perfectumflora · 2 years
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“I’m going to have to agree with Lysandre having earned this. You reap what you sow.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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@platanc​  asked: "You're not psychic. You couldn't have known."
“I appreciate the sentiment, Augustine. I really do. But people rely on me to take notice of things like this, and it’s my duty to this region to keep it safe from harm.”
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“I let them blind me, Lysandre and Malva both, and it was nearly the end of us all.” If she hadn’t have finally wised up when she did . . . she would prefer to not even have to think about it. She knew she wouldn’t like the answer.
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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Common bluebottle.
Shinjuku gyoen national garden, Tokyo.
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perfectumflora · 2 years
Diantha and the other Champions when?
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perfectumflora · 2 years
God I really need threads with Diantha taking a more proactive role in stopping Lysandre/Team Flare. She’s the Champion, and this is a threat to her entire region. It’s not something that she’s going to take lightly.
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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      “ Ahh…But now I never mentioned anything about death. So drastic of you, madame champion, Diantha…And even if there are those who die, it is a mercy to allow them death instead of remaining in such a…cruel world. ” 
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“What can I say, I have a way of reading between the lines. Surely you understand.” So drastic of him to ever consider such things. Poisonous intent dressed up in the prettiest of words. “It sounds to me like you and I have very different ideas of mercy.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
      “ Your look, it is…quite harsh, truly mon ange, do you have power in your gaze. ”       If only you were by my side.
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      “ I don’t see what you mean? This path I am on is the only way to assure a beautiful world, why would you want to dissuade from something that will benefit all? ”
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“I suppose that I am failing to understand how it benefits the people who will die. They can’t benefit from anything when they are not around to experience it, you know.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
@perfectumflora​ // i’m sorry diantha i can’t control him
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      “ I see no reason for why you suddenly act so aggressive, Diantha. I have done nothing but be kind! ”
“Kind people usually do not have to go around  telling  others that they are.” She sighed, leveling the man with no softer of a look.
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“You concern me, Lysandre. I don’t like the path that you’re heading down, and you don’t seem to be easily dissuaded from it.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
It was true that Lysandre was slowly keeping Augustine more and more to himself. After all, if Augustine was off for longer periods of time, it meant that things back home were not going as smooth. The duke had plans, after all, and important ones. His husband could not be taken away with distractions, though Lysandre wanted him to be happy. Perhaps Augustine should simply find that happiness in the cause and adoration of the duke.
The duke swirled the glass of wine around in his glass and moved to take another inhale before taking another sip. A lazy one, quick and to the point. The illusion that he was thinking on what she was saying. When he lowered the glass, his lips and pulled into a smile.
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“Ah. Another masterpiece, I’m sure. You always were a natural.” He hummed his response, blue eyes reopening to lock onto her in that cat like grip of his. The slits narrowed, adding to his odd, inhuman presence. “I am sure we will all be most proud of you, our Champion.”
Diantha flicked her gaze down to her own glass, finding herself fixating on its movement. At times, it felt more welcoming than the piercing gaze her brother in-law. Something primal lay behind those eyes, somewhere beyond their  kind  exterior. It nearly made her wonder if she were seeing things, just as she questioned her assessment of his actions . . . but the shiver that ran down her spine did not lie.
Whether unfounded or not, something felt so terribly wrong when he looked at her like that. How Augustine could ever stand it, she would never understand—and oh, she really  did  try to, for his sake.
But he appeared happy enough in his marriage, and Diantha would not be one to ruin it for him. And so she remained here in the kitchen, dancing around an uncomfortable conversation with nothing but the utmost respectful of words. For as much as she didn’t like Lysandre, he at least deserved that much.
“Perhaps you and Augustine can both come see it when it premiers.” Just as much a challenge as an invitation, and she slipped on a smile to go along with it.
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“It’s always an exciting night, don’t you think?”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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“Why pull weeds from a garden? Of course, there are many magnificent gardens in the world, as there are magnificent people. There are flowers that have been raised with care and attention- flowers that might never be seen, or never serve their purpose if they’re choked to death by weeds.
Some people are those weeds, Diantha. And I know you know them, too.”
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“And how do you decide who is who? It tends to be more a matter of perspective, after all.” She did not exactly approve of this metaphor, but if that is what Lysandre wished to go with, then she would play along.
“They are only plants that have been deemed undesirable where they currently lie. Who’s to say that they wouldn’t thrive under different circumstances?”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
@pulchramundii​  [from]
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"My beautiful Diantha, you seem to forget that I have you for the rest of your life--for eternity. Do you think that your will is stronger than mine?"
“What I think is that you underestimate me,” she snapped, fixing him with an icy glare. To say the least, Diantha had yet to settle into their arrangement, and did not appreciate these little visits. It’d almost be better to leave her to her own devices, as cruel as such isolation would be. Then, she would not have to face the man that had taken everything from her, and had devastated the world.
Maybe then she wouldn’t have to face the reality of all that she’d been unable to save.
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“And you don't seem to understand my hatred for everything that you stand for.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
Send in plot ideas you really want to try with my muse
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perfectumflora · 2 years
A wonder, how the world could look so different and yet so hauntingly familiar. Streets that were once bustling with thousands at once trying to get from one place to another; chatting, laughing, singing, crying. Hardly able to hear yourself think over the clamor of it all, and still it brought out a sense of comfort, a certain  anonymity  that could only be found getting lost amidst a crowd.
Now? Now her heels clacked against the forgotten pavement, and not even a pebble stirred at her passing. Diantha peered into every last shop, wandered about every park, and heard not a sound. No one rushed out to greet her, no one answered her increasingly frantic calls, and even beasts seemed to have utterly fled this land.
If she had failed to see anything at all, oh, that would be one thing. But every corner traversed contained a reminder of just how much life had once been here, and how cruelly it’d been taken. The Champion did not dare lay a hand on the statues, even when her fingers hovered so close . . . they’d already suffered so much, she could not bare to have them shatter at her touch.
She didn’t know what could ever cause such a terrible thing, but she did have an inkling as to who would have condoned it.
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And so here she found herself, tracing familiar steps to Lysandre’s homestead. If anyone would have answers (and if he still lived at all), it would be him.
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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Coming to kick your ass, Lysandre.
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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“Must we always see the worst in humanity? There are much more hopeful things to be seen, if one cares to look for them.”
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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Diantha isn’t sure how to feel about this, but she’s glad that she at least didn’t rank high in the stupidity category . . .
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perfectumflora · 2 years
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@pulchramundii​  asked: "the power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it."
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“If you ask me, true strength lies in having the power to destroy a thing, and choosing not to.” It would forever be more impactful to her to choose the merciful route should it appear, rather than revel in desolation.
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