better than good, it’s actually quite sexy.” He smiles at your blush and turns his head, kissing you under your chin.
-“You have nothing to worry about MC. You look amazing. I’ll just have to prove it to you if you don’t believe me~” He trailed more kisses down your neck and you smiled in content.
-The two of you spent the rest of that night kissing and cuddling. Zen even braided your hair for you in attempts to help you feel better. You no longer felt insecure about your hair color. In fact, you decided you just might have to do something like this again, considering how amazing your afternoon with him has been.
i accidentally dyed my hair red can someone please write a scenario where hyun reacts to Mc accidentally dying her hair red pls i need reassurance
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
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Have I posted this yet
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
It’s Time
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
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it’s getting darker and the air is getting colder…… and all the cool coffees are rollin’ in MAN it’s the best time of year
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
How to be a Writer:
1. Open the document
2. Cry
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
this person just updated their fanfic for the first time in 4 years and their author notes are just 
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
Some Updates!
So i’m kinda in the middle of a lot of big stuff in my life and literally just haven’t had time for tumblr!! During my next school break hopefully i’ll be able to finish and post all my WIPs. Until then, i can’t guarantee i’ll post anything!! I’m extremely sorry, and i promise i’ll start something awesome my next break! (i’m thinking about a series specifically for V since i know a lot more about his story, although I may ask for some opinions later on!) Anyway; thanks for the patience!
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
I’m sorry that i’ve been kinda inactive the past few days! School is getting ready to start so i haven’t had as much time to write and stuff between school shopping and preparation! It’s also my senior year so i’m also filling out college apps and writing essays! I’m hoping to be able to start posting more soon;;; But idk how soon that will be! I’m really sorry!! I love you all! Happy Trails! <3
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
you have no idea;;;;
what if writers did streams like artists did
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
Hi! Can I request Jumin x MC watching the Shape of Water or another "kind woman fells in love with the monster" movie? you know how Jumin thinks of himself as some kind of mutant? I wonder what would be his reaction upon seeing this kind of movie, would he be mad at the creature for taking the woman to his world? Would he admire the guts from the woman? Thanks and please take your time! Good luck with the blog!!
I actually have never seen this movie, but I did do a bit of research to hopefully capture the effect you’re going for! I watched a few reviews and analysis videos and such and think it sounds like an interesting movie! If I got something wrong I’m sorry! Due to my unfamiliarity with the movie, this response is on the shorter side for me! But thanks for the ask Anon!
Pairing: Jumin x Mc
What a peculiar film… Jumin raised a brow at the preview you insisted he watch with you on your phone, and was unimpressed by the premise of the film. It was sci-fi romance, one genre that he could enjoy and the latter he never particularly liked, due to it more often than not being very over exaggerated. Although, due to your immense interest in the movie, Jumin agreed to rent it for you on his way home from work for you the next day.
When he got home you had already prepared popcorn and a small place of treats for elizabeth, and had pajamas set out for him. He gave a small chuckle and went to change and rejoin you. As the movie started, he was prepared to pretend to be interested for your sake, but was actually pleasantly surprised. He actually ended up relating to the fish beast quite a bit. Similarly to the beast, he was often thought of as an emotionless monster rather than a sentient being. He also liked the help that the beast and Eliza, the main female character, received a lot of help from Eliza’s friends to allow their relationship to work. The friends weren’t judging or grossed out, they simply accepted it and were supportive. It reminded him of Yoosung and Luciel being very helpful and supportive of him and Mc getting together.
He also enjoyed the silent protagonist Eliza in the film. She reminded him of his dear Mc. The character is so nurturing, loving, and brave, much like his wife. When she did things for the sake of the beast, such as bringing him food and teaching him how to communicate and showing the beast music, he found himself thinking of Mc helping him understand his emotions, and how to deal with them properly. He even found himself admiring the female lead for her bravery and willingness to do whatever it takes to save the beast.
Towards the beginning of the film, he had to admit he was a bit skeptical about it, but towards the end, he had to admit he actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It was pleasing to look at color and aesthetic wise, and the premise of the film was something that he related to. Love is love, no matter how strange the couple may be. The important thing is finding someone who loves and understands you, and sees you for you. Thinking about it, he comes to appreciate how lucky he is to have found his dear Mc.
The ending he actually found to be very surprising but logical. He also thought that the beast made the best decision to bring Eliza with him to his world. He could see how it made sense for the film, considering Eliza had always been a “fish out of water,” and now she was where she belonged with someone she loved. He enjoyed the movie that much more when Mc expressed her own enjoyment of the movie. It became a movie that they would rewatch together on a consistent basis that they both actually enjoyed.
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
mc and jumin are at a business party but someone approach jumin and start to flirt with him and he just accept the flirting. Mc feels inferior and wandered off alone and someone approach her and flirt with her. Jumin sees this and gets really jelous and really possessive.
Oh! I can totally see this happening! Especially in the beginning of Mc and Jumin’s relationship. So let’s say just for reference, to justify some heightened insecurity and obliviousness from Jumin and Mc, that Jumin and Mc have recently gotten married, maybe six months? Anyway thanks for the ask Nonny!
Pairing: Jumin x Mc
Point of view: Mc
Ugh… I feel like an idiot. You thought as you looked at yourself in the reflection of the window. You felt way overdressed but knew it was appropriate for the occasion. Jumin had asked you to attend a party celebrating the purchase of a small competitor company of C&R. There would be previous business partners of the smaller company, new and potential partners, and representatives from the company, including its CEO and directors.
Once you got inside you felt immensely more comfortable, you had your arm linked with Jumin’s and were now surrounded by people in similar attire. You nervously and discreetly tugged at your dress to get rid of the few wrinkles appearing in the fabric. You felt your cheeks glow pink as Jumin leaned down to your ear, his hot breath brushing against your neck. “My love you look beautiful. Don’t stress.” He offered you a comforting smile and you returned it, knowing he must be a little nervous, it was one of your first formal events you attended as a couple, and it was the first dress coded one.
He lead you to the dining area, sitting at a table where his father, his current girlfriend, Jaehee, and… Zen were sitting. You were surprised to see him there until he informed the two of you he was there as Jaehee’s plus one so she wouldn’t be there alone. You took a seat between Zen and Jumin, and gave polite greetings to the chairman and his date.
Pretty soon after most tables had finished eating, the dance floor had been opened up; only for formal dancing of course. Jumin offered a gloved hand to you, and you took it with a shy smile, checking over your skirt before standing and joining him. You enjoyed the closeness of the two of you, until the dance ended. Then while standing to the side, Jumin began chatting with Yon-Seo Rhee. She is one of the directors from the smaller company.
“Oh Jumin! You are so intelligent. I see why Mr. Han has so much faith in you.” Even though your arms were linked, it seemed as though Yon-Seo wasn’t even aware you were there. The same could be said for Jumin. Most people here didn’t have the nerve to call the executive director of C&R by his name except for you, his father, and Zen. As it should be. For most people here Jumin is their boss, including this woman.
“Thank you, I do try my best to keep C&R running as smoothly and efficiently as possible in order to guarantee success.” He replied with a fake smile. You were growing uncomfortable as the woman placed her hand on Jumin’s bicep, squeezing it and standing too close for your liking. Jumin didn’t even seem to mind. She is beautiful… and she has experience in the business world. And considering her reputation, they’d be a powerhouse together. You smiled through your discomfort and nodded along with whatever the woman was blabbing about. She stood on tiptoe and began whispering something to Jumin. He even helped her by leaning over just a bit, and that was as much as you could take for now. You felt like you were competing for your husband’s affection, something you’ve never experienced before. It made you... frustrated. You nodded to the woman who seemed to be Yon-Seo’s assistant and patted Jumin’s arm before unlinking from him, retreating back to your table.
You sat back in your seat, the table was empty. Jaehee was speaking with some people you recognized to be employees, and Zen was standing with her, listening intently to what she was talking about. You sighed and raised your hand to a waiter, taking your second glass of the night from the tray he held. You sipped it generously as you looked back to where Jumin was. He would be able to spot you if he noticed you were gone.
You set down your glass with a sigh tracing the rim with your finger. You raised a brow when a man dressed in a chocolate brown suit sat next you you. He gave you a bright and somehow flirtatious smile when you made eye contact. He winked to you, and you uncomfortably smiled. You tried to place a name with his face, but came up empty. Meaning he was probably a new business partner for Jumin’s company.
“What is a fine woman like you sitting and drinking at a table on her own? My name is Min-jun Lee. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out a hand, and you extended your’s expecting a handshake, but he turned your hand and kissed your knuckles instead. “And who might you be my dear?” You smiled, though you really didn’t want to be near this man any longer. You didn’t want to ruin the possibility of a deal with him if he was important. For Jumin’s sake, you kept your cool and stayed friendly.
“I’m Mc Han. It’s nice to meet you too.” You kept up small talk with him for what seemed to be ages. You kept gazing back to where Jumin had been, but he disappeared from your sight a while ago.
“Who are you looking for? I’m here aren’t I?” He reached a hand forward to grab yours, but froze in upon the sight of the ring on your left finger. “Oh, married? Can I tell you a secret? Me too.” Your mouth gaped open in slight surprise and you moved your hands to your lap. You felt two familiar hands rest upon your shoulders as Min-jun finished his sentence. The hand on your right lifted and found your chin, turning your face towards the right. A soft kiss was placed on your lips, and you smiled when he pulled away. But Jumin wasn’t smiling.
“Hello Mr. Lee. You’ve met my wife I see. She’s beautiful isn’t she?” His voice was stern, and a bit louder than usual. Min-jun looked stunned as realization spread across his face that that was indeed Jumin Han… Which means you are his beloved wife. The woman he publicly proclaimed his love to on numerous accounts, and even said he was willing to do anything to ensure her happiness. He recovered quickly though, and responded.
“Mr. Han. Uhm.. Yes… She’s very beautiful. My apologies for my informal composure.” Min-jun wasn’t backing down like most men did. It made you curious as to how Jumin would react.
“Well like I said, she’s my wife. Which means hands and eyes off, Mr. Lee. We’re happily married. And as far as I know, so are you.” Jumin’s eyes narrowed and you put a hand over his, trying to reassure him.
“My apologies Mr. Han. I just saw your wife, and she looked so distraught I couldn’t just leave her to wallow on her own. Drowning one’s sorrows in booze isn’t a good way to deal with unhappiness. Goodbye Mc-- sorry. Mrs. Han.” With that he stood and walked away. The party was dwindling to just a few people now. Yon-seo was long gone it seemed, as were Zen and Jaehee.
“Driver Kim is waiting for us my dear.” You stood and went to link your arm with Jumin’s, but instead he wrapped his arm tightly around your waist, pulling you into himself. He placed another kiss to your temple as you walked to the door. The car ride was much more affectionate than you expected. Random kisses, tracing shapes on your skin, he even had you sit directly next to him in the middle seat instead of in the corner where you usually sat so you could stretch out. It was all out of character, not that you were complaining.
Once the two of you were inside he pushed you against the wall, putting your arms above you head and kissing you. You enjoyed it but once he pulled away for a brief moment you managed to get your arms out of his grasp and place your hands on his chest.
“Jumin what is the matter with you? You’ve been awfully affectionate the whole way here. And now… What’s wrong honey?” You searched his eyes for answers and found hurt and insecurity… And maybe, jealousy?
“I couldn’t stand seeing you talk to him any longer. Especially with him blatantly trying to win you over.” He looked down, obviously uncomfortable with his own insecurity.
“Oh Jumin… I was only talking with him to make sure I didn’t ruin a business opportunity for you… But he wasn’t wrong when he said I was unhappy in the moment.” You looked down at your feet as Jumin’s eyes met yours, remembering what he said.  
“Why were you unhappy Love?” He grabbed your hands in his, removing them from his chest, squeezing them gently. His brow was scrunched slightly, indicating his insecurity. You sighed and gave a comforting squeeze back.
“It’s just… Ugh this sounds so dumb even in my head.” You looked down before you continued explaining, feeling silly. “Yon-Seo was flirting with you right in front of me, I was on your arm but that didn’t stop her from going for you. And you didn’t really seem to mind. It just made me feel… jealous.” You bit your lip and kept your eyes focused on your shoes. You knew that Jumin loved you, it’s just that seeing him be hit on right in front of you, and him not stop it… It made you feel insecure and inadequate, and though you hated to admit it, it made you extremely jealous.
“Jagi... I’m so sorry. I’m so used to just allowing it to happen that I didn’t even realize.. Please tell me if something like that happens again. I don’t ever want to make you unhappy.” He lifted your chin to look at him after he spoke, placing a gentler kiss than before to your lips. You nodded, and looked down again, to which he lifted your chin to look at him again. “And you should know Mc, that you never need to be jealous. My heart belongs to you and you alone.” He gave you a reassuring smile, and you smiled back, kissing his nose, to which he pouted a bit.
“I could say the same for you Mr. Han.” You smiled, teasing him a bit. He had been quite jealous only moments after you had mostly gotten over your own jealousy. He chuckled a little bit, and kissed you again.
“Yeah… I’m sorry for that to… We’ll both work on it, yeah? In the meantime, let’s get out of these clothes and into some more comfortable garments hmm? I know you’re dying to get out of that dress.” You nodded, allowing him to lead you to your shared bedroom, where you helped each other undress and spent the night cuddling with each other to help each feel more secure and melt the jealousy and insecurity away.  
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
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Missed playing this game </3
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
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I’m not allowed to have nice things.
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
Requests Closed Temporarily!
Omg so many people actually made some really good suggestions, so for a little while while I catch up with all these asks, I'm gonna close requests for a little while. Once I clear the inbox I will reopen them once again! Thank you all for your submissions!
Happy trails!
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
Hey there! Can you write about a scenario where Jumin thought he had protect or shield mc from getting shot or an accident but at the last minute mc turn the table around and protect him instead. She almost died but survived. After the incident Jumin becomes more possessive and protective of mc because he was traumatised of almost losing her. Can you make this angsty and ends it with a fluff
OOoohhhh~ I think that I can manage something like this! What a creative prompt! Thanks for the ask! I hope this fits what you thought! Happy trails!
Pairing: Jumin x McPoint of View: Jumin Han
The early evening has always been the my favorite time of day to walk through the city. For Mc it was because the sun was half set, and it cast a hazy yellow glow on the world around us. She says it makes everything around them feel like a dream. For me, it was the look of wonder and awe that always managed to creep it’s way onto her face that made the walks worth while.
Mc was busy looking at the wedding cake display in a bakery window, I assume she was probably thinking back to our own wedding day. I smiled at the thought of her standing before me, speaking her vows so confidently. The small bakery wasn’t that far from our home, but unfortunately it was located next to a dark alley. The slowly dimming light gave the masked perpetrator the advantage in the situation. If only I had been smarter.
He emerged from the alley, his face was completely concealed by black material. “Hey! You! Give me your bag!” He lunged forward towards Mc’s bag, and I quickly grabbed his wrist, almost instinctively. No one was going to even look at my wife wrong on my watch, let alone rob her. The attacker lunged at me with his other free hand, and I managed to grab his other wrist as well. Now I was stuck in a battle of strength to protect myself and Mc. I stared death in the face as the wicked looking blade grew closer and closer to my throat. I was going to lose.
“Mc! Run! Call the police!” I was relieved to see her rush off in another direction away from us. At least she’s safe. Oh how foolish I was to think she’d actually run.
I was quite surprised to see a pipe suddenly come down on the attackers skull, and even more still to see my usually poise and elegant wife standing above him with said pipe gripped tightly in her hands. The man fell to the ground, and she dropped the pipe, seemingly stunned at her own actions.
I swiftly pulled Mc towards myself in a tight hug, and kissed the top of her head, relaxing a little. “I told you to run.” I scolded her softly, and scanned the area again, glancing down to the unconscious man.
In one swift motion, a second figure emerged from the alley. The sun had set a bit more, the darkness was the only thing giving the attacker any sort of advantage. Just as quickly as I had pulled her towards me I pushed her behind me. I would not let anything happen to her. The figure, a woman this time, pulled a gun from her long coat. I watched as she raised the firearm to show me, to show me I had no power over her.
“Should’ve just given him the bag Pinstripes.” She aimed at my side, her intent was not to kill, but to fatally injure. I could live with that. As long as she got out safe. In a blink of an eye, I was on the concrete, my head hit the curb where sidewalk met street. What the? Mc! My vision began to cloud, but I could see just enough to make out her silhouette. I slowly put the pieces together in my head. Mc had pulled me back as she stood up, and she ended up receiving the bullet to her side instead of me. She sacrificed herself to insure my safety.
I watched as her body fell in front of me with a thud. As my vision began to black out completely, I was able to shift to see her face. She was unconscious. And the blood… So much blood… I could hear the rushed clicking of the woman running away, presumably with Mc’s bag. That didn’t matter now. I tried to sit up, but my vision completely blacked out, and a sharp pain made its way through my entire skull starting at the back, sending me back to the ground. I could hear the sirens coming closer and the panicked screams of bystanders as they stumbled upon the horror that was left of the crime. I was able to look at her one last time before I completely lost consciousness.
Eight months. It’s been eight months since the incident. I remember the horrible feeling of being completely useless, unable to provide any help or comfort to my dying wife. Her heart stopped twice while they were removing the bullet and stitching her small intestine shut again. I remember the way Zen looked at me when he arrived. He looked angry, and like he wanted to kill me, as usual. He pulled me aside once you were stable, and I couldn’t believe he wasn’t trying to beat me to a bloody pulp. He requested that from now on we travel with guards, and I agreed immediately. I promised him nothing else would ever happen to Mc again. She is so dear to me, to all of us in the RFA, I simply could not allow anything else to happen.
“Jumin, heeellll-oo? Are you listening?” She had her hands on her hips. She had recovered incredibly well, and had been released from the hospital two months ago. Her self confidence and determination got her through the most terrible situations, so she recovered more quickly than most given her injuries. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in frustration as she realized I hadn’t caught what she said.
“I’m sorry dearest, I was just thinking, I’m listening now.” I apologized wholeheartedly as I re-focused my attention to her.
“I said, I don’t want to take three guards with me. I’ve traveled through the city plenty times on my own, plus I’m just going to pick up some supplies for Yoosung’s birthday gift. The craft store isn’t even that far.” She always was so considerate. She decided to make Yoosung a little clay figurine of his LOLOL character for his birthday, but she never got the chance to finish it because of the incident. She still wanted to gift it to him, but she needed paint, and was insisting on getting it herself. She always was a bit headstrong when it came to taking guards with her anywhere, even before the incident. Before I didn’t argue with her much, because she is very capable of functioning on her own. But now, I was just so damn paranoid, I couldn’t take the chance of losing her. Not again. I lost her twice while they performed the emergency surgery.
“Mc, we’ve been through this, I don’t want to see you get hurt again, and I can’t go right now, I have a conference call in ten minutes. I don’t want to risk you getting wrapped up in another situation without protection.” I glanced at my watch as I pleaded with her. Can’t you see I just don’t want to lose you?
“The craft store is right across the street, you can watch me get there from the window. I think three guards is a little excessive.” She crossed her arms in front of her and set her jaw, meaning she was going to fight this until she got a satisfactory answer.
“I’ll simply come with you then with one guard. We can go later today after-”
“Jumin.” Oh lord have mercy. This is my least favorite voice from her. Not because it was unpleasant, but because it meant that she was going to get her way with or without my consent or cooperation. “Why are you being like this? I could see why when I first got back but I’ve been back for two months now. I am a conscious being. Meaning I can handle walking to the store on my own. I don’t need to be babysat everywhere I go. It’s an uncomfortable situation for me and everyone around me. I have two legs and-”
“I just don’t want to lose you.” The words left my mouth before I could stop them, and I looked down feeling guilty. My voice had come out more stern than I intended, but at least she knew my thought process now.
I looked up from the floor to see her face had softened, and her arms hung at her side. She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my midsection.
“JuJu~ You’re not going to lose me. You don’t need to worry so much.” She looked up at me with her confident and bright eyes, trying her best to console me. I averted her gaze by looking to the side. My efforts were futile as her hand cupped my face. “Please look at me.” I sighed and looked back down at her, on arm wrapping around her waist and my free hand covering hers. “Jumin that was a circumstance no one could prepare either of us for that. But if we could go back, I would do it again and again for you Jumin. I don’t regret what I did. And I need you to let it go.” She spoke so sweetly, it was like the sound of wind chimes on an early spring morning. So delicate and beautiful. I moved her hand and kissed the palm of it before holding it in my own. She gave my hand a squeeze. “It was my choice Jumin. And there’s nothing you can do to change the past. That was a freak incident that could’ve happened to anyone. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” I squeezed her hand back. Though I didn’t want to admit it, I knew she was right.
“I know. I’m working on it. Can I make one request?” She smiled brightly at me and nodded, clearly happy with my response. “Can we just stay in today? Please. We can order whatever you’d like and watch some movies… I just want to be with you for a while.” With a knowing look in her eyes she nodded. She knew that this was my way of letting the situation go, but I needed a little time to just be with her, to protect her, for just a little longer before I could let it go.
“What about your conference call?” I shrugged and told her it could be scheduled for another day. With a smile she lead me to the bedroom so we could both change into more comfortable clothing. Her into a long night gown and myself into an old college hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. We settled into the couch, her head on my chest and arms around me. I lifted her chin for a moment to place a sweet kiss to her lips. With a satisfied smile she rested her head back onto me, moving her arm to pat the couch for Elizabeth. With some encouragement and cooing from both Mc and myself, she finally hopped onto the couch to join us, laying by our feet. With that we settled in for the night, watching whatever idiotic sitcom came on the television and mumbling I-love-yous and other sweet nothings to one another everytime a sappy love scene came on.
“How did I get so lucky?” I asked in a barely audible whisper. Mc had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and I was running my fingers through her hair. I could feel my own eyes grow heavy as I did so. My world was back in place once more with her healthy, and at my side. I kissed her head once more before I too fell asleep to the sound of the meaningless commentary, Elizabeth’s purrs, and Mc’s even breathing.
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peskyowl-writing · 6 years
[Mystic Messenger]2 Year Anniversary Event Announcement
Hello, this is Cheritz Team.
We will be celebrating Mystic Messenger’s two-year anniversary on the 9th of July, 2018, thanks to all your love and support!
For all users out there who have stuck by our RFA members no matter what, we the Cheritz Team have prepared a few surprises!
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[Event #1] Two-year Anniversary : Game Access Event
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*The image in completion will be revealed on July 9th (KST) as a title page for the game!
On July 9th, we are going to give out little presents to everyone to celebrate our two-year anniversary!
Access the game and get you rewards!
How to participate : Access the game on July 9th
Period : July 9th, 2018 (KST)
Reward : Max Speed for 24 hours + a little surprise (for every person who accesses)
[Event #2] Summer Special : Daily Challenge Event
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How do you think the RFA members are spending their summer vacation?
At the end of July, when you access Mystic Messenger, different characters will share with you little episodes that happened during their summer vacation.
See for yourself who will be there to greet you!
How to participate : Access Mystic Messenger for the Daily Challenge event during the event period
Period : July 31st - August 9th, 2018 (KST)
Prize : Small prizes everyday (once every day, for every person who accesses) + Perhaps a special present for those who access the game every single day…?
[Event #3] Summer SNS Event : Mystic Messenger in Swimwear
What kind of swimwear do you think will best suit the Mystic Messenger characters?
Format and quality don’t matter! It’s OK as long as you draw characters from Mystic Messenger in swimwear!
#caution #no_swimwear_only_visible_to_the_smart #no_nudity_please #no_birthday_suit
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▲ The event manager’s very own poor attempt at drawing for the event.
How to participate : Upload your drawing of Mystic Messenger’s character in swimwear on Twitter or Tumblr with the event hashtag
Period : July 2nd - August 1st, 2018 (KST)
Prize : A large and beautiful pillow of a secret character (merch undisclosed yet, worth 80 thousand won)
*More details will be posted on Cheritz’s SNS on the day of the event
[Additional News] Otakon Merch Announcement
Various merchandise coming soon in commemoration of Mystic Messenger’s 2nd anniversary and Cheritz’s participation in Otakon! 
All merch will be released for sale online (at Cheritz Market) on the same day as the Otakon
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The highlight of the merchs is..
The one merch you’ve all been waiting for..
Yes! We have prepared for you!
A Large and Beautiful Pillow Cover!!!
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We won’t tell you who will be on this/these Large and Beautiful Pillow(s) for now!
So please wait just a little more until August for more information!
Thank you all so much for enjoying Mystic Messenger these past two years.
We hope our events will make you happy. 
We will do our best to celebrate 3rd anniversary with you all next year. 
Have a wonderful summer vacation with Mystic Messenger!
♡Cheritz Team♡
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