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Guys! Follow my cyber friend from Quotev on twitter they're amazing!
Twitter | Quotev
Their name is Alex and David and they're twins so quick!
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So I found out some of my followers are Linkin Park lovers too and I've never posted anything about LP before except the last post... I've been keeping this WAY too long so hell yeah I'm promoting this: Of course you all know "Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park? I think it has a great and deep meaning so if you think so too you might want to check this.
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Hey as one of Linkin Park fans I'm just going to announce that Linkin Park launched a new album, "Living Things" and it's real amazing so you should go check it out! The two songs I like are Burn It Down and Powerless it's really cool and you can actually check the meaning of Powerless here. 
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Hahah other than "watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desukara" this is the other phrase Sebastian use almost every time. 
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*sigh* Everyday…
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Have your daily laugh-gasm here!
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Are you Neville?
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Requests anyone? ^^
So yeah just to inform I might not post everything about me and Kuroshitsuji in here, cause me personally I also love Naruto, Case Closed and other animes so… yeah enjoy requesting ^^
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Follow Sebastian Michaelis on twitter everyone XD
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My master after he becomes a demon… Because of that maid Hannah.
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and all of a sudden you feel like someone is watching you!
Have your daily laugh-gasm here!
When someone makes a post that describes your life
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Follow him everyone!! ^^
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“Despite his ability to appear like a perfectly normal human, especially one who is able to smile, be cheerful, and be understanding, Sebastian is, in actually, quite heartless, sadistic, and malicious.” 
Yeah.. maybe wikipedia’s right afterall. 
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Follow him everyone, especially if you love Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler. ^^
New Blog
Okay… I decided to make this blog to make my task easier… As I am a butler you are free to leave any questions and comments. You can ask me stuffs too.
Oh and you can request pictures of me and the other Kuroshitsuji characters.
Or if you wanted to roleplay another character of Kuroshitsuji through Tumblr, leave me questions. 
That’s all, thank you. *bows*
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Okay I made that post, "Once a Belieber, not anymore"  to point out WHY I hate Justin. If you're going to fucking disagree with me, thank you I appreciate that but at least say it to my face. Don't fucking reblog the text and add "YOU GO JUSTIN" of whatever shit is that. It hurts, it made other people felt hurt too. You know, anime fucking exist because people fucking like them.
Do you know why people hates Justin now? Because OF HIS FUCKING FANS. I can still see that Justin tweeted kind and supportive stuff. He responds nicely to his hater and that is one thing I still appreciate from Justin until now. BUT HIS FUCKING STUPID FANS WHO JUST RUINS OTHER FANBASES AND THINK THEY'RE THE BEST ruins everything. They made other fanbases hates Justin when actually the FANS are the ones who made Justin got more haters. 
I love One Direction. But there are these Beliebers who said that "One Direction should die of cancer" and other cruel stuffs (read it somewhere) and I think YOU should fucking go to hell cause NOBODY should die because of cancer, even if it's your worse enemy or whatever hell you think they are. 
You hate anime? Fine. I don't care. It's not my right to tell you what to like and what not to like. BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO FUCKING GIVE RUDE COMMENTS ON IT. 
Enough for now. If you didn't like my post, please unfollow me or better yet, give me messages and say what you think. Don't just reblog it. 
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are you drunk?
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Once a Belieber, not anymore
Hey guys, I know it's a little bit crucial, the title of this post, and I'm sorry to my followers who followed me cause I post stuffs about him before but just telling you I'm not going to again cause I'm really dissapointed in him.
Okay here we go, just going to discuss a few things.
He tweeted "I hate anime" and then he got over 500+ favourites and retweets. I remember posting on my tumblr a gif when an interviewer said, "What is the thing that you hate the most?" and he answered "I didn't hate anything or anyone. My mom always said that hate is a strong word, so I might dislike some stuff but I didn't hate anything." THIS is the thing why I became Belieber. Cause he's so modest and nice and all. What happen to this Justin?
His fanbase in Spain posted on Facebook: "Justin Bieber es mejor que todos Vocaloid y todo anime existente" which means, "Justin Bieber is better than Vocaloid or other anime ever existed" because of his tweet.
Vocaloid is a Japan animation that sings and do concerts in holograms. They have their own music videos, songs, pretty much like the other singers. They have fans from all over the world. Because Justin Bieber tweeted that and his fanbases reacts to that tweet, he almost costed ALL the Vocaloid videos on youtube to be deleted and banned. How will you feel if we Otakus (people who likes Japan Animations) deleted all of Justin Bieber's videos and youtube, hack to his twitter and stuff? Do you want it? Plus I'm not even sure that Justin understands what an anime is. Even his fanbase who wrote that is using a display picture of Justin Bieber in an anime mode. 
He critisized an interviewer when he missed pronounced "think". God I know you think you were perfect and all but can't you at least wait to be somewhat older to critisized and embarass someone in public? Where are all those shit you say about respect? 
He actually teases Indonesia as a RANDOM COUNTRY. He said he cares about his Belieber, what about the Beliebers that lived in Indonesia? What about people who loves Indonesia? Most of all what about respect?
I know I didn't really like him right now and it makes my opinion wrong in the eyes of Justin Bieber lovers all over the world who read this, but I think he has gotten famous, with his albums that are sold out and all, and he has gotten arrogant. Sorry Justin but that's what I see.
For you Beliebers who read this, I'm not saying you should hate Justin, but I'm just really dissapointed in him, so please Reblog if you have the heart to understand how sad it is for us anime lovers and Beliebers who are also anime lovers. Thanks.
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Interviewer: Are there any love scenes in Planet of the Apes? Tom: Again, I hate to disappoint, but… Interviewer: I don’t mean between the apes! Tom: Oh right, okay!  I was like whoa, that’s not where we’re heading with this movie at all!
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